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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Dark · #1724586
It tells of what more is to come. No the character will not be known...yet
Your Words

Words that cut,
They cut me deep,
My heart no longer there,
Because you carved it out.
You stomped on it,
Leaving your footprint there,
And your blood soaked footsteps,
Walk out of my life forever!
Fuck you,
You will never hold me like you did,
Your words will never cut me again!

Chapter 1:

Thinking back he told Miccaleaha, the girl he was dating, who he really was and what he had done the things in his life that he did. And with just a few words she shattered his very being, “Nobody wants someone like that, and I refuse to be here!” And with that he sat there feeling his life explode around him and his heart feel empty and cold. He then jolted up numbly and left her at the five star restaurant with the check, all without looking at the smug look on that prissy ass bitch’s face.
With memories starting to flood back and trying to keep them at bay failingly he walked around town looking for some place to dump these torments that refuse to bay. He even crossed over to the bad side of town surrounded by gang members and halted near them. They started harassing him by calling him every degrading name they could, it even came to threats of death when they noticed he was either stupid or just didn’t care. He looked at them with a blank stare that said, “I don’t give a shit do what you will!!”
They laughed and taunted as he took the abuse. Every blow that would knock him to the ground he picked himself up determinedly let everything fall through him, not touching even one inch of himself like nothing hurt him. He was bleeding profusely they would continue beating him while he picked himself up looking for more. With each blow each lewd curse he was begging for forgiveness in his heart and head. “This will make it better I will finally be forgiven but I have to go through this first”, he thought.
For what seemed likes hours they beat him just about broke him throwing him all around and then some. Nothing was spared. He stood the final time, taking his final stand. They all surrounded him laughing and taunting him thinking that they finally won, breaking his spirit, his mind, and his body. He looked up at the unforgiving night and begged God to forgive him for what he has done, and for what he was about to do.
They all crowded around him like a pack or ravenous wild dogs circling a meal and to him that is all he saw of them animals and it was time to exterminate them. Snapping and growling they came closer closing the circle no gaps allowed. They looked on at him like he was prey, he had nothing left to lose other than this petty life. He shrugged and decided to give back the beating he had been getting unleashing folds among folds of hidden wrath and anger on them.
As they corner him they start bringing out all sorts of nasty weapons from knives, chains, and homemade shanks and whips. He has prepared for destruction… One already has his eyes on him and he knows he is the first blood spilt in death. The rest are just there for the fun and for the blood to prove they are all just as equally tough. Continuing to shred his person verbally while approaching slowly only inches from closing in, they stopped. He knew this would be bad, there would be no escape and he had no choice but to fight back. If he lost and they won he would be dead!
Asking God for permission to do what needed to be done was a stretch for him and knowing that this would either condemn him or kill him. Normally he wouldn’t come here purposely nor would he have the balls to take on this many people at once. He figured it was about time to man up and fight.
Without warning they attacked from all sides, that’s when things seemed to slow down. The man he was eyeing got to him first with a large wrench and prepared to swing on him. Not knowing how to fight he was scared shitless, but all he did was swallow that fear and release the animalistic side of him. When he did it was all over for them. A growl slipped between the most evil looking grin. “GAME OVER!”
As the wrench swung in to bash his brains he snapped into action and timed seem to stand still. The wrench buried hilt first into the attacker’s eye killing him instantaneously now his brains and blood gushed and oozed onto the filthy pavement of the dim ally way. The others attacked at once and he beat and bludgeoned them all until they were all bleeding, dead or dying. The smell of the copper in the blood brought him back and he was surprised, breathing deep and fast, that he was the last one standing.
As he stood there looking at the mass of blood and gore that he handed out he noticed that many if not all of the “victims” throats were torn completely out. Others had necks broken setting askew on the shoulders than once held them together and upright. All were wearing the weapons they were suppose to use on little ole’ him. Blood and carnage stained the ally and ran like a biblical river of blood into the now bare and vacant street. He was covered in brains and guts, the taste of blood overwhelming him as he let out a very blood thirsty and anguished wail, echoing in his head and to the whole world.
Walking to all the soulless bodies he went through pockets and wallets removing anything and everything he wanted. At the end he had three packs of full flavor cigarettes, a lighter that hasn’t busted, and nine hundred dollars. Now that was a true spoil of war. He calmly lit a cigarette and walks slowly home, going home the same way he came in crushing and kicking the fallen purposely. Chain smokers have nothing on him as he walks home making it to his apartment in one piece.
He unlocks his door covered in gore and completely relaxed, but still in as diminished mood as he left the restaurant in. He had gone through a whole pack of smokes before he made it all three miles home, and his determination was to do whatever the fuck he wanted to do even if it was completely illegal. It didn’t matter anyways he only had a few days left. His mind made up, there was no going back now. Everything he has ever wanted to do he will, before he dies all his deep seeded whims will have been met.
Before going to bed he notices the beginnings of many bruises and he knows he will be sore but hell he was still alive… for now. He was asleep before his head hit the pillows, dreams not daring to enter as his animal purrs internally as he sleeps.
He really doesn’t remember waking up so finding himself on this faceless road seems part of a dream, his thoughts turn to the answers he has been seeking his whole life. The mist-like clouds discard his thought as he walks through them on a road to somewhere, but to where he has yet to know. There were plants and trees of different colors and sizes almost in a rainbow affect. Everything was still and quiet like something was wrong, very wrong. The clouds hung above him in a pea soup not allowing any light to penetrate them shrouding him in darkness. Not knowing what to think he walks only to find that the road ends in a cliff that separates him from reality and everyone else. “No one cares, no one will stop me”, he thinks. He turns and walks back the way he came, his head down in defeat. Belittling his choices and beating himself up, he gets angry his hate moving him. He turns and runs back to the cliff not stopping. His heart pounding as he no longer feels the ground beneath him and he falls… All in slow motion and the clouds thick, but unforgiving as they allow him to fall. Flipping around and around he comes face first seeing now the ground beneath him the wind spanking his face as he feels his heart stop awaiting the collision he screams waiting for it to hurt… gasping for air he wakes up in a pool of sweat sitting straight up in his bed. He leans his head back onto the wall and groans to himself, slowly opening his eyes.
He moves from the bed and walks to the bathroom just up the hall. While waiting on the hot water for the shower he strips and looks in the mirror, deciding to brush his teeth. While he was preparing to spit he looks at himself, really looking at himself then the idea comes, “if no one cares then why don’t I just jump?” He laughs with his toothbrush hanging out his mouth, and shakes his head, “that will show them, show them all that they could have helped me. Fuck them, fuck them all!” He showers and shaves now knowing what he is suppose to do and the way to do it he starts planning, not allowing any doubts to enter his mind. For once in his life he is going to see something through and nothing is going to stop him.

© Copyright 2010 Bramus Chi (bramuschi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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