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This calendar designs a set hold for purpose and place of our humanity in the universe.
Eventological Calendar

Central Worship Day is written as 01.03.01 (Gregorian Calendar = February 29, 2000)
FC=Focus Cycle, SD=Spirit Days, BD=Body Days, GD=Group Days
CD=Commemoration Day / YC=Year Center / RD=Repose Day

Plan Cycle or Human Cycle
Start  Up    Peak    Peak  Down  End  FC 
1        2 RD 3 CD    4 YC    5        6      SP   

Seed Cycle = Event Months 1-4
Start  Up      Peak    Down    End    FC      Start  Up      Peak    Down    End    FC
1        2        3          4          5 RD  SD    1        2        3 RD    4          5        SD
6        7        8          9        10        BD    6        7        8          9        10 RD  BD
11      12 RD 13        14        15        GD    11      12      13        14        15        GD
16      17      18        19 RD  20        GD    16      17 RD  18        19        20        GD
21      22      23        24        25        BD      21      22      23        24 RD  25        BD
26 RD  27      28        29        30      SD      26      27      28        29        30        SD

Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC    Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC
1 RD  2        3          4          5          SD    1        2        3          4          5        SD
6        7        8 RD    9        10        BD      6 RD  7        8          9        10        BD
11      12      13        14        15 RD  GD    11      12      13 RD  14        15        GD
16      17      18        19        20        GD    16      17      18        19        20 RD  GD
21      22 RD  23        24        25        BD    21      22      23        24        25      BD
26      27      28        29 RD  30        SD    26      27 RD 28        29        30      SD

Grow Cycle = Event Months 5-8
Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC    Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC
1        2        3          4 RD    5          SD    1        2 RD    3          4          5        SD
6        7        8          9        10        BD    6        7        8          9 RD  10        BD
11 RD 12      13        14        15        GD    11      12      13        14        15        GD
16      17      18 RD  19        20        GD    16 RD  17      18        19        20        GD
21      22      23        24        25 RD  BD    21      22      23 RD  24        25        BD
26      27      28        29        30        SD    26      27      28        29        30 RD  SD

Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC    Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC
1        2        3          4          5          SD  1        2        3          4          5 RD    SD
6        7 RD    8          9        10        BD    6        7        8          9        10        BD
11      12      13        14 RD  15        GD  11      12 RD  13        14        15        GD
16      17      18        19        20        GD    16      17      18        19 RD  20        GD
21 RD  22      23        24        25        BD    21      22      23        24        25        BD
26      27      28 RD  29        30        SD    26 RD 27      28        29        30      SD

Reap Cycle = Event Months 9-12
Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC    Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC
1        2        3 RD    4          5        SD    1 RD    2        3          4          5        SD
6        7        8          9        10 RD  BD      6        7        8 RD    9        10        BD
11      12      13        14        15        GD    11      12      13        14        15 RD  GD
16      17 RD 18        19        20        GD    16      17      18        19        20        GD
21      22      23        24 RD  25        BD      21      22 RD  23        24        25        BD
26      27      28        29        30        SD      26      27      28        29 RD  30        SD

Start  Up      Peak    Down    End      FC    Start  Up      Peak    Down    End    FC 
1        2        3          4          5        SD    1        2        3          4 RD    5        SD
6 RD  7        8          9        10        BD      6        7        8          9        10        BD
11      12      13 RD  14        15        GD    11 RD  12      13        14        15        GD
16      17      18        19        20 RD  GD    16      17      18 RD  19        20        GD
21      22      23        24        25        BD    21      22      23        24        25 RD  BD
26      27 RD  28        29        30        SD    26      27      28        29        30        SD

         I have created this calendar to establish a private historical record of the events in my life.  With regard to all of my spiritual revelations, held in experience, I have taken the title of “The Eventist”.  I believe this calendar is worthy of this world and myself.  I can personally sense my life connected to many events among past, present, and future experiences.
         Along with posting this calendar, I would like to present some informal descriptions for the self-created words that I recognize as "Eventism and Eventology".  Eventism is faith-based movement of my own spiritual record, within my memory, with acceptance of valid revelations from God.  Eventology is my own personal account that I may eventually present to this world for any further study that may make my faith valid for belief in God.
         The first public reason for this calendar is the fact that the Gregorian Calendar had a leap year in its year 2000.  There will not be another leap year within a 100th year for that same calendar until the year 2400.  The second reason is that the unique event of 09.11.2001 has increased the value of every human life to include each individual’s right to know God and experience revelations for their own spiritual purpose.  Both of these dates, February 29, 2000 and September 11, 2001 have significantly affected my life.  I may one day need to account for all of my own revelations with their own relevance for God’s purpose.  To help plan for that experience and express my beliefs I have chosen to present this new calendar.
         This calendar is not to disconnect humanity from any culture or past revelations.  It is to unite humanity to its living design of both the physical leap year and spiritual day.  My own revelations and logic have become so unique that I must attempt to justify a personal culture for the reason of God.  I also recognize that the culture I share among persons in my land may have its own unique reason to classify world events and relate them to the necessity of tracking time.  I personally have set this calendar around my own self- recognized “Center of Earth” (CE) that I still keep private along with the other revelations in my life.
         This calendar is not presented to be connected with any human births and deaths of our species, or likewise the rights that are given to the creation and destruction of any other entities.  It presently is intended for me to reserve the right to account for my own record of events that I may ultimately connect publicly to my unique life.  I thank you for any concern of what this calendar may offer to help with any past, present, and future cultural development or for those reasons of necessity in planning this world’s human ecology.
         Beyond your individual concerns with this calendar, it is only I alone with the unique interest in how all past, present, and future events unravel as every human being’s individual timeline unwinds to become part of the miracle of all human life.  As a layperson, I have unique archeological, philosophical, psychological, and theological views, among others, about the modern experiences of the human world.  This view has given me a belief in prayer that has its genuine origin for control of future events.  Therefore, some others may be interested in such a timeline program, as the Eventological Calendar, so I am willing to release it to be investigated for the usage of such a human value accounting system.
         Be fully aware that the description soon to follow is an explanation of a simple logical design.  It does not offer the reader any insight into the thoughts of God or allow any unfamiliar thought to enter the holy mind of God.  This is a representation of order lying hidden within my simple mind.  There is not any threshold to search for beyond reading these few words.  This calendar only suggests my unique perspective of accountability from the divine for humanity’s mortal condition.  I, Mr. Yvain Andrei Edgcombe, create the Eventological Calendar for the purposes developing culture and tracking of world events.
         The Eventological Calendar is designed to embody the repetitive cycles of human life.  It is to help guide an individual human mind, along the basic learning experience of its life, with the awareness that it has a spirit and body being united into a soul.  This awareness includes a grasp on minds that share the world, yet lack the same focus on life.  With God’s thoughts in my mind, the intention of this expanding, cyclical calendar design is so there will be some prayers to plan this world’s human ecology.  In the same way others hope to plan the end of their very own lives and leave other souls in good, loving care - these prayers are to help some eventually end their lives peacefully, with the highest wisdom attainable.
         The Eventological Calendar is centered on the previously stated day of February 29, 2000.  This day is recognized as the “Central Worship Day” (CWD).  All dates related to the CWD are recognized as either the “Central Worship Before”  (CWB) or “Central Worship After” (CWA).  On the Eventological Calendar, the single, unique CWD is posted as the third day in a six-day month, and it is numerically written as 01.03.01.
         The first month of every year has either five days and is called the “Plan Cycle” (PC) or has six days, with a leap year, and is also called the “Human Cycle” (HC).  Every other month of the year has thirty days and is called an “Event Month” (EM).  The EM’s, which total as twelve individual months per year, are separated into three groups with four EM’s each and are called a “Work Cycle” (WC).  The year of WC’s are related with farming to raise a culture for God.  The first WC of each year is titled the “Seed Cycle” (SC), its second is the “Grow Cycle” (GC), and its third is the “Reap Cycle” (RC).
         The PC and HC is designed to give each individual an event to reflect back upon, on certain days of the year, to remember God, and also plan their focus on the WC’s of the new year to develop what is needed in their cultural life.  Every year has a definite “Year Center” (YC) and fifty-two “Repose Days” (RD) throughout the year to help the individual reflect on their plans.  The YC is considered unique in the year as a - one and a quarter day. During the HC, there is an additional day for the leap year.  That day is called the “Commemoration Day” (CD), and is a unique day from the sum of four YC’s for humanity and God to share.
         The EM is designed to give the individual rest on a set order of days from the problems in the world to serve either their body, group, or spirit.  The design of each EM is set to create a repetitive “Focus Cycle” (FC) that consists of six weeks with each having five days total.  Each FC, in its specific order, keeps the mind focused on the spirit on the first week, the body on the second week, the group on the third and fourth week, the body on the fifth, and the spirit on the sixth week.  This design of order allows the individual and group to have a repetitive focus within all three WC’s for every EM.  Each EM consists of ten - “Spirit Days” (SD), ten - “Body Days” (BD), and ten - “Group Days” (GD) to organize and build this focus.  RD is to return focus back onto the YC during this pattern in the EM.
         The WC, which each one consists of one-hundred-twenty days, is designed to give the group rest from the world’s problems.  During the WC, the group serves all of the individuals’ spirits and bodies in the same focus for health in the proper raising of good souls.  The FC in each EM, and therefore the EM in each WC, directs the group and individual on seeding from the first to the one-hundred-twentieth day, growing from the one-hundred-twenty-first to the two-hundred-fortieth day, and reaping from the two-hundred-forty-first to the three-hundred-sixtieth day.  This direction peaks at each FC of GD’s, which helps the general order to be accepted throughout the calendar year.  In this way, the cycle of life is also designed to recognize the peaks and valleys of living in a group setting.

"I AM the Immortal to embrace each one existing within Open Love, by our truth, so that you shall know ME for Life Paradiseward."- Yvain Andrei Edgcombe/YAE3170

From Love,

The Eventist

Special Notes:
#1  This is for the Eventological Calendar's physical human nature within our Solar Sytem. It is additionally a statement of our spiritual human nature for soul acension from our planet.

#2  The Central Worship Day created a direct line reference between the Earth and the Sun at midnight 01.03.01 of the Eventological Calendar. The line at my Center of Earth connected itself directly South on the Earth's equator. By way of the Earth's core, it placed a fulcrum between it and the Sun's core . This created an angle as a divice, from my mind with God's, to track and hold the necessary degree for a stable human ecology. Every event of a Year Center places a new point both on the Earth's orbit around the Sun, and also along the Solar Sytem's path through Deep Space. With leverage from humanities prayers the accumalation of angle references shall give God's expansive mind the reason to control the Earth's axis  and tilt .

#3  The accumulated line recorded between all associated points of angled gravity along with the Moon's fading orbit shall give warning signs within the Earth's shifting rotational stability. This list shall be the comparison unit for the control method of maintaining the axis tilt by impacting the Moon's farthest surface location from the with asteriod's of mainly titanium and platinum ores. There on the Moon's surface in unison with orbiting human entities, by God's bestowed space human entity work stations, the fading gravitational force may be reduced or stopped as the needed metal ores are mined from the far side of the Moon. Once mined on the Moon the metals shall be imacted into the Earth's South Pole.

#4  So that the focus of prayer can be lifted to the awareness of God, my Center of Earth will establish a working crossroad to bless the homes of human entities. The bestowal of the evolutionary work on our world's gravitational force, from God, will increase stewardship of our planet by knowledge our united correct thought towards world survival. The correct thought from reading this note is to recognize the reason for all speed. All of this world, within God's sight, establishes the acsending order of the living speeds of sound, light, thought, and truth. In general speaking terms, the shared prayers among all human entities within the polarities of the Sun, Earth, and Moon could encourage us to call our Solar System the "Word" Solar System of the "Call" Galaxy. Once this polarity has perfected our human species' will to survive and secure its thinking, by our fact of mortal fear and of God's mercy, love shall bless all accepting souls Paradiseward.
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