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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1720642
the first chapter of the fanasty novel Ruby. please give honest revies. New chapters soon.
RUBY by chasen wingert
Chapter 1 Never surrender, never surrender Crothon thought to himself as he blocked an incoming swing from a wooden sword. Sweat and blood dripped down his 17 year old face. Pain swelled inside his body and a huge gash along with unbearable pain formed on the side of his head. He moved his long brown hair out of his eyes and continued to block strikes from his opponent. His opponent was a head taller then Crothon and also had a better build. At a first glance, Crothon thought he wouldn’t stand a chance against this brute, but soon hope and bravery sent him forward and challenged the brute. They both knew what they were fighting for, to soon become a knight and have the honor and skill to defend the royal kingdom of the mainlands. Crothon’s always wanted to be a knight every since the royal walking 10 years ago. King Shivel and his royal knights in their silver plated armor walked down the city’s main road to the feast party to enjoy the anniversary of king Shivel’s ruling. Fireworks burst through the air, which reflected off the knights armor and made the crowd stare at such a presence. Crothon was only seven at the time, but he still remembers it. So did all the other boys who wanted to be a knight, but most gave up on the dream because of the intense training. The brute thrust a quick swing and hit Crothon’s cheek. Blood splattered all over the floor and he Crothon let out a cry of pain and fell to the floor, but the now grinning brute wasn’t stopping there. He raised his now bloody sword and slashed down at him. Half blinded by pain, Crothon knew he had to fight dirty. Blocking the swing, he kicked the brute in the groin and quickly got back on his feet. The brute dropped his wooden sword and fell down to his knees. Crothon took a mighty swing of his wooden weapon and smashed his nose. Blood sprayed out of his nose and the brute got up and held his nose and screamed a painful cry. Crothon took the advantage and rushed into the injuried opponent. He impacted his should into the brutes bloody chest and sent him flying five feet into the hard floor and let out a silent cry. Crothon managed a weak smile. The pain was over taking him so he sat down on the floor and focused on staying conscious. Standing 15 feet away was Crothons master, Master Owlen. Who watched over Crothon with his gray eyes. A frown formed over his old face as he watched Crothon sit down. He approached Crothon wearing his gleaming knight armor that matched his gray hair and beard. He paid no attention to the unconscious boy and the end of the small training room. All focus was aimed at Crothon. Knowing not what was going to happen, Crothon remained sitting and kept his eyes glued to the floor. “Up Crothon.” Master Owlen said in his regular commanding tone. Crothen obeyed the order and stood up with pain that felt he had been hit with a hammer all over the legs. He tried his best to hold the pain back to show Master Owlen that he was strong and able to fight. He had known Master Owlen every since he was 7. Crothen’s father had signed him up for the knight training and Master Owlen had been his Trainer and pretty much brother to him despite his old age. Master Owlen was recognized as a fearless knight who showed no mercy in battles or during training. “You should go home Crothen and get your mother to check those wounds.” Crothen shocked and confused began to argue. “But master it is only mid-day and I am still able to-!” Master Owlen raised his hand to silence Crothen. He knew that there was no point in arguing so he slowly walked to the exit of the knight’s building. Before he left he looked back to see Master Owlen helping the boy Crothen had fought. He muttered something and closed the wooden door behind him.
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