Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1719407-Angel-in-the-Window
by tMk
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1719407
My Alex short stories. Who is Alex? read to find out :)
I look over at my clock sitting by my bedside. It reads 9:00 p.m. I put my book down and climb into bed. I love how warm and safe it feels when you first crawl into a bed for a deep nights sleep. Also, night is really the only time a person can think and hope. To think about the boy drama at school, where you're going to be this weekend with friends and family, and what the hell you're going to do with the rest of your days as a teen. Oh yes, middle school, it may seem fun at first but then your respect and trust is really tested. When there are the "popular" and "unpopular" sides of the lunch table. And where you find you're first true love. Some of the love stays together during the years but sadly most of it fades away.

Right before I really close my eyes for good I here a light tap on the windows by my bed. I figure it to be a bug or leaves so I lay my head back on my pillow. But then it comes back, louder, and more frequent. I finally turn on my lap and get out of bed with my Spongebob Squarepants pajama pants and cami on to get rid of that unbearable noise. As I open the blinds to face my opponent I find a boy, Alex to be exact, the one true love of my life. He's staring at me with his head in his hand on the side of my two-story window. I open the window and meet his gaze.

"Hey Ti, beautiful night isn't it," Alex asked with his brilliant green eyes.

"How did you… Why are you… Alexander Regal, what the heck are you doing at my window scaring me like that," I asked with my eyebrow arched.

Alex hopped into my room with a graceful stride. As soon as he was in my room brushing off the dirt on his shoulders he had me in his warm embrace. And for once I felt saver and warmer that any bed on earth. Sure Alex is a couple inches taller that me, and I'm pretty tall, but it seems like I was meant to mold into his loving hugs.

"I missed you too," he said before placing a playful kiss on my head.

"Alex are you sure this is only going to take you a second. Dude, it's butt cold out here," said a voice I know too well coming out of the window below.

I peeked my head out with Alex at my side. Down on the ground holding the ladder Alex must have used to get in was a shivering Xavier. Xavier was Alex's cousin that moved to Iowa, a couple months ago with him. Xavier is a sophomore in High School, and Alex is always getting him to drive wherever Alex seems to demand.

"I will only be a moment you big baby," Alex whispered down with a wide grin on his face. Knowing him, I'm guessing he planned to stay for a while.

"Okay," I said with a hand on my hip, "Why did you make Xavier drive you all the way across town in the middle of the night for me?"
"Because your worth it," Alex stated with a second to spare before pulling me into a gentle kiss. I wanted to stay here forever! For once it all fit into place and the world felt right and new. I ran my fingers threw his wavy tan hair. His hands were firm on my chin, informing that he wanted to be like this forever. That's okay, I wasn't going anywhere anyway. Suddenly I can hear footsteps coming up my large stairs. I pull away from Alex with alarm. I shove him into my huge walk-in closet and close the blinds. Turing off my lamp and hopped into bed right as my mother opens the door.
"Is everything okay in here? I thought I heard walking and voices," She asked with a curious shine in her brown eyes. I do look a little like my mother but sometimes if you caught her at the right moment we look nothing alike. She has light brown hair that is cut short, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and a "fluffier" body. Me on the other hand had long dirty blonde curly hair, greenish brown eyes, and fair skin. The only thing that made us look like a mother and daughter was the body in our hair, a larger nose, and the fact that we were both tall for women.

"Oh yeah, everything is fine. I just had to use the restroom," I responded with my most innocent smile.

"Oh, but I didn't hear any water running or flushing," my mother added with one of those your-a-bad-liar faces that she is good at.

"Ops, that's my fault. Sorry about that one," I said as I yawned just for effect, "well I better get to sleep. I have a busy day at school tomorrow."

She signed, "Alright, get some rest. Goodnight sweetheart, I'll see you in the morning."

As soon as she was down the stairs Alex walked out of the closet door with his arms crossed around his chest.

"You know you're a really bad liar right," he asked.

"Oh shut up you," I said as I beckoned him over to my bed with my index finger.

He walked over with a sense of pride in his step. One of the many things that I loved about Alex, was how overly confident he was. Maybe even too confident for his own good! He slides under the blanket and put his arms around me. I placed my head on his chest and fall into the deepest, most peaceful, sleep I have ever had in a long time.

The next thing I know, Alex awakes me with his soft and gentle shaking. I open my eyes and am rewarded with a sweet good morning kiss. But before I know what is happening I realize that Alex slept the whole night with me.

"Omigosh! Did we leave Xavier down there all night," I mused as I try to get out to check on him but strong assuring arms pull me down.

"Don't worry I told him to go home," Alex assures me.

"Oh, I see, well good morning than," I say with a cheerful smile.

Alex laughs softly in spite of himself, "Good Morning Angel." And then he moves my curly hair back from my face and kisses my forehead.
© Copyright 2010 tMk (tmk1101 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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