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Rated: · Essay · Crime/Gangster · #1719188
Lydia Parker
3rd Hour

Initiative is, in my opinion, is an integral value that all American must possess in order to form a better world for their children. Initiative is the constant striving of a people to become better than they were the day before, in a better position, or access a better way of thinking. It is the absence of complacency.
Initiative applies to my life in more ways than one, but the biggest is that of my partaking in advanced classes in school. In my freshman year of high school, I chose not to take many of the Honors classes that were offered to me. I didn’t really want to work for grades and taking an advanced class would have required that.
As time went on, I realized that I was unhappy. The classes werent challenging me and asking me to put in my best work. What I thought would be fun and easy turned out to be boring and uncomfortable. It was then that I realized that I would need to personally fulfill my potential in order to please my consicience and myself. I am now taking all advanced classes and although they require more work than normal classes, I find that I get much more satisfaction out of the.
Initiative is captured in every independence document ever issued by the United States, but most of the Declaration of Independence. The very first sentence in the preamble begins with a sense of pure drive. "When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth..." It is a very risky thing to try to disassociate yourself from the government under which you live. But yet, our Founding Fathers felt the need to enhance their own lives and the lives of their ancestors forever, creating the United States with the initial scratch of a quill upon a piece of parchment. With the submission of this argument , they would never be in the same standing with the English government, changing our destinies and their own forever.

I think that Eddie Adams, one of the original and most famed photographers involved in the Vietnam War, represents initiative to a tee. He was so dedicated to the American people and their perception of the going ons of a war that he risked life and limb in the middle of a war zone to show them the truth. He simply could have assumed that others would do it, but that is not the way of initiative. Eddie saw a need, so he filled it!
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