Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1726244-The-Shadow-of-Earth-Chapter-1
by Zen
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1726244
After being "trained" his whole life, Zen Aziku, has had it. He plans to end his torture.
          Screams of pain echoed throughout the vast forest. Zen Aziku, holding in more screams, takes the next painful blow, leaning against the nearest tree, for support, his back turned toward his attacker.
          "What’s this? A voice shouted from behind. "If you can’t take those small burns, without screaming, maybe we should start using natural fire, until you get used to it" Zen's father, Cane Aziku, stood tall and strong. Cane lifted his hand, staring at the back of Zen's neck. Having chosen his new target, he focused a small amount of aura into his palm. Controlling his aura he quickly heated it. A blue fire hovered over his palm as he aimed it towards Zen. Released, the fire shot forward landing on Zen.
          "AAHH! Zen grunted as the fire extinguished. His eyes began to sting as the sweat fell from his black hair. He felt stinging pain all over his bloody back. The back of his shirt burnt off.
        Cane's voice shot loud and deep as he spoke "Meet me back at the training arena for your skill test. If I don't think you're strong enough by now, you know what will happen to you." Cane then was engulfed by fire and was gone.
          Zen stared at the spot where his father had vanished. Letting out a scream in anger Zen slashed at the tree he had been leaning on sending out aura and quickly bringing it back. As he expertly controlled it, water circled him and then splashed against his back giving him relief from the constant burning he felt, only to be replaced by stings of pain. Giving a small smirk Zen stood up straighter. He had done it. By tricking Cane into attacking him in the form of punishment it made Zen look weaker than he pretended. With that thought in his head Zen turned to the direction he knew his "prison" was.
          Looking around with his eyes Zen knew he was being watched. He also knew something nobody else knew. The fact they would all be dead in two days.
                   Zen walked farther into the forest and into a cut path that would lead him home. He began to think and review his entire plan over and over again not wanting to miss a single detail. He knew he was stronger than Cane, but what he didn’t know was if he could take on Cane, twelve guards, and the “Warden” practically at the same time.
         Suddenly a rush of anger washed over Zen. He wanted to explode from the inside, wanted to unleash an unstoppable rampage. Zen fell to his knees trying to take control. He shut his eyes and visions of fire burning towns and he saw himself lying on the ground swords, arrows, and more weapons stabbed into his bloody back. Zen screamed, strengthening his aura trying to knock himself out, to stop the thoughts in his head, and then everything was gone. All the thoughts in his head disappeared.
         Zen was still for a moment breathing heard. “This is bad”, he thought. “It’s never been that bad before.” Zen had been struggling with his anger for as long as he could remember but none compared to what just happened. Zen got back up to find a single guard in chain mail, standing in front of him, staring. “What do you want!?” Zen snapped.
         “I was just making sure you’re sane enough to fight.”
         “Like it would matter.”
         “Just get to the arena, before everyone starts losing patients!”
         Minutes later Zen walked through a silver gate. Zen saw four more guards standing at different corners of the square yard. The mansion stood three stories high and two hundred feet in length. It was completely white, except for the door which brown.
         Zen jumped back and hearing the snap of the whip looked up to see his mother, Carla. “Good.” She said. “If I would have hit you your left eye would have gone blind.” She smiled at the amusing thought. Zen stood still. Staring at the person he hated most in the world he lived in.
         “Why don’t I just fight you?” he said. It’s easy to tell that you’re stronger than Cane.”
         Carla laughed aloud. “If it were up to me you would already be dead.” She said. “At least with him you have a chance of staying alive. More than a chance, really. From what I’ve seen you’re also stronger than him.” Zen watched in shock as Carla dropped her whip and jumped forward grabbing his neck. Before he could even react, he couldn’t breathe. “Now that you know there’s no chance of you killing me, listen up!” She threw Zen backwards as he was struggling to get free. “Any thoughts you have on escaping, better be gone and out of your head! “You even try it and I won’t hesitate to kill you with my bare hands!”
         Zen got up rubbing his neck as Carla picked up her whip and disappeared inside the house. “That was a little surprising.” He thought. “But you don’t have to be stronger than someone in order to kill them.” Zen ran to the opposite side of the house, now excited about starting up the second part of his plan. Turning the corner a path was easily seen that would lead him to Cane. When Zen arrived trees surrounded an open clearing where Cane stood with a long two handed sword.
         “It’s about time!” He roared. Lying next to the closest tree Zen saw the two broad swords he’d been using for years. Magically repaired any time they became dull or damaged. Grabbing one Zen quickly slid his foot against the ground sending out flames letting Cane know there was no more waiting.
         Cane slammed his sword to the ground causing a pile of rock to gather five feet high, blocking the flames. Zen jumped leaving a sword behind and swung the sword he did grab through open air. An arc of sharp wind flew through the air slicing threw the wall Cane had created. Cane swung his own sword sending his own arcs flame. Zen blocked each one like he would a regular sword breaking them all in half rendering them all useless. Zen ducked as a spear of ice flew at him. Using his left hand Zen lightly touched the ice as it flew over him sending in his own aura. Cane slammed his feet to the ground releasing aura and opening a whole in the ground where Zen was ducking. Zen sent his own aura into the ground reversing what Cane had meant to do. Zen watched Cane throw up his sword and jump out of the forming whole catching it with both hands and slamming back down to the ground. As soon as Cane hit the ground he was cut twice by Zen’s sword. Cane, being blocked from attacking with his sword, by Zen being to close, released fire from his mouth, only to have it washed away by the water Zen had earlier doused with his aura. Zen placed his palm on Cane’s chest and quickly pulled half his aura to his left hand. Cane swung back with his leg hitting Zen in his side causing him to fly sideways, hitting the ground hard. “It seems you stopped paying attention.” Cane said chuckling. “Now you’ll see depending on magic too much can get you killed!” Cane launched his sword with all his might at the spot Zen was laying. Overrun by confidents Cane didn’t notice the change in Zen’s aura until it was too late. Rolling aside dodging the giant sword Zen jumped up, his eyes now completely blood red. Snapping his fingers electricity exploded all over Cane. Pulling back his arm and dropping his sword he covered his arm in lightning magic and then sent it lose towards the paralyzed Cane.
         Zen slowly realized what happened, as all the events unfolded in his mind. A guard that was standing near by jumped in the way of the lightning, sacrificing his life. Four guards grabbed Zen as he again shoved his anger way. Cane now standing looked into Zen’s blue eyes. “How dare you try to kill me!” He screamed. “You should have controlled yourself Zen! Because now, you are going to pay the ultimate price!” Cane walked over to Zen, grabbing his right arm from the guard. Zen, knowing what was about to happen tried to break free, but was too weak after using a lighting attack that strong. “Feel the ultimate pain! Feel the pain of death!” Cane wrapped his hand around Zen’s wrist releasing aura into a chip in his arm. Instantly Zen’s aura began to melt away from his body. Without the magic that kept him alive, Zen began to fall into darkness, until his breathing stopped. He was dropped to the ground, dead.
         Ten minutes later Zen woke up scared and confused.
© Copyright 2010 Zen (fantasy588 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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