Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1724970-Proposition
by Becky
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1724970
I woke up no longer married and held captive by someone I know, he gives me a proposition.
         I was married, at least I thought I was. I glanced at my ring finger to check, it was bare. I rubbed the spot. My finger still felt heavy, as if still remembering once what was there.
         I stared at this man that held me captive. At least I thought he was. I wasn't sure of anything right now. But this man was familiar to me. His kind brown eyes burned into mine.
         "I want you." was all he said.
         I pushed him away, "I can't do this. I am a married woman."
         He grabbed my hair gently a leaned his body into mine. Pulling my hair back, he placed his lips to my neck.
         This time I kicked him. This felt wrong. I couldn't understand why I wasn't able to remember if I was married or not. Maybe we were separated? Either way, in my gut this felt totally wrong. I wasn't a cheater, I wouldn't, couldn't do that to my husband.
         I glanced around the room I was in. Standard bedroom size. It held a king size bed in the middle, two end tables on each side, and a dresser opposite the window. The man and I sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down to notice I had an oversized t-shirt on and underwear. Nothing else. I don't recall changing into this, this wasn't my normal bed time attire.
         The man was about six feet. His hair was dark brown, wavy and long. Reminded me of the hair Patrick Dempsey has, only not as nice. His eyes were brown, the color of honey. It became clear to me at that moment why he looked familiar to me. He is my brother's friend.
         "At least think about my proposition." He patted my knee and left the room.
         I pulled my legs up to my chest and slowly rocked myself. If I wasn't being held against my will, then why didn't I just leave, walk out the front door and not come back? A tiny box sat next to me on the bed. I groaned to myself, this box is what all woman dreamed of being pulled out of their boyfriends pockets. I flipped open the lid and gasped. The ring was beautiful! Platinum band with diamonds embedded around the whole band. A carat round diamond centered the ring. Was this his proposition? Marry him or be a slave to him forever?
         I sighed and pushed myself to my feet. I grabbed the handle to the door and turned, it wouldn't budge! Which truly meant that I was being held captive.          
         "JEREMY!" I screamed. I was furious. To think that he would actually hold me against my will!
         I heard him on the other side of the door. He seemed to pace a short distance back and forth. Finally he placed a key inside the lock and jiggled it.
         "Please explain to me what is going on. From the beginning. Where is my husband? What am I doing here?" I tried to be rational. My voice screeched.
         "I think you need more time before I can give you this information." His lips pursed, eyes squinting to me. His arms where crossed across his chest. A tiny trickle of blood fell down his lips. He appeared to have cut himself.
         "Beth, I can't let you out wandering around just yet. I wasn't prepared for your stubbornness, so I need some time to figure a tactic." He kissed the side of my mouth and walked out the door. This time he didn't lock it. Which was strange considering he just said he didn't want me wandering around. Maybe this was a test? Or maybe an oversight on his behalf.
         I waited about five minutes before I ventured out the door. I wasn't sure what to expect on the other side, but I prepared for the worst. And it wasn't. The long hallways on both sides where wide and full of light. To where I stood, there were three doors on my right, and two doors on my left. To my left, it ended with a large picture window, a desk underneath it holding flowers. I didn't peer into the rooms. Until I knew what I was in for, I rather not know.
         To my right, the hallway ended with a staircase leading down. I passed the walls that held paintings of various art. Flowers in vases, woman riding horses, a dog sleeping in a meadow. The art appeared very old, and probably very expensive.
         I wasn't sure what to do. There was not much out here for me to explore, other than the hallway and the stairs. Against my better judgement, I headed down the stairs, they spiraled down to a small platform. The area was quite large. Open to a beautiful setting. Straight ahead appeared to be the living room. It was sunken from the rest of the house. Very formal, as they were only 2 couches facing each other with a oak coffee table in the middle. Contemporary and elegant. The room had french doors leading out to a nursery of flowers, plants and other greenery.          
         I didn't get much of a chance to explore the rest of the area when I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump and scream. I nearly fell back when an arm wrapped around my waist.
         "I figured you would be out exploring the house. Beth, darling, we can't have you out and running around just yet. There are to many things that you could get into, and if you don't understand what is going on, I just as well keep you locked in the room."
         His arms around me felt secure and right. I felt drawn to his voice, hypnotized by the sound. During each breath he took, I breathed in his scent. The taste was overwhelming. Salty and warm. My heart thudded in my chest, his did not. At least I didn't hear it. Or feel it as I leaned against his hard chest.
         With one scoop, Jeremy picked me up and carried me back to my room."It's not time yet." He said as he placed me on my bed.
         "Not time yet for what?" I asked as I laid on the pillows. Sleep seemed to be overtaking my body. If he responded, I didn't hear.
         I dreamt that night of my husband. Ethan and I were walking hand in hand down the alley between the theater and a nightclub. We gazed lovingly into each others eyes, not a care in the world.          
         Up ahead we saw an old friend of mine. Well, he was my brother's friend. I haven't seen him in years. He smiled at us, teeth glistening in the moonlight. He approached us cautiously. Smiled and said hello. We said hello back and talked for a few moments. What happened next happened to fast.
         This friend quickly wrapped his hands around my husband's neck, and with a quick turn, snapped it before my eyes. My husband's body crumpled to the ground and Jeremy looked at me. His eyes burned red with rage, he licked his lips and smiled. I saw him bend over Ethan's body with his lips to Ethan's neck, my friend opened his mouth, sharp teeth exposed.....
         I woke before this nightmare continued. I shuddered and pulled the covers clear to my neck. Where was Ethan? Why am I here? I cried softly to myself and slept.
         I woke the next morning, weak with hunger. My throat was dry and parched, my lips cracked. I felt Jeremy's eyes surveying me.
         "Good morning my love." He slowly raised himself off the bed and carried to me a flower. He placed it next to my pillow and kissed my forehead.
         My stomach revolted to his touch. Him calling me his love repulsed me. I wanted my Ethan back. Where ever he was.
         "Where is my husband?" I asked, icily.
         "We will ge to that when that time comes. In the mean time, everything will make sense to you in a few days. Let the dreams become more clear to you." He smiled innocently.
         The dreams? A sudden feeling made my heart stop. If he said the dreams would make sense to me, then that would mean that Ethan is dead. My body shook, I began to cry. Realization sinking in to my stomach. He, that monster at the foot of my bed, killed my husband. And for what reason? For me? To make me his slave? I spat in Jeremy's face.          
         His calm demeanor made me nervous. I figured I would at least make him angry. But he was calm, collect. I glared at him for a few moments, then rendered myself useless to provocation. A strange aura enveloped over me. My emotions flipped from anger to calmness. Jeremy's appearance no longer detested me. His eyes melted into my soul. I began to feel love for him. I closed my eyes at that moment. I was asleep within minutes, and dreamt.
         I didn't watch whatever it was Jeremy was doing to Ethan. I fell to the ground and buried my head into my legs. I couldn't believe I just watched the love of my life get killed. Even worse was the fact that my friend was the one that killed him.
         I heard a sucking sound, then it was quiet. I peered at Ethan's lifeless body through my legs. His face turned awkwardly in my direction. His eyes were wide, his mouth a gap and wide. This was not how I wanted to picture my husband's last days.
         Jeremy sauntered over to where I sat and outstretched his hand to mine. I didn't want it. I cupped my heads under my legs and held them there with all my strength. Jeremy crouched down to face me. I lunged at him with my hands out, wanting to strangle him with all I had. But he pushed me down, sighed heavily and grabbed my head. I thought for sure he was gonna kill me too, instead he thrust my head back on the pavement. My eyes rolled back in my head. The pain came later.
         I woke up and sat straight up in bed. I glanced at the clock to notice it was only two in the afternoon. The days are beginning to blend, I am not sure what the date is anymore. I have gone in and out of consciousness for Lord knows how many days. My head feels foggy as I wipe the sweat from my forehead.
         Jeremy isn't in my room this time. I wondered where he was. My emotions towards him change from love, to pure hatred. Swirling around me like the wind.
         I crept out of the door and planned what my intentions being out. Do I wander, exploring the house? Or do I figure a way out and escape? As much as option two enlightens me, I can't escape yet as I need to know what I am escaping from.
         Ever so quietly I headed to my left to the window, I wanted to see my surroundings. From the window, a large forest sweeping further than my eyes could see, laid about fifty feet from the edge of the house. I scanned my neck around but couldn't see much past the forest.
         I opened one of the doors to find a closet. Nothing strange hidden. Just jackets hanging and looking closely, a little door behind the clothes. A secret passage way? It didn't look like this house was that old, but then again, I haven't seen the outside of the house to tell me otherwise.
I closed the closet door and ventured to the other door. Inside was a bedroom, same set up as the one that I claimed as mine.
         Down the hall I skipped the rest of the rooms, and walked down the spiral staircase. I heard a noise below me and held my breath, hoping that I could outrun whatever it was.
         I heard soft, muffled voices. I strained to listen but only caught bits and pieces of what was being said.          
         "I don't care, I don't want her here." A female's voice.
         "It's to bad, Angela. My love for her trumps your egotistical, jealous self." He sneered at the woman.
         "Well, I don't seem to understand why you had to bring her here. I could have been enough for you, Jeremy." Her voice purred.
         I quietly stepped down a couple other stairs to hear better when I fell. Thankfully I caught myself, my heart thudded in my chest. Please God don't let them have heard me. I closed my eyes only for a fraction of a second and when I opened them, the woman Angela was inches from my face. Her eyes full of hate. She sneered at me and grabbed my neck with her hand. She was pretty strong, as she was lifting me off the stairs. I wrapped my hands on her hand to try and pull her off, but she was to strong.
         I was gasping for air. I was getting lightheaded. Jeremy raised to my side. With one swift motion, he knocked me out of Angela's arms and caught me as I fainted.
Chapter Two :
         Jeremy had his arms wrapped around me when I woke, he was gently stroking my hair. I pushed him away from me, and cursed aloud when I noticed that I had cuffs around my wrist, linking to my bed. I groaned, so much for exploring.
         "I didn't want to stoop to this measure, Beth. But you have left me no choice with your curiosity. I can't stress to you enough how important it is for you to stay put. Nothing is clear to you yet, I can't have you up and walking around." Jeremy's voice was intoxicating. My head began to hurt with the back and forth emotions.
         "Can you please at least tell me where I am at? Give me some clue as to my whereabouts." I pulled on the chains, the cuffs dug into my skin.
         "That isn't important. Not yet anyways." Jeremy turned his face to mine. His eyes were striking. I once again felt hypnotized. He brushed his lips to mine. I wasn't ready to be seduced by his charm just yet so I placed a hand to his chest and motioned to stop. He backed away and looked into my eyes.
         "Please tell me something." I urged.
         "Not yet my dear, it will all make sense in time." And with that he placed a tray of food down in front of me and walked out of the room.
         I carefully lifted the lid to the tray of food, half expecting a creature to jump out at me. I was surprised to see roast beef and potatoes, plus bread and some water. I hungrily scarfed the food down, hurting my throat in the process. I wasn't sure how long I will go in between eating, so I ate every scrap on the tray.
         Within a few minutes, the door clicked open and in strolled Angela. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. She grabbed the tray from me, looked me up and down and laughed.
         "For what it is he sees in you, I will never know!" Angela was right. I don't know what it is that Jeremy finds appealing. From the way it sounded, Angela would have been a better choice for him. She was a sight. She wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but she was beautiful. She was maybe five foot ten. Long brown hair, hazel eyes. Her lips were full and plump, her breasts plenty big. Her fingers tipped with blood red nail polish.
         I heard Jeremy clear his throat behind her. Her face flushed and quickly she apologized to me and ran out the door. Jeremy leaned against the door frame and smiled at me.
         "She will never know, as I never plan to tell her. It keeps things interesting between the two of us. What do I find attractive about you, Beth? I have loved you since the day I met you. I knew you belonged to me when I first laid eyes on you. I don't mean that in a creepy, stalker way. I mean that in a soul mate kind of way. I need you to think long and hard about my proposition. I need you to do that before we can do anything else. Marry me, Beth. Love me for the rest of eternity." He threw the ring box at me again, it landed next to me. I picked it up and held it in my hands.
         "What's the proposition?" I asked.
         "Marry me. I can't tell you the rest until you decide to do so." He smiled at me, flashing a perfect smile.
         "And what if I don't?" I challenged.
         "My love, we know the answer to that already."
         I took a deep breath, knowing very well what the answer to that was. My husband was what happened if I didn't agree to his proposition. Or maybe I won't be victim to his brutal killings.
         I sighed and picked up the box. Memories flowed through me of Ethan at that moment. My heart grew heavy. I didn't want to marry this man, but I had to if I wanted to keep my life. I asked Jeremy to leave, I needed some time to think. I sat in the chair and stared out the window for a long time. The afternoon sky was dark and bleak. It was raining, pounding hard against the roof. Thunder clapped in the sky with a loud boom. A depressing day for a depressing mood.
         I got up and laid again on the bed, waiting for sleep to take over. I didn't want to think about Jeremy's proposition anymore. I cried, aching for my husband. I clutched my chest until it hurt. I sobbed some more, until I was so exhausted from that.          
         Eventually sleep took over, and the last thing I wanted to do was dream, but the dreams had to come if anything was going to make any sense.
         In my dream I woke in a bed. The lights above me were bright and hurt my eyes. It felt like ice running through my veins. I lifted my hand, several iv's were running through. They must have had me on strong pain pills, for I felt nothing. I was certain I would wake from a splitting headache.  I heard a beep beep sound figuring I must be also hooked up to an ekg machine to measure my heart rate.
         I didn't know where I was, I panicked and looked around the room. It didn't look like a hospital, I wasn't in a traditional hospital bed. No nurses came in to check on me every few minutes, no intercoms going off overhead paging doctors and staff. The only person who appeared in the room was him.
         He sat in the chair in the corner of the room. His hands clasped together patiently. His one leg rested on the other. Jeremy smiled at me when I woke, as if on queue a woman walked in the room. She carried some food for me and checked my stats. Briefly she made eye contact with Jeremy, but didn't say a word.
         As she walked out, Jeremy got up and placed his hand around mine. He stroked my hair, combing it out of my face. I winced at the back of my head were he touched.
         "Where-am-I?" I croaked.
         "Shhh, everything is going to be fine." He whispered to me.
         I turned my head to face him. Afraid that he would kill me like he did to Ethan.
         "I won't hurt you." He patted my hand, and sat at the edge of the bed. "Atleast, not yet." His voice was smooth, charismatic.
         "What do you mean by 'not yet'?" I shivered to the thought of him snapping my neck like a twig.
         The dream kind of faded at this point. I still haven't figured out what this proposition is that he keeps persuading me to choose.
         I got out of bed and stretched. I needed out of this, this prison. I felt like I was a damsel in distress, waiting for my price to come. Shattering reality that no price will be riding on a white horse to my rescue. No prince will be crossing a moat and fighting off guards to this crypt. My price was gone, part of me was too.
         I tried the door to realize it was open. Slowly I opened the door, it creaked and groaned really loud. I cursed myself and whipped open the door quickly.
The woman Jeremy was talking to earlier was sprawled out onto the floor, sound asleep. I crept past the door, and wondered where I should go. I thought of the closet and the door in the back. That might be a good place to start.
         I opened the closet door and stepped inside. I closed the door softly and stood in the darkness. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the door knob and turned it. It was open. I wasn't sure what to expect. I peered in the door and took in my surroundings. The only thing I saw was stone walls and a stairs. The stairs only headed in one direction, reluctantly I followed. I got about ten steps in when I heard a sound behind me.
         Angela stood behind me. Eyes full of rage and fire. She jumped towards me, knocking me to the ground. My knees hit the pavement with a thud, pain radiated throughout my body. I gasped. Before I had a chance to react, she was yanking me by the hair, dragging me out of the secret passageway. I kicked at her with all my might and sent her sailing back. She landed on her butt and jumped to her feet faster than I thought imaginable. I took off running. I didn't get very far before she belted me in the face, knocking me against the wall. My head flew back and connected. Pain shot through my head, I touched the back and felt the wetness of blood.
         I heard another sound ahead of me. Just them Jeremy was rushing to my side. He placed  his hand up to warn the woman to stop. His finger pointed in warning. She backed off and retreated out the door I came.
         "WHAT are you doing in here?" His voice angry. He held the back of my head with his hand, covering the gash of my wound.
         "Nothing." I replied hasty. I didn't want him to think I was out snooping, but then again, here I stood in a forbidden room of the house.
         "Out!" was the only reply I got from him.          
         He walked me back to my room and angelatold the woman to fetch some antibiotics for my head. It didn't need stitching, and even if it did, I doubt I would have been going to a hospital to stitch it up.
         "So, how are the dreams coming along?" He asked me as he was cleaning my wounds.
         I winced at the pain, wanting nothing more than to crawl into my bed and sleep. "Fine. I'm assuming this will all make sense to me in time?" I asked sarcastically.
         "Of course. Angela isn't usually this...possessive over me. She doesn't like to share. I am sure she will come around, but in the mean time, try not to make her angry. She has no problems fighting you, and believe me, you won't win." Jeremy warned me.
         "Jeremy, you have to instill a little trust in me. I can't be kept locked up like some prisoner." I tried to reason with him.          
         "Hmph, like you can be trusted." Angela walked in the room huffing. She brought some more medicine to Jeremy and took a seat at the chair.
         "You don't give me much choice to snoop if you hold me prisoner." I spat at Angela.
         "Now ladies, this is not the time to test each other. Angela, Beth needs more time. Beth, you need to figure out what is going on first, before we can trust you to be loose in the quarters." I felt like I was being scolded.
         I wanted to know what was beyond the walls of the room I was confined in, and the only way that was going to happen is if I agreed to this proposition Jeremy keeps asking me about. I looked over at him as he was finishing up bandaging my head.
         This guy I have known since I was a teenager. Him and my brother have been friends for years. I hung out with him on occasion, going to movies or to a club. I liked him, just not in the way he liked me. After awhile, I quit visiting. Eventually he didn't exist except in past memories. My brother and him still stayed in touch, and until the day Ethan and I saw him, I forgotten all about him.
         And here he was, tending to me like he cared. Treating my wounds delicately as if he were afraid to hurt me. His eyebrows knit together, worry lines creased across his forehead. He was contemplating something, whatever it was, he didn't say. He handed Angela the dishrag and wrappers from the bandages and grabbed my hands. He shooed her out the door for some private time between us.
         "What?" I tried to take my hands away, but felt hypnotized to his touch. I turned my head to face his and stared into his eyes. He stared back, not moving. I leaned in, just slightly, and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath, smelling his scent again.
         His mouth touched mine. Softly, tenderly. My eyes stayed closed. My heart was racing. I snapped out of my trance and pushed Jeremy away.
         "I can't." was my only reply.
         A low rapping sound interrupted Jeremy's further seduction. Angela walked in carrying a tray of food for me. At least I assumed it was for me. I glanced at it hungrily. My stomach began to growl. She set it down next to me and stomped out of the room.
         Jeremy left me alone at that moment. I am glad he didn't glance my way as he left the room. I felt guilty for what I was doing. It, to me, felt like I was playing head games with him. If it wasn't for the hypnotizing trance he seems to put me in, I would be repulsed by him anytime he looked at me.
         I stiffled back a yawn, and glanced at my food. Spaghetti and a dinner salad, dressings on the side, and a glass of milk. I took in the deep Italian aroma and scarfed some forkfulls into my mouth. Within a few minutes, I was starting to feel drowsy. Not from being tired, but from being drugged. My head was clouded, I brought my hand up in front of me, as slowly moved it from side to side. I felt woozy, lightheaded. They definitely drugged me.

Chapter Three :
         I had another dream. I am pretty positive it will probably be the last of the dreams that I have. They are becoming more clear to me at this point. I am beginning to understand what this proposition is that Jeremy is trying to shove down my throat.          
         This time in my dream, I was no longer hooked up to the iv's and machines. I was feeling better, although the pain of losing Ethan was still there. I was able to wander around the place I was in. Jeremy informed me the rooms that were off limits to me, and my curiosity never once stirred me in those rooms.          
         I spent hours at a time in the green house. Watering the plants and flowers, reading books, planting more flowers. It was welcoming and serene. I liked it in the green house. It was one place I felt like I didn't need to think.
         Every so often Jeremy would poke his head in. We didn't have conversations though. He decided to give me space.
         I didn't find out about his proposition until one night I need Jeremy to replace some florescent lighting in the green house. I called his name over and over again. He either didn't hear me, or he was not home. I peeked my head in from room to room, saying his name loudly. No response. I stopped in front of one of the doors. This was Jeremy's room, I believe, and one that was forbidden to enter.
         I knocked on the door several times, I could hear someone inside the room. Low murmuring and what sounded like scuffle. My heart was beating fast, and I debated entering the room, but if some thing was happening that shouldn't be, I could help.
         I flew the door open to see a woman sprawled on Jeremy's bed. She was tied up from all limbs. I glanced at her face to see no expression, her eyes were wide and glossy. Her mouth hung open. Jeremy was on top of her, his mouth to her neck. He whipped his head to face me, his mouth dripping with blood. His eyes were wild and hungry. And to this moment, I realized what exactly he was. Either he liked to drink blood, and his incisor teeth were pointed at the ends, or he was a vampire. The undead.
         I freaked out. I turned to run, flashing in my mind what to do to escape a vampire. I didn't like scary movies, so I had no idea.
         Jeremy lunged for me, grabbed my left arm and swung me around. I stood facing him. I closed my eyes, preparing for him to kill me as well. Only he didn't. He instead brought me up to a room, cuffed me to the bed, and left me there.
         The last part of my dream, Jeremy entered the room, sat next to me and talked. The only thing he said to me was that I could marry him and become one of him, or die.
I woke up with a start. Sweaty and definitely aware now what I need to do. I don't plan on becoming the undead, nor do I plan on being dead, so I was going to run. At any moment, I needed to get out! My life right now meant more to me than trying to figure out where I was at. I will have to figure it out as I go. Damn I wished I had more clothes, I was still running around in a long t-shirt and underwear. Maybe I can convince Jeremy for some clothes.
         I heard a rap on the door and Jeremy's voice on the other end asking permission to come in. One thing I found odd about him was the fact that he lived in this place, yet he was polite to ask if he could come in the quarters in which I was held. As if it were my own.
         I decided to fight fire with fire. I am sure I still had the ability to flirt and persuade. There was only one way I was going to get out alive. Silently I said my I love you's to Ethan and purred for Jeremy to come in.
         "How did you sleep?" He cocked his head to the side. Confused at my desirability towards him. He stared at me a moment and nodded slowly. It hit him at that point that everything makes sense to me.
         "Oh, Jeremy. Thank you so much for giving me the time to finally see the light. I feel refreshed and slightly ashamed for the way I was treating you all this time." I huskily replied to him. I walked over and gently placed my hand on his chest, stroking it up and down. I batted my eyelashes and smiled slightly. God this was making me feel ridiculous.
         "Okay. Glad you slept well." He was being to cautious. I am laying it on too thick.
         I backed off a little bit and sat on the bed. I patted the spot next to me and motioned for Jeremy to sit. I grabbed his hands into mine and brought them to my face and took a breath. Wow, he smelt really nice. I was getting distracted.
         "Jeremy dear, do you think it is okay for me to shower yet? Lord knows how long I have been sitting in this room without a shower and I feel so dirty." I said the last word erotically, hoping that I can get Jeremy to cooperate a little bit. He was either oblivious to what I was saying, or he didn't seem to care, as he agreed. He brought me to the lower level of the house, and instructed for Angela to sit outside the door on guard. I tried to formulate a plan in my head for my escape but nothing was coming to me.
         I walked in the bathroom and soaked in my surroundings. The room wasn't that big, it had a tub and shower combo, a toilet and a sink. There was no window for me to sneak out of, no chance for me to escape. With a sinking feeling I undressed and stood in the shower letting the water pelt my skin. After at least twenty minutes Angela burst her head in the room.
         "Are you almost done in there?" She snarled at me.
         I replied I was and shut the water off. She was kind enough to leave out some towels for me, so I grabbed a towel and dried my skin. I threw my hair in a towel and wrapped myself. I opened the door to see Angela facing me. She grabbed my upper arm and lead me up the stairs, back to my room. While she lead me I glanced around the house I was in to visualize more of my escape. I noted in my head the location of the doors and the windows, and approximate distance for each.
         Angela unlocked my door and practically shoved me in the room. There were some clothes left out for me. Undergarments that appeared to belong to me, and a shirt and pants. To me, this was enough. I delved further into my plan to escape as I threw the clothes on. Angela grumbled something to me about my dinner and left the room, forgetting to lock the door behind her.
         Without another thought to my plan, I whipped the door open and ran for the stairs, I heard Angela climbing so I turned and ran to the closet with the entrance leading to the place of the unknown. I gathered courage and darted into the hidden door. I ran through the darkened stone halls without another thought to my head. Up ahead the air felt cooler and crisper.
         I felt like I was running forever. The stone passageway twisted and turned this way and that, with no hope of ever ending. I felt the skin prickle on the back of my neck, sensing danger was getting nearer. My heart was racing a mile a minute, thudding so hard I thought it would explode. I heard sounds behind me getting nearer, I prayed there would be an entrance soon, as if my prayers were answered, I finally spotted a few stairs leading up to a door. I grabbed the knob, silently prayed, and turned the knob. It opened!

Chapter Four :
         I stepped out into the darkness. The wind howled and blew. I shivered and glanced up at the moon. I chuckled to myself, it was a full moon. I didn't really know which direction to run, the forest was straight ahead and seemed like a good place to start. I took off like a bullet and ran. I had no idea where the house was, throwing my head from side to side trying to find it.
         My fear of the dark from when I was a child came to me. I shuddered and hoped to brave the outdoors. I figured the wolves in the forest where better off than the immortals in the house. A wail in the moonlight gave me goosebumps, I was afraid but I knew this was what I had to do.
         I entered the forest, running from tree to tree. This is where the shoes would have been nice. I was stepping on twigs and rocks, cutting up my feet pretty bad. I kept running, ducking my head to avoid branches that were at my face, pushing past the brush and scratching my arms in the process. The pain almost prevented me from running further, but I knew what the outcome meant I was no longer held prisoner in a place that I didn't belong.
         I heard a sound behind me, twigs snapping from something large. How I wished it were an animal. I kept running anyways. I saw a flash on my right blur past me. I slowed only for a moment, and that moment, that precise moment, was the mistake that cost me my freedom. I felt a hard thud in my chest as I flew back. My arms flailed in the air and I landed with a sickening thud. My head bounced off a rock and all went black.
My eyes fluttered open and it was still dark. I was no longer in the forest as I was hoping I would be. My head was throbbing from whatever it hit. I lifted my hands to my head, they stopped short. I sighed heavily as I saw my hands were cuffed to the bed. A lump formed in my throat, tears welled up in my eyes. I felt defeated.
         I saw a shadow stand in the corner of the room where the chair sat. The shadowed figure came closer to me. A blast of light filled the room and Angela's face was inches from mine.
         "You are lucky it was me that found you in the forest. If it were Jeremy, I trust that there would be severe consequences further than you can imagine." Her breath was hot on my face. I turned my head to the side and she grabbed it with her long fingers. Her nails buried in my skin.
         "I don't remember much." I told her confused. I braced myself for a beating or something, but she only spoke.
         "It's simple, you tried to escape. I heard you enter the secret passage and I casually went after you. I could have reached you before you even got out but I thrive off a good chase. I saw you enter the forest and I followed. You didn't get very far before I stopped you. The hard wall you hit, was me. I dragged you back home by your hair, very Neanderthalish."
         So my plan to escape has been altered. Angela mentioned that Jeremy was out of town for a few days, feeding as she put it. That gave me more opportunity to try again. Of course the handcuffs would be a problem. If only I can get her to remove them. Maybe when I ate she would take them off, unless she planned to feed me like a child. I stole one glance at her and figured she would be the type to do it. Angela patted my head as if I were a pet and sauntered out of the room.
         I didn't know what to do and it was aggravating me. I couldn't be held prisoner much longer. I am sure I was reported missing by family and friends, and everyone in the state was out looking for me. Then again I had no idea where I was at, to even be sure that it was possible. I wiggled my hands in the cuffs, trying to squeeze my left wrist through the hole. I was hoping Angela wouldn't be smart enough to clamp them closed all the way. I wiggled a little longer, smiling to myself as I realized my wrist had enough breathing room to pull free. I got the hand out when Angela pushed the door open. She carried in a tray of food. I held my breath hoping she wouldn't notice my free hand as she placed the food in front of me. She uncuffed my right hand to give me some area of freedom so I could eat. So far she hasn't noticed I had my other hand free.          
         "Oh, I forgot your milk. Be a good girl and sit." She patted my head and ran out of the room.
         I slid under the bed and held my breath hoping Angela's hearing wasn't as intense as Jeremy's was.
         I heard her come in the room, mutter under her breath as she saw my empty bed and ran out the door. So far my plan was working. I listened carefully to her open the closet door and close it behind her. I waited before I pulled myself out from under the bed. If my plan worked, she would follow the secret passage all the way to wherever it lead, giving me perfect opportunity to sneak out another way.
         I counted to ten half a dozen times and hoped  that it wasn't enough time for her to realize that I wasn't in the passage way and turning around and be standing outside my door. Counting to ten one last time for added measures, I got out from under the bed. I quietly pulled the door open and bolted towards the stair well. I would head out the front door and hope this would be my escape route. I didn't hear Angela in the house, so far my plan worked. I was proud of myself for my quick thinking and smiled a little arrogantly. I still haven't made it out of the house, so I didn't want to jinx myself and pursed my lips closed.
         I made it down the stairs, noting the outside door and rushed to it. There was a door to the right of the exit, I was hoping it was a closet and had some shoes. I grabbed a pair of Jeremy's tennis shoes, I couldn't be to picky at the moment. I needed something to protect my feet this time.
         The door creaked a little as I turned the knob. From all the years I have snuck out of the house as a kid, I learned you grab the handle and open real hard, the slower you open the door, the more of a creaking sound it is going to make.
         I stepped outside. It was a bit breezy outside, but otherwise a beautiful night. I didn't have time to take in my surroundings, I looked for the driveway and began my journey down it. I hid in the ditch, further into the weeds, it took a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, and once it did, I was able to see with the help of the moon shining above me.
         I listened for running, rustling, swearing, breathing, anything that would tip off Angela. Either she was not near, or she was quiet as a mouse. I was getting nervous not knowing where she was at. If I knew, then I would be able to dodge her a little better. I made it down the driveway and contemplated my next course of action. The road continued to the right, but nothing to the left but woods. I sighed and continued to the right. Maybe there would be cars out and I could flag someone down and have them take me to the nearest town.
         I half ran, half walked for what felt like miles. I would stop every once in awhile and listen for Angela again. I didn't hear anything but the crickets chirping and the frogs croaking. I continued on. The darkness enveloped me and made me shiver. There were no outdoor lights anywhere around me, making me scared once again of the dark and whatever lurked in the shadows. Again I told myself that I would welcome a wolf or a bear, rather than Angela. At least with a wolf or a bear, they could end my life quickly and I didn't have to be held captive any longer.
         Finally I saw headlights up ahead, I ran out in the road and stood in the middle of the road, waving my arms trying to flag the driver down. The car either didn't see me or had no intentions of stopping for someone in the middle of the road in the middle of the night.
         "Come back!" I screamed at the car. They kept on driving. I fought back tears as I kicked the road in the direction they were traveling. What are the odds another car will be on this same road. I screamed in the air, and quickly clamped my hand over my mouth. That was not very smart, I have no idea where Angela is. Maybe she is back at the house. I could only hope!
I walked some more, I was beginning to loose hope that another car would come along the deserted road. It began to fog as I was walking. The mist rolled through sending shivers up my spine. It was beginning to be the setting of a horror film. As long as no wolves howled at this moment, I can handle the fog.
         I kept walking. I quickened my pace when I would feel my hairs stand on all ends, I could have sworn I was being followed. I glanced over my shoulder and scanned the area around me. My legs were shaking, but I knew I had to continue on.
         Finally a car was approaching from behind me. I decided I could brave the chances of running into Angela or Jeremy, so I stayed on the road. The car slowed down as they got near. I peered into the drivers side window, praying the whole time it was a random person out on the road this time of night.
         "Miss, are you alright?" A man of sixty looked at me, deep with concern.
         "Yes, I seem to be lost." Which wasn't entirely a lie. He offered to bring me to his place for the night, and in the morning he could bring me to the nearest town. I was so happy with his kindness, I agreed.
         I climbed in the passenger seat and learned that the man's name was Ken. He was out in the middle of the night after visiting his wife in the nursing home several hours away. I felt sad for the man, his true love was hours away from him and he drove every other day to visit her for hours and drove home so late at night.
         We drove for about half an hour before he turned down a drive. The drive way was old and bumpy and surrounded by trees on both sides. When we pulled up to the house, it looked old and rundown. Ken was a farmer, and raised cattle. The smell of cows lingered when I stepped out of the car. I shut the door and followed Ken into the beaten down house.
         He switched on the lights to a small kitchen with little cupboards and a tiny fridge and stove. He set his belongings down on the table and motioned for me towards another part of the house. It was not a big house, maybe held two rooms, a living room, and a bathroom. There were stairs that led up, to another part of the house, and stairs that led down to the basement. He pointed me to the bathroom and told me I could shower and he would gather me some clean clothes.
         His daughter was thirty five. She has moved away from home, but still had her personal belongings in one of the rooms. She was my height and build Ken was telling me, so I should have no problem fitting into her clothes.
         Ken brought me a glass of water and told me to go shower. I took a quick shower and toweled out my hair. I glanced in the mirror, shocked at my own reflection. I had dark circles under my eyes, and looked like I haven't slept in months. I walked out of the bathroom and heard Ken on the phone, I tried not to eavesdrop, but what he was doing on the phone at this hour was a bit strange.
         "Ya, found her on side of the road. She is in the shower now. Uh huh. Okay. Bye." I wasn't sure who he was talking to, but it made me very nervous.
         "Thank you Ken for the shower. It was mighty nice of you to allow me to stay for the night. I promise to be no trouble at all."
         Ken smiled at me and patted my hand, "You are welcome, dear." His smile was uncomforting. I got chills once again. I may not be very smart but I did learn long ago to trust my instincts, and my instincts where telling me to get far away as possible.
         "What is wrong?" Ken's eyes burned into mine. I was feeling a bit queasy and a wave of nausea rolled over me. I placed my hand to my head and sat down at the table. I wasn't sure what was happening. Then it dawned on me, the water! He must have drugged me or something. But why? I was feeling lightheaded and my eyes began to flutter. The last thing I remember, before passing out, was seeing Jeremy standing in the doorway.

**more to come**
© Copyright 2010 Becky (beckyjcox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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