Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1721629-Forgive-Them-Father
Rated: 13+ · Other · Inspirational · #1721629
Jesus loved everyone of the flesh, even those who killed him!!!
"Forgive Them, Father..."
Poetry by...
2068...Dell Inspiron...Documents...

Jesus Christ loved us and His love was true...
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."

HE loved the man who whipped Him until His skin bled;
HE loved those who stuck the thorns in His head;
No one would have blamed Him if He hated, instead,
But Jesus loved the people who wished Him dead.

Jesus loved the people who cursed Him with spit;
We are all imperfect and GOD's love won't quit.
The blood that Christ shed washed away our sins,
But we must ask for forgivness or evil wins.

Jesus loved Pilot, who condemned Him to die;
Christ accepted the dying and never asked why.
Christ loved the man who nailed Him to the cross;
Salvation has won because of Mary's loss.

The blood Christ shed has made Christians clean;
You're either clean or dirty...there's no in-between.
Jesus died so His blood would wash away sin;
He loved every one of us so evil can't win.

Jesus Christ loved us all and His love was true...
"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do."
Jesus Christ died a painful and bloody death to wash away the sins of
all who ask for forgivness...for only blood can wash away sins--Jesus
even loved the people who were directly responsible for His death for
if they ask for forgivness in His name, they, too, would receive it--

GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son..."
Forced rhymes?--You bet they are--Do you think that rhymes just happen magically?--No!....of
course not!!!...The poet must write with the purpose of making the words rhyme, so....in that way...
the rhymes are forced--You no like?  Don't read my stuff as I force all my lines to rhyme--That is

IN GOD I trust--

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