Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1728644-Step-into-the-Night-chapter-4
by Gurren
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1728644
In the dark abyss...a strange person appears! Full synopsis inside.
Hello! I'm back after a year of hiatus. I know, it is a very long time right? Well school is not easy. The fact I went to a boarding school makes it harder. Anyway, enjoy the story!

For those who want to catch up the story, you can go to my portfolio. Don't forget to leave a comment or two to improve my writing.

Warning:The following story contains broken English. I need your help to fix me.

Synopsis:Henry Edgewhiteis a normal teenage boy with one disadvantage-he can't dream. Although it seemed an insignificant fact but that weakness is only a piece of the puzzle. There have been an outbreak in Malaysia. A disease called Acute Brain Activity Disorder (ABAD) kills people just by shuting down their brains. Little do the people of Malaysia know, that disease is not your ordinary disease. Rather, it was a tool to set up the stage for an evil plot. And Henry was right in the middle of it.

Chapter 4: A Change Of Pace

It was dark.

My body feels light.

My head feels like it was ran over by a train.

I was confused. What just happened? I try to recall the events prior to my situation. Blank. It was like my brain has short-circuited. I try to move my body but do I really have a body in this state? It was almost non-existence. I am just air. Where am I?


My whole body jolted. I feel weight and matter. My brain clicked back to its place. Memories of the events prior to this flashed inside my mind like an extremely fast-forwarded slide show. The bald man. The pain. The wall. The police. Michelle.

“Michelle!” Henry's eyes opened. He was panting heavily, sweat drenched his body. He calmed down. “What was that?” He closed his eyes with his forearm. Something was not right. Henry opened his eyes. Henry feels strange. There is something bothering him but he could not put what it is. He tried touching his body to check if there is anything wrong with it. His eyes widen.

“Why am I in my school uniform?” Henry was dumbfounded. He never sleeps in his school uniform. Not even when he was dead tired. Henry inspects his uniform properly to be surprised more. His school uniform was dirty. Stained by mud, sand and various garbage. The same spot is stained during the struggle with the bald man. “What the hell is this?” Henry panicked slightly. Is this a nightmare? Wait, he can't dream. Then, what else can he explain the stained uniform?

“This is weird.” Henry jumped out from his bed. He took a good look around his room. Bed, wardrobe, door, bathroom, dressing table. Nothing out of the ordinary. “There must be a good explanation to this.” Henry sighed as he opened his wardrobe of a new set of clothing. “What the hell-” There was no change of clothes. Inside the wardrobe which should have his shirts, pants, uniform and other assorted stuff was-nothing. Just a fine layer of dust coating its interior. Henry back away from the wardrobe like it was some kind of monster. Henry looks around his room. He can't be in the wrong room. It was definitely his room.

Henry was spooked alright. He already watched a lot of horror movie and often laughs at the exaggerated acting of the actors. Now he knows how scary it really is. He regrets laughing at the actors and now they had their pay back. Henry tries to calm down. “Okay, let’s just go downstairs and get a change of clothes at the laundry room.” Henry said, trying to deny the spooky chain of events.

Henry opens the door of his room to see-a wall. There at the doorway should be a corridor of his house. The stairs is to the left and his parent’s room to the right but now there is a wall. A green wall similar to the wall of his room. Henry stared at the wall dumbfounded. His hand clenches the doorknob tightly to prevent it from trembling. His spine tingles. The hair at the back of his spine stood up. His legs were frozen.

“What the hell is this?” Henry slowly back away from the door. His body was trembling uncontrollably. His legs gave up and he fell on his butt on to the floor. His eyes were still fixed to the wall-door in front of him. “What kind of joke is this?” He clenched his fist and closes his eyes, not wanting to see this anymore when-

“Come.” a deep voice echoes in the room. Henry opens his eyes. He felt warmth. The tension created in the room evaporated. He looks at the wall-door. It was now a decorated red door. Strange carvings and rune decorates it. It was emitting a strange red aura. The aura felt like home of him. The red aura was like a torch lighting up his soul, beckons him to open it.

Henry stood up. He was curious of the door. The door just materializes in the place of the wall-door. He had seen this from countless of movies and anime but that was just fiction. The sudden materialization of a door out of thin air was impossible in reality but are clothes disappearing out of thin air possible in reality? Maybe David Copperfield had an answer.

Henry analyzes the door. It emits warmth but it still looks suspicious. His heart told him to go but his brain told him not to. Henry held his right arm in front of him for a second and clenches it back to a fist. Henry was hesitant. His judgement was blurred. Should he open the door or not? Should he follow his instinct or logic? Henry sighed. He walks towards the door. He trusts his heart and decides to follow it. Like Cinderella once said, follow your heart. Henry smirks for a second. “That line is so cliché.” He grabs the door knob. It was warm. Henry took a deep breath. He musters all the courage he had inside his body. “Here goes nothing.” Henry twists the knob.

Instantly, he was weightless again. Henry felt a flying sensation as he zooms towards an unknown destination at speed faster than his mother's rushed driving. For some reason, Henry had a sense of euphoria as he flies through space.

Suddenly, weight returned to him. The flying sensation stopped. His body stumbles forward maybe because of inertia. Henry quickly regains his balance despite his dizziness. “What was that?” He clutches his head. Nausea attacked his poor brain as if his brain didn't suffered enough.

He took a look at his surroundings. He was at the centre of the tall pillars surrounding him. The centre was illuminated by an unknown source of light as he couldn't see beyond the circle of pillars. There were 12 unlit torches surrounding him as well, one for each pillar. This is strange. What is this place?

Henry's spine tingles. He sensed a presence. Henry didn't know how but he knew. It was like his hidden sixth sense just kicked up. Henry drop into a stance. He never learned any martial arts before but he had watch tons of fights in television. Improvising was his best bet. Henry scanned his surroundings. “Who is there?” Henry called out for the unknown presence. “Show yourself!” Henry's body tensed. He was ready to react if the presence shows itself.

Suddenly, the torches lit up one by one. The light from the torches further illuminate the poorly litted place. “I was waiting for you.” a male voice spoke. Henry tried to identify the direction of the voice but it seemed that the voice came from all direction. Henry tensed. “Who are you?” He calls out for the voice. The voice sighed. “Is my Ego this unfriendly?” Henry clenched his fist. Just who the hell is him?

“Yo.” the voice spoke from behind him. “Ah!” Henry was startled by the voice and fell down on his butt. “My, my..Is my Ego this weak too?” The origin of the voice sighed. There, in front of Henry was a red-haired teenager around his age. The teen wore a sleek black suit with a red tie. His hair was spiky plus with the red colour, it looked like a blazing fire. He wore a sinister grin on his face, mocking Henry who was on the floor.

Henry's first impression of the man is: he is a bad guy. Stay away from him. Even so, Henry didn't feel any bad vibes coming from the man. Instead, he felt warmth and comfort. Wait, that is not right. Comfort? From a sinister man like him? That is just wrong...A man who materializes from nowhere is providing warmth to him? Not possible.

Henry opens his mouth to speak but no voice came out. It was like his voice was stolen by his warm/sinister teen. Wait that sounded so wrong. “What? Now my Ego can't speak? Seriously...” The teen sighed again while rubbing his forehead. “W..W..Who are you?” Henry managed to speak up. “Hm?” The guy raised his eyebrow. He grins.

“I'm Horus. The flame of your soul. The torch to your dark road of life and most importantly-” He crossed his arms. “-Your Avatar.”

“A-va-tar?” asked Henry dumfounded. “Well, you'll understand soon enough.” Horus sighed. “Anyway-” The teen extended his hand towards Henry, offering help for him to stand up. “Nice to meet you.”

Henry stared at the hand. Who is this guy? A red-haired teen suddenly appearing and startling him with all the ‘Ego’ nonsense and now he is offering him a hand? Something is wrong and he knew it. Henry frowned. He slapped the hand offering him to get up.

“Who are you?” Henry said. He became very defensive. He is not like this normally but he just could not trust this guy. There is something bad about him. “Ah, a wild one we got here eh?” The guy said rubbing his hand which Henry slapped away. “Well, we could make progress.”

The guy who said his name was Horus bends down moves his face closer towards Henry. “Wha..” Henry’s face flusters. That guy is moving too close to him. His is invading his personal space. His face is just in front of him. If someone pushes him from behind, they would kiss. Horus’s red eyes look directly Henry’s black. His cold stare pierce through his soul. What is this? This is so gay. Henry’s heart beats faster and faster as Horus stares at him longer.

“I can see it.” The guy spoke, startling Henry in the process. “All your memories, your past, your feelings, your regrets, your suffering and your dreams.” The guy said in a straight voice. “You run away from your childhood fears and succumb to normality. You view life as one boring cycle. You have a best friend named Michelle and she is your one true friend. Your dream is to live as a normal person.” Horus paused. “You are one interesting person.” The guy smirks. Henry’s eyes widen. He could see his memories and feel them too? That is just too much for him. Henry push Horus away from him. The latter quickly regain his balance and stood up straight again.

“I don’t know who are you but you are one weird guy!” Henry yelled at Horus. He was angry. That person just violates his memories with god-knows-what technique. Horus already knew his past and secrets. “Your life was interesting. It was full of plot twist that really entertained me.” That is crossing the line. He literally watched his whole life like a movie. Henry stood up to his feet and put up his guard. “Who the hell do you think you are to violate my memories!” Henry said with venom in his voice yet Horus maintained his smirk. Horus just stayed silent, unaffected with Henry’s outburst. “Such temper, is this the same temper you shown a few hours ago?” Henry’s eyes widen. The events a few hours ago briefly flashed through his head. “Well, it is kind of scary seeing you getting hot during that time but you still lost though. It is a funny thing actually. You are too weak to even protect you only close friend.” That is it. The final straw. The teen just insulted him beyond forgiveness.  Henry clenches his fist. He was already way past his boiling point.

         “Aaahhh!” Henry pulls his right hand back and run towards Horus, ready to wipe the smirk off Horus’ face. Henry threw his fist at Horus’ face but just before it made contact, Horus disappears. “Wha-“ Henry was shocked. His fist just made contact with air. The force of his missed punch made him stumbled forward and on to his knees. Henry pushes himself up but before he could turn around, he heard Horus’ voice behind him “Being aggressive now eh?” Henry’s eyes widen. “This will make you cool your head down.” Henry felt his collar being grabbed with someone. Instantly after that, his feet left the ground as Horus pull his collar and threw him across the circle of pillars. Henry felt his world spinning as he tumbles on the ground. Pain greeted him as various parts of his body hits the floor. Alas, he stops tumbling when his body hits one of the pillars.

         “Argh..” Henry winced in pain. He has bruises and scratches all over his body. He could have swore he heard his ribs cracked. He had never been thrown across a room before. He bet no one had. Then again, just who had met a weird, super-human teen with an annoying smirk. Henry tried to get up but the pain was too unbearable. Every time he moves his muscles, he was greeted by a sharp pain.

         The sound of footsteps became louder and louder. “It is advisable not to mess around with me.” Henry gritted his teeth and look at the red-haired boy standing in front of him. He hated this position. He was lying down, hurt while Horus was standing in front of him. Horus’ figure loomed over him like a giant. It make Henry feels powerless. Just like a few hours ago, where he failed to protect Michelle. “Damn it.” Henry cursed under his breath. He really wanted to punch Horus in the face. The weird aura, the annoying smirk, the mind reading ability, the super-human strength. He is far too wicked to be human. There is really something evil about Horus.

         “I bet you feel like trash now, right?” Horus said. Henry glared at Horus. “So powerless, so weak and so useless.” Each of Horus’ words pierce his heart like hot daggers. Each word made him angrier. Henry was clenching his hands until it turned white. He was gritting his teeth so tighter that it will be a matter of time before it cracks. “You are so weak. You couldn’t even protect your friends. What if she died?” Henry stops gritting his teeth. “I’m not even using even a tenth of my power and you could not even stand up after one throw.”

         “Shut up...”Henry said weakly. “She could have die, you know. Do you know her fate at this moment?” Henry diverts his eyes away from Horus. That guy is making him feel very guilty. Horus was right. Michelle could have died and he didn’t know that she is okay or not. “The path lies beyond is full of challenges. You will die if you are weak. Your love ones will suffer because you are too weak. Your state right now is far too powerless to overcome your ordeals. But-” Horus extended his hand towards Henry.

         “I shall help you by giving you power.” Henry look at Horus, dumbfounded. “W-what ?” Henry asked again, not believing what he has heard. “I shall lend to you, my power.” Horus is still extending his hand towards Henry. This is ridiculous. Why should he give Henry his power? This is weird and suspicious. Anything can happen when Henry took Horus’ hand. He could be killed, burned or kidnapped or he could receive power like what he says. But can he really believe that one can get super powers just from a hand shake like they did in anime? This is crazy.

         “Just take my hand to make a contract with me.” Horus said. “And great power shall be yours.” Horus let out a sly smile. Henry could not believe this guy. Horus’ hand is still extended towards him, waiting for a reply. “Damn it.” Henry said under his breath. He was really confused. Different scenarios flashes through inside his head. The thoughts of Michelle’s condition still haunts him. The pain coursing through his body worsen his confusion. Plus with Horus’ sly grin, it was a mental torture for him.

         Henry gritted his teeth. “So, will you form a contract with me?” Henry looked at Horus. The teen was illuminated by the light from the torches behind him. Looking from this angle, he looked like a Messiah. That is pretty disturbing. Even so, his hand reach out for Horus’ hand.

         “Stop it...” Henry tried to pull back his hand but his hand still move towards Horus; hand. Like it had a mind of its own. “Stop it...Don’t shake his hands” His hand didn’t hear him. Horus’ grin becomes wider and wider. “Stop it! Damn it!” His mind was screaming at his hand to stop but it was futile.

         “Don’t take his hand!” Slap! The world has stopped. A female voice called out for Henry. In that instant, his hand slapped Horus’ hand away. Henry was surprised. Horus looked much more surprised than him. The wide grin vanished from his face.

         Time seems to stop for a while. The sound of his hand slapping away Horus’ echoes through the place. Henry look at Horus dumbfounded, not knowing why his body react on its own. Horus had a shocked look as well. His cool demeanour was gone from his face.

         When time started to move again, Henry was panting heavily. It seems he forgot to breathe through all the tension. Horus pull back his hand and stuff it in his pocket.

“It seems you had made your decision and I respect that. I won’t force you to accept me anymore.” Horus turned around. “It is up to you to decided your own course of action.” He walked away from Henry. Henry eyed at him closely at the distance between Horus and him grew larger and larger.

Henry collects the remaining strength in his body to stand up, ignoring the jolts of pain. The pain was no joke at all. He has never been thrown across a room before. He leans on the pillar for support, panting and still eying the mysterious red-haired teen.

Then, Horus stopped on his tracks. “A great adversary will fall upon you in the near future. An adversary so great that the world might end if-” Horus glanced at Henry. “-you fail to overcome it. If you think that you could overcome that adversary without my help, then I shall let you be then.” Horus turned around. “But if you changed your mind, you know who you could call for help.” Horus walked away and disappeared into the shadows beyond the circle of pillars.

“Time marches in your world. You should head back soon.” A torch was extinguished. “Wha-” Another torch was extinguished. Henry panicked. What is happening now? He still hasn’t registered the information Horus gave into his brain and torches are extinguishing! Everything happened so fast, so brief, so vague that he couldn’t make any sense from anything. “What the hell is this, Horus!” Henry screamed at the shadows, hoping for a certain red-haired to reply. The only reply he got was just a wisp of the last torch as total darkness engulfed him.


Finally! Some plot moving action. More plot for the next chapter! Read and review!
© Copyright 2010 Gurren (nazran456 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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