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Rated: E · Short Story · Friendship · #1724451
A couple's life changed one night when they opened the door of their car for an old man.
It was a rainy evening when my girlfriend and I went out on a date. We went to the movies, did a little shopping (Of course, I paid for her new clothes), and ate at a local diner. It was one of those typical dates where couples enjoyed the company of each other. Kisses were shared, hands were held, smiles were shown, and more of those happy moments. The simplicity of the time we spent together was perfect for both us, and we never expected that that date change our lives forever.

The rain was pouring against my car windows. I was concentrating on the road as the rain softly poured. The rain did not bother me at all. As a matter of fact, it was actually a peaceful sight.

“The road looks luminous, don’t you think?” My girlfriend commented.

“It sure does. I liked the way it glows.” I said.

“Me too.” She replied. She gave me one of her smiles that can surely light up the whole city. I grinned back and held her with my free hand. Lights bounced off the wet road, making the road glow. The song on the radio made us sigh gleefully as we head home.

A few moments passed by and the song changed into one of Michael Jackson’s hits. My girlfriend squealed as the song Beat It played. It was one of her favorite songs. She started to sing with Michael and her voice blended perfectly with his. I wouldn’t have doubted that though. She has a voice so rich only a handful of people in a generation acquire it. It’s something about her that made me fall in love with her more than anything else. When the song ended, she pouted and looked at me.

“I’m going to buy his album as soon as it’s out on stores.” She said. I laughed at her and squeezed her hand.

“We will as soon as it comes out.” I said as I looked at her.

“That sounds like you’ll be the one buying the album.” She said as she raised her eyebrow.

“If you don’t mind. It’s also in the boyfriend handbook that we shall make our girlfriends as happy as they can be.”

“That’s totally unnecessary. And besides, I have my own savings here, you know. You won’t even let me pay for our dates.”

“That’s also in the handbook.” I grinned sheepishly at her.

“Oh really? Does your handbook say that boyfriends must also be late on dates?” she said pointedly.

“Come on, that’s not fair. I told you my dog was very stubborn today and he ended up jumping on me with-“

“Relax, I’m kidding.” She laughed.

I feigned an annoyed look and returned my gaze to the road again. We were silent again as I stopped on a stop sign. The rain was turning into a drizzle, making my window less blurry.

“I also want become a singer someday.” She told me.

“What’s holding you back?” I asked.

“There’s too much work. I don’t think auditions could fit into my schedule.”

“Look,” I held her hand “, you have an amazing voice, and I’m sure it has to be discovered. It may not be the time for you to shine now, but you will soon enough. Ok?”
She looked at me with eyes filled with appreciation. “Thank you.” She smiles and gives me a kiss.

I smiled at that and was about to accelerate when she suddenly gasped. I looked at her immediately with concern. I saw her looking out the window.

“That poor man’s wet and it’s very cold outside. I wonder if he’s okay.” She pointed at the man outside.

I looked to where she was pointing at and saw an old man wearing a hat, shades (which were totally unnecessary considering that it was already night time), scarf, khaki-colored sweater with a black jacket on top, dark jeans and white shining shoes. He was indeed wet.

“I’ll be back. Stay here.” I told her. “And lock the doors.”
I got out of the car and walked towards the man. He was shivering and I was moved to pity.

“Good evening, sir. What are you doing out here?” I asked.

”Well, I was waiting for a taxi and I suppose they don’t take this road during this time at night.” He said in a soft voice. “I have to be somewhere, actually. My family might get worried if I don’t get there soon.”

“How about I give you a ride, sir? I would be glad to take you to where you have to be.” I offered. He thought for a moment before answering me.

“You are such a kind young man. Thank you.” He said with a hint of unstrained voice and smiled with sparkling white teeth.

“Uhh, sure.” I replied uneasily. The teeth and the voice sort of made me skeptical. I shrugged the thought away and helped the man into the car.

I reached the door, which was already unlocked. I helped the man inside and went to the driver’s seat after. As I stepped inside, I heard my girlfriend talking to the man.

“… so you live there for now? It’s a really nice hotel.” She commented.

“Oh, yes dear. I had myself checked in. I’m waiting for my family, actually. I haven’t seen them for so long. I’ve been tou -" he abruptly stops. "I mean - I've been traveling, you know. Business trips. Oh yes, oh yes.” He stuttered.

“Really? That’s interesting.” I said. “What hotel, sir?”

He told me the name and I made a U-turn to the hotel. Good thing I know where it was. The man really needs to be warmed up.

There was an awkward silence after that. I was about to say something when Thriller suddenly played on the radio. And again, my girlfriend squealed. She started to sing along quietly, but the man heard her.

“You like the song, young lady?” The man smiled.

“Ohh yes, sir. Michael Jackson’s a legend. I’ve been to three of his concerts.” She said proudly.

“And I guess your boyfriend here had no other choice but to tag along?” He asked with a hint of a smile.

“You got that right, sir.” I said. Upon earning an annoyed glance from the girl beside me, I quickly added. “He’s a real legend, sir, no doubt about that.”

“Well then, you, my dear, have put him to shame with your voice.” He said with a grin.

“Oh thank you sir, but, I seriously doubt that.” She said with a blush.

“Believe me, dear, you have.” He grinned.

She smiled (the ever so wonderful smile of hers) at him sincerely and blushed again.

“You should be a singer, my dear.” He suggested enthusiastically.

“I agree, sir. She has an amazing voice.” I added.

“You’ll have a wonderful career. What’s your name?” he asked.

She told him her name and, I think, he wrote it down on his white hanky. I was looking out the driveway again. Before she could ask why, he quickly told her, “I’d like to remember you my dear. An old man like me forgets the most wonderful things.”

“That’s so sweet of you, thank you, sir.” She said sincerely.
Another silence, but this time, we were all comfortable with it. I heard a little gasp at the back. My girl heard it, too. She looked back and saw the man shivering. Quickly, she took a shopping bag from the floor of her seat and tore open the jacket she bought me. I didn’t mind that at all, seeing that the man needed it more than I do. After removing the price tag, she turned back and handed the jacket over.

“Sir, you’re freezing. Please take this jacket so you won’t have to be in those wet clothes.”

“Oh no, dear, no. I’m quite fine. It’s just a little cold in here, that’s all.” He said, embarrassed.

“Please, sir, we insist. After all, we don’t your family to see you sick.” She handed the jacket again.

“Yeah, sir. I don’t mind.” I added.

The man looked at both of us through his shades and said in a very soft voice, “Thank you my dears. You have shown me kindness more than any other people have. God bless your hearts.”

He reluctantly took the jacket, took his wet clothes off (she looked away, of course), and placed it inside the bag my girl gave.

The trip wasn’t that long, but the man chatted with the both of us for a bit more. He told us about the good people he met whenever he traveled, the accommodations people offered him, but most of all, the love and hospitality he received from people. He sounded really sincere and grateful for all of those things.

“And the both of you are the kindest and most caring people I’ve ever met.” He said.
We can’t help but smile at him. We did say some things, too, about our college life, our courses, and all the other stuff. I also told him about our last concert trip, which was also MJ’s (My ears were never the same because of the screaming). He told us he was quite fond of MJ, too.

All too soon, our chat ended when I dropped the old man off at the reception of the hotel.

“You dears have a lovely evening. With your kindness, you can both heal the world.” He smiled again and waved goodbye.

As we drove home, I still can’t figure out why I’m so skeptical about that old man. He was quite gentle and nice, although, the clothes, the voice and the smile had the word weird written all over it.

I can see on my girl’s face that she’s thinking about something, too. I squeezed her hand, removing her from her reverie. She smiled at me with her gorgeous smile, and we held hands the whole time with a light feeling in our hearts.

* * *

A few days after our eventful date, we were hanging out in her house, watching the television. We were actually waiting for Michael Jackson’s appearance on Oprah. We sat on the couch, my arms around her, as we waited for the start of the show.

After a few minutes, the show started. Oprah said a few words and then introduced her guest. We were both excited to see him walk out. However, we weren’t prepared with what he wore, and it really shocked us.

Michael Jackson walked into the studio wearing a hat, shades, scarf and khaki-colored sweater with the jacket that looked the same as the one we gave the old man, dark jeans and white shining shoes, looking exactly like the clothes the old man was wearing that night. He hugged Oprah and sat on the chair, waving at the audience. My girlfriend and I were shocked, and I mean the kind of shock that had our mouths open wide, eyes as big as saucers. I looked at her and I saw her covering her mouth.

“Oh. My. God.” She mouthed every word.

We glanced at the T.V. again, and heard Oprah say, “I’m so glad to have you’re here, Michael, but I do have to ask you this.”

“Go ahead.” Michael responded.

“Why are you wearing those particular clothes? I mean I was expecting to see you on your shiny and suave suit.” Oprah said.

“Well, let’s just say that I’m sending out a greeting to certain fans of mine.” He turned to us, well on T.V. of course, and smiled with his shiny white teeth exposed.

Suddenly, the phone rings and she answered the call. I was too shocked to move. I watched how Michael responded to Oprah, like they’re old friends. And I really can’t believe that I had Michael – freaking – Jackson on my car, disguised as an old man. I realized that Michael sometimes disguised himself so he won’t be noticed, but he always wore the same pair of white shiny shoes. I couldn’t believe it. It was a dead giveaway. Damn.

My girlfriend suddenly ran outside and it took me some moments to follow her out. I saw her near the mailbox, holding a package. I went to her side and looked at the brand new Michael Jackson Album with a note that said:

I think you might like this new album of mine. Thank you again for your kindness.

He even signed the CD. He freaking signed it. I stared at her with complete surprise. I have never expected this, and I think nor did she. Then I suddenly remembered the phone call so I asked her who called.

“It was Michael’s producer. He wants to meet me. Michael told him that I was a good singer. I have an appointment with Michael Jackson’s producer. I can’t believe this.”

She took the words right out of my mouth.
© Copyright 2010 T.G.I. Friday's (consbarcebal at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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