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Rated: E · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #1720780
A silly campfire story, we know they aren't true, but they sure can frighten us.
The campfire warmed our faces but didn’t touch the icy chill that was left by Steve. Kari looks around waiting for something to jump out of the shadows. She feels exposed sitting out by the fire, forest surrounding them. Steve leans closer to the fire. The shadow and the flame cast an eerie glow over his face, distorting his features. Looking around at everyone, Steve asks “Ready for another story?” The guys agree. Some of the girls shrug their shoulders, and some of them look as terrified as Kari feels. Standing up, Kari says “I’m going to bed. Steve, you coming?” Steve looks up and shakes his head “Not tired yet”.
“Okay, well, good night” Kari walks over kisses Steve and whispers in his ear “don’t stay up too late.” Kari secretly wants Steve to go wither her to keep her safe. She waves her good-byes and heads to her cabin. She throws on pajamas and crawls into bed, feeling vulnerable and defenseless she tosses and turns.
Kari drifts in out and of sleep; dreams interspersed with nightmares keep her from completely falling asleep. Waking up suddenly, she realizes Steve is not beside her. Groping around for her phone she finds it and checks the time. “Almost 2:30 in the morning, are they still up?” Kari wonders. Getting up, she finds a lamp and turns it on. She pulls on a sweatshirt and slips on her running shoes. The creek of her cabin door makes her jump. She steps out onto the deck and sees the camp fire still burning. She makes her way towards the fire, but hears no voices. She sees no one sitting around it either. “Okay, very funny guys. Ha, ha, where are you?” she says. Keeping her eyes on the fire she doesn’t notice where she’s walking until she trips over something. No, someone. Lying on the ground is their friend, Tim. Kari covers her mouth to keep her screams from escaping. Tim is lying there with blood down the front of his shirt. Panic grips her; Kari doesn’t know what to do. Check for others? Scream for help? Find Steve? She spins around and starts running to the other cabins hoping that someone is there. Banging on the doors she hears no movement. Kari’s enters a cabin. Searching all the rooms she finds no one. Not wanting to stay any longer she runs outside to the car. She’s almost there when she hears her name “Kari?!” Relief sweeps over her as she realizes it is a voice she recognizes. As she turns she realizes whose voice it is and it’s one she doesn’t want to hear. “Tim?” She backs away slowly reaching the car, praying one of the doors is unlocked. Keeping an eye on Tim she checks all the doors and none open. A noise to her left makes her turn and look. She sees everyone piling out of the van yelling “gotcha!”

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