Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720978-Swamp-Thing
Rated: E · Other · Contest Entry · #1720978
Daily Flash Entry
“Let’s go to the old house at the end of King Street,” Alex suggested to his friend Matty as they headed out for their annual candy stock-up.

Matty’s eyes widened, “We can’t go there. My mom told me to stay away from that house; said it should be condemned.”

“Mom’s always say that, she’ll never know. Besides, look at us, we’re superheroes, we can save the world if we have to.”

Matty hesitated. “Okay Alex, but real quick. And if it looks like it should be condemned then we turn around. You always so get me in trouble.”

The two boys headed out to the old street, collecting chocolate at each house along the way and yelling out superhero sayings in the process.

“Here we are, Matty.” Alex said as they stood on the road in front of the rickety-looking old house. “Doesn’t look so scary. Just looks a little empty.”

Matty jumped and pointed, “Alex, look, what was that? I saw a light, there’s someone in there. Look.”

They slowly approached the walkway, neither noticing the workman’s pylons or the yellow wooden barrier. They just heard the snap as Alex walked across the poorly protected pit and landed with a splash.

“Matty help! What is this, it stinks. Grab my hand, help me up. Matty, this is disgusting.” He was standing waste high in what appeared to him to be liquid garbage.

“Oh boy Alex, you are so in trouble now,” Matty said as he leaned over and turned on his flashlight. “It looks like a sewer, and you smell like poop. Gross. I’m not touching you.”

“Get me out of here. Now.”

“Use your superhero powers, grab this piece of wood; I’ll pull you,” he laughed. “Guess next year you can go as the Swamp Thing.”

© Copyright 2010 cheryl losch (closch at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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