Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718553-Chapter-3-Dairy-of-a-Wolf
by Jessy
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1718553
it the third chapter hope someone out their is someone out there enjoying it
Chapter 3
“Don’t be afraid. I am not going to hurt you I just want to talk to you about some things that have come to my attention.” The blond girl that had been in her class that seemed to stare at her a lot was standing a few feet away from her.
“What do you want?” Jess took a step back closer to the creek unsure how or why she had come here or that she knew where she lived in the first place.
“I just wanted to get to know you. My name is Crystal.” She didn’t move from her position not wanting to scare her because she knew human did scare easier than most other creatures.
“So you follow me into the woods?” She was looking around to make sure she would have a way out if needed. She was glad that she had started running again knowing the girl in the boots wouldn’t be able to keep up with her.
“I don’t plan on hurting you if that is what your worried about. I have come to warn you.”
Jess stood there unsure what she should do, “What do you want to know then? Warn me about what?”
“What is there between you and Mr. Wolf?” She crossed her arms over her chest Jess was surprised to see her still wearing the same outfit from school.
“There isn’t anything between us Crystal. He is just a nice man that happens to be my teacher and neighbor I didn’t even know he was a teacher when I saw him in the school. I mean if you want him and he wants you then go for it I’m not stopping you at all.” She regretted saying it but she knew she didn’t have the kind of look Crystal had and she didn’t even know the kind of girl Jake even liked.
“That’s not what I mean by that Jess I only ask because he never truly looks at anyone and I noticed that he couldn’t help but watch every movement you make like he is trying to control himself around you but failing at it miserable.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Crystal and I don’t really care I only have a few hours to do my homework so if you don’t mind leaving me alone.” She turned away from Crystal getting in her backpack pulling out a small vile and a pen and paper as she was taking notes on how the creek looked before touching anything.
“I just wanted you to know you have awoken something in him and it could be very dangerous for you to be around him.” She wondered if she was wasting her time trying to talk to this girl she didn’t seem to respond to anything she was trying to warn her about. She knew that if he really was a werewolf and he had picked her for his mate that there wouldn’t be any stopping it. Then again she knew if he was a werewolf he probably wouldn’t be living that much longer since Victoria hired a hunter to trap the werewolf killing the juvenile vampire. She turned around walking back through the forest leaving Jess to do her work.
Bending down at the edge of the creek she gathered some of the water she could feel something pushing her into the creek. Turning in the water she saw Jake standing at the edge of the water. “What was that for Jake?”
He laughed childishly pulling off his white wife beater and pulled up blue jeans shorts that came a bit above the knees, “I am truly sorry it looked like you could use a dip in the water.”
He could feel himself jumping into the water with her. “Does this make it better?”
She giggled as she stood in the waist level water as he got closer to her in the water she watched as the water running down his hair. “Yes it makes up for pushing me into the water.”
They were silent for a bit turning away from each other they both were flustered by their feeling and unable to do anything about it. She knew if James caught her hanging around Jake that there could be trouble but she cared so much for him that all she wanted was to be around him. Jake knew there would be no denying it any longer she was the one that was supposed to be his that’s why he couldn’t keep Annemarie and he was so glad to have finally learned it that he wouldn’t have to obey his brother anymore that he could move away and be his own boss and have the love the person he wanted.
“Jessie sweetie I want to talk to you about something.” He messed with his fingers in the water unsure how honest he should be with her.
She blushed messing with her wet hair, “What is it Jake?” She had always seemed to keep herself innocent and he just seemed to make her feel like she was grown and she herself wanted to act grown when he was around.
She watched him move closer to her in the water everything in her seemed to freeze. He softly rubbed her cheek bringing his face closer to hers their nose softly rubbed before he gently kissed her soft lips he could feel her relax under his arms as his tongue slipped into her mouth rubbing his hands down her back she tried copying him but not having the practice that he had she wasn’t quite as good at it but he didn’t care he just wanted to taste her. He could feel himself becoming aroused not just from her sent and taste but how she never judged him like everyone else seemed to. Breaking from the kiss he knew that he one day was going to have to tell her everything but not right now it was his mission to get the doll from her so Henry would stop bugging him about it.
“You know Jake? I was wondering where you get that doll.”
She tugged on her hair, “I have had Jake my whole life mother told me someone gave him to her before she had me.”
“Do you know who gave it to her?” His voice was low as if he was hiding the fact that he was talking to her.
“No” She lowered her voice. She had always wondered who had given her mother but she would never tell anyone who had given it to her.
He sighed, “Will you allow me to borrow him for a little while?”
She could feel her heart beat speed up she had not been without her Jake since she was born and she didn’t know if she could handle being without him while she slept, “Why you would want to take my Jake from me?”
He could taste the fear that was coming off her skin he didn’t realize how attached she was with the wolf, “Sweetie it is for something important I promise I will give him back in a few days. My brother’s wife is having a baby and I know someone who can make stuffed animals and I know how much it would mean to them to have something like your Jake. My whole family just really loves wolves so you see it would be great to give a new baby a wolf so he or she may continue the love that we all share. ”
She nodded, “Alright I will bring you Jake once I am with done my homework if that is alright with you.”
He climber out of the creek helping her up, “That would be wonderful you have no idea how much this means to me.” He wrapped his arms around her bringing her into a hug softly kissing her again before he took off back to his house as quickly as he appeared.
She wondered what kind of doll he would have made for the baby she hoped it didn’t look exactly the same because her Jake was one of a kind, but she knew she could trust that he would give him back to her. She gathered all of her homework knowing that she still had a long night a head of her studying.
James watched as Jake come from the forest behind their houses. He stood from his chair he knew he had not fallen asleep yet he could not remember seeing him go into the forest he walked towards him so they could meet in the middle. “Mr. Wolf I would like to say a few words to you.”
He stayed on his side of the gate watching this man he knew nothing about wondering what he could want to say to him, “How may I help you Mr. Hunter? You can call me Jake.”
James nodded, “Alright Jake like I said I have a few words to say to you. First off has my daughter being hanging around you still? I told her to stay away from you because I know how busy you must get sometimes and having a young girl bugging you can be distracting for anyone.”
He knew he couldn’t tell this man about the thing that had just happened between them in the forest, “No she is a sweet girl Mr. Hunter I do not wish to give you the wrong idea about things. She is my student and if she comes over to ask me questions about the chapters I will always have an open door for her or any other student.”
James frowned, “You know that is not what I am saying Mr. Wolf. I mean Jake. You know how little girls can be once an older man shows them any attention they can become obsessed with them believing that you may have feelings for them. That could get you in a lot of trouble if someone believe you where inappropriate with a student a girl student.”
Jake could tell that James was trying to get him to say something that could make it look like he had done something to Jess even though he would never hurt her. Jake turned to his house he could feel that he was losing control of his anger. He gripped the railing as he bent down, “You have nothing to worry about.” He lowered his head down throwing up a clear liquid he could hear his brother coming out of the house through the back.
James crossed his arms as he took a step back he raised an eyebrow he wondered what could be making Jake sick knowing the full moon was but hours away could he be the man he was looking for? He didn’t believe this man was strong enough to kill the young vamps he was thinking this man was too young to even be in control of himself if he was a werewolf. He looked at the man who James believe to be Jakes older brother but wasn’t sure just yet, “Is he going to be alright? Should I call the police or something?” Raising an eyebrow watching the other man.
Henry shook his head, “No, no police we don’t need them to waste their time coming out here.”
Jake looked over at his brother with a pained look in his eyes as Henry made his way over to him as quickly as he could. He let out strange moans in between the times he was getting sick James could have sworn that it was a sound made by those touched by the werewolf curse. He could smell Jess coming from the creek Jake knew if his brother saw that she was wet like himself he would have trouble on his hands, “Henry I need to go inside I think this heat may be getting to me.”
Henry nodded glaring at James, “He will be fine he has just had a fever for a few days. And I told him not to go out in this heat that it would make him sicker.” He helped lift Jake under his arms to stabilize him so he could walk on his own towards his home where Elizabeth could help him figure out what they should do next.
As he opened the back door he yelled hoping that he wouldn’t have to leave Jake alone, “Elizabeth go grab some towels.” Slamming the back door closed so that man couldn’t spy on them any further.
“I think he is going to shift.” He laid Jake on the floor in the kitchen where Jake still continued to throw up the clear liquid. Henry closed all the blinds in the kitchen and living areas around it so to keep anyone from seeing in the house in case did shift.
When Elizabeth found Henry and Jacob she had never seen anything like this taking place. She knew that even Henry still depended on the full moon to sift but Jacob was doing it in the middle of the day. She looked over at Henry with her eyes wide open, “Henry what is happening to him?” Her voice high pitched on the verge of crying.
He was holding Jakes head still so not to swallow his tongue, “Do as I told you Elizabeth we need towels to clean the mess incase that man does call the police over here.”
She nodded as she ran to the upper bath room to grab the towels she hoped that Jacob would be alright he has become a brother to her even though they didn’t get to spend as much time together like they use to. She knew he had always seemed to say hurtful things to her because he was alone but she didn’t want him to be alone she wanted him to be happy like them.
Charles came into the kitchen setting next to Jake looking up at Henry, “It's too early for him to shift. Henry there has to be something we can do to keep him from shifting.”
Henry shook his head, “That man must have said something to upset him Charles I don’t know of anything that calms him down other than running and in his current state he cannot do that.” He looked down at his brother who’s body convulsed with white foam coming out of his mouth he was wondering what was taking Elizabeth so long up stairs.
“Come on Jacob this isn’t the first time you have done this you have to calm yourself or you could really hurt someone or yourself without realizing it.”
Elizabeth grabbed as many towels as she could carry before running back down stairs handed Henry the towels as she tried to rub his leg muscles as if trying to reassure him that his body knew what it was doing and trying to relax him so it would be easier for them all. They all heard the doorbell rang from the front door she looked over at Henry smiling softly hoping that the man next door wasn’t at the door, “I will go get it Henry since I know you’re the only one who can talk him through this.”
Standing she ran to the door opening it bit so no one could see inside, she was surprised to see the young girl from next door. She smiled warmly at the girl, “Hi sweetie my name is Elizabeth. Jake has told me so much about you.”
The young girl blushed holding the doll that Henry wanted to study, “Really he has told you about me? I didn’t really think he enjoyed my company that much.”
Elizabeth nodded, “From what I can tell sweetie he enjoys you more then he probably should.”
She wanted to let the girl in even though Henry would never approve of her or her knowing that Jacob was a werewolf but she could tell that Jacob and her had something special between them even if it was something innocent at the time it was the thing Jacob had been looking for, “Of course my dear it seems you have a special connection with him.”
She held out the white wolf, “I don’t know if he told you I would be bring my special doll over but I know he is expecting him.” She kissed the top of the wolf’s head before handing her the doll.
She smiled hugging the doll to herself, “I will make sure that he is taken care of my dear. I will also tell Jake that that you stopped by.”
Jess smiled, “Thank you Elizabeth.” She turning around quickly running back to her house so Elizabeth could close the door taking the wolf into the kitchen table as Henry had been working on cleaning the blood that was coming from his finger tips as his fingers began to change to claws.
Elizabeth bent down trying to comfort Jake as his had seemed to have passed out from the pain. “What are we going to do Henry? We can’t just remove him from the house without getting noticed from that scary neighbor.”
He nodded knowing that she did have a point about the man, “Go grab his blankets and we will wrap him up and act like we are taking him to the hospital. But we will take him to the forest so he can run this off.”

Jacob seemed to wake up in his old home in the life he missed more than anything. He looked and noticed that Annemarie spot was empty. He wondered where she wondered off to kicking his legs out of the blankets getting out of the bed he noticed small droplets of blood on the flood leading towards the door. Once he got to the door he noticed the bloody handprint on the door raising an eyebrow he wished he could remember what happened last night opening the door he could hear Henry and Charles talking among themselves not noticing Henrys wife cleaning a thick dark red liquid off the floor.
Henry came up in front of Jacob trying to block the scene behind him, “Brother what do you remember from last night?”
“I remember going to bed with Anne and…” He couldn’t seem to remember exactly what they talked about.
He tried to look behind his brother, “What is Lizzy cleaning up?”
Henrys face saddened, “Brother you do not remember anything else?”
He shook his head, “No.”
Henry looked behind his shoulder at Charles signaling him to come over. “Jacob you changed just like we knew you would…” He shook his head.
Jacob took a step closer to Henry, “Have you seen Anne she was not in bed with me this morning.”
Henry grabbed his brothers left arm and Charles their friend grabbed his right arm, ”Jacob you have done something awful.” They pulled him into the kitchen where a woman’s body laid on the table her arms and legs draped over with dried blood running down them. Her night dress ripped open where the rib cage had been ripped open by some unseen assailant.
Jacob couldn’t take his eyes away from the body, “What…What happened here brother?” He looked over at them tears swelled in his eyes.
“Jacob you did this.” Henry and Charles let go of his arms as they watched him move closer to the body.
Jacob shook his head, “There is no way I could have done this to her.” He softly touched her ice cold skin as if he was trying to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“I loved her brother I never would have hurt her.”
Henry held up his hand so Charles, “Jacob while Elizabeth is cleaning the blood we all need to get rid of the body.”
Jacob softly kissed Annemarie’s pale blue lips as he brushed her hair back, “Why do I not remember doing this then?”
“Brother it takes time for you to remember what happens when you shift into a werewolf.” Henry moved grabbing the legs as Charles grabbed the arms while Jacob walked with them.
Henry had told him that he was going to have to bury her in the field and that they were lucky this time because she didn’t have a family that would ask questions to her were about.

Jake awoke in a cold sweat looking up at the full moon above him he noticed the moon was on its way of setting so the sun rise should be only hours away. He had not had any trouble with shifting since the time he killed his beloved Annemarie he wondered if the man had anything to do with his issue shifting there was just something about him that made Jake feel like a trapped animal. He looked around hoping he had not been around Jess when he shifted he wouldn’t want to live if he killed her. Rolling onto his side he smiled when he saw a red wolf with green eyes and a grey wolf with blue eyes. “Brother I don’t believe I have ever seen you in your wolf form.” The grey wolf let out a deep growl. Jake sat up he wondered where he was at looking upward he sniffed the air trying to place where Henry could have taken him. The one good thing was that he didn’t smell any human blood in the air so he knew Jess had to be safe.
Charles came out of the forest carrying a big stick in his mouth he sat it down in front of Jake. “We were all worried about you Jacob. At one point we were not even sure you would make it through the night. What caused this shift like that Jacob?”
Jake picked up the stick tossing it from one hand to another, ”I don’t really remember all I seem to remember is I was talking to Mr. Hunter and then everything inside me just wanted to shred that man into pieces there is just something about him I just don’t like.”
Charles eyes moved back and forth as he watched the stick in Jakes hand, “You know if you want to stay away from him you’re going to have to cut the ties with that girl.”
Jake stood up hoping that Henry and Elizabeth would be able to change back soon because he needed to get back home he knew Charles was right about everything but this time he wasn’t going to listen any of them about her.
© Copyright 2010 Jessy (jessybell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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