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Megan Nalli
AP Language
Mrs. Post ~ period 1
5 November 2010
Compare and Contrast: Red vs. Black
Redneck: an uneducated, white Southern worker. Goth: No set definition when applied to people. These two groups are found in high schools bottom rungs and yet they fight vigorously to be better than one another. They are both scapegoats and they are both misunderstood by the masses. Yet, two groups cannot be more different.
Redneck tend to drive beat-up trucks and speak slowly. They have a habit of dipping and doing whatever daddy or God says. Because of this they have a reputation of being uneducated, and often bigoted against the unknown. Their life revolves around hard work and church while recreation includes fishing, hunting, and mudding, the sport of slinging a vehicle in circles in a mud. When the word 'Redneck' comes into conversation, most people picture a male with baseball cap, button-down flannel shirt, belt with buckle, oil stained jeans complete with Skoal rings and bigoted ignorance. The same holds true for high school students when the word is mentioned. It is an insult to most teens, but the connotation of Redneck is second only to the word Goth.
Goths, as used in for an adjective for humans, has no dictionary definition so personal definitions are required. Oftentimes, they are falsely informed. When the word Goth is used in conversation, people tend to see someone dripping in black and chains, with an array of facial/body piercings. Another common assumption is that Goths are devil worshiping Satanists who do not believe in God. That unbounded rumor is incorrect. While some who dress that way are Satanists, it doesn't apply to most Goths. When someone says “you don't believe in God,” or “you're a Satanist,” to a Goth, he will most likely roll his eyes at the absurdity, or play along with it for fun.
Even though both are at two extremes, when compared a paradox is formed. The truth revealed is that the two groups are similar in their differences from say, the Rich Kids or the Preps. They hold little tolerance for the drama equated with being a Redneck or Prep. A Redneck will strike if struck, while a Goth will laugh and then strike back physically, or seek revenge in a more pacifistic way later. Either way, the instigator will regret it.
Aside from the obvious differences and similarities, there are too many variations to truly say what a group is like every time. While there is some truth in stereotypes, keep in mind that regional differences will be in effect and may be the antithesis of the group from familiarity.
Word Count: 444

Megan Nalli
Period 1
28 October 2010
Process Analysis
Getting through high school may seem impossible at times. High school is meant to teach the steps needed for life, but there are a few things that can make the transition from school to work easier. They are simple to understand, but may prove difficult to some. The first step in High School 101 is to never give in and utter the words “I can't do it.”
The second step should take place in the beginning of freshmen year, but can be applied at any time: time management. This annoyingly recurrent mantra in a student's life, does have a use anywhere in life. The earlier it is learned, then the easier long term assignments seven essays, or a major paper becomes to manage. The assignments themselves may still be difficult, but the step of actually learning the material comes next.
Taking notes from a lecture is quite possibly the hardest step to master, but it can be one of the more rewarding ones. Though, many people struggle with writing and listening at the same time. It . It takes skill and years of resulting bad grades to master. One suggestion towards learning this is to ask if the professor will allow a recording of the lecture. If they allow it, then replay the tape as needed (while copying everything you need into the notes.) However, some teachers may have copyrighted their lectures and will deny permission. In preparation for that answer there is another way to get the notes: another way is to find a partner to take separate notes with you and then switch and copy those notes into a final note copy.
Notes, however, cannot tell the reader everything. Asking questions is a massive step towards learning. It shows teachers that someone actually wants to understand the material. Ask questions of the teacher. Swallowing pride and admitting the fact that you don't understand will prove the hardest part for some, but it is not the end of the world. The teachers are paid help you learn, that means answering your questions. They are not mind readers. Teachers cannot tell that you do not know something unless you ask them whatever questions that remain. If a certain teacher cannot explain in a way that you understand, there are others you can ask.
Those four things alone can't make you successful in life or school alone. Like anything actually worthwhile, it is never that simple to do. The simplicity of the steps combat the cold truth that passing high school to become a respect-worthy adult will take time and immense loads of effort. These are the steps to getting there, pick your own pace.

Megan Nalli
Period 1
27 October 2010
If one were to place two people who look similar in physical features side by side, what would someone see? Both are male. Both tall, blond, both are pale with ivory skin. Strip away everything and a passerby would see little difference. One has golden hair while the other leans towards white blond. One has green eyes shot through with jagged spires of hazel reaching for the pupil. The other has vast seas of blue swirling with aqua and indigo. One's face hides emotion. The other shows false emotion. The purely physical traits mean nothing in and of themselves, yet they hold high importance in high school. Why?
Now add something as simple as underwear. Underwear is not a standard that we judge by-at least publicly. Now add socks. Once again, trivial. Paint pants upon the figures in your mind. One pair is frayed and are slight too tight and too short. The other looks as if they were made for him, they are new and flatter his height. Sew a shirt for the examples in mind. The first is something pulled from a Wal-Mart shelf. The second is akin to something from a rack at Hollister or American Eagle. Last for clothing the models, add shoes. Torn and tearing tennis shoes versus Doc Martins that have been worn only once. Clothes. That's all those things are and yet our images for the two boys differ immensely. The second is the epitome of a high school male. The first is regarded as little more than the future generation of blue-collars.
Why should what a student dresses like be the determining factor of who they are? Why do people place such high esteem on those who dress well? According to the science of sociology, clothes are a status symbol. They are an object by which we judge people by definition. Is it right? No. Does everyone do it at least once? Generally. What's to say that someone who dresses unpleasantly is going to stay at the bottom? Is someone born at the top always going to be at the top? Never, not in this country. Should it really matter how one dresses in high school? No, it shouldn't, because a child can't control his parent's financial decisions. Clothes are just clothes, something to hide nakedness, not symbols of who someone is.

Megan Nalli
Mrs. Post
AP Language ~ 1st Period
5 November 2010

Narrative/Description: School
I dread this feeling deep within me as I stand before the doors to my new world. It's the same emotion that fills me whenever I prepare to step beyond my realm of comfort zones: fear. I know feeling this is crazy. It's only school, the same as any other.
I feel my chest begin to rise and fall rapidly as I continue to stand in this spot. Wind created by the bodies rushing indoors fills my ears and tunes out any other sound. The vapors of my own fear and uncertainty filters out the aromas of the cooking breakfast I smelled while arriving. I cannot see except for the great maws opening and closing as if to consume me and keep me there for eternity. I know nothing but the sole fact that for the first time I am alone. One best friend most likely failed, one became someone else, and the other moved far away. I have to rely only upon myself for once.
I find it sad, now that I think about it. How have I survived for fourteen years without ever relying solely upon my own merit? I do my own work and I think my own thoughts, but for something as simple as entering a building? The same building that just seconds ago I found myself in awe before? How can I hope to do anything of importance if I cannot stand upon my own as me? I cannot, so for a moment all I do is breathe.
I force a step from my unwilling legs. And then another. And then another. I take slow, unsure steps towards the doors and ignore the world around me. I ignore myself as I place my hand upon the handle and falter a moment. Shaking my head slightly, I open the door and find myself inside. I smile as I continue my trek down the cafeteria, every step stiffening my resolve.
I hear my name called from a familiar voice and I stop in mid-step. I am not alone, nor did I crumble and stay locked in terror of the school before me. The feeling of pride swells in my chest as I nearly skip to my best friend's waiting arms.
I did it.
The exclamation inside my mind heightens my pride as I begin to think as Woodland High as just another school. It's not. This is the school that begins my career, these are the grades that will decide where I can go with my life, what I will be able to do, and who I can become. It is with the tools given to me here that I can build my future, why waste it on waiting for someone to follow? I stiffen my resolve and take a deep breath.
I can do this...

Megan Nalli
Mrs. Post
AP Language ~ 1st Period
3 November 2010
Definition: A Loss of Innocence, A Purchase of Knowledge
What is high school to me? I've asked myself this a thousand times while trying to write this essay. I still don't know if even I understand what it is to me. The emotions shift and swirl everyday until a confused jumble of thoughts is all that is left in my mind. It makes little sense, but maybe it isn't about what high school means to me rather than what it is.
And what it is is the last stage of my childhood. After graduation everyone will expect me to be more mature and not be the crazy, psychotic person that I am. I love the fact that I'm comfortable enough to yell at nothing in particular and not feel embarrassed later on. I love being a kid while I still can. This is my Junior year, I don't have much time left. Every day I become more aware of the fact that I am aging, and can never go back to the innocence and simplicity I once had.
But purchased with that innocence, is the knowledge I thirst for in all things. I guess this is the silver lining to my dark cloud, but I truly enjoy having teachers speak with me as if I am an adult. It means that they will give me information deemed unsuitable for younger ears. I love it! Woodland High School is an amazing place to simply sit and speak to people. So many groups that are traditionally separate, merge and mesh with others, are easier to talk to and learn from.
This exchange of innocence and knowledge cannot be the only thing that this place is to me, but for some strange reason, that is all that comes to mind. I can think of many examples of how this has taken place, but not a single thing that is unrelated. Even other students can see this, though most of us pawn it off as being “Freshmen.” While freshmen are no longer as innocent as they used to be, they grow so much by their junior year that even they make remarks about freshmen behavior. I smile at all the things I did as a Freshmen that I would never do now.
Even though I've lost my child-like innocence that I once held so tightly to, I refuse to “grow up” as so many people tell me to do. Where is the point of that when one can never regain ignorance, or forget the happy memories from childhood. High school isn't the beginning of my adult life, it is a sign that I need to accept the fact that my body is aging and I will be held as an adult from here on out. Be warned, don't let childhood go so easily, once it is gone, it is never coming back.

Megan Nalli
Mrs. Post
AP Language ~ 1st Period
5 November 2010
Division/Classification: Classy
There are only two branches of classes existing in the world: the creative classes and the methodical classes. That's not to say that they do not overlap at times, but for the most part they remain separate. However, they are broken down further.
The division of Creative and Methodical creates five more branches in the tree of education: math, language arts, science, Social Studies, and art. Clear and distinct differences, such as how they are taught and the material the students learn, differentiate between the borders of each group.
Mathematics is defined as “the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically.” In simpler terms, math is anything and everything involving numbers, shapes, and how they relate to the world. Despite most maths, such as geometry and algebra, having set rules to follow, math tends to be complex when many rules and trends blend together to form different rules all together.
Another class involving set rules is language arts. Since most people know their native language from birth, the rules are ingrained into the minds. However, since grammar, once learned incorrectly, can be hard to be to relearn, this branch is often branched off and required every year in school.
Science is an ambiguous word in the fact that it can be subdivided into many groups itself. . Two of the most commonly thought of classes are biology and chemistry. These two overlay boundaries at times due their nature of dealing with some of the same things. Biochemistry is the study of how the organic chemicals react and form life along with the chemical functions of those lifeforms.
NOT FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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