Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1721896-NYMPH-Witchcraft-Mistress
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1721896
A love that is forbidden by faith....for they are in two different worlds...
Hello....this is my first story and I hope you like it.....

This story has two worlds..

the mortal world and the nymph world

Nymph's were able to live in the mortal world.....

In this story there are five  kinds of nymphs:

Guardian nymphs

         They are usually men who are a son/daughter of a nymph and a human

The fates of the guardian nymphs  are already decided when they are born especially who they will guard. But a love existing between a guardian and a pure blood nymph is strictly forbidden.

Fairy Nymphs

         they have magical powers such as elemental. Fairy princesses have special abilities like bestowing eternity to men and many other things.


Elder Nymphs

         They are usually a part of the Nymph council who decides for the nymph who rules their world.

Black Nymphs

         Nymphs who used black magics, caster of wars and black spells

Half witch and Nymphs

         Nymphs who once tried to overthrow the reign of the fairy nymphs but failed and was never heard of before....


         Run! That was the only word that occupied my mind while running away from the villa that I treated as a home. I could vaguely see where I am headed to. My eyes were flooded with tears, ready to fall any minute. The rain was timelessly pouring from heaven, with the rage of thunder and the hateful lightning. I could barely withstand the pain of my wounds and bruises. But the urge to run away from that place tightened upon hearing the endless roaring of the wolves, the barking of the dogs and terrifying screams. The vast meadow was almost endless and the darkness never gave way to light. The coldness start creeping in my body, making me fell numb and wearisome. I make up my mind to never ever take a look at that awful place again. That was once…..once……. Wait what am I saying? Why am I running? I thought and was ready to stop when I heard gun shots from behind, my heartbeat grows faster. I run again, to escape………What am I escaping? I thought again. I kept doing things that I didn’t know the reasons why I am doing it. At last from afar, I saw the gleaming light of torches. I tried to run much faster but my legs gave up on the urge to succumb for some rest. I fell from the muddy ground of the vast meadow, with the timeless rain and falling raindrops upon my body. Now I can’t feel the pain from those wounds and bruises anymore. My vision start spinning and the last thing I could see was a man, a man with spiky yellow hair and deep blue eyes…..I reached out for him and then……………

Chapter One

Lost Memories

         My spirit was awakened and I could clearly felt the comfort of where I am lying. The air was mild and warm, not the cold one that I felt that time……..I can no longer feel the pain that my body has gone through. I open my eyes but quickly close it again. I was blinded by the bright rays of the sun. It was warm and bright, the darkness was gone by now. Now the light is by my side. “But, where could I be?’. I mumbled, recalling what happened. But there’s not a single memory in my mind. There’s nothing in my head but questions and unanswered questions that my mind kept bulging me for answers. It brought endless pain that I couldn’t bear if I still thought about it. I freed myself out of thinking and instead let my eyes appreciate the beauty of luxury- Wait! Bed, I quickly got up and open my eyes. I was in an elegant room-the one with chandeliers, expensive wallpapers and huge paintings hanging by the wall. The walls were painted with flesh, while its borders are chocolate brown. The bed sheet is pink and felt soft against my body.  I quickly jumped out of bed and hide behind the curtains when I heard footsteps coming right through the door. From there on, a woman in her mid-30’s enter the room. She looks so kind and her beauty was simply ravishing. Her blonde hair flow down from her shoulders to her slender form. Her eyes were the color of deep blue that hides in her thick eyelashes. I saw her smile upon looking at my direction. My heart beat rapidly as she came nearer. I close my eyes and clutched the curtain near my chest. Now all I could hear was the rapid thumping of my heart and footsteps coming towards me.

“You don’t need to hide” she said in the sweetest tone.

I was forced to open my eyes, my pulse came back to normal.

” Come, now don’t be afraid” she said. I pull of myself in front of her. I bowed my head low upon meeting her gaze. I felt my cheeks flushing red as I feel her eyes peeling me completely bare in her sight.

“You look so cute” the woman giggled and reached for my hand. She then pulls me closer to her and cupped my face with her soft thin hands.

“I always wanted to have a daughter” she said looking longingly to my eyes. I was speechless I can’t even able myself to grasp for words.

“Could you tell me your name?” she asked as she let her hands off my face, instead she hold my hand.

“I….I am…..I’ I can’t answer her question. That’s because…” You don’t know your name?” she asked worriedly as she caressed my brown curly hair. I nodded sadly. She hugged me close.

“Everything will be fine” she said comforting me. “Um, could I know who you are?” I asked and gently push myself away from her. I saw her smiled again that made the laugh lines appeared on her face.

“I’m Crystal; I’m Zack’s mother, the man who brought you to my care”


“How is she doctor?” Crystal asked upon seeing the doctor emerged from the guest room. The doctor simply shook his head. “It seems that she’s in a state of amnesia” the doctor explained. “Though there’s no damage made in her head, it was brought by trauma”

“Isn’t there nay way for her to recall her memories?” A cold, baritone voice spoke from behind. Zack is standing by the door with his arms folded in his chest. “Zack you have arrived!” she said surprised of his sudden arrival. Zack has left for a week after he bought with him a bruised and wounded girl. He left to attend the funeral of his fiancée, Colleen Ziren Van leeuwen- daughter of Mrs. Charlotte Van Leeuwen and Mr. Zelle Van Leeuwen. She could still see the pain he was going through, it is evident in his deep blue eyes. But there is something more from that eyes that she could not mistake for something, REVENGE in bold capital letters.

“ but count on luck” she focused back on what the doctor is saying” you can never know if this or that will gave her back her memories” She look back at her son, looking at the brunette, sleeping calmly in bed. She saw how his expression softens as he took a glance on the girl’s angelic face.


         I was wakened by the sound that I couldn’t mistake from something. It was obvious that it came from a violin. I got up from bed to see whose the one playing the violin. A man, with deep blue eyes and spiky golden hair was the one playing it. The rays of the sun lie on his face and lighten the violin. I could see how sad those eyes are. It was grieving! The man stopped playing upon noticing me. He was looking intently at me that I felt his gazed peeling me bare just like before, with that woman named Crystal. I met his gaze, looking deep to his eyes, searching the reason for his sadness, when I read something in his eyes that left my cheeks flushing with red. I couldn’t believe my eyes, amusement was evident in his eyes, and his expression was softened. How cold he, changed his expression that fast when I clearly saw before the sadness that roam inside of him. “It’s nice to see you awake” he said “and your paleness gone” he added teasing me. He laid his violin on the table and walk towards the bed. He sat on the couch nearer to me. “Heroine” he pronounced it with emotions that my cheeks flushed with red again. But what he said strucked me afterwards. Did he just call me Heroine? “Is that my name?” I could hardly believe it. The man shook his head, now I could clearly recognize him; he’s the man that helped me, Zach. “I made that for you, a temporary name until you regain your memories” he explained. Sadness swept over me, upon hearing his explanation, I thought I could at least recall my name. “Hey, don’t be sad” he said peeking through some strands of her hair that fall in her face, upon bowing my head. “Thank you” I said instead and look at him straight in his eyes.

         Zack laid on the grassy meadow and look up at the sky. The night was clear and the stars were scattered in the vast wide sky. But he’s not really looking at them, instead an image of a girl with a long blue hair and golden yellow eyes, appeared on his vision. “Colleen…” he murmured, upon imagining that usual image of his deceased fiancée. He clutched his arm into a fist, rage flashed in his eyes as he gritted his teeth in anger. “I’ll make them pay…” he said almost shouting it out loud for the entire world to hear. His horse, France, whinnied wildly, scared from his raging voice. He got up and tamed him. He looked up again and this time he was shocked to see a different image in his vision. A girl with long curly brown locks and deep violet eyes was shown there, beaming a radiant smile on him that melted the ice that surrounded his heart. This girl, why is she able to soften his emotions, when he is still grieving for Colleen’s death? That time when he felt the urge to play the violin in order to wake her up, he was easily distracted upon feeling her gaze, he was easily amused by her innocent blushed. That time he was able to smile again, a smile that nearly swept his pain but….. Her memories are bothering him. He met her in that grassy meadow, the same night Colleen was murdered. She was bruised and wounded; fear was evident in her eyes back then. So there is a very huge possibility, that she was one of the siblings of the servants who was able to escape. He could use her memories when they came back, then he could know the reason of the murder. Then he could start his revenge and kill them all-all that was the cause of his beloved’s death. Now, there was hope, he could see that. He was a guardian abandoned by his master. Colleen was one of the nymphs, a guardian like him should protect. He failed and now his honor was deprived of him. He is no longer a guardian; he’s a failure to them, because colleen is the greatest of the nymphs…..and in her shoulders lay the safety of the fairy world that was hidden to humanity because of their greed. Now war will began again, after 12 years of the battle’s truce.

The assembly of elders in the NYMPH council

“Colleen has died” a nymph with a green wavy hair and yellow eyes announced

<to e continued>

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