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by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1724774
Saving the city from Mt. Phoenix
Panic and fear flooded the city, civilians fled for their lives as the lava poured down the side of the mountain towards them.    From the crowd, a random civilian discovers an object hovering above them, and shouts as they pointed in the air.
         Above the city, Bishop floated, gathering his strength and power to conjure a strong enough wind to stall the flow of lava. He glances to his left, and then to his right as he lifted his hands toward the sky. Bishop’s eyes turn demonic with a green envious shade, as he lifted his hands toward the heavens. Concentrating with all his might, Bishop conjures numerous cyclones that landed all around the edges of the city. The massive tornados filled with Bishop’s powers dug into the earth. Forming in between the city and the lava stream, the cyclones created a trench to be a slight defensive against the lava flow. Priest, gathering his own strength stood upon a roof top glaring with a powerful sapphire aura that streamed from his body. From all across the city, the water from every factory and fountain soared into the air. Observing the powerful forces of the Shoguns, the civilians watched ecstatically with their jaws hung open.  Kane watching nearby from the rooftop of his factory, still remained disoriented about Priest’s words. Deep in thought, he recollects upon his past and the conclusion Priest said about him. Grimly as he hung his head down, he says.
“I’m nothing like him.”
         He lifts his head, Kane’s eyes glaring with intense fire.
“And I will never be him. I will decide my own destiny.”
         Above, the water hovering over is disperses into a massive wall of water. Standing in place on the rim of the city, the water instantly turns into ice to shield the city for a few more moments to evacuate. Bishop lands by Priest upon the rooftop nearly drained from using the immense power to defend the city.
“I’m exhausted.”
         Bishop said knelt down.
“Bishop, you’re not the only one.”
         Priest glances down at the civilians fleeing still out of the city, but more at ease and settle.
“I don’t think we have enough time.”
The lava flows over into the deep trench Bishop created for the first line of defense, but quickly the lava filled it to the trench; pouring out across into a fire line of magma. The light from the trench gleamed into the open sky, as ash fell to the ground. The trench worked for the moment and obtained perishes time for the civilians.
“Shit!! You are right look.”
         They glance out over the trench, observing as the deep crack in the earth fill. Following, another earthquake shook the ground around them.
“You have got to be kidding me!!”
The massive quake tumbled buildings and ripped open the ground beneath the civilians. Cries and shrieks fluttered through the air as many fell in between the plates of the earth into the pits of magma below. Priest and Bishop were stunned to see the gruesome tragedy before them.
“Dear God…”
         Priest said. Strikingly, a secondary quake struck; targeting the outer brink of the city. Plates of earth clog the trench by sections, causing the magma to flood the open ports of the trench and spread to the ice wall.
“Damn it we can’t catch a break for nothing!!”
         In the distances, Bishop and Priest spots Kane walking toward the wall of ice.
“What is he doing?”
         Flames begin to spark from his body, burning his shirt piece by piece. Kane’s hair burst into flames, as well as his eyes. His muscles begin to bulge and his skin fades into a coal black with red markings spreading across his body.  Kane appearance took a new form, a demonic presence that made Priest and Bishop question his abilities as he marched toward the wall.  Surrounded by pure fire, Kane melts a gateway through the ice wall and marches on toward the flow magma that waiting ahead. Roxana in the distance saw as Kane trudging to the wall boldly with no fear. She calls out to him.
         Fear grew as Kane vanished beyond the wall in Roxana’s eyes.
         The quake of the volcano exploding once again knocked her to her knees. Tears dwell, as the fear of losing Kane struck her dearly.
“Don’t Kane…”
         Outside, Kane stared down the wave of lava and brimstone flowing his way. Lifting his hands and concentrating his power, Kane exerted a crimson red aura as his power emerged from within. Kane erupts with power, casting his energy out upon the wave of lava before him. In one fatal sweep, he halts the first wave of magma from melting the wall completely. As it stood, more and more built behind the first wave, placing more pressure upon Kane physically. Bogging down, Kane gradually fell to a knee. Embracing his strength, the image of his cold hearted father flashed before. The hatred and resent that he had for his father fueled his rage greatly that he gained more power than before. Enclosing his hand, the wave that stretched for miles converted inward toward the center of the stream. Then with immense strength, Kane confines the lava flow into a massive sphere with the stream of magma from the volcano surging into it. From above, Priest and Bishop appeared over the great sphere of fire. From the palm of their hands, they cast a mighty wind that instantly froze the sphere into a solid stone boulder. With sheer strength, Kane crashes the boulder into the earth, throwing it into the plate of earth that clinched the trench. Collapsing, the strike opens a deeper trench that fell into the depths of the earth. The remaining flow of magma ceased before reach the city, and fell back into the wave that was beneath the mountain. Now the city was safe for the time being. Allanah watching from a nearby rooftop, smile in joy of seeing the accomplishment of the three.
“…Great job”
         Kane’s burst mode fades; returning to his normal form, but completely drained from the experience. Priest catches him before he fell.
“Woah my friend… You did great.”
         Priest glances back at Bishop, standing with his arms folded and a slight slouch in his posture. He nods with a smile.
“He did alright.”
         Priest chuckles.

         Days following, Kane awakened within a white room, resting in bed with his wounds bandaged. Slowly he rises to find Priest and the others sitting around the room in silence. Bishop leaning against the wall with his head held down and his arms crossed. Priest rested in a chair in the same posture, as well as Allanah lying against the chair Priest sat in. Kane glances to his side to see Roxana resting her head on the edge of the bed next to him. The sight of Roxana by his side placed a joyful smile on his face.
“…It’s about time.”
         Kane glances over at Priest glaring up at him.
“You have been asleep for nearly two days now.”
         Kane chuckles a bit.
         For a moment, Kane begins to wonder to himself.
“You know, you were right about me. I was living in my father’s shadow. His pain tormented me for years and it became all I knew. But now, you all helped me see that I have my own life to live.”
         Priest tilts his head in curiosity and asks.
“Are you saying that you will join us?”
         Kane nods. A smile creeps upon Bishop’s and Allanah’s face pretending to be asleep.
“It is about time you said yes. You are very stubborn.”
         Bishop implied. Kane then grimly held a look of content on his face. Allanah notices the shady glare on his face, and asks.
“What’s wrong?”
         Kane pauses before answering her.
“…Creating that steel for the Shadow Kingdom wasn’t the only devious thing I did.”
         All three held a puzzling glare upon their faces.
“What did you do?”
         Kane replies.
“I just sent off thousands of parts to the Steel kingdom for a weapon they are going to use in battle.”
         Astonished by the news, everyone gasps.
“It is some kind of machine that was designed by an engineer from the Striking Kingdom.”
“…The Striking Kingdom?”
         Allanah said in a confused way.
“But the Striking kingdom has no ties with Shadow nation.”
         Kane nods.
“This is why it was under wraps, but I had to reveal this to you.”
         Priest begins to think, recapping the encounter with Aoin and his troops moving out. He then realizes a grave situation.
“They are planning on use whatever they are building for them against the Heaven Kingdom.”
         Bishop quickly catches on.
“Aoin and his troops were preparing to leave their port when we passed through.”
         Kane speaks out.
“I must correct another mistakes.”
         Everyone turns and glares at Allanah thinking silently. She then glances up at them and implies.
“We leave for the Steel kingdom immediately.”
         Kane places his hand on Roxana’s head lying next to his lap.
“I guess you are going to have to wait until I return…”
         Emotions filled his heart and revealed in his eyes as he stared down at her.

         Breaking away from the shores, the Heaven army departed upon their journey to the Shadow nation; traveling east toward the northern shores of the Pyro and Tsunami kingdom. Carrier ships of all size sailed out into the ocean blue for the invasion. Aoin stood out upon the front ship leading the massive army of Heaven nation soldiers. Quietly he stared out into the ocean a far, wondering through his mind about encountering his brother after so many years. The pain and anger had finally suppressed within, allowing him to focus on a single tactic for facing his brother. Unaware of another presence, Taya appears by his side to accompany him.
“…Are you alright?”
         Aoin tilts his head towards her and replies.
“I’m just thinking.”
         Taya assumes the obvious of what was troubling Aoin.
“You are worried about seeing him again.”
         Aoin glances over towards her with a look of content in his eye.
“…So you know about what happened?”
“The Queen informed me about the ordeal.”
         She leans her head upon Aoin’s shoulder and places her hand upon his chest.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about losing your mother. “
         Sorrowed took over the moment, but the warmth of her care and love comfort Aoin.
“And I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed me.”
         Aoin closes his eyes as a gentle breeze swept across the deck.
“It’s alright. All we can do is move forward and continue to live.”
         Taya takes a tighter grasp upon him. Concerned, Taya became silent; knowing that Aoin was still filled with hate and anger.
© Copyright 2010 Abel (abel319 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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