Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1719121-Unnatural-Tears
Rated: E · Chapter · Dark · #1719121
just read it im sure you will enjoy
Chapter one Dillons story
I started hating my life the moment I pulled in the driveway with my brother and my house was not there, only ash. I turned around and my parents were being pulled into an ambulance. When we got to the hospital my parents were being carried out in boady bags. Not only had the fire killed my memories and my home but it had killed my parents to.
all that was left in my family was me my sister and my brother.

Chapter two Felicia's story
I did not want to belive that I was not alone. I knew that I was in my room and that my family had left and wouldn't be back for hours but I was not alone. there were voices all around me, air was being swept away, And dark figures were appering all around the room finaly I screamed and heard the ecoing words, truth is acceptance as everything faded away. I knew I was still not alone as I opened my door. I hated my life and needed to escape.

Chapter 3 Felicia's point of view

The scrach of my shoes hit the concreate over and over agian. I tried to focas on the sound but I couldnt.
I felt as if Someone was trying to tell me something. as I came to a turn I relized I had never been to this part of the town. I was about to turn around and go back when the wind blew my hat twords the woods. i chased after it when suddenly I got the feeling I was not alone anymore. I turnded around and saw the shadow of a person.

Chapter 4 Dillon's point of view

as we got home I turned around and ran. I couldn't tell were I was going. I just knew I had to leave I couldn't stay I just couldn't. suddenly I felt something pulling me. I started walking, no runing twords the woods I got to the deepest part and I sat under a tree and cried. I diddn't cry just for my parents, but for everthing that was happing to me. I cried for my house, for every memory I ever had, but mostly for what this was going to do to the rest of my family. suddenly I felt the presance of another person. I turned around and saw a shadow.

Chapter 5 Felicia's point of view

I stuttered at first but manneged to croke out in a scrachy voice "who are you" The shadow began to move. it looked as if..... as tears... suddenly the fear swept out of me and giult took its place. I walked twords the shadow and saw it was a boy about 14.... same age as me. I sat down under the tree next to him and looked at his face. He was crying. a new emotion swept over me. Pain. I felt his pain. suddenly I did not see the woods I saw only a fire. A large fire that looked like it was not in the open but burning something. Then it got clearer and clearer. A bulding. no a house then the inside I saw two people cralling and coughing then right at the door they both stoped. As they fell to the floor I herd the words im sorry we tried. They both just layed there slowly being burned and looking less like people and more like bodies. As the woods came back into view I noticed that I too was crying. I don't know what it was but I felt a conection to him I sat there with him and cried for hours before he finaly spoke.

Chapter 6 Dillon's point of view

II knew that the shadow was waching me so I began to wipe away my tears and with that the shadow began to come closer fear swept over me I couldn't breath. Then as the shadow got closer I relized that It was a girl around my age I think she saw me crying because she sat down next to me. For awile she was staring into space not even blinking. soon tears began to form in her eyes and then we just sat their and cried. I didn't know how much time passed and I didn't care. I felt safe with her and I couldn't lose that feeling. Finaly I spoke. "My name is Dillon" I said wipping away the tears from my eyes geting a good look at her face for the first time. " Mine is Felicia" she said softly. " why didn't you leave" I blurted out
" I... I don't know, I just felt like you need someone to cry with so I did, I'll leave if you want" she said getting up. "no your right I did need someone thank you" I said getting up with her. she looked at me for awhile then she said " I have to go, do you live around here" Tears filled my eyes as she said that but I maneged to say " Kind of"
"well if you want you can meet me at the park tomarow and we can talk some more" she said
"sure i'll see you then" I said not wanting her to leave I was so busy being lost in my thoughts that I didn't relize she was almost out of sight I sat down under that tree and used my poket knife to carve in the tree WEEPING TREE so I would have my own place to cry and think about everythiing I left at around 7:00.i was in for it when I got back to my brothers house.

Cha pter 7 Felicia's point of view
As I was walking home I couldn't stop thinking about Dillon. I could't help but think that.... Mabey Dillon knew the people I saw in the fire. No thats impossible I was just letting my thoughts wonder That fire couldn't have really happened, Could it? No I mean who ever heard of a person that could see something from the past. I noticed that I was running. Not just running but running fast, faster then ever before I was scared I knew it wasn't normal speed for anyone. I couldn't stop I ran so fast I couldn't tell ware I was going then I stoped I was..... No It couldn't be. Thats impossible. Thoughts rushed through my head and I knew exactly were I was.

Chapter 8 Dillon's point of view
When I walked in I was expecting Screaming and "were have you been" But I was compleatly wrong. I walked in and my sister almost didn't notice. She said oh I did not notice you had left. I was completly shocked I went to my room and stared at the celing. Then black. Everything was black. I was scared so I tried screaming but all that came out was air. I saw something coming. It started taking form of two people. A man and A women. No. No it couldn't be. MOM DAD. I screamed I opened my eyes and I was in my rom agian. I had to get some air. I walked on, not knowing ware I was going my feet were carrieing me and I couldn't stop. Suddenly I was there. No what reason had I posibly thought of for coming here. I wanted to run home but I felt something pulling me.

Chapter 9 Felicia's point of view
My eyes started filling with tears. It was real. The people,the fire, and I could feel that It was related to Dillon.suddenly i turened and he was there. How. How could we both want to go to the same place at the same time. he saw me and he slowly aproched me. "Fel... Felicia how... did you find this place." he said staring at me in amazment. " I.... Don't know I was on my way home and the next thing I know im here, Dillon do..... Do you kow this place." his eyes filled with tears and sddenly I was gone. all I saw was.... wait it was here. Except it was filled wiith ambulances and fire trucks. people were being carried out of the house..... or what was left of it anyway as they worked to put out the fire. I wached as the people were carried into the ambulance I saw a girl crying and then.... Then I saw... Dillon and an older boy dillon screamed " MOM, DAD" and I was back " Oh my god dillon is this were you used to live?" I felt his heart drop as I said that. "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT" He screamed he cried uncuntrolably before he ran off crying he said five of the most hurtful words I have ever heard "What are you a freak."

Chapter 10 Dillon's point of view

" what are you a freak" as soon as the words left my mouth I regreted it. I didn't know what to say so I Ran off, unable to stop crying. I can't belive I said that to her. I had few friends but she wasn't my friend, she was like a sister. As I thought about that I relized I still haden't told my best friend Ryan what had happend. I ran to his house as fast as I could when I got there I knocked untile someone answered. It was Ryan. "Dillon can it wait we are eating dinner." Ryan said "no I need to tell you something" I told him
" is there something wrong" he said closing the door behinde him " I..... my house... My house was the one that burned down." I said my eyes quickly filling with tears. "oh my god are you ok, Is violet ok, carter, what about your parents" he said panicky. " im ok and my brother and sister are fine but...... My..... My parents were killed" My tears were flowing out now. " Dillon.... Oh my god were are you going to live oh my god Dillon" he said his voice getting even more panicky as tears started forming in his eyes two. " I have to live with my sister, It's not to far so I will still go to the same school ad everything. I... I have to go I said running off not caring what Ryan was saying behinde me. sudenly I fell and the next thing I saw was black.

Chapter 11 Felicia's poit of view
The words he said to me keept ecoing over and over agian in my head "what are you a freak" I thought over and over why he would say that to me. Was....was it true?suddenly I saw Dillon he ran to A house I knew. Ryan's house to be exact. We had known eath other scince Kindergarden not really friends so much as neighbors. I wached as Ryan answered the door. They talked for awhile then I saw Dillon run off. I followed him. I don't know why after the things he said to me I just had a bad feeling.Then I wached as he began to fall I ran withextream speed. Like before when I somehow found Dillons house. he almost hit the street but I caught him just in time. I noticed that he had blacked out. At first I didn't know what to do, I just stood there unsure how I maneged to cach him. Then I called 911. I sat down and held him untile the ambulance arrived. WHen I did I got in with him, I was the one who was always at his bedside. I was the first person he saw when he awoke. I couldn't help but wonder where his parents are.

Chapter 12 Dillon's point of view
I awoke to see the face of felicia. I was suprised " Hey sleepy head were you lost in wonderland" she said smiling. "hmmm mabey I really dont even remember what i'm doing here, and ware are my parents?" I asked her. " I was just wondering the same thing " She said. suddenly a girl walked in "YOU LITTLE CREEP" she screamed I was sacared "who... who are you" i stuttered
" WHO AM I, WHO AM I IM YOU SISTER" she screamed then I looked at her with a confused look and said "well if your my sister, then ware are our parents?" I asked her. as soon as I said that her eyes filled with tears. she looked at me and then at felicia she asked to see her out in the hall "wait no, dont leave felicia" I said with pleading eyes "oh so you remember you little girlfriend but not your own sister?" she asked looking more and more hurt. felicia just stood there looking ashamed "go felicia , just please hurry your the only thing I can remember" I told her softly but firm she looked me deep in the eyes before saying okay
it seemed like forever before they came back and when they did felicia's face was compleatly shocked and stone cold "what the heak did you do to her?" I screamed before jumping out of my bed tugging my moniter with me as I grabed felicia and pulled her into a hug. we just stayed like that for awhile before I heard a small crying sound. I noticed it was coming from her. soon she wasnt just crying but crying hard. she finnaly hugged me back and put her head on my shoulder she was now sreaming in pain "felicia whats wrong?" I asked worried all she did was countinue to cry out in pain then she let go of my and held her side "SOMEONE GET A DOCTOR" I screamed soon doctors were piling in putting her on a streacher and carried her out I tried to fallow but a nurse held me back. " DILLON! AHHHH" she screamed holding her side agian I lied and told the nures I was her brother they put me in a room closer to ware she was being examined I could hear her screaming from the room over then silance. WHATS GOING ON?

CHAPTER 13 Felicia's point of veiw
I dont really know what happened to me. after hearing what happened to dillon... i dont know feelings and emotions and thoughts and memorys rushed in. i dont really know why that made me think of.... nevermind then i was hugging dillon tight really tight then i dont know i cant remeber a thing after that. when i woke up i was kind of scared. a big white room with two beds two dressers two lamps it was weird i got up and walked out of the room. i relized i was still at the hospital so i talked to the lafy at the desk "exuse me but umm i woke up and i was in that room can you tell me why/" i asked pointing to the room "oh yes nothing to worry about dear you just needed a liitle shot to colm you down no need to cheak in we just put you in there because this is our syicoliigest center for teens and we thought we would let you sleep here your not a patient your friend is in room 305 on the 3 floor okay have a nice day" she said wow she talks alot okay third floor 305 here. i walked in and saw not dillon but another boy about 14 also "oh im sorry i was looking fo-" i said getting cut off by him "its fine please dont apoligise you seem sad i know you iare i can see it in your eyes" he said staring into my eyes i wasa stuned i couldnt move but i managed to choke out "i umm was just looking for my friend dillon" "oh your in the right room hes my room mate but he went to go do something i dont know what the doctors just rolled him out he was creaming FELICIA WAIT FELICAI IS SHE OKAY PLEASE TELL ME SHES OKAY it was weird must be his girlfriend anyway im Kaden " he said smoothly his voice was kind and warm i knew i could trust him so i pulled up a chair next to him and we started talking "nice to meet you Kanden im felicia"

Chapter 14 Kaden's point of veiw
I was sitting there waiting for death to come. i was ready. i had nothing left to live for. staring at the celing i couldn't wait any longer i was about to pull out the courd i knew was the only thing keeping me alive and then she walked in. stunging, i couldn't help but stare. "oh im sorry i was looking fo-" she said as i cut her off. "its fine please dont apoligise you seem sad i know you iare i can see it in your eyes" i said not wanting her to look so depressed so pretty she shouldn't suffer... "i umm was just looking for my friend dillon" she said with the most angelic voice ever. "oh your in the right room hes my room mate but he went to go do something i dont know what the doctors just rolled him out he was creaming FELICIA WAIT FELICAI IS SHE OKAY PLEASE TELL ME SHES OKAY it was weird must be his girlfriend anyway im Kaden" i said colmly still staring into her eyes.
she pullec up a chair and sat next to my bed. "nice to meet you Kaden im felicia" she said kind of amused at what i had said. "oh.. well haha akward then um just your freind? he seems to care alot about you" i said feeling sad. of course she has a boyfreind the one girl i like... "haha yes we are just close freinds hes like a brother to me. why? you seemed a little sad when i said that" she said with a giggle. "oh um just wondering ha.. ha.." i said turning a deep shade of red. she giggled agian before saying "haha okay whatever you say, i was wondering you don't look to beat up why are you in the hospital. i wasn't sure if i should tell her... i liked her alot... i don't know if it would make her afraid.... i guess now is the right time..

15 Alex's point of veiw
I sat there, in my room alone crying, dang it Felicia ware are you! I cried harder. I need my twin by me always or I slowly begin to break down. Felicia and I are no ordinary pair of twins... we have a special conection that few have and almost none understand. I felt a sharp pain in my side I cried out in pain. I knew something was wrong.... I knew it was with felicia. sudanly it hit me i compleatly spaced out in my own world. I still don't understand this whats happening to me? I hate it when this happens. then a scean apeared infont of me. felicia... and that boy. THAT BOY. the one that had been takeing my sister away from me... oh no. oh please no she was huging him just huging him and then she fell to the floor. my mind raced I was trying to figure out ware she was. people rushed in and carried her out then i knew it. the hospital. WHAT THE HEAK IS SHE DOING THERE!? Then that boy... Dillon was his name i think he was screaming I didn't want to see this anymore i quickly thought about my happy place... me felicia T.J. and danny... and dad... all together, and happy... wonderfull... then i was back to the real world. felicia I have to go. I ran down stairs bumping into T.J. "wow slow down thier dude not like someones dieing" he said with a chuckel "felicia just might be!" i shouted at him. sudanly his face went serious, he looked into my eyes and fear swept into his. he knew i was telling the truth. "ware is she alex what's going on?" he said with fear even in his voice. "shes at st. josephs hospital thats all I know..." i said looking away tears welling up. "DANNY!!! GET YOUR BUT DOWN HERE NOW! IT"S AN EMERGANCY!" T.J. shouted and quickly after danny came rushing down "what the heak is going on!?" he said looking back and forth at me and T.J. "felicia..." i said still looking away. "shes in the hospital" T.J. finished for me. ".... Get in the car now" he said grabing his keys and rushing to get his shoes and jacket on, runing out the door. we were driving and i was staring out the window waiting to get there an then... black.. i blacked out and i knew the same thing happened to felicia...

chapter 16 felicia's point of veiw
he looked at me with pain in his eys when i said that. "haha okay whatever you say, i was wondering you don't look to beat up why are you in the hospital?"
looking off out the window he moved his lips as he was about to speak but then closed them. about 5 minutes later he looked at me. not just at me but into me... i loved the way he did that...the way he looked into my eyes when we talk...
he looked with pain fright and serious emotions on his face amd spoke "felicia.. if I tell you can you promise me,... can you promise me that you won't think of me as any differant... still look at me the way you do now..." I I didn't know what to say so i just looked and noded my head yes. "felicia... I.... im insane.... literaly.. i beat myself up, i try to kill myself on a weekly bases, i cut myself.. bad, i see people, hear voices... im crazy..." he said starting to tear up. "kaden it's okay really i dont think of you any differant than before" i said grabing his hand "but mabye we can BOTH get over the cutting and suiside issues... together" i said with a faint smile. his head was turned twords the window agian but when i said that his head snaped to me imediatly " no! please dont do that! please!" he said grabing me by the shoulders "ware felicia, ware???" he said franticly ".... arms.... wrist... ankel... stomage..." i said starting to tear up as well. he gently but quickly grabed my left arm and rolled up my long sleaved black veil brides shirt.great he picked the most recent. he reveled all the scars, scractes,recent cuts and bruses. he gasped in horror. "felicia...." he grabed my other arm and looked as well. with the same depressed look. " do you mind if i look at your stomage?" he said with a little bit of depresion, sadness, and a bit of worry in his voice. I cleanched my stomacge remembering last night. i simply shook my head no and turned. "that bad?...." he asked seeming more upset. i shook my head yes and huged him. it burned but it felt good as well. i needed a hug....
© Copyright 2010 Taywor Bear (tayworbear at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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