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Assignment One Assignment One - Introduction to Character The character I want to portray is taken from the famous novel Count of Monte Cristo, written by the famous French Writer Alexander Dumas. The novel published in 1846. I haven’t read the novel. My knowledge about it is purely based on the movie Count of Monte Cristo and its retold story (Abridged version). What is the nature of the character: his or her personality traits, speech, habits, mannerisms, etc.? Edmond Dantès was the hero of the novel. He was a kind, innocent, honest, and loving man of age nineteen. He was less educated, though naturally intelligent. He is a man of few opinions. He lived his life by a traditional code of ethics that impelled him to honor his superiors. He loved and cared dutifully for his aging father, and treated his fellow man generously. He was loyal to his boss, Monsieur Morrel; he adored his fiancée, Mercédès. He had positive thoughts and was even kind to men who clearly disliked him. What actions did or didn't make this character act and react, change or remain the same? Dantès had a perfect life. He was going to become the captain of a ship. It was the time when Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to an Island and everyone who supported Napoleon was treated as traitor and was severely punished. Nevertheless, his perfect life stirred up dangerous jealousy among some of his so-called friends who drafted a letter accusing Dantès of treason and involvement in espionage of Napoleon Bonaparte. On the day of his wedding, Dantès was arrested for his alleged crimes and was sent to the infamous island prison Château d’If, where the most dangerous political prisoners were kept. In prison, Dantès met Abbé Faria, an Italian intellectual and soldier, who has been jailed for his political views. Faria taught Dantès history, science, philosophy, and languages, turning him into a well-educated man. He also trained him as a fighter. Faria also informed Dantès about a large treasure hidden on the island of Monte Cristo, and told him how to find it. When Faria died, Dantès hid himself in the abbé’s shroud, thinking that he would be buried and then dig his way out. Instead, Dantès was thrown into the sea where he cut himself loose and swam to freedom. Dantès traveled to Monte Cristo and found Faria’s enormous treasure, a gift from God. Then after some years, Dantès emerged on the scene as the Count f Monte Cristo and got fame throughout the country. Then he revenged tactfully and cleverly from all of those people who were involved in sending him to prison. Did the character evoke any emotion in you? How and why? Yes, he character of Dantès absolutely evoked emotions in me. There are three phases of his life : One, when he was honest, simple, kind, innocent and sincere to everyone. That phase of his life was also awesome. Second, When he was imprisoned for almost fourteen years. He was so disappointed and hopeless that he tried to commit suicide in the cell, but his glance stuck to the wall, where it was engrave, God will give me justice. This was really an emotional scene, while watching it in the movie my eyes filled with tears. Still I’m writing about this scene, I have some tears in my eyes the monitor screen looks blurred. This poor guy Dantès spent about fourteen years, and everyday, he moved a stone on the engraved words God will give me justice. to engrave them deeper. Third, when he escaped tactfully from the prison Island and emerged as the wealthiest Count of the country and caused his opponents to their logical ends. That was an enviable phase. Why is this character your favorite? I think, this question has been answered in the above question where I mentioned three phases of his life. What can you learn from how this character was written that will help you write memorable characters for your stories? I learned that if the character is real and non-fictitious and all the descriptions are logical and close to real life, it is absolutely fascinated and eye-catching to the readers. His simple life in the beginning, then a miserable life in the prison and then magnificent life full of grandeur and pompous as the Count of Monte Cristo in the end really color the story and induce everlasting emotions and feelings. Complete Novel: http://www.literature.org/authors/dumas-alexandre/the-count-of-monte-cristo/ Assignment Two - Character Introduction He stood straight and tall as if at attention before a superior officer. Statue-like in the summer downpour, he watched the slashing rain pierce the once placid surface of the crystal blue lake. The water trembled and shimmered almost as if in pain where each drop slashed into the surface. Lost in his own distant past, the man ignored the rivulets coursing over his naked chest and soaking his light cotton trousers. Yanking himself back to the present, he raked his fingers through his hair and glared at the roiling clouds above. The pounding rain cascaded over his face and through his gray mustache. He clamped his dark eyes shut, before the lances of rains water speared into his brain. Still, he held his stance. A good soldier endures, no matter what. In the beautiful valley, a small house was nestled beside the crystal clear blue water lake. The heavy rain pounded its wooden roof. Dark clouds colored the mountains as if they wore ghostly appearance, emerging all around. The water surface of the lake quivered, as the raindrops pierced every inch of it. Then he looked down for a while, and then glanced across the lake at the small village. Clouds thundered to frighten the whole valley and its inhabitants. A lightning brightened the valley for a few seconds to see its response. Dull grey sky with continual lightning painted the whole valley with the mysterious atmosphere. “Hey Mike, enjoying the downpour!” a villager shouted joyfully. Mike waved his hand. “All the inhabitants of the valley would be enjoying this first rain of the summer season.” Mike thought. Mike, a soldier and veteran, was living his retired life in a far flung valley. The choice of living here was because of his unforgettable memories of his best friend and brave soldier Willy who died in his hands in the battlefield. Mike was quite helpless to save his badly injured friend, Willy. He wondered how he himself remained safe. He leapt to the fallen soldier Willy whose wide chest was colored with blood by the gunshot. Mike held his head in his lap, when two shots pierced Mike’s shoulder and he fell down. His head hit something hard and darkness blackened his conscious. When he came to conscious, he was in the bed of the hospital. Later on, he came to know that his regiments assaulted a violent counter attack and not only captured the enemy post, but also rescued the injured soldiers. About Willy, everyone was sad; he martyred at the spot when two gunshots hit his chest. This beautiful valley was the ancestral village of Willy. For the first time, Mike met Willy during the training and they became best friends. Later on, they got many chances for going together on the military ventures. Many times, Mike came with Willy to this valley and everyone here had got acquaintance with him. Mike still remembered when he came here with a group of soldiers along with Willy’s dead body to bury him in his ancestral village. On his retirement, he preferred to live here to spent rest of life in the peaceful place. (Word Count = 524) Lesson Two Exercise – Character Study 1. Name Mike 2. Color: White 3. Face: Almost oval 4. When he smiles, his pearly teeth became prominent. 5. Hair. Grey 6. Eyes: brown, bright 7. Some wrinkles on forehead 8. Strong muscular body. 9. Almost 6 ft height. 10. Age: about 60 11. Analytic thinking 12. Optimistic 13. Soldier – Veteran 14. Born: Chicago 15. Mother: Elizabeth – a housewife 16. Father: Douglas - businessman 17. Sibling: Only one sister Katherine. Five years younger than Mike. 18. Countries visited: South Africa, Vietnam, West Germany, Beirut, Baghdad, Israel, Turkey, South Korea, Jordan, Egypt, Taiwan., Cuba, Some Eastern European countries. 19. Hobbies: Swimming, shooting, mountaineering, watching action movies. 20. Forgiving, social, friendly, cooperative, Patriotic, brave 21. Close friend: William who martyred in the battlefield. 22. Sometimes, during the schooldays, he slipped away from school and went to a nearby stream to fish. His father caught him red handed on the stream and scolded him. 23. Took part in many military adventures in South Korea, Beirut, West Germany, Eastern Europe 24. He was very much inspired by his uncle who was Colonel and fought the World War II. 25. He got married when he was 27. 26. Wife: Maria - a decent and beautiful lady who died at the age of 50. 27. No offspring 28. Good player of volleyball in the school days. 29. He was very careless and stubborn during his boyhood. 30. His memory is very strong. He never forgot anyone who met him once in the whole life. 31. He believed in God. He didn’t like atheists, but never argued with them. 32. He loved the beautiful valleys. 33. The childhood’s stories that his mother told him always remained his mind. 34. Throughout his life, he acted upon the pieces of advice that his parents gave him any time in his boyhood and youth. 35. He was expert in problem solving. He was a puzzle master in his college days. 36. Once, he tracked down a thief in his neighborhood, after observing evidences and listening to people about the theft of gold jewelry of his neighbor. The thief was the maid working in the house. 37. He never deceived his friends, especially who trusted him very much. 38. His first military adventure in Africa couldn’t turn out to succeed, despite it seemed to be an easy task to him in the beginning. 39. His wife Maria was from Alaska. He met her there first time and fell in love with her. 40. His Colonel Uncle was spending his last days in Alaska. Maria’s family was his uncle’s neighbors. 41. His grave manly voice was awe-inspiring for the listeners. 42. He brutally shot down two villagers who were plundering the camps of the soldiers at night. His commander scolded him for this act. He should have arrested the villagers, not to kill them. 43. First time, he had sex when he was 18. That gave him an unforgettable pleasure in the years to come. 44. Before joining army, he used to write diary, but later on, he gave up. 45. He experienced so many battles, killing, bloodshed and cruelty during the war time. Now he wanted to live his old age in peace and in beautiful place that was a valley – an ancestral village of his fast friend Willy. 46. His favorite country was Egypt. He visited the pyramids and ancient places five times. 47. He had a very good sense of humor. He was good at cooking. 48. The sweet memories of his wife Maria still refreshed his mind. 49. Because of his good shot, he served a sniper as well. 50. Sometimes, in the evening, the villagers of the valley gathered in his small house and listened to the events of his military life and enjoyed a lot. Lesson Three Character Exercise Stereotype Fat or obese Personality Trait Jolly, carefree Springboard to Use fat person as cynical weapons dealer Stereotype 1. thin, tall Personality Trait Reactive, unsocial Springboard to Lives an isolated life. Stereotype 2. healthy, black headed Personality Trait Sportsman, sociable, active Springboard to Gets fame for winning tournaments on state level. Stereotype 3. fat with round belly, baldy Personality Trait Less educated, aggressive Springboard to A leader of gangsters Stereotype 4. white headed, wears eye glasses Personality Trait Intelligent, keen observer Springboard to Popular professor and researcher Stereotype 5. thin, teenage Personality Trait Book worm, innocent looking Springboard to The only son of his parents Stereotype 6. Bright eyes, brown hair, early 40s Personality Trait Sharp mind, problem solver, smart Springboard to A detective Stereotype 7. Aging male, bright face Personality Trait Tranquil, gentle, confident Springboard to A priest Stereotype 8. healthy, black, aging lady Personality Trait Handsome, graceful, confident Springboard to Private business owner Stereotype 9. Muscular, tall Personality Trait Brave, shrewd, impressive personality Springboard to A soldier Stereotype 10. Late 50s, bright and broad forehead Personality Trait Experienced, wise, diplomatic Springboard to A politician |