Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1724967-Queen-of-the-Sea-2
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1724967
my nanowrimo
Had absolutely nothing to do. I have no idea where to go. I’ve always had something to do, always somewhere to be. Now, I’m just on the beach. Alone on Far Tide beach. For once, I have a break. Time to be kid. Not anything more. Not having to amount to anything, just this once.
I couldn’t believe it. Even when I was younger, even when I was just a few years old, I’ve always had something to do. Weather it was getting food, money, or anything, it was something to do. Never before had I had free time. It’s amazing to have no one count on you, to be yourself for a few hours.
Hours. Nothing to do for hours? A few minutes is killing, but hours? I wanted to scream. Time wasting. The things I could be doing, wasted by sleeping.
I stomped back to my hidden cave. It was small, I couldn’t stand up straight up, but it went about ten feet back. It was just, by a few feet, out of reach of high tide. I kept all my important stuff in the very back of the cave, just in case the tide was able to reach the cave, only stuff like my extra clothes, food, and water would be swept out to sea. I keep a little food stored in the back, and a little water, just in case I lose everything. I highly doubt that, but it could happen.
I sit down on my small sleeping bed. I stared out at the sea. I watched as the dolphins jumped, how the whales breached to breathe. A lot of people never get to sea this, and I feel sorry for them. I would hate to never get to see the sea. It gives me a reason to live. My mother’s gone. Even if she promised to come back, I knew she wasn’t. She was never coming back.
I wipe a tear off my cheek when I think that my mother is dead. I look at the small watch my father gave me before he left for the army. He never came back. My mom never told be he was dead. All she said was, “Your father’s gone. We have to go.” In those seven words, I felt all feelings for my father start to die. I felt my faith in him start to fade, felt is his love in me disappear completely. He was gone. I would never see him again. Only as I got older, I realized my mother ran because we couldn’t pay my father’s funeral.
If I didn’t stop thinking about this, I would start really crying. I few tears is bad enough. I’m Naomi. I don’t cry. I’m supposed to be strong. So why do I feel so weak. Why do I feel if as everything is slipping from my hands?
I hear screaming. Screams for help. I jump up and run towards to screams. Two men are pulling a small boy from the water. The boy is bleeding bad. His arm is pretty much gone. Shark attack.
“Move,” I hear myself say.
I push my way through the crowd of people. I look around for something to tie off his arm to stop the bleeding. Someone hands me a belt. I tie it off right under his shoulder. People are still crying and screaming for help. I can’t help but notice the teeth marks. A bull shark. A big one, too.
“Keep him awake,” I shout above the screaming. “Is anyone else in the water?”
Next to be a teenager kneels beside me. His talking to the boy. He’s listening to me. Everyone is still screaming for help. If no one’s called for help by now, everyone must be deaf. I nudge the teenager when he’s promising the smaller boy that he’s going to live. He looks at me. He understands. This boy may not live. He’s still bleeding bad. He has marks all over his body from being repeatedly bitten by the shark. I felt sorry for this boy. Finally, I hear the sound of relief. An ambience.
I stand up, me and my clothes stained with blood. I let the experts take the boy away. I kept him alive for a while but now his fate’s in the doctors hands. I didn’t mean this when I asked for something to do. The teenager stands next to me, I look at him. Blond curly hair, pale blue eyes. He’s not really tall. He looks at me. I meet his eyes for one second. It’s enough. I smile at him. He nods and walks up with the boy’s family. I watched him walk away with a crying girl and woman. He picks up the small girl, her hair just like his. I feel sorry for his family, for everyone here. No one swims here. This is the first time there has every been a shark attack. Unless it’s on sharking boats, but those people are asking for. If you mess with the king of the sea, his kingdom comes back to haunt you. The ocean is his. Every living thing in the sea belongs to the sharks. You don’t want to get attacked, don’t go in the water. Enter the king’s kingdom, he’ll kick you out sooner than you can yell ouch.
I wash my hands in the all ready blood stained water and head home. I’ll go see the boy tomorrow, or his family. I want to tell them I’m sorry. I want to talk to him if he’s alive and awake. I think it’s fair. When I slip on the rocks, all I feel is a moment of pain. Then nothing. Darkness.
“Are you okay? Can you hear me?” A boy’s voice breaks the darkness, the silence.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I hear myself answer. I didn’t know I was able to talk.
I pull my self up. I look down. I pool of blood, right where my head was. I put my hand to an ache in my head. I pull my hand away and it’s covered in my blood. I look at the boy. It was the boy who was at the beach this morning.
© Copyright 2010 Magic Kitty (magickitty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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