Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1720693-Soulcolecters-necklace
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1720693
A story about a mysterious necklace for the halloween contest
“Marry would you come down, David is waiting for you” As I heard my mother call I tried to get the last lock of my hair in the right place “Gosh what a day to have a bad hair day”
“Hello beautiful” David stood at the base of the stairs. She still couldn’t believe he was hers. When they had started going out her world had seemed upside down. A guy like him with a grey mouse like her, who would have thought. As she gave him a peck on the cheek a shiver ran down her spine “Where are you going” –“I’m taking her out to dinner misses Calper, we’ll be back by 10” My mother waved a goodbye as we left “where are you taking me” –“just dinner but after the surprise” dangling before my eyes he held a beautiful necklace with an teardrop shaped red stone. “it’s beautiful” I gazed at David “why” –“just because I thought it would look nice on you, come on let’s eat I’m starving”.

As I follow the little stream into the woods I see a girl standing at the edge of the woods “Hi” I call out and walk towards her “your not from around here” before I come to a stop she grabbed my arm “you must stop him” –“what are you talking about” a try to get my arm loose but she is so strong. Her eyes turn a shade of grey and her skin seems to dissolve in front of my eyes. As I scream her skull shows “You have to help” the words aren’t coming from a girl but from a skeleton. I scream again and with one big tug I find myself back in my room and my bed. My sheets are soaked in sweat and my heart is racing. This didn’t even feel like a nightmare, it felt to real.

The next night wasn’t much better the minute I fell asleep I saw them again. The girls skin seamed to melt of her face. But this time she wasn’t alone. Two other girls flanked her also with hollow eyes and melting skin “you have to help” they chimed as one. As I scrambled backwards my foot got caught on a tree stump and I tumbled back. The girls moved closes “marry listen to me, you have to save us from him “one of the girls was dangerously close. I screamed and raised my arms above my face. As I closed my eyes 3 pictures flashed in front them. The 3 girls a saw, dead the pictures where like crime photos. I opened my eyes and saw the familiar blue of my walls

The nightmares where breaking me up and the next day school seemed like an impossible assignment. “marry what is wrong with you” Jenny tapped my shoulder to get me to sit up. “not enough sleep” even my voice was groggy. She left me alone for the rest of the day. When school finished I went to see David. I needed a soft and mostly quiet shoulder to lean on “hi beautiful” he yelled as I approached “please not so loud” -“what’s with you” –“No sleep” –“don’t be such a drama queen” he turned up the volume of his radio “this will wake you up” –“David you are such a jerk” I turned on my heels to leave somehow thinking he would stop me, but no I left without a single word.
As I walked home I saw the pictures again in front of me the three girls the terror on their faces “Stop it” I covered my ears and shut my eyes hoping it would go away. The pictures kept flashing but changed. From perfect crime photos to odd coloured newspaper photos. As sudden as they came, the pictures went. I took a deep breath and walked home.

The newspaper pictures kept me busy the rest of the following day and in my last class I decided to go to the library to see what I could find. The library was quiet and as I walked to the front of the desks I wandered why I thought this would help. Excuse me, could you help me find some newspaper articles” the woman behind the front desk looked up from her book and nodded. “it’s this way, these computers are installed with a program to search true all the old newspapers we have on files, just type in a key word and that's it” I smiled and thanked her as I sat down behind one of the computers. As I typed in murder I got over 10 million hits, no good. I decided on unsolved murder. It got over a thousand hits. But entering the county narrowed it down to 21, a start. As I browsed thru the papers the hair on the back of my neck rose. “what are you doing” David’s voice came from inches behind me. It startled me so I actually let out a yelp. “Jeez David could you give me a bigger heart attack” he just sniggered “what are you looking for” as he pushed me aside a bit, I stammered “research” –“since when are you into real life CSI” he turned to me with a look on his face I never saw before, the malice in it scared me “why would that be a problem to y” –“you have no business looking for this” his yelling caught me by surprise. The lady at the front desk gave us an angry look. Before I could get my words together the computer screen was turned off and David walked out the door. I don’t know why but I didn’t turn the computer back on. I took my bag and went home. Before I could set a foot outside the library a picture of my necklace flashed before my eyes, after that I saw the library and it’s mythical section. As I stepped out, one of the girls stepped in front of me. Her face was as horrible as I remembered. I gashped when I saw the maggots on her skin. “find the necklace and you will find the truth. Help us and safe yourself” after those words she turns and disappeared in the afternoon crowed.
After she walked away my necklace started to burn up. I tried to tear it of but the necklace wouldn’t budge. The burning only stayed for a few seconds. Then I remembered the girls, they had on my necklace. At that point my knees buckled and I sank down on the sidewalk gasping for breath as black spots appeared in my line of vision.

I woke up seeing the familiar blue of my room. “morning sunshine” David smiled at me from behind my desk “how are you doing” he stood up and sat on the foot of my bed. “what happened” my voice sounded unsteady in my own ears. “you fainted outside the library yesterday” slowly everything came back to me and than I realised the necklace I’d seen on the girls, my necklace. “what did you do to them” the flicker in David’s eyes told me he knew what I was talking about “you probably hit your head when you hit the ground beautiful” he slowly left my room. As soon as he was out the door I got out of bed and dressed as soon as I could. “Mum where are you” once I came downstairs I saw David sitting on the table “your mum had to get some groceries” David’s smile hinted at the malice I was getting to know in him. We just stand there staring at each other for seconds. Before I even had time to think about it I bolted for the door. Without looking back I knew he was following me. I managed to get to the woodland just south of my house before he caught up. His ice-cold hand griped my wrist. The sudden jolt on my arm made me loose balance, as I went down I kicked as hard as I could to get away from him.
“you should have kept your nose out of my business” his sneers felt like lashes of a whip. We faced each other and I saw a knife glistering in the sun, he was playing with it. He started to come for me and I knew I was trapped the idea of dying was sinking in and I realised it didn’t matter. “You can go to hell” I screamed at him as I ripped my necklace of and send it flying toward him. He smiled at it and set another step.

The air between us seemed to shimmer, the necklace turned black and the tree girls from my nightmare appeared in front of me. “you will undergo the same faith as us David” He went as white as a seat before the air shimmered again and with a piercing cry he disappeared. The girls turned and for the first time they looked normal. “You are safe now Marry, and the soulcolecter's necklace has a new soul, trust us get rid of the necklace” and with those words they disappeared.
Catching my breath I search to find David again, but he’s gone. My heart stops racing and goes back to a somewhat normal pace. He’s gone. The words eco in my mind, I’m safe he’s gone. As I get up and walk back home I start realizing what this means, my life could turn back to normal again. For the first time since David gave me the necklace I could think of normal things again, going to school and first of all going on a shopping trip with Jenny. As I climb the stairs my mum opens the door “Marry where have you been” before she could start yelling at me I gave her a huge hug. “I love you mum” –“I love you to kiddo” she turns around and heads for the living room. Before I enter the house I trough the into the little stream that runs by our house. As I enter the house I don’t look back so I don’t see David’s face in the necklace waiting for revenge.

© Copyright 2010 Laurine (laurine27 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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