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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Comedy · #1719363
part 8....
Alphonse. She thought. Alphonse, where are you? She peered around the gate, and her eyes widened at the dark forest past it. She remembered what Shun-Rye had told her the time she had asked about it. That forest is forbidden to students. It's very dangerous. Plus, if you were caught, well... let's just say VA isn't very pleased when people don't do as their told.
After thinking about it, she decided it was just like Alphonse to come to a place like this when something like this was happening. So she leapt over the fence, and slipped into the forest.

It was almost pitch black inside the forest. The trees tilted, and twisted in strange, unwelcoming ways, and the black and brown ground was hard and uninviting. Crows flew, noisily brushing against the dying leaves as they did. She thought she heard someone behind her, and jumped. Her heart was racing, and her breathing was heavy. Why am I afraid? I'm a vampire, what have I to be afraid of? But thinking that didn't slow down her heart rate in the slightest. Then, she saw some bushed, parted in a way that almost made it appear to be a door. She hesitantly walked over to it, and crawled through the bushes. As she did, the leaves seemed to get brighter, and more saturated. She squinted at the brightness of the area she stumbled into as she crawled out on the other side of the bushes. Her eyes widened, and she blushed in owe. The sun shun brightly on brightly colored flowers, and trees, with bright green grass, and bushes, and baby's breath kissed the edges of the garden. "Incredible," She said under her breath to herself, barley able to speak. As a vampire, she was never aloud to leave the dark, lonely walls of VA. She hadn't seen anything like this since she was turned, when she was just a little girl. Then she saw a hatch over by a small sakura tree. She walked over, and with some effort, pulled the door open. Her eyes lit up at the sight of him. And tears formed without her realizing it, "A-alphonse!" She put her arms out, jumping down in to his lap in the hatch. His eyes widened, and they both blushed as she wrapped her arms around him. "Oh Alphonse, I was so scarred!" She yelled, her face now berried in his chest. His eyes softened, and he stroked her hair, clutching her tightly with his other hand. "I thought.... I,
they, i thought they had killed you... I was so scarred!" Tears pored from her eyes, and she balled uncontrollably.
After a few minutes, she had ran out of tears, and cuddled in his arms, her face rested on his warm chest. He looked at her, asleep in his arms, and sighed. She moaned, sitting up slightly, and rubbing one eyes. "Are you Okay now?" He asked.
She blushed, "Oh, I'm so sorry you had to see me like that. It's just...."
He sighed, and pulled her closer, her eyes widened, and he smiled slightly, "It's okay. I'm okay, you're okay. Every thing's okay."
She looked with worried eyes at him, "But they-VA, they-"
"I know," He sighed. "They want me dead, because..."
"So it's true then,"
He set her aside, and stood, walking into a corner. He put

a hand over his face, "Yes, I'm half black blood. My mother, Siesta, was a normal vampire, and my father, Todd, was a black blood. They met when Siesta was 12 in human years, and Todd was 17 in human years. She had broken some vampire law, and was at her excision, though death was already in her eyes. And looking into those eyes, something came over todd, though he didn't know what. But his gut ached to help her, and he gave into the pain. He saved her, and snuck her into his mansion. She awoke in a large, velvet bed, confused because she thought she had died, and wondered if this place could truly be hell? Todd appeared by the bedside then, and her eyes widened. She knew his face. He had saved her. "Why?" Her voice was young, and innocent, but also tired and shaky. "Why did you save me?"
He scratched his head, "I honestly have no clue,"
"You're a black blood, aren't you?"
He slowly shook his head. She sat up, pulling the covers to her nose. "Are you afraid of me?" He asked. She shook her head slowly. "Are you scared of this place?" She shook her head again. He sighed, "What about of your situation?"
"How could I be scared, when I should be dead now. Nothing is more scary than that thought." After a pause, she added, "Are you going to kill me?"
He sighed, as he walked toward the door, "I don't know yet," And he left her alone, shutting the door, and the darkness once again surrounded her, and she laid back in bed, trying to ignore her fear.
Week by week, he started visiting her in the room more and more. She would tell him the things she had done, and the

places she'd gone. The more the talked, the more she fascinated him. And the more he grew to like her. But he still kept her i that room, never telling a soul, for if he did they would both be killed.
It had been years, she was now 15 in human years, and he 20, when he told her they would run away together. A month later, around the time he had planned for them to run, she had become pregnant. So, he decided it would be best for her if the stayed on till the baby was born. But a few days before she had the baby, they were found out, and Todd managed to get her to safety, but he himself was captured and killed. After having the child, she decided he didn't deserve to be born into the kind of life he was destined to have, so she left him in the wood, and turned herself in, and was killed. But she left a note sewed on the child's cloths, and she hoped when he grew old enough to read, he would find it. He grew up in those woods by himself for 78 human years, though he only appeared to be 6, for for every thirteen human years, vampires age 1 year in appearance. And one day he wondered out of the woods, and into the world. He was, and had always been alone, with no name, no family, no past, and no future. So he acted out, because to him nothing mattered. He didn't no what he was, just that he had to kill people and drink their blood to live. After listening to people talk, on radios, and in the streets, he learned someone who killed people was called a murderer, and they were despicable people that everyone feared. So in his mind, he labeled himself as this. He killed people with joy after that, for it meant, for better or for worse, he was something. He started to become a well known murderer, and started having

fun with it. With his speed, killer instincts, and superior intellect, he became the ultimate killer. But, after about another 52 years, he began to feel empty again. And stopped killing. People soon forgot about him after he stopped killing, and he slowly started to die as he stopped feeding. He became bored, and wished to die more quickly, so he tried again and again to kill himself, but it never worked. So he started walking aimlessly. One day, he happened to stumble upon the VA, which at the time had only been created about 3 years ago, and they took him in, almost dead. For almost a year, he was in a coma in the infirmary, and for a while it looked like they wouldn't be able to save the boy. But, they did, and he was quickly enrolled in classes, and far surpassed all his classmates and was even proven to surpass the teachers with out trying at all. He was never praised, only hated and envied, but he didn't care. He didn't care about anything. Besides, it was better that way, because no one would ever ask him his name for which he had no answer to.
He later found his old baby cloths, and dropped them on his way to burn them, and the note slipped out on the floor. It read; My child, I have written this note to you because I left you, so you could have a better life than the one you would have had with me. You were born from both a normal vampire, and a black blood, and you can never tell anyone this or they will kill you. Just now I love you, and your father would have to.
your mother, Siesta
P.S. your name is Alphonse Alexander Black.

After knowing who and what he was, he didn't feel as empty. He started talking to others, and tried to be more considerate, and soon got friends. And was sort of happy. But there was, and always would be, a little emptiness in his heart." He sighed, taking a deep breath, and removing his hand from his face to chance a glance at Anna. Her eyes were wide, at first, but then they were sad, and she saw the emptiness in his eyes for the first time, realizing it had always been there without her realizing it.
"That's a very sad story,"
"Not really, pitiful maybe."
She walked over to him, and put a hand on his shoulder. His eyes widened, as she pulled him into her arms from behind, "You're not pitiful. And no matter what you are, what you were, or what you've done, I will never leave your side. I promise."
His eyes were wide, and he gridded his teeth to hold back his tears. He sighed, and turned in her arms to hug her back. "Thank you, Anna."

It had been almost a month. Anna and Alphonse had been living in the hatch in the garden. It was then they heard a noise from the out side of the hatch. Their eyes widened, as they realized what was happening. As there began to be pounding on the hatch door, the quickly scrambled around, trying to figure out to do. Their hearts raced, their breathing heavy. "W-what do we do?" Anna whispered, fear in her voice, to Alphonse.

"I don't know..." He whispered, and he slammed the table so hard it broke, "God, I don't know! I don't know what the hell to do! I don't now!" He tossed the small coach, and punched the wall, "Dammit!Dammit!Dammit!" He screamed. Anna grabbed his arm, trying to calm him down, and he pushed her to the floor. Tears fell down her cheeks, and he sighed, putting his head in his hands. The pounding got louder, and louder, the the hatch door was starting to break. She closed her eyes tightly, then stood, shakily, and headed toward the hatch door. "Whoa," He yelled, "What the hell do you think you're doing!?" But she ignored him, and flung open the door, she pushed one of the VA's out of her way, and started to run, and as they chased after her she glanced back at him, her eyes pleading for him to make his escape. He gridded his teeth, his fists shacking. With ease, he beat up the remaining 4 VA's, and chased after Anna.
She was by the gate, and he ran up to her. "What are you doing?!" She yelled.
"I won't leave you behind!"
"Don't be the hero now, Alphonse!"
He snarled, forcefully grabbing her wrist, and pulling her with him. "Shut-up!" And so they ran, the gate just in sight. Anna was running out of breath, but Alphonse pulled her along. The VA's were catching up, and he tried to run faster. He propped her up on the gate, then once she got her footing, he climbed next to her. He could see the other side of the gate, smell the air of his and Anna's new life. And just as he leaped over, he heard gun shots. He quickly turned from the other side to see Anna fallen from the fence to the ground, blood

staining her cloths. His eyes widened, as he stared, the crimson taking over every thought, and muscle in his body. Then, she stared into his eyes, silent words whispered in his ear. The tear stained eyes begged him to go, and after a moment, he tightly shut his eyes, his whole body shacking, and he ran.
His breath was heavy, and his heart was pounding. Rain slapped his face, as he ran through the cold, darkness. As he ran, he closed his eyes, and held back his tears, trying to think of a nice life. A kind of life he would never have.

© Copyright 2010 rukia strawbarry (rukia66 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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