Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1721229-The-Complete-Family
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1721229
Count Claremont and his maid discover that the latest inmate is an outsanding find.
Chapter 1

Staring at the apparition in the mirror, Count Raymond Claremont combed his thinning hair with immense care in a desperate bid to conceal his balding pate. His heart sank at the strands of gray around his temple. Sagging jowls, wrinkled forehead and dark circles around the eyes served a painful reminder of spent youth. Depression and fatigue stained his blue irises which otherwise always sparkled with youthful revelry. The life size paintings of his ancestors which hung from the high walls of his spacious dressing room seemed to stare down upon him with pity.

“Something plagues my Lord’s mind,” observed Cornelia, the Count’s favorite handmaiden.

The Count let out a deep breath observing the buxom woman do the buttons of his vest. He had personally designed her uniform, and she never disappointed him. The deep neckline of her starched ankle length dress soothed his exhausted eyes with an unhindered view of the valley between her white breasts. “You read my mind well, Cornelia. I know no peace.”

“That is so sad, my Lord. And today of all days.”

“What do you think of her?”

“Who, my Lord?”

Inwardly, the Count gloated about the undisguised envy in the woman’s eyes. Black tendrils of her lustrous hair evaded the confines of her headscarf and settled in unruly coils on her alabaster face. “You know very well who. So, stop playing games.”

A suitably chastised Cornelia pouted her mouth in a demonstration of petulance. “She is a wild one, my Lord. I daresay it would be quite a task to tame her. The look in her eyes scares me.”

Raymond pulled in a deep breath at the prospects of the coming nights. “Challenges excite me.”

“If I may ask, my Lord. How did you find her?”

“She comes from a family of wealthy Swiss bankers. Her husband lost her to me in a wager.”

“Excuse me, my Lord. You mean she is a payment for a gambling debt?”

The Count chuckled for the first time in many days. “ Yes. One bad night in a Monaco casino for her husband proved to be her undoing.”

“But Master, didn’t you say her family is wealthy?”

The Count took Cornelia’s soft hand and kissed it.“You’re an intelligent woman, Cornelia. Your husband’s a lucky man. You listen well and ask the right questions.”

Cornelia blushed and batted her eyelashes. Extremely pleased at her girly antics, the Count cupped her face and kissed her full ruby- red lips. She opened her mouth to allow his tongue to slide inside. He enjoyed the sweet flavor of her mouth. Unzipping his trousers, her hand slipped inside his underpants and wrapped around his throbbing shaft.

On any other day, the Count would have submitted to her ministrations with gay abandon. Today, he extricated himself from her unwilling hand.

Cornelia stared at him with dismay.“Why, my Lord?”

He groaned at the blazing lust in her eyes. He had not had had her for a long time, having just returned from a long voyage the previous day. The awareness of her voluptuous curves beneath the dowdy dress beckoned him. He longed to spend a sultry afternoon in her arms, feel her red lips on his shaft and savor the warmth of her soft body. “Not today, Cornelia. I need to conserve my energy for the night. You know I am not getting any younger.”

She stood before him with her head bowed. “Is there anything else, my Lord wishes of me?”

Her crestfallen looks stabbed his heart, though he suspected that her eagerness had its roots in envy. Clearly, jealous of his new young slave Madeleine, she intended to consume his desire and render him incapable to perform that night. It didn’t irritate him that Cornelia , a mere handmaiden competed for his attentions. He had felt no remorse when his numerous mistresses, lovers and their children had complained against Madeleine. However, Cornelia was different If only you weren’t of base birth! he rued, kissing her again.

He held her chin and lifted her face. “Yes, Cornelia. I want you to stay here with me.”

Her response was immediate. “As you wish, my Lord.”

It was this quality of complete submission that endeared her to him. No questions asked. True, she had her mood swings, but never anything to offend him. He guided her to the couch and sat down on the wooden floor before her.

She wasn’t surprised, but protested. “It is embarrassing when , the Lord takes my position. It’s my place that should be at your feet.”
Like on previous times he shushed her and placed his head upon her lap. Her fingers gently caressed his head.

“I hope your husband takes good care of you,” he inquired.

“He is a kind man, my Lord.”

Her equivocal reply pleased him because he knew well that Cornelia lived in an unconsummated marriage. He had hatched a cunning plot and executed it to perfection, marrying Cornelia off to an infirm impoverished man. On her wedding night, reports of a distraught Count forced Cornelia to abandon her hapless husband and rush to the mansion. The sight of his beloved maid in bridal robes agitated Raymond even further. She held him in her arms and allowed him to undress her. His despair calmed only when she impaled herself on his raging manhood. He ravished her the whole night, allowing her to leave his bed only in the wee hours of the morning. When an embarrassed Cornelia returned to her husband, she found him drunk on the couch. When he regained his senses, he had no clue of what happened the previous night. The Count’s men had suitably drugged him. The unfortunate marriage meant that Cornelia would forever depend upon the Count for economic sustenance and physical fulfillment. It gave him unquestioned liberty to manipulate her for his pleasure as and when he pleased without any fear of retribution from her wretched husband.

She cleared her voice and spoke slowly. “My Lord needs to be ready for the night.”

“I want you to prepare her,” he responded.

“Then I need to go.”

“Yes, but wouldn’t you want to know how I won her?”

He sensed her agitation at those words, and he derived immense comfort from her insecurity. He insisted, “Don’t you ?”

“If it pleases you, my Lord.”

“It’s simple, Cornelia. I have known Madeleine’s husband for a long time and always had an eye on her. I orchestrated his ruin and made them an offer which they could not refuse.”

“And, what was that my Lord?”

“I brought all his debts and told him he could be a free man if Madeleine became my slave.”

“I hope she pleases you, my Lord.”

She will. Just like you. A man should know how to control his women. “Stand, Cornelia and turn around,” he commanded.

She rose from her seat and did as bid, standing with her hips facing Raymond.

The Count rose to his knees. “Lean on the couch.”

When he lifted the hem of her dress, she leaned on the couch, and he pulled down her white cotton panties. The sight of her butt made his heart pound. She stepped out of the panties, and the Count pressed the cotton material against his nose. He sniffed deeply, wishing to ingest the delicious aroma of her sex.

Yanking her ass cheeks apart, he pasted his mouth on the crevice and strained his tongue against her butthole. She moaned and squirmed at the sensations while he savored the musky taste of her anus. His fingers teased her clit, making her emit sighs of unfulfilled needs. Continuing to lick her asshole, he slipped first one, then two and finally three long fat fingers inside her vagina.

Cornelia let out a cry of pain at the sudden intrusion into her sacred place. The sound warmed the cockles of Raymond’s heart because he knew that she would soon be pleading for more. He rolled his tongue across the length of the sensitive flesh joining her bung hole and cunt.

At the same time, his fingers fucked her while his thumb teased her clit. His intimate knowledge of her body allowed him to perform the acts with the consummate skill of a virtuoso and sighs of pleasure soon replaced her cries of hurt. Just when her body began to tighten, he withdrew his fingers.

“Don’t leave me, Master,” she begged.

Ignoring her entreaties, he rose and walked toward the ornate wooden showcase in the corner. He pulled open a drawer and extracted his favorite toy, a beautiful cowhide paddle. He had designed it specially for Cornelia. It boasted a handle made of scented rosewood, encrusted with rubies and sapphires.

Standing behind her naked ass, he clutched the handle of the paddle in his right hand and tapped his left hand with the leather. “I know you’ve been a naughty girl, Cornelia. You deserve to be punished.”

“As you wish master.”

He settled down on the couch. “Lie on my lap.”

She positioned herself as bid, and he caressed her hip with his large hands before landing a smacking thud on the smooth skin. He knew that she could see the red weal on her milky skin through the elaborate system of mirrors he had commissioned.

“Do you know your crime, Cornelia?”

“Yes, master.”

“Let us hear it.”

“In Master’s absence, I pleasured myself.”

He landed the paddle with more strength. “Why?” he asked.

“Master was away for so long, and I really needed…”

He didn’t allow her to complete and struck her again with greater force. The dampness of her vagina which he could feel on his trousers proved the accuracy of his blows. Pulling in a deep breath, he inhaled the musky aroma of her excitement. The heady fragrance pulsed his mind with pleasure and rended the cobwebs of melancholy that had settled on his mind that morning. He continued to strike her, forming an elaborate pattern on her delicate skin and just stopping short of cutting the beautiful woman’s delicate flesh. Finally, he put the paddle down on the couch and lovingly caressed the red marks formed on the white skin.

“Please do not stop, Master. I can’t bear this torture. I need to cum,” she pleaded.

The Count made her recline on the couch and placed his head between her thighs. The slick petals of her womanhood glistened with the nectar of excitement. The beautiful vision beckoned him, making his arousal stretch uncomfortably within its confines. He dove his face into the turgid lips and rolled his tongue across the length of her slit. Her uninhibited moans warmed the cockles of his heart and cheered his depressed spirits. She locked her thighs around his neck and thrashed her slippery flesh over his face. Her body tightened, and Raymond lapped up all her delicious spends, each creamy droplet giving him untold joy and happiness. Suddenly, he could sense energy and vitality surging through his veins, and he felt inebriated with happiness.

“No,” he chided, when Cornelia tried to clean his face. He wished to cling on to the heavenly essence of her womanhood which impacted his mind and body like the elixir of youth.

“Now, be gone and prepare her. I want you to bring her to my bedchambers in the evening,” he ordered and waved her away.

Chapter 2

A reluctant Cornelia walked out of the Count’s room. Though the tension on his face had considerably eased, the bulge straining against his trousers screamed the need for relief, but his stoical denial of its arousal both astonished and worried her. She had a desperate urge to bury him first in her throat, then in her pussy and feel him stretch and thrust inside her softness. Her tryst had only stoked her hungers more, and only his warm seed could quench the burning inside her love canal.

News of the Count’s obsession with his latest acquisition had reached her ears, but she had refused to be concerned about them. None of Raymond’s previous slaves had ever threatened her position, but now the worm of jealousy began to creep into her heart. A libidinous man, the Count’s insatiable lust and extraordinary stamina meant no woman ever left his bed unhappy. That a man of such extraordinary sexual prowess felt constrained to preserve his energy left Cornelia extremely intrigued about his new slave Madeleine. She had only had a fleeting glimpse of her that morning and only noticed the look in her eyes.

Preparing herself adequately for the meeting, Cornelia knocked on Madeleine’s door carrying her training kit. A soft voice answered, “Come in.”

Pushing open the door, Cornelia saw the back of a head stooped over a desk. Locks of the most glorious golden hair she had ever seen in her life hung over the backrest of the chair, reaching up to the woman’s waist. Seated, she seemed engrossed in her laptop screen.

“Yes?” the woman asked, her back towards Cornelia.

“I am Cornelia, the Count’s assistant.”

The woman seemed to sit up with a start on hearing those words. She rose from the chair and turned to face Cornelia who gaped at her with wide-eyed wonder.

Indulgence tinged the woman’s olive-green eyes. Her full lips curled into a dazzling smile, revealing a set of perfectly- set, pearly white teeth. “I am Madeleine. Please do come in. What’s that?” she said, pointing at the silver box which Cornelia was carrying.

Cornelia stood rooted to the spot, completely bewitched by Madeleine’s beauty. She marveled at her angelic round face and flawless creamy skin. “It’s…it’s…” she stuttered, unable to reveal the sinful contents of the box to such a divine creature.

Madeleine seemed to sense her discomfiture. “Place it on the floor and come nearer.”

Her heart pounding, Cornelia placed the casket on the floor and approached Madeleine with trembling steps. No stranger to lesbianism, having participated in innumerable sexual games for the Count’s pleasure, she had always found the experience soothing, but not fulfilling. She had interpreted that as a sign of unwavering heterosexuality and no woman or man for that matter had allowed her to scale the peaks of physical bliss the way the Count did. Her body’s uncharacteristic reaction to someone else other than him and that to, to a woman puzzled her. She felt weak in her knees and embarrassed about the moistness between her thighs as her eyes devoured Madeleine’s lush curves through her translucent knee-length negligee.

Madeleine took Cornelia’s hand in her own. “I can see that the reality far exceeds your reputation.”

“Excuse me!”

“Stories of your beauty are well known in the Count’s social circle. I can see that he has not been exaggerating,” explained Madeleine, holding on to Cornelia’s hand.

Cornelia couldn’t help blushing. “I’m just a maid.”

“That doesn’t diminish your beauty.”

Greatly pleased by the compliments, Cornelia couldn’t hold herself from turning on her full feminine charm, antics otherwise reserved only for the Count. Feeling abashed at the fulsome praises being lavished upon her, she knew that the blush on her face would have make her look even prettier. She fluttered her naturally thick curly eyelashes and pouted her sensuous lips. To her utter delight, she perceived that the lovely Madeleine’s chest heave.

“I am supposed to train you on your role,” murmured Cornelia.

“I know,” replied Madeleine.

Cornelia couldn’t help feeling sorry for the woman’s plight. She had initiated most of Raymond’s slaves without any remorse. Personally handpicked by the Count from a bevy of willing women their bodies hummed only when subjected to pain and bondage, the administration of which was his specialty. However, the knowledge of Madeleine’s history made Cornelia’s heart weep. True, she had consented to be a slave, but that was the outcome of an unfortunate circumstance and not any sexual preference. She felt immensely relieved at the tranquility
in her voice. It meant she had resigned to her fate and would be receptive to the special regimen.

“You need to strip and kneel down,” ordered Cornelia in the best possible authoritative voice she could muster.

Quietly, Madeleine did as bid while Cornelia feasted on her lush curves,

Cornelia continued. “Now for some basic ground rules. The Count has to be addressed as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Master.’ He will address you ‘Slave.’ At no point in the Master’s presence should any part of your body be covered by any sort of clothing. You will always remain on your knees. Your hands could either be bound at your back or be free depending upon the Master’s desire. The Master is free to impart upon any part of your body blows, smacks or thuds with his hand or with any form of instrument which again only he can decide. He has to right to use your body for his pleasure as he wills. He may penetrate your mouth, vagina or anus with either his tongue, fingers or penis. And the most important rule of all. This is entirely a consensual relationship, and you are free to leave at any time. Though in your special circumstances, the Count reserves the final right as there is a financial transaction involved.”

“When is my first session?” asked Madeleine.

“Tonight. You have about 12 hours to learn how to please the Master.”

Cornelia knelt down and opened the casket and selected two handcuffs. She selected a pair of handcuffs and first tied Madeleine’s hands behind her and then her ankles. Cornelia gulped at the enchanting spectacle of helplessness and a sweet ache emanated from the juncture of her legs which cocooned her consciousness with despair and longing.

Her heart pounding with anticipation, Cornelia picked up the wicked looking purple dildo from the box and held it in front of Madeleine whose eyes popped out at the girth of the apparatus. A dainty Clit-Po under in the shape of a hook jutted out from the base of the tool designed to strike the sensitive nub when the object would be moved in and out of the vagina.

“Suck!” ordered Cornelia.

Immediately, Madeleine flicked her tongue over the engorged tip and licked the sides.

She’s a natural! wondered Cornelia, observing the slave’s promptness to respond and eagerness to please. The vision of the pink tongue lashing at the edges of the dildo with saliva drooling from the corners of the pretty mouth made her knees wobbly. Finally, when Madeleine opened her mouth to suck the dildo, Cornelia seized Madeleine’s hair with one hand and dragged her face back. Using the other hand, she plunged the object deep into slave’s throat, making her gag.

Cornelia’s practiced gaze did not miss the momentary surprise that colored Madeleine’s countenance before she gained her composure. Deep concentration blazed in the slave’s eyes as her cheeks caved around the massive piece of rubber inside her mouth.

Cornelia pulled in a deep breath at the brazen display of unbridled desire. The sweet ache at the juncture of her legs had by now transformed into a searing pain that threatened to engulf the whole of her being. She had an overwhelming urge to caress the contours of Madeleine’s voluptuous body and fondle her sweet orbs. In another sudden move she withdrew the dildo from the slave’s mouth. She wished to lick the dildo herself and relish the fluids glistening on its surface. Madeleine’s saliva, she reasoned would be as ethereal as the woman herself just as would be her pussy juices which Cornelia could distinctly smell in the air.

Cornelia placed the dildo back in the box, released Madeleine’s wrists and commanded her to get down on her fours. Picking up a flogger from the box, Cornelia went behind Madeleine and gazed in wonder at her hips which enticed her like some forbidden fruit. The slave had positioned herself such that her turgid and moist pussy lips winked from between the smooth ass cheeks.

Suppressing her urge to kiss and lavish the beautiful object, Cornelia began to strike upon the soft butt with the flogger. Watching the beatific expression on the slave’s face, Cornelia’s heart skipped a beat. She increased the velocity of her blows, deriving immense joy from the way Madeleine winced.

Taking advantage of Madeleine’s closed eyes, Cornelia picked up the dildo from the box and in a swift move thrust it inside her. The head easily slipped inside the slave’s vagina underscoring her heavy lubricity, and she opened her eyes in utter bewilderment. When Cornelia pushed the entire length of the massive tool inside, Madeleine screamed in pain and tears welled up in her eyes.

Immediately, Cornelia picked up a metal paddle and struck hard upon the slave’s butt. “A slave has no right to whimper or protest,” she snarled. The affections and sympathies she initially felt had now vanished. Madeleine’s stunning looks meant that she now faced serious completion for the Count’s attentions. The smell of her sex, heady and musky, rivaled her own and would surely drive the Count crazy. Finally, her stoical response to pain meant that soon she would easily win the Count’s heart. The heady combination made the worm of jealousy creep inside Cornelia’s heart.

No other subject had ever stoked Cornelia’s desires the way this slave did, and she worked herself into a frenzy, smacking Madeleine’s butt with the paddle and pushing the dildo in and out of her pussy with brute force. Only, the disciplined training received under the Count’s able tutelage helped her preserve her sanity; she stopped just short of making her unconscious.

A reluctant Cornelia released the binds around Madeleine’s ankles who immediately collapsed upon the floor. The vision sent a shiver down Cornelia’s spine, provoking the animal within her which egged her on to pounce upon the hapless woman and violate and ravish her, but unwavering loyalty to the Master forced her to rein in her desires. “I will be back in the evening to fetch you,” she said, before stepping out.
An utterly confused Cornelia scurried to the confines of her own chambers in the mansion. She disrobed herself in front of the mirror. Contented by the fullness of her curves, she pressed and fondled her orbs with one hand while the other hand traveled between her thighs and played with her nub. She pulled in a deep breath of the fragrance of her heady arousal. Heart pounding with excitement, she opened the box and picked up the dildo which minutes ago was making the delectable Madeleine squirm. The slave’s juices still glistened upon it, and Cornelia lapped it all up like a hungry baby nursing at its mothers bosom. She ran the tip of the dildo over her nipples before pushing it deep inside her aching slit.

Chapter 3

I will be back in the evening to fetch you.

The words rang in Madeleine’s ears like a distant lullaby. Exquisite pain draped her being and pleasure lulled her consciousness. Excessive dissipation had weakened her constitution, and she forced herself to her feet with considerable effort. When she had accepted the Count’s proposition, she had a fair idea about she was bargaining for, but the experience she just received left her completely bemused.
Glancing at the watch, she realized that she didn’t have much time left before the evening began. She bolted the door from inside and took a quick shower. She put on some warm clothes, poured herself a sherry and flipped open her laptop.

Peering intently at the screen, she clicked on the file named ‘Cornelia’ and went through the note she almost knew by heart, having read it so many times. At the end of the paragraph, she appended the following comments.

“Classical beauty, expert in BDSM, definitely bisexual though widely believed to be heterosexual. Behind the deceptive façade of effusive femininity lurks a soul prone to insecurity, jealousy and violence. Devoted to the Count, but susceptible to temptations. Is she attracted to me?”

Madeleine heard a slight tap at the door. She shut her laptop and opened the door to see an elegant woman in a white overcoat.

“I am Dr. Parker, the Count’s personal physician. I need to conduct a medical examination. The Count wants to be sure about your fitness,” said the woman.

“What do I need to do?” asked Madeleine.

“You need to follow me to the clinic. It won’t take long.”

On reaching the doctor’s chambers, Madeleine was subjected to a thorough physical examination. Dr. Parker spent a long time probing her genitals and rectum.

“Miss. Madeleine, I certify that the training session you just underwent hasn’t resulted into any physical injury. However, to be on the safe side, I recommend a dose of anti-tetanus. I am happy to inform that the results of your blood test are out. They declare you free off any infectious or sexual diseases,” said the doctor handing her a sealed envelope from the institute in Switzerland which had collected the Count’s blood samples. The doctor continued, “This envelope contains the results of the Count’s blood tests of which I have received a separate copy. It declares the Count to be free of any contagious illnesses. In short, as per the terms of the contract, the Count is free to indulge in any form of penetrative, unprotected sex with you.”

Madeleine heard everything attentively and extended her arm for Dr. Parker to swab her skin with spirit and inject the anti-tetanus shot.
The doctor pulled out some sheets form her drawer and raised her head. “I have a couple of more questions, Miss. Madeleine.”
Madeleine nodded.

“What is your period cycle?” asked the doctor.

“Usually twenty eight days.”

“When were your last periods?”

When Madeleine replied, the doctor made a quick calculation on the calendar. “Good. It means you are ovulating now just the way the Count wants.”

“Sorry, but I didn’t quite get that.”

“As per the Count’s experience, his subjects are most receptive when they are the peak of their fertility.”

“Is that scientifically proven?”

Behaving as if she didn’t hear anything, the doctor placed some tablets before Madeleine. “The contract forbids you from getting pregnant and the onus of that rests on the subject which in this case happens to be you. Here are some birth control pills. You may take this or any other that you may be carrying.”

“I understand that the Count may insist on multiple sexual partners. How do I know that they are clean?”

This time the doctor looked at Madeleine straight in the eye. “There may be other sexual partners but they will not penetrate you in any way.”

“May I know who will be the other partner tonight?”

“Unfortunately, only the Count decides that and nobody else knows. There are a few more questions, Miss. Madeleine. Are you allergic to leather, metal or rubber.”

Madeleine shook her head, the doctor made a few more notes after which Madeleine returned to her room. She locked the door, extracted her mobile phone from her bag and placed a call.

The distinguished voice of her personal banker came on line. “Hello, Miss. Madeleine Craig. It’s a pleasure hearing from you. How may I be of service?”

“Do you have what I asked for Mr. Hopkins?”

“Yes, Miss. Craig. The report’s on my table.”


“The banking community is well aware of Albert’s compulsive gambling. In spite of his best efforts, not one banker was willing to bail him out.”

Madeleine already knew the number by heart, but she wanted to be sure. “How much is the exact amount of the debt?”

“Four hundred seventy three thousand two hundred and fifty six dollars.”

“How much do I have in my personal account, Mr. Hopkins?”

“Three hundred and sixty six dollars, Miss. Craig.”

“Can I get an overdraft, Mr. Hopkins?”

“I am afraid not, Miss. Craig, but there is something else I want you to know.”

Madeleine knew exactly what the banker was going to say. “I am all ears.”

“As per your father’s will, you inherit some part of his investments on your twenty-fifth birthday.”

“Which is?”

“Just above ten million dollars. Our records department has verified the birth certificate sent by your lawyer. Everything is in order. By the way, Happy birthday, Miss. Craig.”

“Thank you, Mr. Hopkins. When do you think I could use my father’s money?”

“Anytime you wish. The money has been held in separate investment account opened by your father in your name. You are the sole signatory. Would you want me to transfer the necessary funds to Albert’s account?”

Madeleine gave the necessary instructions to her banker before hanging up. Then, she sat back and waited for the knock on the door. She didn’t have to wait long. When she opened the door, the sight took her breath away.

“The Count has asked me to be the partner in today’s session,” announced Cornelia whose lush curves protruded beneath a full-sleeved leotard made of black leather.

Madeleine didn’t need much coaxing to strip down to the buff. Her eyes popped out when Cornelia first put on her a chastity belt, before slipping a leather collar around her neck harnessed to a steel chain. Then she gagged her mouth with a ball gag and fastened the belt around her head. Finally, steel handcuffs bound her wrists behind her.

“The master waits,” said Cornelia and she tugged on the chain

Chapter 4

Count Raymond Claremont’s morning had begun like a nightmare. He had slept alone the previous night dreaming about the sweet things he would do to his latest slave. It had been almost a month since he acquired her, but had put off enjoying her because he wished to savor her with his beloved Cornelia. Finally, the day had come, but his Financial Advisor’s telephone call rudely shattered his reverie.

“What’s it, John?”

“It’s about Madeleine Craig.”

Raymond sat up with a start. “What about her?”

“She turns twenty-five today.”

“John, I don’t pay you to discover the birthdays of my mistresses. Now, let me get back to sleep.”

“Hang on, Raymond. Did you know that she receives a considerable inheritance when she turns twenty-five?”


“As of today, she owns at least ten times of what her husband owes you.”

A flabbergasted Raymond couldn’t believe his ears. He felt wretched and miserable. His small escapade with Cornelia did cheer him up slightly, but he still couldn’t help ruing what he missed. Nevertheless, he went about his day as planned, hoping to hear from Madeleine’s husband, Albert any moment. As the day went by, and he didn’t hear anything from him, his spirits started to improve.

Nervous expectation bubbling in his heart, he began to prepare for the evening. He had chosen ‘The Dungeon,’ the basement room his forefathers used to punish recalcitrant servants as the venue for the night’s activities. The room had been done up to improve sanitation and comfort but the overall feel and ambience had been largely retained. Paraffin torches protruded from the brick walls at angles casting ominous shadows over the cobble-stoned floor. Their flickering flames illuminated the various paraphernalia installed in the room, items tailor made to pander to the Count’s taste for Bondage and Domination.

When the Count entered the dungeon wearing a black and red cape on top of a white shirt and black trousers, he saw a naked Madeleine inside the stand-up cage, her hands bound to the top most bar and her mouth gagged. Cornelia stood guard outside the cage, with a riding crop in her hand. She bowed before the Count.

“So what do we have here?” questioned a stunned Count, his eyes sweeping over the expanse of Madeleine’s white skin.

“Her husband wants to trade her in lieu of his debts, but My Lord has to inspect her first before we agree to his condition,” responded Cornelia.

The Count felt his hardness twitch uncomfortably within his trousers. “Bring her out, and I shall look her up.”

Cornelia unfastened Madeleine’s bounds and pulled so sharply at the collar chain that she tumbled onto her fours.

“Approach the Master,” ordered Cornelia.

Madeleine tried to stand up, but Cornelia smacked her hard on her hips with the crop. “Crawl!”

The sight of Madeleine crawling toward him on her fours sent a surge of pleasure through Raymond’s frame. Behind the slave came Cornelia tugging at the collar chain. Raymond seated himself on a throne with his legs spread wide.

Cornelia unzipped the Count’s fly and extracted his throbbing cock. She massaged it for awhile before pulling the slave closer to his groin, released the gag and thrust it inside her mouth. “Suck,” she barked.

Feeling Madeleine’s sensuous lips slide across his cock sent a shiver down his spine. He locked his gaze with his favorite maid who gripped the base of his manhood with one hand and used the other to strike the slave’s haunches. The slave’s exemplary sucking skills intensified his arousal and hurled him onto a journey of unprecedented physical bliss.

“Enough,” commanded the Count. “Rise!”

Madeleine rose to her feet and Cornelia immediately bound her hands at her back. Then she went to a corner table where the Master had laid out the tools for the evening. She returned with a chain whose two ends were screwed to clamps and placed them next to the Count who played and fondled with the slave’s tits for awhile. He squeezed the fleshy jewels and pinched the nipples so hard that she winced. Immediately, Cornelia struck her ass exposed from the confines of the chastity belt. “You cannot protest.”

The Count continued to pinch and tweak the magnificent rounded–beauties. Then he fixed the clamps on the erect nipples and adjusted the pressure which he knew would perfect for his latest toy. “I want to see her pussy!”

Cornelia produced a set of keys from her pocket and unlocked the chastity belt. Raymond attacked the slave’s vagina with his hand, running his fingers across the puffed lips. To his great delight, her creamy spends soiled his hands. He brought his fingers to his lips and nodded his head in approval. She smells heavenly, he reflected and placed his hands back upon the helpless woman's pussy. He continued to massage the damp flesh, bringing the woman to the brink. Just when he knew she would cum, he moved his hand away.

“Please Master, don’t stop,” pleaded Madeleine.

Hearing the beautiful woman’s earnest voice swelled his heart with pleasure. Fleeting glimpses of her from the various occasions he had seen her in her husband’s company floated before his eyes. She had always been a cockteaser wearing provocatively low cut outfits that exposed her breasts and legs, showed off her sweet curves. He had lusted and thirsted for her, and he meant to subjugate her in every way now that he had the chance.

“You can cum only when the Master wills,” rasped Cornelia as her crop struck the poor woman’s hips once again, the smacking sound greatly pleasing the Count.

“I shall now examine her ass,” he ordered.

Cornelia wheeled in a chair and made Madeleine crouch over the backrest with her feet on the seat. She turned the chair so that the Count had an unhindered view of the white buttocks. The red weals on the smooth flesh made his heart pound. He yanked the ass cheeks apart to get a better view of her vaginal orifice. The turgid lips of her labia glistened with her excitement. His maid passed him the strand of multi-colored jelly beads. She produced a bottle of lube and squeezed it liberally into the slave’s anus. He began to insert the beads into the puckered hole one by one making the woman squirm.

When the entire length of the strand had disappeared inside Madeleine’s anus, the Count beckoned Cornelia who began the task of pulling out the beads. He placed his hand on the slave’s vagina. “She gets wetter and needs to be punished. Place her on my lap.”

When his wish was fulfilled, he gazed upon the woman’s hips and smacked them with his hand. This being his favorite sport, he kept at it for a long time, enjoying the wet patch forming on his trousers from the impact of her arousal.

“Tie her up,” he ordered when he felt his cock bursting.

Cornelia led Madeleine to the far wall and bound her raised hands to a chain suspended from the roof. Next, she helped the Count strip. His tool sprang up in her face, but before she could do anything he shoved her to the side and walked up to the tied woman. He moved behind her and in a sudden move buried herself into her softness. Meanwhile, Cornelia moved in front of her, removed her nipple clamps and lavished her breasts with her mouth and tongue.

Raymond could feel his seed rise within his testicles. The warmth of the slave’s pussy enveloped his cock, and his thrusting generated an exquisite friction which made her love muscles clamp around him like a vise. At the same time, Cornelia knelt and rolled her tongue over the length of her slit.

Feeling the tip of his favorite maid’s tongue on his cock as he pounded the slave’s pussy brought him to the edge. His lust threatened to spill over, and he kept thrusting mercilessly, stretching Madeleine’s pussy to the hilt. Their combined grunts and sighs drenched the room with a sexual energy which served to further enhance Raymond’s pleasure.

He felt the slave’s body tighten as her love muscles collapsed around his rod and milked it relentlessly, but he held himself back. Allowing the woman to climax, he aided her fulfillment by keeping his shaft embedded deep within her as she writhed and screamed. Only when she had fully spent, did he withdraw.

He returned to his throne and waited for his darling Cornelia to strip and mount him. It only took him a few thrusts for her to scale the peak. This time he came too, clutching on to her and pouring all his pent up seed deep within her womb.


After the excesses of the night, the Count decided to spend a relaxed morning by the pool in the company of his two favorite consorts, Cornelia and Madeleine. The two women were doing their best to please him, exposing their assets and casting flirtatious glances. He groaned when his phone rang. Normally, he would not have picked it up when in such enchanting company, but he knew better than to ignore his Financial Advisor, John.

“What’s it, John?”

“I have good news, Raymond.”

“Let me hear it.”

“The banking community is abuzz with rumors that Madeleine Craig’s banker has refused to help her husband, Albert. Apparently, she is pissed with his gambling.”

“I don’t think that’s the sole reason, John.”

John sounded displeased. “Then what is?”

“Forget it, John. You’ll never get it. ”

The Count hung up the phone and looked askance at the two women engaged in an intense conversation. They seemed to have built a special bond between them. He knew Madeleine’s types. The haughtier they behave, the more they wanted to be tamed and enslaved. He would give her exactly that though he knew that that was not the most important reason for her desertion of her husband. He wasn’t sure, but something told him it was more to do with Cornelia. Of course, she was also a natural, a true student of the art which he was still far from mastering. His search could rest for awhile. In Cornelia and Madeleine, he had found two outstanding disciples. It helped that they were also incredibly lovely and gifted. He rose and began to walk toward his new complete family. Time was not to be wasted, and he had some wonderful water sports in mind.

Word Count: 6632
© Copyright 2010 Prof Moriarty (profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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