Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1728024-Dark-Flames-Rise-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1728024
More flames of dark! Read if dare.
Boromon, the miner's apprentice, fetched the iron pick.  He carried it all the way back down the trench, down the ladder, on another hundred steps passed the first shaft, the second, to his master.

Drog snatched the pick from his hands.  "Better," he sneered.

Boromon cowered.  "I brought it as quick as I could, master miner."

"I hope so, with such thing legs!" He cried.

Boromon winced.  He hated the mines.  The stink, the coal.  The rough dirt and the grease and all the sweaty miners crammed in like pigs, chipping away at the rock.  he longed for the fresh air of fields and fresh turned hay!  Oh what glory would that be.  freeedom.

But... alas he sighed.  He was a miner's son, and a miner he would be.  Forever.  Ad infinitum.  Amen.

"Maybe I continue the south shaft," he asked his master.

Drog sneered.  "Why?  there's no gold there you daft boy!  Just dirt.!  No, this main shaft shall find us something worthy.  Obsidian perhaps.  Something better than mud, though."

Boromon looked hurt.

"Fine," his master spat.  "If you wish glory, go dig in dirt.  Play in it like a child! see what wonders you find."

(Obvious sarcasm!)  Boromon sighed.  He took his own pick, a mere stone tool, crudely crafted, and climbed into the south tunnel.

"Perhaps," he muttered to himself, "something wondrous lies under these rocks."  He lifted his pick and swung.



The rock barely gave way.  He chipped and cracked and corked and hit and slammed it until there was dust.  And the shaft eventually grew.  His lungs ached.  He needed air, but still he chipped.  There must be something down here!

And then he saw it, after so long.  Drop would be enraged!

It shined like the sky.  It glowed like the sun.  It was some kind of stone, but smooth.  It was an amulet!!  So glorious in craftmanship as to be left by the gods!  FOR HIM!

He knew it!

He lifted it from the dirt, slung it over his neck, and tucked it under his coal-stained work shirt.  This is for me.... thought.  All my bad luck countered.

"Bromon you scowl!!!!" called Drop from the other shaft.  "Get here to bucket this coal away.  Stop playing in that south mine you louse!"

Boromon shivered.  his master wanted him.  He tucked the amulet away and hurried up the ladder.  For now, at least, he was a miner's apprentice.  He felt the amulet glimmer.  Who knows what the future holds??
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