Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1722757-Emotions
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #1722757
There are 6 items in this document. They sang to me. Opinions appreciated.
Only one of these have a title. Suggestions for the other poems would be appreciated. They are mainly free form poetry but there are a couple of commentaries thrown in as well. Also suggestions on punctuation for maximum effect would be greatly appreciated as I am not very good with it.

Anger and despair, fear and fantasy
All these and more I know
Anger is fire burning hot
Dangerous if uncontrolled
Despair is cold and empty
A hollowness in your soul
Fear is a jumpiness, mostly cold
Cringing away from everything
Fantasy is a dream and warmth
A stretching of your mind

2) Scenarios in your mind, plans that go awry. A mistrust and a pain deep in your soul. A dream of colossal size that almost always collapses under it's own weight. We all build dreams and fantasy; some will come true but many don't. When you build your dreams so high or convince yourself the dream will come true and then it doesn't you collapse in on yourself. You become angry and defensive. You hurt and you cry for your lost hopes. Yet after awhile you forget the pain and move on. You build other dreams and hopes that may tumble down around your ears.
The cycle continues, we are good at building impossible dreams that we convince ourselves are not impossible. And when they collapse around us we scream and swear that life isn't fair and I wonder why. Why do we cause ourselves so much pain when we should know better?

Time out of mind; floating in the quiet sea.
Peace and contentment so precious and rare.
Total absence of anger or fear.
Wandering thoughts and great insights get lost in the sea.
Dreaming of you dreaming of me

Purposeful relaxation floating completely free.
The breeze caresses and the sea cradles so softly.
Worries gone, fears forgotten.
Peace and contentment are mine.
Waves float me in utter serenity.
Washes away my pain and makes me whole.
Dreaming of you dreaming of me

Reaching out to clasp your hand in mine.
Sharing hearts, sharing minds.
Your thought is my thought.
Together we make one.
One mind, one heart, one soul.
Complete in one another, needing no other.
Peace and contentment are mine.
Dreaming of you loving me

Thunder crashes, the peace it smashes
Separating us so hurtfully.
Love gone wrong, trust broken.
Sundered, separated once more
Two minds, two hearts, two souls
Separate and alone. It is cold out here!
Pain, anger, despair, where has the peace gone
Broken by a harsh word or mean action.
Dreaming of you no longer dreaming of me.

Touch me, reach out to me as I reach out to you
Bring us together
Make us whole again
I hate it out here, it hurts
Forgiving and forgiven, hold me close
Make anger and fear go away.
I want to be one again
Floating on the calming sea
Two parts of one whole, complete in each other.
You dreaming of me and me dreaming of you.

Lonely and alone, such pain it brings.
Of all the fears I profess
This alone heads the list

Loneliness kills, sucking life from your soul
It leaves you hollow and so fragile
One blow could end it all

Alone in a crowd, alone and too proud to ask for a helping hand
They might laugh or insult you. Adding to the pain.
Better be silent and carry on though it kills you a little more

A long and lingering death that saps your will then takes your life
A sickness with only one cure, one that is out of reach
Afraid to trust because betrayal it always brings

Easier to pretend that all is well
That you enjoy time spent alone
While is poisons you inside.

5) Patience I have little of. It is always hurry up and wait. I run but I never get away. Because what I am running from is me. I put all of me into everything I do. When it doesn't work out for what ever reason I hate myself and my life. And I run again. The cycle has repeated so many times I know it by heart but still I try and cling to hope. Hope that this time it will end differently but it never does. Hurry up and wait plus just one more thing plus I need to get away from here is the whole of it.When does it end? When I find my final rest I think.

Remember Me

I was the one who sat in the corner
Too afraid to say boo or even smile
Shy and retiring, a wall flower
Look at me now
Different now, braver, more willing to speak
Willing to get involved and stand up to you
But don't let the outside fool you
I'm still the scared wallflower I used to be
Remember me well because I will make it
Higher than you ever could.

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