Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1723057-Magician
Rated: · Draft · Fantasy · #1723057
Orenda's adventure and learning

    “Where are you going?” Mary called after her daughter, “We aren't done here!”
    “I'm going for a ride!” Orenda yelled over her shoulder, Without waiting for a response she ran for the stables.
    She entered the stables breathing even. Orenda watched as her black stallion, Night, look up from his feed at her. The stallion looked at her curiously.
    “Yes, we're going for a ride,” She informed the horse, “A long one this time.”
    The people in Cempton, Orenda's home village, were wary of her. The villagers had threatened to send a herald to the King, Kyro, when Orenda had spoken to a dog in the village. She spoke to the dog in another language. An elder villager spoke to Orenda, telling her it was a language of magic. When a group of villagers killed him in his home, Orenda made sure to never use her abilities around other humans.
    Orenda was still wary of listening ears, but she was too upset to care. Her mother was trying to find a husband for her. She doesn't understand, Orenda thought to herself, I don't want to get married. She had been sixteen for one month and her mother was already trying to get her married. It was a custom, in the realm, for the females to be married at seventeen.
    “Mother bugging you again?” Night whinnied.
    Orenda sighed, “Yeah,” She began saddling him. She had the saddle belted, when she noticed the reins in rafters of the stable. There was no way to reach them. Stupid sister, Orenda thought.
    Orenda drew into her mind to find the wall that hid her power and opened it. She called to the reins with her mind. The reins rose and lowered down to her hand. Orenda exhaled in triumph and began to fasten the reins.
    Orenda had just buckled them when an image flashed behind her eyes. It felt like a strong memory; Tiffany, Orenda's sister, going to their mother and telling her of the magic. Orenda cleared her mind and erased the image.
    Knowing that she had just seen part of a near future, Orenda opened her thoughts to the room. She paid no attention to Nights thoughts, and found Tiffany's mind. Tiffany, hiding in a pile of hay, had just made the decision to tell their mother.
    “Come out, Tiffany,” Orenda called.
    With a startled cry Tiffany tumbled out of the pile. “How did you know I was there? Is it another one of your Gifts?” she sneered. "You know what will happen when the King finds out about you. You'll be killed."
    Orenda tried not to react to the threat, but as upset as she was she hissed under her breath. Quietly Orenda told Night to block the door.
    Being an intelligent horse, Night, understood the tension, and loyally sided with Orenda. Trying to frighten Tiffany, he snorted and kicked in her direction. Night moved towards the door snorting his laugh.
    Orenda watched, with some enjoyment, as Tiffany scrambled backwards against the far wall. Grinning she said, "Now, I suggest you forget what you saw here." With that threat, Orenda lifted herself onto Night's saddle, kicked the door open, and they galloped into the forest.


    Orenda and Night had spent many afternoons in the forest, they knew every tree, rock, and hill. Night was used to hearing Orenda speak during their rides, when she did not talk he asked, "What's wrong?"
    To anyone listening, all they would have heard is whinny, but Orenda's gift allows her to understand animals. She replied, "Nothing, I'm just thinking." she paused before continuing, "I want to leave this place, but I don't know where to go."
    Night thought about that and replied, "I am as eager to get out of here as you. You can use the plants to make clothing, but you will need sweaters. We could use blankets. The animals can bring us food. For shelter, that abandoned settlement, a few miles from the village, is perfect."
    Orenda was delighted at his suggestion. They thought through a few more details, and an hour later they had a plan. They rode through the forest, enjoying the freedom, until dusk began to settle.
    Back in the stables, Orenda unsaddled and groomed Night. She hid his supplies in the floor boards, so Tiffany couldn't get them. As she was leaving, Orenda reminded Night, "Be ready, when the house is asleep, I will come and we will be gone."
    Orenda ate supper and went to her room to get ready. Her family was already in bed. An hour later, she was packed, all the possessions she cared for in her bags. Orenda searched her family's minds to find them dreaming.
    Using her power to raise her bags, she crept from her room and out of the house. She ran to the stables with her bags, hovering, coming after her. She entered the stables to find Night, laying on his stall floor, waiting. When he saw her he jumped up whinnied softly, "Hurry your family will be getting up in seven hours, I want to be a long way by then."
    Orenda assured the horse they would not get caught, but she sped up anyway. They were saddled and packed in thirty minutes, and galloped into the trees.
    They had been riding for ten minutes when Orenda told Night to stop. She jumped off him and called out for Tark and his pack of wolves. A minute later six wolves were leaping into view.
    Orenda had saved one of Tark's cubs during a hunt. Orenda saw the cub had grown into a beautiful wolf. The wolves were yapping at each other, they had just come from a hunt and were telling their own tales of what happened. Tark barked, “Quiet!”
         Orenda bowed her head, signaling her respect for the wolf and began, “We are running away, and I would greatly appreciate your help in stopping anyone following us and to cover our tracks. I ask for your help, will you give it?”
         Tark looked at her and responded, “Of course, I owe you.”
         Orenda thanked him and climbed back on Night and they resumed their gallop. Soon Orenda’s eyes began to droop, noticing Night whinnied softly, “Go ahead and sleep, I know the way as well as you.” Not bothering to protest, Orenda leaned against his mane and swiftly fell asleep.
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