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A man wakes to find that he has shrunk and is trapped in the shoe of a 9 year old girl. |
Chapter One: The Beginning Mark's eyes slowly focused as he regained consciousness. He was greeted by darkness and an unusual smell. As his mind cleared, Mark tried to remember what had happened. He remembered visiting with his friend Paula and her 9 year old daughter, Bailey. Paula was divorced and living as a single mom which had made things difficult for her. Mark had volunteered to help out in any way possible, which often led to his babysitting Bailey while Paula worked at night. On this particular night, Mark had been watching Bailey. They played video games and watched television. As the night wore on, Bailey fell asleep on the couch. Mark continued to watch television, when suddenly an unusually bright beam shot out from the screen and engulfed him. As the beam diminished, Mark felt incredibly dizzy. He crawled off of the couch as Bailey slept soundly. Mark staggered to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and was stunned to find that his clothes had disintegrated and that he was totally naked. The dizziness increased, making it difficult to stand. Mark fell to his hands and knees and began to softly moan. As he suffered, his eyes focused on a pair of Bailey's tennis shoes which were situated directly below him. Mark thought that it appeared the shoes were getting bigger but figured that he was imagining it. The last thing Mark remembered before losing consciousness was the feeling of falling into a dark chasm. Several hours had passed when Mark had regained consciousness. After having thought about what had happened, he stood up and took in his surroundings. He was surrounded by what appeared to be some kind of canvas. It was dark, but he could see a light from above in the distance. Mark also noticed a musty odor that seemed to emanate from everywhere. The floor he was standing on was somewhat soft and a little damp. Mark began to walk toward the light and was struck with the sheer size of the walls around him. As he approached the light, Mark looked down and was shocked to see writing on the floor. The letters were very large and difficult to make out but there was no mistaking the enormous Nike "swoosh"! "My God! What has happened to me?", Mark asked to no one. Mark reached the light overhead and looked up. He saw a white ceiling in the distance. Fear set in as the realization of where he was took hold. As Mark looked around, the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. He had somehow shrunk and was now trapped inside a shoe. Mark wondered who's shoe he was in when a vision of the last thing he saw before passing out came to him. This was Bailey's tennis shoe that was in the bathroom and now he was inside it. Mark tried to climb out but could not reach the edge. It was a good 6 feet above him. Mark estimated that he was about half an inch tall! He sat down on the insole and pondered his predicament when he heard the sound of a door opening in the distance. "Paula must be home.", he said to himself. "Hopefully she'll find me!" Paula walked into her apartment and saw the sleeping form of Bailey on the sofa. "Mark, I'm home.", she called out. There was no answer. Paula searched her apartment and found no trace of Mark. "Where the hell is he? I trusted him with Bailey. Why would he leave her alone without any notice?" , she thought to herself. As she searched, Paula began to get angry at Mark for being so irresponsible. She was just thankful that Bailey was alright. Paula woke Bailey up and guided her to bed. "Go back to sleep honey. You have school tomorrow.", she said. Bailey groggily got in bed and fell back to sleep. Paula closed her daughter's bedroom door and went into the bathroom. She used the toilet and got up to leave when she noticed Bailey's tennis shoes on the floor. Paula picked them up and quietly placed them inside Bailey's room. Paula then went to bed, still wondering what had become of Mark. Mark heard Paula move about the apartment and prayed that soon she would enter the bathroom. He heard her call for him. Mark yelled her name but knew that at his small size, he probably would not be heard. He heard Paula move Bailey into her bedroom and several minutes later, he heard Paula's footsteps enter the bathroom. Mark looked up through the shoe's opening and was astounded to see the enormous visage of Paula standing over him. "Paula! Look down here! I'm here! Help me please! Paula! Paula! Paula!", the tiny man yelled. he saw her black hair cascading over her shoulders and her attractive face as she looked down. For a moment, he thought that she had heard but was dejected as he saw her lower her slacks and sit on the toilet. Mark heard Paula urinate and wondered what he should do to get her attention. The sound of Paula's pee subsided and Mark saw her stand. Once again she was incredibly huge and Mark felt that he was seeing a goddess. The shrunken man began to yell her name over and over, trying to get her attention. Once again Mark felt hopeful as Paula looked down on him. "She sees me!", he exclaimed. Mark watched as Paula reached down, only to be stunned as she grabbed the shoe he was in and began walking. Mark fell into the darkness of the toe section. The violent tumble to the toe of the shoe knocked the little man out. Mark did not feel the motion of his prison being gently placed on the floor of Bailey's bedroom. He did not hear Paula close the door or go to bed. Chapter Two: Morning Toes The morning and her mother's voice, caused Bailey to stir from her slumber. The 9 year old rubbed the sleep from her pretty green eyes and ran her fingers through her long black hair. She swung her legs out from under the covers and placed her feet on the carpeted floor. Bailey padded off to the bathroom to get ready for school. After she had showered, brushed her teeth and combed her hair, she went back into her bedroom to get dressed. Bailey decided to wear a cute pair of shorts and a tee shirt. The youngster reached for her favorite Nike tennis shoes and inserted her bare feet. She wiggled her toes in the shoes, thinking she felt something in the left one. Bailey stomped her left foot down several times causing the sensation to lessen. Satisfied that she was ready for school, Bailey grabbed her book bag, and walked to the kitchen where her mother was preparing breakfast. She sat down at the table and ate a bowl of cereal. Her mother asked her if she knew what happened to Mark last night. Bailey said she fell asleep and did not know anything. Her mother told her that Mark was not there when she got home last night and was concerned about his whereabouts. Following their conversation, Bailey picked up her book bag and headed off to school. She walked to the bus stop and waited with the other neighborhood kids. Mark lay sleeping in the toe section of Bailey's tennis shoe when the loud sound of Paula's voice brought the tiny man to consciousness. He was greeted with the sound of Bailey waking up and the lingering odor of her shoe. He heard the young girl climb out of bed and then felt the tremors of her footsteps as she walked by and headed to the bathroom. Mark heard the activity in the bathroom and pondered what he was going to do. He wondered how he was going to escape this predicament and return to his normal life. Thirty minutes passed when Mark's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Bailey entering her room. The shrunken man heard her getting dressed and occasionally caught glimpses of the enormous 9 year old. Mark was sitting in the heel of the tennis shoe when he looked up and was stunned to see the smiling, freckled face of Bailey. The tiny man was awestruck as he looked into her huge green eyes. He watched Bailey lean over and reach for the shoe he was in. "Bailey! Down here! Help me!", he yelled. Mark suddenly realized what was happening. Bailey was going to put the shoe on. In a flash, his prison was moving violently as the girl picked up the shoe. Mark fell into the toe section once again and looked down the length of the insole, to the opening. The light began to dim when, to Mark's horror, Bailey's toes appeared. He watched as her gigantic foot entered the shoe. Mark stumbled and fell on his back. Bailey's toes passed overhead and slammed into his body. The enormous digits wiggled violently, causing Mark to attempt to fight them off. The shrunken man suddenly felt his prison raise like an express elevator and just as suddenly slam down. Mark's face was smashed into the young girl's second toe. The motion was repeated several times, causing Mark's body to become wedged tightly under the child's toes. Realizing it was futile, the tiny man ceased fighting and lay perfectly still. Mark felt his shoe prison move again as he perceived that Bailey was walking. The little man was continuously slammed between the insole and Bailey's toes. The motion stopped after several steps and the pressure lessened. Mark guessed that Bailey was sitting. Muffled sounds reached his ears as he identified the sound of Bailey eating and the muffled voice of Paula. Mark heard the young girl tell her mother that she did not know anything about his disappearance. As the shrunken man listened to their conversation, he noticed that the heat and smell of his prison was increasing. Mark felt moisture dripping on him as Bailey's feet began to sweat. Some of Bailey's foot sweat forced it's way into Mark's mouth, causing him to gag. It was terribly salty and the flavor lingered in his mouth. Occasionally, Mark would be treated to the young girl's toes wiggling as she sat, eating and talking. After what seemed like an eternity, Bailey's foot slammed into Mark's tiny body, signaling that she had stood up and was going to walk. The little man steeled himself for what was to come as his prison began to move repeatedly. Mark attempted to anticipate the rhythm of the giant girl's footsteps and soon became acclimated to the motion. Mark felt the walking cease as Bailey's toes smashed into every fiber of his being. As the heat, humidity and stench increased exponentially, Mark heard the voices of other children. The realization that he was going to school with Bailey sunk in. Through the confines of his prison, Mark could hear the rumble of a bus approaching. Bailey's toes began to move as if to signal that he was about to enter the next stage of his adventure. Chapter Three: School Daze As Bailey boarded the school bus, her toes slammed into Mark's minuscule body. From underneath her feet, Mark heard the voices of numerous children and the drone of the bus engine. Several violent steps later, the tiny man was granted a brief respite as the 9 year old sat down next to her friend, Abigail. Mark had seen Abigail in the past. She was a year older than Bailey. While Bailey was short, with black hair and green eyes, Abigail was taller, with blond hair and blue eyes. They were physical opposites. Bailey was "cherub-like", while Abigail was very thin and lanky. As Bailey's toes rested heavily on him, Mark heard her say, "Hi Abigail!". Through the dark confines of his prison, Mark heard the muffled voice of Abigail respond, "Hey, Bailey!". The little man listened vacantly as the two preteens engaged in idle talk. As the bus ride continued, Mark began to cry as Bailey's toes began to move, unknowingly squeezing his shrunken body. It occurred to Mark that as far as Bailey was concerned, he was a pebble in her shoe and now she was playing with him. With each squeeze, the tiny man was drenched in Bailey's pungent foot sweat. Every time Mark took a breath, his mouth was greeted with giant droplets of perspiration. At first, the shrunken man resisted the sweat from the young girl's giant foot, however, the thought that this may be his only available sustenance for the time being became apparent. Mark closed his eyes, opened his mouth and allowed Bailey's foot sweat to enter. The little man swallowed the liquid and after a few minutes became accustomed to the taste. Mark drank his fill, as Bailey continued to talk with Abigail. As the conversation droned on, Mark heard something that piqued his interest. "Are you coming to my slumber party tonight?", Abigail asked. "If my Mom will let me. Who else is coming?", Bailey responded. "Elizabeth, Keri, Jade and Jasmine. I sure hope you'll be there. It will be really fun!", said Abigail. Mark started to feel apprehension at the thought of a slumber party and wondered how he would survive it when his thoughts were interrupted by the squeal of brakes. The tiny man felt the bus come to a stop, signaling that they had arrived at Bailey's school. The young girl's toes slammed into Mark's tiny body as she stood up and shuffled her way to the bus exit. Bailey jumped off the bus, causing her foot to crush her tiny prisoner with unbelievable force. Mark endured unending agony as Bailey walked into the school, talked to Abigail and headed for her classroom. Step after step slammed into Mark's body as the giantess strolled down the hallway. The sonic assault was more than Mark could bear as each booming footfall reverberated through his shrunken form. The sound of countless other kid's footsteps added to the agony, threatening to drive Mark insane. After several minutes, which felt like hours, the motion subsided. Mark felt the pressure from Bailey's foot lessen as he became aware of the young girl sitting down. The tiny prisoner felt Bailey continue to move about as she settled into her seat. The unending sensation was interrupted by the sound of a bell, signaling the beginning of class. The voice of an adult woman reached Mark's ears as she called upon the attention of the class. The motion of Bailey's toes began to lessen as the class began, giving Mark a brief break from the onslaught of foot flesh. The little man felt exhausted as the voice of Bailey's teacher droned on. As the class continued, Mark attempted to relax and regain some strength. He lay quietly, his eyes fixed on the toe that hovered above his face. The tiny man focused on the ridges of the young girl's toe that was barely visible in the darkness of his shoe prison. Drenched in Bailey's perspiration, Mark once again pondered his situation. He had no idea how he had come to this and how he was going to return to his old life. Occasionally, his thoughts were interrupted by an inadvertent movement of Bailey's foot. Following the sudden motion, Mark would return to his thoughts, wondering if it was his fate to exist under the foot of this young girl. An hour had passed with Mark lost in thought, breathing in the smell of Bailey's foot odor, when an abrupt movement of his prison and a sudden rush of light caused him to jerk to attention. The little man's eyes watched as the toes of his captor receded from the shoe. Fresh air rushed in and greeted Mark's nostrils as he watched Bailey's toes rest on the back of her shoe. Awestruck, Mark watched her toes wiggle as she removed her foot completely from the shoe. The tiny man jumped up and ran to the heel area of Bailey's tennis shoe and looked up at the opening. Above him, he saw Bailey's legs and caught brief glimpses of her face as she moved in her seat. For a brief moment, Mark felt that he was looking at a goddess as he gazed at her youthful, yet enormous visage. As the shrunken man stood staring at the giant preteen, Bailey's toes grabbed the shoe and played with it, causing it to tip over on it's side. Mark felt like he was on a capsizing ship as his shoe prison turned over. Through the opening of the shoe, the little man could see the gigantic feet of other students, all moving and shuffling as they sat in their seats. Across from Bailey's seat, Mark could see her friend, Abigail. He gazed up from the shoe's opening and saw the golden locks and innocent face of Bailey's friend. As his eyes traveled downward, he saw the girl's feet. They were tan with pink nail polish. Abigail's toes wiggled from the confines of her sandals. Mark noticed how long her toes were compared to Bailey's, which were somewhat chubby. The little man considered climbing out of Bailey's shoe, but wondered what he would do once he was out? Mark stepped to the edge of the shoe's opening and peered out into classroom. He saw the gigantic form of the teacher at the front of the class. She was a beautiful, young woman in her twenties, with dark brown hair and elegant features. She was wearing a light blue dress with dark blue, open toed high heels and tan hose. The little man marveled at her beauty and did not notice Bailey's foot descend on the shoe he was standing in. The sudden movement of Bailey's shoe caused Mark to lose his balance and tumble out of the shoe and onto the classroom floor. The tiny man lay sprawled on the cold tile floor and looked up to see the amazingly cute face of Bailey as she raised her hand. "Miss Carson, I need help with this assignment.", the young girl said. Several booming footfalls approached the shrunken man as Miss Carson walked to Bailey's desk. The giant teacher's foot landed directly in front of Mark's tiny body. The appearance of Miss Carson's enormous foot caused the little man to gasp in fear. He could see her perfectly pedicured toes through the opening of her shoes. Mark stood mesmerized at the vision in front of him. Miss Carson leaned over and proceeded to assist Bailey with her school work as Mark thought about his decision. Should he stay with Bailey, who he knew, or attempt to contact Miss Carson, an adult? A moment passed when the shrunken man decided to stay with Bailey. As he accepted his decision, he waited for Miss Carson to walk away. A moment later, he watched the giantess teacher walk away and then he started to make his way back to his shoe prison. Mark had taken a few steps when suddenly a shadow appeared overhead. Without warning, an enormous pair of fingers surrounded the little man and scooped him up. Almost instantly, a voice asked," Miss Carson, may I go to the restroom?" From the darkness of this new prison, Mark heard Miss Carson grant permission. The shrunken man felt the movement as whoever had captured him stood and quickly left the classroom. A moment passed as Mark heard his captor enter the restroom and then a stall. The hand he was in opened and Mark's eyes grew wide as he stared into the face of Abigail. Chapter Four: Captured! Abigail's blue eyes grew wide with astonishment at the little man laying in the palm of her hand. "Where did you come from?", she asked. Mark attempted to explain what had happened and that he needed to get back to Bailey, however, because of his diminished size, all Abigail heard was a series of barely audible squeaks. The ten year old responded, "I can't make out what you're saying, but it doesn't matter anyway. I found you and now you belong to me. This will be so cool! I have my own pet man! "I'll have to hide you until I get home cause I don't want anyone else to find you. Now where should I put you?" Mark shuddered as he watched the blond haired, blue eyed preteen think about what to do with him. Abigail was a very pretty girl. She was tall for her age and very thin. She was wearing a white blouse and a flowered mini skirt. A pair of sandals completed her ensemble. Mark noticed that she was not carrying a purse and her clothing had no pockets. The little man had no idea where his new captor would hide him. Suddenly, Abigail's face brightened, revealing her bright white teeth. "I guess there's only one place I can hide you little guy. Hope you don't mind, even though that wouldn't matter." she laughed. With that statement, Abigail raised Mark's tiny body to her lips and engulfed him in a kiss. The shrunken man felt the warmth of her breath wash over him. Mark could smell an overwhelming scent of cinnamon from the gum she was chewing. Her lips encased him for a moment and for a brief second, Mark feared he was going inside her mouth. Just as suddenly, Abigail lowered him past her chin, past her undeveloped breasts and then to her waist. Mark watched as the young girl pulled the waist of her skirt and cotton panties open. Mark felt his tiny body slide from Abigail's hand as the youngster unceremoniously dumped him into the opening. The tiny man heard the giantess giggle as he landed in the crotch of her underwear. He looked up to see Abigail's smiling face. "I'll see you after school, my little pet. Hope you enjoy it in there." With that statement, Mark watched with horror as the waist band snapped shut, and once again he was in darkness. Mark felt Abigail begin walking, causing his tiny form to be jostled around in the confines of his new pantie prison. A few moments later, the little man felt Abigail sit down, obviously having returned to her classroom. As Abigail resumed her school work, Mark carefully explored his surroundings. In the darkness, the shrunken man could make out the vision of Abigail's gargantuan vagina. There was no hair around the outside, indicating to him that this girl had not yet reached puberty. An unmistakable feminine odor surrounded him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. As Mark lay in the crotch of Abigail's panties, he could feel every movement of the preteen. Whenever she spoke, her voice reverberated through his tiny body. As the school day wore on, Mark attempted to lay perfectly still in Abigail's panties, however the movement of the young girl as she participated in class caused Mark's tiny body to shift. At one point, Abigail crossed her legs, forcing the little man into the folds of her labia and causing him to be partially inserted into her vagina. Abigail, sensing this, shifted herself about and caused Mark to fall out onto the cotton crotch of her panties. When Abigail went to lunch, her movement inadvertently caused Mark to fall to the back of her underwear and to become lodged between her butt cheeks. When Abigail sat back down, Mark came face to face with her anus. The little man endured the enormous pressure of Abigail's weight and the sickening stench emanating from her asshole. As Mark became accustomed to his surroundings, he heard a rumbling sound from somewhere deep inside the young girl's body. He sensed what was coming and was proved right when Abigail farted on top of his minuscule body. Mark gasped for precious air as he heard Abigail giggle with the knowledge that she was torturing her little pet. The continuous sensory overload made Mark long for the relative safety of Bailey's tennis shoe and her feet. By the time the school day came to a close, Mark had become firmly lodged between Abigail's butt cheeks and his face was directly pushed against the young girl's asshole. He began to feel like part of the young girl's body as he was continuously exposed to the odor of her nether regions. Mark felt Abigail board the school bus where once again he overheard a conversation between his new captor and Bailey, his old captor. As the bus ride continued, Mark began to realize that in a very short amount of time, Abigail became comfortable with the idea that she had a shrunken man trapped in her ass. At first, whenever he moved, a reaction was provoked. However, now, when he moved, there was little reaction. As the bus ride was nearing it's end, Mark heard Abigail say, "I'll see you at the slumber party tonight, Bailey!". "Okay, Abigail. I'll be there about seven, as long as my mom says it's alright.", Bailey responded. Mark felt the bus stop, and realized that Bailey had gotten off the bus, leaving him alone with Abigail. The bus resumed it's route and ten minutes later stopped. The little man felt Abigail stand up and get off the bus. Mark felt the familiar walking motion as Abigail walked to her house. He heard a door open and Abigail say, "Hi Mom!". The shrunken man heard the voice of Abigail's mother as she greeted her daughter, "Better get your homework finished so you can get ready for the slumber party. What time will the girls be here?". "About seven. I'm headed to my room to get my homework done and get ready for tonight.", Abigail answered. Mark felt Abigail run to her bedroom, drop her book bag and kick off her sandals. He felt her walk a few more steps and then stop. Suddenly, light flooded into his dark prison as Abigail, using two fingers, plucked Mark out of her ass and lifted him out of her panties. "Well, hello there little guy! Did you enjoy yourself today?", she giggled. Hanging in front of Abigail's youthful face, Mark was terrified as the preteen said, "We have a big night coming. You're going to my slumber party. None of the others will know you're there, but I will and that's all that matters. I have to finish my homework so I'm going to let you rest somewhere.". With that statement, Abigail walked toward her bed and saw a pair of her tennis shoes. She lowered the tiny man toward the opening and dropped him in. Mark landed on the insole and rolled toward the toe section. "Get some rest. I'll see you in a little while my tiny pet!", Abigail said. Mark looked up as Abigail walked out of his field of vision. As the little man adjusted to his new surroundings and the odor of Abigail's shoe, he sat down, feeling dejected. He said to himself, "What am I going to do? It looks like I'm nothing more than a plaything for this 10 year old. How will I survive this slumber party?" Mark began to cry as the insignificance of his existence became clear. Chapter Five: Party Preparations Two hours had passed as Mark lay trapped in Abigail's tennis shoe. As the ten year old girl worked on her homework and listened to music, all he could do was endure the overwhelming odor that surrounded him. Mark wondered if he would ever escape from this hell and return to a normal life? The thought of remaining this small and subject to the whims of Abigail frightened him. Mark's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of gigantic footsteps approaching his prison. The shoe he was in began to move, causing his tiny body to roll toward the heel section of the shoe. Mark looked up through the shoe's opening to see Abigail's youthful face smiling at him. The giant girl turned the shoe over, spilling her tiny prisoner into the palm of her hand. "Well little guy, it's time to get ready for the party. I have to go to the store with my mom. Do you want to come?", she asked. The tiny man shook his head and yelled, "No!". Abigail laughed and said, "I can't hear you, but it doesn't matter. You're going anyway my little pet.". The giant girl held up a sock in her other hand and said, "Hope you enjoy the ride!". Mark screamed as the young girl dropped his tiny body into the opening. The tiny man fell into the toe of the sock, landing with a soft thud. Before he could fully regain his senses, Mark saw the terrifying sight of Abigail's toes approaching. They quickly overtook him and before he knew it, his body was engulfed in the ten year old girl's toe flesh. Abigail wiggled her toes, enjoying the feel of her little prisoner. Mark felt himself descend rapidly as Abigail's foot met the floor. The enormous weight of the the youngster squashed the shrunken man's body, causing incredible discomfort. Abigail walked around her bedroom causing Mark to become one with her foot. The tiny man could do nothing but endure the agony of each step. Suddenly, Mark felt his body lift as Abigail inserted her foot and him into her tennis shoe. The tiny man was plunged into total darkness. He could hear his captor tie her shoes and then he felt her stand up. Once again the intense pressure of the girl's weight and the constant movement as she walked overloaded his senses. During the next two hours, as Abigail and her mother shopped for the party, Mark became accustomed to his surroundings. With each step that Abigail took, the little man was pressed into her toes. His body was drenched in her pungent foot sweat. The salty liquid made it's way into Mark's mouth, causing him to gag. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to have any water, Mark reluctantly accepted the young girl's sweat and ceased fighting against it. Step after excruciating step, the shrunken man tried his best to adapt. He listened to the sounds of the outside world that he was no longer a part of. He heard Abigail's voice as she talked with her mother during their shopping excursion. With each passing moment, Mark began to fall further into despair. By the time that his captor had finished shopping, the tiny man had given up all hope of escape. He accepted his fate as Abigail's foot continued to press against his tiny body. As Abigail and her mother drove home from the store, Mark lay quietly lodged in between her toes. During the ride, Abigail would occasionally scrunch her toes, feeling her little pet moving between them. The ten year old smiled to herself, content in the knowledge that he was there and that he belonged to her. Abigail and her mother arrived home and began unloading the party food. Mark continued to endure under the young girl's foot as she walked back and forth from the car to the house. Mark heard Abigail's mother say, "I want you to help me prepare the food for tonight.". "Alright Mommy!", Abigail replied. As Mark moved with each of Abigail's footsteps, he heard the sounds of food being prepared. The tiny man's mind suddenly came to the realization that he had not eaten in almost 24 hours. The only thing that had sustained him thus far was the sweat from two girl's feet. In desperation, as his stomach growled, Mark had an idea that sickened him. He felt Abigail standing still and took that moment to feel in between the young girl's second and third toes. The tiny man felt something soft that was not her skin. He brought his face to it and sniffed. As with everything else in his present world, it smelled like Abigail's feet. Mark closed his eyes and bit off a piece of the substance. The little man retched as the stuff hit his tongue. He chewed on it and forced himself to swallow. Following the first reluctant bite, Mark gave in and began to feast on what was obviously Abigail's toe jam. As the shrunken man ate his fill and washed it down by drinking her foot sweat, He decided that he was tired of fighting against the inevitable. He now belonged to this young girl and he would accept the hand that life had dealt him. He was no longer afraid. He would remain with Abigail for however long she allowed him to live. Mark pressed his lips to Abigail's big toe and lay down under it, letting the smell of what was now his world envelop him. The ten year old smiled to herself as she felt Mark's tiny lips kiss her big toe. Suddenly the doorbell chimed. The first of her party guests had arrived. With no thought to the tiny man that lay under her feet, Abigail ran to the door, crushing Mark with each footfall and sealing his fate. |