Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1725346-Serpentsempriar
Rated: 13+ · Prose · Dark · #1725346
A man coming alive after watching the world go by and then losing everything
Sitting in a cold dark room

The loneliness start’s to kick in

Deciding to kill the loneliness is hard.

So you get up off the floor and turn on the light

As you do the room start’s to shrink

Until it’s so small you can’t move.

End then rigomortus start’s to kick in

You can’t move, you’re stuck in the same position

Slowly you start to feel the pain.

You realise you can’t feel your leg’s

You look down and realise

They aren’t flesh and bone anymore

But a bright blood red and midnight black marble.

All you can see is your blood pumping through your veins

You scream as it slowly progresses up your body

Inch by inch until its hit your chest

You realise you can’t stop it and give up.

It take’s over your body until the only thing u can move is your eye’s

You try to think about what it could be

And then you remember


The state of natural sleep in stone

You remember reading a passage about it

And try to remember what it say’s.

All you can remember is that it lasts for millennia

With this in mind you decide to sleep.

There is nothing else that you can do

And then you remember

The meaning of Serpentsempriar.

The meaning of a life of solitude.

The body turns to stone but the organs keep working

The state of natural sleep has come.

It will last for millennia

Unless kissed by one who can love u forever.

This is the only way you can be awakened

From the natural state of sleep.

As you sleep the world changes

And you have to stand and watch.

You watch for 100,200 and then 300 years

Until someone who sees your inner beauty arrives.

She gives you the kiss of life and awakening

Once awakened the sadness and solitude of 3 decades leaves you.

As you realise how much you need the girl whose awakened you

In the following years your relationship blooms.

Until one day she breaks it to you

She’s met someone else and is leaving you for him.

Then the loneliness kicks in

The loneliness turns to depression

The depression turns to grief and regret.

Until one day you decide if love has not been found in a month

Then you will end it all.

To be rid of the anger, sadness and depression

The feelings left on your shoulders

This in mind you slowly withdraw from society and life.

Then one day in the not so distant future

While walking down a street in the city centre

You bump into a girl looking up into her eyes.

You see the beauty hidden there inside this girl

This girl you don’t know.

You apologise and start thinking maybe I should ask her out

And see if she can love me for whom and what I am.

So you do and she agrees so you arrange a date

When the day comes you start getting nervous what if this is a mistake

Will you ever get over the pain of another rejection?

But then you think why not throw caution to the winds

So you go and meet her, you have a good time.

You arrange to meet again, then again, then again

You see each other for three months and you feel like you couldn’t be happier

She’s relit the flame in your heart.

Then things start to go wrong as she starts to withdraw from life.

She won’t talk to anyone about it but you

So you sit and she tells you what’s wrong and you listen

She’s been thinking for a while about death

Mainly about one aspect of death.


You sit and discuss it and decide you’ll both go together

In two weeks on Midsummer Eve is when you decide to do it.

So you can be together forever not only in life but also in death.

The next day you go out of town on business

And while you’re out there is an accident outside your apartment.

Hearing that someone has died the girl goes to your apartment to check

When she gets there and no one answers the door she assumes it was you

So she rings the nearest hospital and they confirm her fear.

She leaves and walks home ignoring everything and everyone

When she gets home she decides to keep her promise but to do it sooner than planned.

She goes into the cupboard and gets out a mixture of drugs and blades

She walks into her bedroom and locks the door

Then alone in darkness she starts dropping pills

She drops nearly a hundred pills of different types

And then starts cutting her wrists not across like most

But up the veins for a quicker less painful death

For no matter what happens she’s going to die

What with the drugs in her system and her life pouring out of her

There’s nothing to be done unless found in time.

As it happens no one notices she’s missing for hours

When they do they start looking for her

A friend has a spare key to her house and goes there with some others

They search the whole house after finding her door locked

But having no success they decide to leave

And then one of them notices

There’s blood coming from under her door

So in haste they break it down to find her lying in a pool of blood

Beyond all help this world could offer

They ring for an ambulance and try everything they can think off in the meantime

When the ambulance arrives the paramedics do everything they can

In the end they don’t manage to save her.

Her friends who found her ring you and tell you what’s happened

As it happens you’re on the train three stops from her block so you go straight over.

Her friends tell you what’s happened and apologise for not realising sooner

You listen without registering what their telling you

Thinking about what you should do

You decide to live your life to the fullest possible extent for her

So you go home and get ready to go out

You snort a few lines of coke and drop some pills

And go to the nearest club and start drinking

About half one you decide to leave and go home

Walking home you pass a liqueur store so you go in

You buy whiskey, vodka, bourbon and a whole mix of other spirits

You then continue home downing each bottle as you go

You get half way there and decide to sit down for a while

While sitting down you start singing your song and crying

A girl walks past and asks if you’re ok

You tell her you lost the only reason you had to live

And then abruptly get up and start walking again

You get home and walk up to your apartment ignoring your neighbours

You get into your apartment and start feeling alone in the world

With that sadness runs through you

The room starts to shrink until you can’t move

No not again, you struggle but its no use

You start turning into a statue from the legs up

This time its pure white marble

Your hearts still beating as the rest of your body submits

A living statue till kissed by one who can love you

Serpentsempriar has taken over again as it did once before so long ago

So for millennia your standing watching the world pass by

Until again someone kisses you and awakens you

When you get back all movement you go to the nearest gun shop

There you buy an handgun and wander off to a quiet place

Where you load it and place it on your temple

Then you remember your promise you made

The promise to live for one you loved

And so you live life.

You’ll live until death comes for you or Serpentsempriar takes you

But you will live.
© Copyright 2010 Kristoff K (dark_jesus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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