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Dialogue between a husband and wife over morning coffee. |
“Good morning, Dan” …”morning, honey.” “How was your night? Did you win? Was Steve there?” “I won a few small pots, but I couldn’t catch the cards for the big ones. There’s always next week. I need coffee. What time did you go to bed?” “…early. I was tired from running around with the kids all day yesterday. So, who won?” “Steve, Steve was the big winner last night.” “He was? Steve? Steve from work?” “YES TRUDY! STEVE FROM WORK! What other Steve do we know?” “So you were out late playing cards with the guys? And Steve was the big winner?” “YES! DAMMIT TRUDY, I THOUGHT WE PUT ALL OF THIS BEHIND US. I THOUGHT WE WERE PAST THIS. CAN’T WE JUST MOVE ON? AM I GOING TO HAVE TO RELIVE MY MISTAKE FOR ALL ETERNITY? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST GET OVER IT? I made a mistake, I’m sorry. I’ve done the counseling thing, I go to church now, and I’ve changed my ways. Why can’t you believe that? Is this the way you want it to be? Are you going to perpetually torture me? I WAS PLAYING CARDS WITH MY FRIENDS! STEVE WON! I LOST!” “Okay, settle down, Dan. You lost and Steve won.” “Is it the kids, Trudy? I know you’re stuck with them all day. But I work hard dammit, and once, just ONE NIGHT a week I like to go out, smoke cigars, and play poker with my friends. Is that okay with you?” “One night a week, Dan…Poker with your friends, Dan. It’s fine; it really is fine….and Steve won this week, right? Last night, Steve, from work, the only Steve we know won playing cards? Playing poker with you? Is that right, Dan?” “I’VE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT! WHAT’S THE PROBLEM? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL HIM RIGHT NOW?” “I just want to make certain that I have it right, that’s all. Okay, you’re right sweetie, let’s move beyond this. I’m sorry; I don’t know what’s gotten into me.” “Good, that’s better. Let’s move on.” “More coffee?” “Please. Did the paper come?” “Yup, here it is. Did you know there was a murder in our town yesterday afternoon?” “Seriously, a murder? Here? Who was the victim? Anybody we know?” “YEAH!………YOUR FRIEND STEVE FROM WORK. I’m taking the kids to school now; don’t be here when I get back. You’ll be hearing from my lawyer. Enjoy your coffee, LOSER!” |