Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723268-Forbidden-Love
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1723268
A mother and daughter have a fight about forbidden love: 100% dialogue.
“So, what; are you telling me you’re in love with him now?”

“What if I am?”

“Heather, don’t be smart with me.”

“I’m not trying to be smart with you. I’m being serious; would it really be so bad if I am in love with him?”

“Do you really not see the problem with this?”

“No, mom, please enlighten me.”

“He’s BLACK!”

“He’s half black…”

“Heather, you know how your grandparents feel about interracial relationships, and there’s no way your father will agree to this.”

“Yeah, but just because they’re ignorant and racist doesn’t mean that I have to follow in their footsteps.”

“It’s not that they’re ignorant and racist. They just grew up in a different time and place. They have prejudices that they will carry with them for life because of what the black people in their neighborhood did to them.”

“I understand that, Mom, however I didn’t grow up in those circumstances. You always taught me to not judge people by the color of their skin. So, I fell in love with a half black guy. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

“So you are in love with him?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I can’t believe you’re going to rip our family apart. How could you do this to us?! Do you not care what we think?”

“What? This isn’t even about you!”

“Then what is it about?”

“It’s about me finding happiness with a wonderful man. You know him, Mom. It’s not like he’s just a random guy I found on the street. We’ve been friends for over five years. He’s been over here many times. You’ve had conversations with him! He’s a respectful, funny, driven man. He’s in the military for God’s sake!”

“Oh, so now you want to date someone in the military?”

“Can we please not have this argument right now? We’re already in the middle of a pretty significant one and I’d like to settle it before you start picking another topic to fight about. Thanks.”

“Well, what else is there to fight about? You said you love him, which apparently means that you’re going to choose him over your family.”

“Come on! I shouldn’t have to choose over him and my family!”

“Okay, but if you had to choose, would you choose him over us?”

“Honestly, Mom, Yes.”

“Wow. I don’t know you at all.”

“You don’t understand. He loves me. He loves me when I’m happy, sad, angry, crazy. You guys are my family. One day you will get over this and you will still love me because you love me the same way that he does; unconditionally. I’ve listened to everything you’ve told me to do my entire life. I’ve gotten good grades, gone to college, worked honest jobs. This is the one thing that I’m refusing to listen to you about. I’m right about this and I’m not backing down.”

“Well, it sounds like you’ve made up your mind. Go pack your bag and let’s tell your father.”

Word Count: 498
Written for Dialogue 500 Contest
© Copyright 2010 H. Marie (star at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723268-Forbidden-Love