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This is an edited draft of my IB Film 30 script. Influenced by Hitchcock and Film Noir. |
In•ter Nos (in′tər nōs′) Between Ourselves INTER NOS (BETWEEN OURSELVES) SCREENPLAY BY SARAH SOLOMON 15/10/09 FADE IN: EXT. GRAVEYARD — DAY CAMERA at an H/A, LS above the graveyard. The CAMERA is focused on the snow flakes which are falling down steadily, while the graveyard is blurred. CUTS to a black screen as the SUPERIMPOSED TITLES appear on the screen. Titles FADE, and the same H/A, LS of graveyard is shown. The MUSIC FADES IN, as the CAMERA ZOOMS IN slowly, and we begin to see the funeral, as the camera focuses. The MUSIC FADES OUT slowly as the PRIEST voice fades in. PRIEST As we lay down this tragic figure…this son and brother…we remember that in this confusing world, souls get lost in search of a path to greatness. They forget that greatness is but a fleeting ember in a mass of mediocrity…and we must cling to those few embers, as a light in a world of darkness, so we might be guided in their reflection. From ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Amen. The CAMERA stops at an H/A of the PRIEST shown by LAZARUS’ POV, LAZARUS’ HEAD is positioned center-bottom of the FRAME. His wife, RACHEL, and son, PERIN are on either side of him. CUT to an H/A, LS as all gathered say in unison. EVERYONE From ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Amen. CUT to a CU shot of LAZARUS. LAZARUS Amen. MUSIC FADES in, and GROWS the longer the CAMERA stays on LAZARUS’ distant gaze. FADE OUT. EXT. Outside Dance Hall- Night (B&W) Opens to an OS shot of JACK, with a focus on the cigarette in his hand, and the smoke surrounding him. MUSIC is coming from the DANCE HALL distantly. LAZARUS and RACHEL come through the DANCE HALL doors holding hands. CUT to CU of the two hands, then back to OS shot. LAZARUS sees JACK, bids Rachel leave, and walks up to JACK, as his face is engulfed in shadow. LAZARUS There you are… I was wondering where you went…people don’t usually miss out on their own prom. Look at you… (chuckling) just don’t let Father see you doing that stuff. CUT to an H&S shot of JACK, his face is in partial shadow. JACK (face expressionless--voice monotone) You never told me you and Rachel were together. CU on LAZARUS. LAZARUS (Pause) Yeah, well… I was going to tell you, but… I knew you used to like her…but that’s all over…right? ECU on JACK’s face, as a muscle in his jaw twitches, and his face hardens. ZOOM out to H&S shot. LAZARUS (moving into the lamp light and shadowing Jack) Jack…Bro…we’re good now? Aren’t we? JACK (quiet grating voice) ARE WE GOOD? Pause. Moves into light and his face smoothes over. JACK (calm-contained) Yes…of course…she was just a date. You and I are brothers; we’re one and the same. CUTS to MS of LAZARUS who looks confused…then smiles. LAZARUS I knew it would be alright…women will come and go…but this is the beginning of the rest of our lives. You and I…taking over Father’s business. When we are great men with prestige to our names, we can have any woman we want. But the pleasures a woman can bring are small for us… as men of business…a world full of possibilities await… a world of puppets where we are the puppeteers! MS of Jack as he takes out a flask, and takes a swig JACK To the future. CU of JACK passing the flask to LAZARUS, who takes it apprehensively. LAZARUS To greatness. In an H&S shot, LAZARUS raises the flask to his lips. FADE OUT. EXT. GRAVEYARD- DAY CUT to after the funeral. LAZARUS’ POV as CAMERA PANS left and right, showing OS shots of people who pass LAZARUS and offer their sympathy. CAMERA STOPS at an OS, 2-SHOT of a HUSBAND and WIFE in linked arms. HUSBAND We’re so sorry for your loss… we read the obituary, and wanted to pay our respects… It’s such a shame, that a man from the same birth and one time potential as you, would decide to ruin his life like that…some people are just weak. It’s only people like us who survive… and we had to fight every day to get where we are. We’re lucky men, Lazarus. CU of RACHEL’s ARM wrapping around LAZARUS’—H&S shot of RACHEL RACHEL Oh, he knows how lucky he is… but goodness knows where he’d be without a loving wife at his side. WIFE Agreed… CUT to OS shot a successful man is nothing if he has no one to share it with. CAMERA PANS a little left. HUSBAND Although the affection of a woman is an asset for a man of business, he cannot let that get in the way of what matters most: his work. Don’t you agree Lazarus? (Pause) Lazarus? CUT to HUSBANDS’ POV, and an OH shot of LAZARUS’ feet, then ZOOM IN and slowly TILT UP, until the CAMERA STOPS at a CU of LAZARUS’ face. FADE OUT. EXT. On a busy city street- Night (B&W) Opens to a 3/4 shot of LAZARUS leaning up against a wall with his hands in his pockets. JACK comes out a backdoor in an alley. He is shivering. LAZARUS In the future…you should either start paying your land lady more, or learn to be less conspicuous in your actions… unless you don’t mind people knowing how Quinton Hunter’s very own son is gambling his company’s money away. ZOOM to an H&S shot of JACK. JACK (baffled) You…how did you—- 3/4 REV shot of LAZARUS LAZARUS (coldly) Not me…but your dear father…brother, we’re cutting you out. JACK (confused) What? LAZARUS If you hadn’t let your vices take precedence over your family, you’d have realized that our father will soon be leaving us…the doctors say he has a week. JACK (shaking his head in disbelief) Why-- didn’t you tell me? LAZARUS For sometime you haven’t been part of the family business, so there was no need to bother you about matters as trifling as your father’s health… Farewell brother. You’ve chosen your place out here, in a dark alley behind an illegal gambling club… and I’ve chosen mine as Quinton Hunter’s successor at QPC Corporations. LAZARUS turns on his heel and walks away. JACK (desperate--threatening) You think you’re so great, with your beautiful wife, newly with child… you have your whole life planned out. One day, however, it will be you in this dark alley… FADE OUT. EXT. GRAVEYARD- DAY FADE to CU of LAZARUS with JACK’s words echoing in his mind. JACK …and when that day comes, I will there...laughing. PAN slightly left to 2-SHOT of RACHEL and LAZARUS. RACHEL (taking LAZARUS’ ARM) Everything all right dear? LAZARUS (calmly) Of course, just a few trifles on my mind, that's all. FADE OUT .INT. LAZARUS' Apartment- NIGHT POV shot of a DOOR opening. Low breathing is the only noise. CAMERA moves slowly across a dimly lit HALLWAY, pausing at the doorway of PERINS' Room, moving into LAZARUS' Room, with LAZARUS fast asleep in his large BED. CU of LAZARUS' sleeping form, PAN left to an RACHEL's empty place. The sound of breathing increases in volume. the shadow of a BLADE is is seen upon LAZARUS' sleeping form. A low, sardonic chuckle is heard. FADE OUT. EXT. GRAVEYARD- DAY MS of LAZARUS smiling slightly, as he takes PERINS' hand. RACHEL comes in from behind them. RACHEL (smiling) So...shall we all head home, it is getting rather late. PERIN Can't I go see the grave one more time Mommy? LAZARUS Of course you can kiddo, I'll even take you myself. I'd also like to see my dear brother one last time before we go home. 2-SHOT of the backsides of LAZARUS and PERIN as they walk away. INT. LAZARUS' Apartment- NIGHT POV shot of LAZARUS lying crumpled on the floor, covered in BLOOD, his face contorted in anguish and surprise. CUT to MS of JACK, engulfed partially in shadow, CUT to JACK fully dressed in LAZARUS’ suit. CU of JACK as he straightens his tie. FADE OUT. EXT. GRAVEYARD- DAY H&S shot of LAZARUS/ JACK as he straightens his tie again. CU of CHILDS’ HAND wrapped around JACKS’ arm. CUT to JACKS POV looking down at LAZARUS' GRAVESTONE. PERIN (innocently—brightly) Uncle Jack, will you stay with me and Mommy, now that Daddy’s gone? PERINS’ POV, looking up at MS of JACK JACK Oh Perin…Uncle Jack is dead. Don't you remember...we put him in a box. H&S shot of JACKS' face. FADE OUT. THE END. |