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Please read and review (its short-ish.) Please look at my other stuff! |
001 I lay on the still un-made mattress, looking at the boring white ceiling. I sat up, and brought my legs to my chest, before playing with my feet. I stretched, and stood up and felt my feet sinking into the beige carpet we got put into the apartment when we moved in. I saw my reflection in the full-length mirror, attached to the wall next to the white wardrobe we had in the corner. In the dim glow of the moonlight, streaming through the wispy white curtains, I could faintly see myself standing in the room, wearing Nate’s grey shirt, and my silk pyjama shorts. I heard a noise outside the door, and the jangle of keys. “I’m home, beautiful,” His voice drifted through the dim apartment. I heard him switch the lights on, and I walked out of the bedroom to greet him. When he saw me, he brought his fingers to his mouth, and let out a quiet wolf whistle, and grinned at me. His dark brown hair was a mess, surprise surprise, and he wore a blue singlet, and his skin-tight shiny gold pants, with chains hanging from his right thigh. “Good concert?” I asked him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He laughed “Yeah.” Sigh, that’s the one thing having your boyfriend as a rock star; late hours and then them never being able to sleep, after being rocking out half the night. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me in, resting his head on the top of mine. Oh yeah, and him being freaking tall never helps either. Not when you’re a midget like me. I removed my arms from his waist, and wrapped them around his neck. “Babe?” He asked, looking down at me. “Yeah?” I returned, looking up into his dark-chocolate-brown eyes. “You know that what I want to do to you right now is something your mother would never approve of?” He slyly smiled, raising his left eyebrow. I giggled, and bit my bottom lip. “Oh?” I giggled some more. He slowly walked towards me, making me walk backwards, until I bumped into the wall. He raised his eyebrows up and down twice. I put my hand on my forehead, rubbed my eye and sighed, before returning my hand to reunite with my left hand. I rested my head on the wall, and Nate leant in, kissing me. We stayed like that for the next five minutes, before he pulled away slightly. “I love you, Beth” I brought our lips together once again, and he tightened his grip on me. I felt my right foot going up the wall, my leg bent as it could go no further, as my thigh was in the way. I wrapped my leg around his waist, before doing the same with the other leg. Nate’s hands ran down my torso, until he was supporting me, and I was sitting on his strong hands. He walked across the room, until we were standing- well, he was- next to the couch. He sat down sideways, and laid back onto the couch, with me sitting upright, on him. I leant down, so my torso was on top of his, and looked into his eyes. He smiled, his eyes shining brightly, even in the dim glow. I put my elbows either side of his smug head, and kissed him gently on his lips, my hair tumbling down from the back of my head, enclosing us in our own little world. Nate ran his hands up and down the sides of my stomach slowly, comforting me. I re-arranged myself, and ended up shoving my neck into Nate’s face, flattening his nose against my oesophagus, it hurt, so I quickly pulled back, and giggled some more. He raised his head, and started kissing the side of my neck, before slowly making his way up to my jaw, forcing me down with hands, that were resting on my shoulder blades. I turned my head, and he reached my lips. 002 I woke up in the bedroom, with my head resting on Nate’s broad shoulders. He was still asleep, snoring slightly with his mouth hanging open. I looked down at his chest. He was shirtless. I let out a little laugh of enjoyment, and let my fingers run up and down his muscular chest. On his left thumb, he still wore the ring I bought him after we became a couple, after being roomies in college (and we were dating back then, but that’s a WHOLE new story), and he had made me a pretty anklet, after all, he was brought up in a poor family, living on a farm in the middle of Australia (well, not exactly, but it was. Kinda) which, doesn’t give you much of an income. I heard my phone buzz, and went to see who the text was from. ‘Beth, darling! The shoot has been moved forward to today, 12pm. Love you darl! Rob’ I looked at the time. 10am. Plenty of time. I walked back into the bedroom. Nate was slowly waking up. “Morning babe” He yawned, shoving the sheets to the end of the bed with his feet, exposing his hairy legs. I climbed onto the bed next to him. “You have a bra on?” He asked me, looking directly at my bust. I nodded. I knew were this was going. “Take your shirt off then” He said, doing his famous eyebrow wiggle. “No.” “Fine, I’ll do it then” A mischievous grin came to his face. I scream-laughed, running off the bed, with Nate hot on my heels, I ran through the apartment. Well, as best as I could, before he finally caught me from behind, wrapping his hands around my stomach, gently kissing my neck. Luring me in. Gosh, I hate Nate; he knows I love it when he kisses my neck. He turned me around, and I looked at him, preparing for a full on make out session. He grinned slyly. Something that told me he had the same thing in mind. He pulled me in, and the make out session began. Back in the bedroom, I laid on top of Nate, resting my head on his cheek. He rolled me off, and rolled onto his side to face me. He placed his hand on my stomach, and reached his fingers to my side, and gently stroked my bare stomach with his fingers. “Nate,” I began, and he began kissing my neck, gently. “I don’t want words, I want you” He whispered into my neck. I slid down the bed, until my face slightly lower than his. I placed my left hand on his nipple, and played with it. It hardened. I let out a suppressed giggle. He moved closer to me, and our skin was touching, apart from where we remained enough dignity to keep underwear on. I was surprised I wasn't cold, but then I realised I was being warmed by Nate's body warmth. I looked up at him, wrapping my leg around his, intertwining our fingers, and playing with the ring Nate wears with pride. He gave me a soft smile, and kissed me gently on my lips. I pulled away, but he wouldn’t let me, so we just lay there on the still un-made bed, kissing, wrapped around each other. I looked at the alarm clock -11am- “Nate,” I began, before looking at him. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing peacefully. I shook him awake. “Ughhh,” he moaned, stretching “What?” He asked sleepily. “I have a shoot in an hour.” He sat up, and went to put a shirt and some jeans on. I followed him, and put a singlet and some trackies on. He fumbled with the keys, but finally managed to lock the door to our apartment. I slid my hand into his, and we swung our hands as we walked to the elevator. Nate pressed the down button, and the doors pinged open. We stepped in, and Nate wrapped his arms around me. The elevator went down a floor, before we were joined by an old couple, who were also going to the ground floor. Nate leaned in to kiss me, and I kissed him back. I love him so much. I could feel the old couple smiling at us, and as Nate pulled away, the old lady started talking to us. “You young two look very happy together,” she smiled, and her husband wrapped his arms around her. “We hope you find eternal happiness in each other like I did with Beatrice,” The man smiled. “Oh, Johnny…” Beatrice blushed, and Nate cuddled me close to him, kissing my hair. The elevator reached the ground floor, and we offered for the Johnny and Beatrice to go out before us. They thanked us, and Nate took my hand as we walked out. “Right, let’s get this piece of crap moving!” Nate announced as he landed in the driver’s seat. He put the keys in the ignition, and reversed the car out of the parking bay. “Oh, Nate! I just remembered! My parents and grandparents are coming over tonight for dinner…” I said, looking at him. He let out a moan and rested his head on the steering wheel, whilst the car was still moving. “NATE! EYES TO THE ROAD!” I yelled at him, and he slowly raised his head. He hit the brakes, and waited for the traffic light to turn green. The car behind us was honking. Nate swivelled around to look at who was beeping at him. He smiled, and raised his middle finger, before making his hand into a phone, and pointing to his wrist, and held out 3 fingers. He nodded, before turning back around to face the front. The light was still red, so he turned to look at me. “What?” he raised an eyebrow. “Who was that?” I questioned, folding my arms. “Josh.” “Who?” “My mate” I nodded, “It’s green.” Nate pressed his foot down on the pedal, and the car flew forward. “Right, where am I going?” Nate looked at me, eyebrow raised. I sighed, and told him the directions. “Bethany darling, what have you done with your hair? It looks fab!” Rob exclaimed when he saw me. I looked in the mirror to my right. “I woke up?” I felt and heard Nate come to my side. “Who’s this?” Rob asked, his eyebrow rose. “This is Nate.” “Your boyfriend? Hmm, darl, you have such good taste!” I smiled, and looked at Nate. I beckoned him to me, and whispered “He’s gay” into Nate’s ear. “Oh” Nate nodded, before straightening up his back. “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” Rob asked Nate, looking questioning at Nate. "If you have a good taste in music," Nate confirmed. "Oh yes! You're from RMS? Aren't you?" Nate smiled and nodded "Yeah..." "Your concert last night was pretty kick-ass, you guys rule!' he high-fived Nate. "Come on, let's get you done up, not that there's much needed!" Rob said, nudging me, and winking. I took Nate's hand, and walked with him to the makeup room. I plonked onto the passenger seat in Nate's 1959 geranium, the second love of his life, after me, of course. Nate let out a long and deep sigh. "What are we going to be feeding your family then?" Nate asked. I hadn't thought of that. "Go to Woolworths, we'll find something." "We could get Chinese" Nate suggested. I thought it through. Yeah. The doorbell ding-donged, and Nate rolled off the couch to answer the door. It was my grandparents. “Oh, hello! Nate, have you been growing again?” my Nan fussed as she gave Nate a hug before hobbling to where I was standing to give me one too. “Possibly.” He said, shaking my granddads hand. “Hello Nate, how’ve you been?” “Alright, we had our last concert last night, which was fun” he smiled, before looking up and smiling as he remembered what happened. He looked at me. Oh, and what happened afterwards. I rolled my eyes, and answered my nans question to what was on the menu. “Chinese.” “Delicious. Have you already ordered?” “No, we have to wait for our guests to decide what they want to eat,” I smiled, and Nan did the same. “Nate, I have a question about the internet…” my granddad began, and Nate prepared to answer every question granddad threw at him. Nan plonked herself down next to me at the breakfast bar, and swivelled 360 degrees to check out the apartment. “Yes, much better now. I can tell you had most of the input regarding the interior of the apartment then, eh Beth?” Nan giggled. I smiled, “yeah. It was actually a lot of fun, we spent a whole week painting the lounge.” “Why that long?” nan asked. “HE kept on splashing me with the paint, so we had to keep buying new paint…” “I’m hoping you splashed him back?” “Oh yes” I smiled. “So, you got each other covered in paint, let me guess, Nate suggested you shower together?” nan asked, raising an eyebrow. I got what she meant. “Nan! Eww! That’s disgusting! Why would you? You know what? Never mind.” Nan giggled to herself, “that’s how I got pregnant with your mum…” “NAN! Shutup! Seriously, that’s so… eww…” I shuddered at the thought. Oh, great. That lovely thoughts going to be in my head for the rest of eternity now. Thanks nan. Luckily though, I was saved by the arrival of my parents. “Did we miss anything?” Mum asked as she breezed through the door, her cheeks glowing. “No, not really dear. Only me telling your beautiful daughter about how I became pregnant with you.” “Eww! Shutup!” mum and I yelled at the same time, covering our ears. “Just kidding, I actually conceived your mum…” “No, be quiet mum!” Mum said, covering nans mouth with her hands, before giving her a loving hug. “Are your parents coming Nate? Well, your mum?” “Nah, and mums got a boyfriend now, and he looks like he’s going to stay, unlike the others.” Nate sighed. “Oh, well, that’s good news I’m hoping?” “Yeah, nah, mum adores him, and he loves mum, they’ll probably get married soon, mums been really bouncy and very happy lately.” “Oh good. Now, since everybody’s here, and mum got us onto the topic of contraception, I have big news…” mum started, taking a deep breath, pausing for effect “I’m pregnant!” 003 Nate just so happened to be drinking a coke when mum said that, resulting in him having a complete coughing fit, having coke shoot out of his nose and he dropping the rest on the floor. After about five minutes, he stopped and cleared his throat. He made eye contact with me. “Oops.” I rolled my eyes and rested my head on the bar, “you’d better start cleaning that up mister” “Right away ma’am” Nate said in his best (and by which I mean worst) English accent, and attacked the kitchen roll. “That’s great darling! Are you happy?” Nan asked, beaming and giving mum a great big hug. I walked over and joined the group hug. Mum started sniffling, and that turned into tears. |