Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720996-A-World-Gone-Crazy
Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Inspirational · #1720996
The world is changing more and more everyday...
A World Gone Crazy
Ay poetry by...

The world has gone nuts and I don't care!
What can I do?  I can only beware;
I'm only one man, not a millionaire;
When problems appear I got my share;
All the trouble in the world, it just ain't fair;
The average man can never get square;
I cannot buy new; I must make repair;
When problems come around I got my share;
When problems come around I got my share!

The world is nuts with the absence of prayer;
Kindness for your fellow man is no longer there;
Human kindness is becoming very rare;
It is easier to curse and easier to swear
In a world gone crazy with the absence of prayer.
People are no longer inclined to share;
People keep to themselves, but live with despair;
See the married people as they have an affair;
Their spouses know, but their spouses don't care.
It can all be seen in the guilt that we wear
In a world gone crazy with the absence of prayer.

See us as we live completely unaware;
Minding our own business sitting in our chair;
The milk of human kindness nowadays is rare;
The way life has evolved just isn't fair!!!!!
Everything is fast and we can see the flare;
All things are easy, but all things ain't there.
So don't go off looking for it, anywhere;
You won't find the answers in a world with no prayer.

When trouble comes around I got my share;
Nothing I can do! I can only beware;
The way that life is, well, it just ain't fair;
Keep the wheels turning as we breath dirty air.
The meek shall inherit everything that is there;
So with the weaker sex men had better get square.
If we can't find GOD then we had better beware
In a world that is completely absent of prayer.

All we can do is live with our sin
As the world spins around again and again;
All we can do is live day to day
In ay world gone crazy; we forgot how to pray.
Forced rhymes?--You bet they are--Do you think that rhymes just happen magically?--No!....of
course not!!!...The poet must write with the purpose of making the words rhyme, so....in that way...
the rhymes are forced--You no like?  Don't read my stuff as I force all my lines to rhyme--That is

"In GOD I trust"...How about you?--

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