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writer's cramp entry |
“Oh that's it I quit! I know you have been cheating this whole time.” He pointed to her cash pile. “How many hundreds do you have? Come on, show them to me.” She rolled her eyes across the board at him and fanned out her play money. “I only have six hundred dollar bills.” “What! No you can’t be the banker anymore. I knew you cheated, how did you get the extra two bills?” Taking offense she lifted her hat piece off of free parking, “First of all I landed here.” She slammed her marker back into position. “And secondly I have to be the banker.” “Why do you have to be the banker?” She laughed, “Well who else can do it?” “I can of course.” He replied stoutly, falling right into her trap. “Ha!” She hollered, “You can’t even balance your own checkbook!” His jaw dropped. “No you didn’t” With a smug smile she grabbed the dice, “Oh yes, yes I did.” He glared at her and watched her roll. “Come on sixes.” The dice land, double six’s, placing her directly on North Carolina Avenue. The last one she needed for a monopoly. “Yes!” He swipes the dice up into his hand, examining them closely he accuses her again. “What the hell did you do to the damn dice you cheater?” She sighs heavily. “You’re a very poor sport, just thought you’d like to know.” “No I’m a very good sport when people play fair.” She tried to stay calm. “How am I not playing fair? I roll the dice, I move my piece, I spend money and I receive property.” He rolled the dice while reinterpreting her so called legitimate play. “Let me help you see that breakdown of events a bit more clearly. You rig the dice, you move your piece where you want, you slide hundreds into your pile and you know what else?” She let out a deep frustrating breath. “What?” “You leave all your nasty hair in the shower drain.” She gasped. “What does that have to do with Monopoly?” He was about to enlighten her when his snake eyes landed his car token on community chest. He picked a yellow card, careful not to let her see and begins to read to himself. His eyes widen as he glances over at her properties and sees all four rail roads. "Wha...when did you get the Reading Railroad? So I get to pass go, get my two hundred and then fork it over to you?" "It seems that way yes. No wait, I believe the card says you have to pay double." She couldn't help the smile that overcame her. "Alright cheater I want all your property right here where I can see," he smacks the left side of the table, "and all your cash right here," he points to the right" She neatly placed all her cards where asked and fanned out her colored bills on the other side while mumbling. "What did you just say?" He demands. She snorted, "I said that maybe if you would learn to play.." He cut her off, "Learn to play? Its all luck! There is no skill involved." "Exactly!" She cried, "So then why can't you accept that I was just lucky this game and get over yourself." "Wait, wait, wait." He waved his hand at her, "There is a BIG difference in luck and what ever your doing." He scooted his chair in closer, "Luck, is when you get an occasional perfect roll. Cheating however, is when your already moving your piece before the damn dice even drop cause you already know where your going!" He pointed at her token, "Oh my god. Would you just roll already! Its your turn you had doubles." She smashed the dice down onto his side of the table. Grabbing them he blows into his hand and mumbles his number request. He tosses them. Two fives. He looks up to see her about to crack up, "What is so funny?" He begins to move his car, one, two...."DAMMIT! I am right back on another rail road!" She looses it and her eyes start to water from the intense laughter. After a few moments her blurry vision clears and she sees him, red faced, agitated and dice in hand. She takes them and places them down in front of her. "Why aren't you rolling? Is your guilt finally getting to you? Do you actually have a conscious?" She began to gather up her money, "I don't know, is that the little voice in the back of your head that says 'you have a monopoly, buy houses!'?" She started tossing houses all over her monopoly with an insane look of devilish intent on her face. He stands up, "Your crazy" Money and properties are flying everywhere. "I'm crazy? You married me. No wait, you're right...I said 'I do', I am crazy." "That's it woman, I want a divorce!" "Fine!" "Fine" Their son comes home just in time to hear the doors slam on the opposite ends of the house. Worried he sets his backpack down and rushes to see whats going on. On his way he sees the monopoly game on the table and shakes his head. "I really need to take this game away from those two," Writer's Cramp Entry: 887 words. |