Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1728579-Anniversary-candle-chapter-1
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #1728579
A couple uses a special candle to celebrate and it has some size changing effects.
Jovena made another round to make sure everything was set up right.  This was their first anniversary and she wanted everything to be perfect.  So she made sure everything was right were it needed to be and that everything was done.  She adjusted the pictures on the wall for the third time and moved around the place settings at the dinner table.  And made sure all the candles were lit.  As she passed by the long mirror, she stopped to check herself over as well.  Her skin was dark olive in color and was shown off by her tight, white dress.  The white dress was covered in tiny red flowers and tiny red hearts.  She did not often wear such tight dresses, as it did show off her every curve, and she had quite a few big curves on her body.  The dress highlighted her thick round breasts, and her quite deep cleavage.  Her dark hair was neatly up to reveal her small, round face.  She also wore big, high white heels, but at only five foot four, the two inch heels did not make her all that tall.

         Jovena kept one on on the window, so she saw Fernando's car as it came down the street.  she made one quick check of everything and then waited over by the door.  It took a couple minutes, but then the door opened and her husband was standing there, his arms full of chocolates and flowers.  Fernando had dark skin and a large build.  He was wearing a bright white suit, complete with a bright pink shirt and black shoes.  While he did work out a bit, he was still quite a big guy and held a little weight.  And at six foot one, he towered over Jovena.  She took the gifts and threw herself into his arms and they whirled around and laughed.  The night progressed nicely, they ate and talked and looked through the wedding photos and had a very nice time.  Finally they ended up in the bed room and looked into each others eyes, and Fernando reached around to unzip her dress.

         "Wait," Said Jovena with a tiny smile as she moved his hand away.  She got up and ran out of the room, coming back with in seconds with a large red candle.

         "Another candle?" Asked Fernando, looking around at the dozen or so already in the room.

         "A special candle, an anniversary candle, " She said as she held it out to him.

         "A what?" he said, taking the candle and looking at it.

         "Light this candle on your anniversary and let it bring to light your most heart felt wishes and make them come true," Said Jovena as she read a small red card that came with the candle.

    "We don't need a candle for that, " he said.

    "We don't need it, " she said, stressing the word need, "but it still might be fun."

    "We don't need a---" Fernando started to say, but then he saw the sad look on his wife's face.

    "I, just, um, " Jovena said softy under her breath.

         "OK, lets try it," said Fernando with a much more upbeat tone.  He then  handed  the candle back. She took the candle back and her frown slowly turned into a smile. He did not believe in all this stuff, but knew it was best to just get it over with and make her happy.

         Jovena reached over and grabbed a bright red lighter.  She used the lighter to  light the anniversary candle and watched it's wick catch and burn.  She then walked over and set the candle on the floor. 

    "Now, you stand on that side," Said Jovena as she pointed.

    "Alright," Said Fernando moving over to where she was pointing.

    "And I stand on this side," she said, also taking her place.

    The flame shown brightly, but the candle also began to give off a clear white smoke.  Jovean lead Fernando over and they both stood on either side of the candle and let the smoke cover them.  The candle was giving off a good amount of smoke, but it was not very thick.  After a couple seconds, the smoke started to whirl around Fernando's body.  He though that it was quite odd, as there was no reason the smoke should do that type of movement.  And he noticed that the smoke was not moving around Jovena at all.  At least the smoke was not upsetting his throat or blocking his sight much when he looked around.  Though as he looked up at the ceiling, it did look a bit odd, almost as if it was further away.  Jovena watched the smoke whirl around him with a smile, quite happy the candle was having an effect.  Then she blinked and her eyes went wide when she reopened them.  She was not looking up at his face Fernando's head was about level with her own.

         Jovena quickly looked down to see if he was kneeling or something, but he was standing up straight.  She had removed her shoes before and knew she was not standing on anything.  He has just lost some height, several inches if he was as tall as her now.  Fernando looked directly at his wife, without tilting his head downward, in shock.  He was not sure what was happening.  He was sure she was not growing, as her head was still level with the picture hanging on the wall.  And he was staring up not slouching or anything, yet he was looking into the eyes of his short wife.  He had do be seeing things, or maybe it was the smoke.  Fernando's clothing was not shrinking, however.  His shirt felt quite big on him, as did his pants, like he was wearing clothing a couple sizes too big.  With two tiny thumps his watch and ring fell off his now smaller hand.

    Jovena had to stifle in a laugh when she realized that his clothing was not shrinking with him.  He just looked so funny, now in bigger clothing.  As she looked through the smoke she saw that Fernando was now shorter then she was, he only came up to about her shoulder.  She had never had to look down at him before and it felt weird.  Fernando watched as he decreased in size,and his wife seemed to get bigger to him.  It felt even weirder to him to look up at his wife.  After all, he had not had to look up to a woman in years.  Ever sense he was a teen he had been taller then almost all women.  Now he was suddenly being reminded what it was like to be a shorter height, like he was before he was a teen. 

    Fernando shrank down even more, when now looked directly at Jovena, he was looking directly at her breasts.  It was not a bad sight, of course, as he liked his wife's big breasts.  Though he did realize that her big breasts were much bigger to him now.  Her breasts were actually bigger then his head.  Jovena felt a good tingle when she saw that he was as tall as her breasts.  He was getting so small now.  His clothing was just oddly hanging on his body now.  He looked like a little boy wearing his father's clothing now.  She felt a strong need to give him a little hug and shifted her feet, ready to move forward.

         More smoke poured out of the candle.  Jovena watched Fernando shrink even smaller, his head was not much higher then her waist now.  Her husband was now the size of a small child to her.  She was so confused and did not quite know how to react.  She was getting the mixed feeling of wanting to protect a small child and her romantic feelings for her small husband.  She wanted to grab him and feel his little body in quite a sexual way, but at the same time she did not want to hurt him.  She was really starting to feel big to him.  For Fernando, he was reacting with a mix of emotions as well, though mostly fear and awe.  His wife was now huge to him.  He could not help but feel, helpless.  She was just so huge.  But at the same time, he was quite aroused.  Her breasts just kept getting bigger and bigger to him as he got smaller, as did all the other parts of her body that he liked.

    Suddenly the smoke whirled around much faster and his shrinking accelerated.  Down and down in height it went, passing her thighs and knees in a blur.  His clothing, nothing more to him now then a massive tent, just fell to the floor in a pile.  Fernando was now naked and still shrinking.  Jovena could not help but look down at him and focus her view at his groin.  Naturally, his once quite large member was now much, much smaller.  She held up her left hand and spread her fingers out, looking from her hand to his groin.  Then she brought up her right hand and moved her thumb and pointer finger close together.  His penis was now smaller then her finger.  He looked up and looked at her hand, and then looked down at himself.  With a little frown he figured out what she must be looking at and comparing.

    Jovena watched Fernando shrink even smaller, his head was not much higher then her waist now.  Her husband was now the size of a small child to her.  She was so confused and did not quite know how to react.  For Fernando, he was reacting with a mix of emotions, though mostly fear and awe.  His wife was now huge to him, and the shrinking had not yet stopped.  Down and down in height it went, passing her thighs and knees and then finally it stopped. Then the smoke from the candle quickly thinned out and whirled around the room a bit.  And then all the smoke from the candle just faded away.  As if it had never even been there at all.  The candle gave a quick puff of air and was still burning, but it was not giving off smoke anymore.  Fernando blinked and looked over himself.  Then he looked up, at the massive, near mountainous form of his now giant wife.  Jovena squinted a bit and looked down at her tiny husband.  And tiny was the right word, as when the smoke cleared and he stopped shrinking, Fernando was just six inches tall.

    Jovena stood there and looked down at the tiny naked form of her husband, Fernando.  Now, just six inches tall, he was smaller then her foot.  He was standing up straight and was only a bit taller then her ankle.  Her knee alone was way over his head.  He was much smaller then a child or even a baby now.  He was little more then the size of a toy, like a little doll.  He still looked exactly the same with the same proportions and such, except he was tiny.  She was glad he was not child sized anymore, as that made her feel a bit weird.  But Jovena thought she could get used to the more toy sized husband.  He was so cute and perfect, and not just because of his new tiny size, but it helped.  Fernando had always been so much bigger then her, and she was not a small lady.  She had liked resting in his arms and being carried around by him.  He was always there to help her reach things that where too high or to open a stuck jar.  Now, however, things had sure changed.

    Fernando stood there and looked up at the now giant form of his wife, Jovena.  She was not a giant, of course, as she was still just five foot three inches tall.  But to his tiny six inches, she was defiantly a giant.  She had to be something like fifty feet tall to him now.  He had to tilt his head way up to look towards her face, and her face was so far away.  He had just about never looked up to her before, he thought.  He felt a little odd not being able to see her face closely and not being able to look into her eyes.  The rest of her body was gigantic, almost every part of her body looked much bigger then his whole body.  Looking straight ahead he looked right at her leg, just a bit above her ankle.  Fernando had to look up to even see her knee, that was out of his reach over his head.  Jovena had always been shorter and smaller then himself, and he will admit that he liked it.  He liked being the bigger, stronger man to her smaller, weaker woman.  It was after all, the natural way of things.  He could not help but notice the lamp behind her, or to be more accurate the shadow from the light of that lamp.  She blocked some of it's light with her giant body, casting a huge shadow just a couple feet to his left.  If she were to take just a step, the shadow would move to cover him.  And the thought of being so completely lost in her shadow gave him a weird feeling.

    Jovena could not exactly describe the good feeling she got, just standing there and looking down at Fernando.  She felt so big, so powerful, so in control.  He was nothing next to her, little more then the size of a toy.  Not that Jovena had ever given much thought to such things like power and control.  She had long ago accepted her lot in life as a helpless female.  Not that she was helpless so much or even thought of herself as helpless.  It was more that she always leaned on other people for help with everything.  Thinking back, she could not even recall a time when she did anything by herself.  Jovena always had help, from her large family to friends to even strangers.  Everyone was always ready to give her a hand.  Everyone was always ready to help a short, cute woman like herself.  And that went double for men.  That was, in fact, how she met Fernando.  He was always following her around and helping her with things.  Until she finally allowed him to ask her out and they had a whirlwind courtship and marriage.  He was always ready to help her.  He was the big rock that she leaned on for strength and support.  But that was not what she was feeling now, looking down at tiny Fernando.  She noticed that even her shadow was huge compared to him.  Were she to move just a step or so he would be totally eclipsed in her shadow.

    He had never felt so powerless and helpless in front of her before.  He was so used to being the bigger and stronger male.  Needless to say that now their roles were reversed.  He was the size of a toy and he knew it.  He moved his eyes way from her giant shadow and his thoughts of being lost in her darkness.  He felt at least a bit better looking at her giant form.  It was still his beautiful wife Jovena, just in a much bigger stature.  He let his eyes wander along the curves of her body that showed through nicely under her dress.  Having a giant wife did not seem so bad as he looked her over and over.  Fernando finally stopped his wandering eyes on her breasts.  Granted that Jovena was a big woman and she was a 42 D cup when everything was normal sized.  He looked up at her breasts now and saw that they looked to be bigger then he was tall.  He felt the small, helpless feeling again as he thought of his size compared to just one of her breasts.  Though that quickly passed as he remind himself that he was talking about a breast bigger then his body.  He had to admit to himself that the thought of having a wife with breasts bigger then his own body was quite a turn on.

    "Wow, Said Fernando out loud, "Was this what the candle was supposed to do?"

    "No, not exactly," said Jovena taking a deep breath.

    "Not exactly?" he asked.

    "Well, the candle said it would bring to light your most heart felt wishes..." she said trailing off.

    "So it was your wish that I...um...would get smaller? " Asked Fernando.

    "Oh, no!  I never really though about it..that.  It's...it's..um..not so bad though,'' stumbled Jovena.

    "It's not so bad, " Fernando echoed, his eyes on her breasts.

    "Now, wait!  Did you..um...ever wish that I was..you know...bigger?" she asked.

    "Oh no! Of course not!" he said mostly out of reflex.

    "So...." she asked trailing off, her expression flat.

    "It's...it's not so bad," he said holding his arms out wide.

    "Really?" Jovena said, perking up a lot.

    "I can't say this would have been something I would have wished for....but it does feel..and look..great," Fernando said, craning his neck to look up into her eyes.

    "I did not wish for this, exactly, I guess....but yea..it's great," Jovena said nodding.

    "Yea," he said with a wink, a smile and a wave.

    "Awww, your so cute," she said as she giggled.

    "Oh, but did you also notice that I shrunk right out of my clothes, " he said putting his hands on his hips, "Yet you are still fully dressed?" 

    "I can fix that," she said with a smile.


    Fernando watched as his giant wife reached up and started to take off her white dress.  He felt a little odd just blurting out the whole part about his clothing.  But he sure felt an over whelming desire to see her giant naked body.  She wiggled a bit and then with a quick movement of her hands simply let her dress fall off her body.  The dress fell down into a pile at her feet with a slight thump.  The movement of the dress created a slight wind that shocked little Fernando for a second causing him to blink.  That same wind, however, carried her scent to him.  He smiled when he smelled that unique mix of perfume and body wash that he knew was the way his wife smelled.  He stopped his blinking and again looked up at her.  Now, Jovena stood before him, completely naked and gigantic and as beautiful as ever.

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