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Rated: E · Poetry · Drama · #1729375
A voyage through the poet's recent past, in poems written in rare moments of inspiration
This river (02/27/2010)

I can't believe this river.
Looking back upon the naive things I used to say--
out of pride, loneliness, and desire--
I had no way of seeing
the shadow that loomed over me, expanding
endlessly into my future,
the fire that would scorch me again and again
until I was burnt to a crisp;
and then wait for me, the Phoenix, to rise—
to begin the scorching anew.
Eternal Cycle?
The myth emerges from between the serpent's fangs and
dances in celestial fire
Before the cannibal's empty eyes.
The river's banks are flooding now;
I think it's time to head to sea.

Still (01/17/2010)

You are so still;
A billion suns would not suffice.

Take it from me:
You are everything.

If you should encounter on your journey
A stranger in need
Give him half of what you have

And throw the other half in a well.

This is my will.
I begin where you end

You are the goddess herself.

All the missions (10/03/2009)

All the great missions of conquest and insight
Born in vaporous halls where gray men sit in thought
Pondering riddles laid out in cracked scriptures
Conjuring battles, on mind's phantoms wrought

Their plans for the soil and their plans for the men
Seated beside them in the great vaults of congress
Stoking their purpose, hope of cleansing fire kindled
Are there really two sides to this echoing contest?

Clad in the sanctity of ages-old lore
Hark back to days of despairing endurance
'Fore the potion of power was theirs and before
Doubt's frail body burned on the coals of assurance

Real knowledge is earthen and lies 'neath the bogs
Of time obscured more by the tempest of grievance
Ere long the gray men with their visions of empire
Will grasp at reprieve in some shadowy séance

Another poem (09/17/2009)

I want to put something here scratches
- on the surface -
for there exists a natureless pain in my

Where is my self?
Locked in the prison of time he
sees little of worth in
((((his reflection))))

Tiny gems
Flowers and gems!
Sprouting from the wet earth
Nurtured by the dark void

Here in the passing of days
There is the word which
Surpasses my understanding and
Leaves me gasping for breath

Night of nights

Howl of purpose (09/06/2009)

Stand for nothing
Upon nothing
These trees swaying gently
Warm wind and insects
I've gone far beyond

You shaped yourself
Emaciated by the fireside
Dance of eyes
Old specters watch us beneath
A naked sky

Infinite chrysallis
Sculpt me out of stone
I'm yours once more to
Do with me what
You can conceive

This territory has
Been charted and charted
But between you and I
Who can say for sure?

Appears as a phantom
Lone wolf under the stars
Braying to the wind
Desolate earth
Forgotten moon

La Conquista (08/31/2009)

Fog on the banks
A veil for the forest's face
She's old and tender
Young and fierce
Her gaze, all moss and swaying ferns
Is hiding thorns

Wander along the rocks
At the river's edge
He's sweeping crystal mountain waters
Across red clay banks and dancing reeds
Never pauses to reflect
Or glance at the sky

The great eagle, hunting,
Senses something on the wind
Ineffable scent of change
Sudden rain falls heavy and
Men in great boats
Reach the shore and churn the sand

Oh come on (08/26/2009)

Oh come on,
Shake away your weary gait
Paint neon jungles over your baggy eyes
And put away the bottle.

You've grown brother
How you've grown
But your heart is grasping still
At small grimacing memories
The leering past

The wide world wasn't ready for you
Nor you for it
But now it's time to dance in the fray
Tear the edges and make a canvas

Light a fire under your old ways
When the kindling's gone
Will the burden stare you down again,
Beckoning you with the cold fingers of
Misery embraced?

Hark! The hour is here.
Pleasure and pain are one.
You've grown brother,
Oh how you've grown

The Rat (08/24/2009)

I am the tin pot dictator of my tiny universe
A used car salesman with waxed eyebrows
The illiterate henchman of the jealous gods

I wander your streets and back-alleys lustfully
A projector screen of doubt and delusion
And prey upon the grease and grime of the earth

Tell me my eyes are not bloody and stained
I will riddle your body with bullet holes and
Take your wife to dine in silence with mustachioed mice

There is nothing more hysterical than this little man
I have become the laughing stock of ruined people everywhere
Cackling wretchedly at my cruel fate, I shoot wildly at your feet

"Dance! Dance!"

somewhere, calm (05/12/2009)

the slippery incongruence of
the one.
where can we go from here if
it's the mind

inside or outside
of control

we take our time and part the
red under a silver sky.

time to take me out
will I ever be back?

Lost at sea (01/04/2009)

Plaster walls
Sink rusted at the edges of the mind
Time to unwind
Blink and you'll miss it

Lost at sea
A million miles in a grain of sand
Loose and languid
The ancient captain's gait

White plastic chair
Oblivion in a bleeding sunset
I found nothing
Looking hard

With communicate one (10/13/08)

Exist in space there when I not
Time became she astronaut
Organic well tree mind ice sprung
Grassy knoll sea come undone

Lack when want is where growth I
Crescent sun tan soft moon sky
Gold wise seated maroon robe
Watches fruiting mushroom globe

Each Buddha saw not our dance
Timeless countless sky skin glance
Way between a team be word
Playfully on calming sword

Vast stream whispers melody
Soothing violent symphony
Universal center holds
Wait no now what seen unfolds

Yesterdream (10/10/08)

You took the pain in yourself
Brought it into the light
It was never two at all!

You peeled back the veil
Found unborn silence
And did not cringe.

You saw the forest floor
Breathing beneath your feet
And loved the damp moss

Everything I took
from the dreams we had
I gave it all back
To find it again.

Poesea (10/08/08)

Almighty Spirit quiet in the pirouette of syllables
Ensconcing and embattling all the purgatory parables
Release the hidden caveat, the antidote for misanthropes
The cure for the demur, hidden lions in the antelopes

Two hearts apart is just too far and ne'er the twain shall meet
And if the twain shall meet it seems the hearts shall cease to beat
The riders on Rosetta fell towards linguistic symphonies
Arose and posed with wilted rose upon the wry cacophonies

My doom, full-bloom, came swiftly in the violence of the wake
Of caterpillars catapulting consecrated cake
We felt the future rushing up to meet us in the clouds
The scent of May, the way her verdant iris pierced through shrouds

Melodious Carpathians, the dirges of the dead
Swim through my feet into my solar plexus filled with dread
Now poignantly this cresting wave does contradictions part
In luminescent clarity, hers merges with my heart

To Love 01/24/2008

To be in the heart
Its true nature - emptiness
Listen to the trees
And bow to the sky
To be grateful
That your lips ever touched hers
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