Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718520-Fading-Away-Chapter-3
Rated: E · Short Story · Entertainment · #1718520
Ginger is slowly beginning to realize her sleeping problem and questions it.
Fading Away

My Savior

      Marla walked up the stairs, down her Lily covered walls and white carpet in the hallway she heard whispers coming from Ginger's room, she walked into the room and there was a man holding Ginger in his arms, gently laying her down on the beige sheets in her poster covered room of Three Days Grace and their signatures written on one of them the very many she possessed.  Marla moved behind the man with tears leaving the sides of her eyes with a smile on and said, "Thank you-", the man turned around and silenced her with his finger to his lips. Her smile grew as she wiped away her tears and then the man walked past Marla, turning around to mention for her to follow him out of Ginger's room.  Marla followed the man outside of the room and shut the doorwith a soft click as to not wake up her step-daughter right after the door to her room was shut Ginger began to weep in her sleep.

    Marla and the man, that found Ginger, were down stairs having tea like civilized adults. Marla finally summoned up enough courage to ask the man the question that has been set on her mind ever since he put her step-daughter in her bed.  "Where did you find her officer?"  The officer took another sip of his tea then set down his cup on his tea plate and answered with a beautiful smile making eye contact through his explanation, "I found Ginger in the old abandonded park in the forest....sleeping.  Not somewhere where you would want to sleep and please Ma'am call me John. John Stark I know if is formal for you to call me officer but I am off duty now."  Marla walked John over to the door all the while crying and saying how much she said thank you to him he finally stopped at the open door and turned on his heel and gave her a hug of comfort before he left with a smile on his face.

    Marla left the house to go get a couple of things at the WalMart so she locked the door behind her but not before she left a note for Ginger on the kitchen counter.  Marla walked out of her two story peach colored house with white shutters, six beautifully colored garden gnomes guarding the porch from the grass with the up-coming weeds, and grey colored foot steps shaped asBig-foot feet with no cracks what so ever.  Marla walked up to her black Suburban Chevrolet LINK TEXT HERE , she grasped the handle, and whispered solftly as though someone was listening,  "I promise I'll be back soon honey."  Marla then got in her black Suburban and drove off to go get some food for her and Ginger.

    Ginger woke up in her room with tears streaming down her face like balloons five days after the party.  She thought to herself as she laid in bed, 'Why do I feel like something isn't right all the time? And why do I always seem to wake up when I know I am awake? So many questions left unanswered for this confused 17 year old mind. Oh well time to get up now .' Ginger pushed the covers away from her warm body pushed herself up on her elbows until she was sitting up-right and stretched a mile away after swinging her legs over to the side of her bed, letting her feet make contact with the wooden cold floor of her room. Ginger shivered at how cold the floor was of her room. Memories of the mornings event invaded her mind as her world began to look like she was looking through a small straw. She decided to not think about her ordeal even though she couldn't help but to think about John, the man that stopped the other man from hitting her, shaking her head to rid the now flooding memories she walked out of her door into the hallway and down the stairs through the living room into the kitchen.  She looked around the kitchen to find something to eat until she found her step-mother note on the kitchen counter, which read,

Dear Ginger,


    Sorry I didn't wait until you got up honey but I checked the refrigerator to make some breakfast and there wasn't anything that would make us happy for breakfast unless you want a chicken dinner for breakfast but I know I wouldn't so I decided to leave to go get some more food at WalMart, so don't wait up for me.  Okay? Okay good.


Marla Moses


    Ginger smiled at how wonderful and considerate Marla could be as she put down the note. The phone began to ring and Ginger was running as if being chased by a herd of Bulls through the kitchen, took a left past the double doors in the dinning room, into the living room, taking a right to where she heard the phone on the wall, and slid in the process of catching the caller, cursing the thing that made her slip.  "Darn rug!". Jumping up and caught the caller just in time. Out of breath Ginger began talking on the phone "Moses house residence. Ginger Scruffs speaking." The caller was quiet.  "Hello is anyone there?"  Ginger responded, a little annoyed now still out of breath.  "Oh sorry about that, someone was talking to me."  She sighed as a sigh of relief that this isn't someone calling and not answering before someone climbs through the window and attacks. Ginger shivered at the thought as she began talking again to the caller.  "May I ask who is calling?"  The caller answered with a gleeful tone, "I'm John. John Stark and I'm the man that-"  He was rudely interrupted by Ginger's outburst.  "That saved me?"  John answered with a confused tone.  "If thats the way you want to put it, then yes."  She threw on her grin as tears streamed down her sun-kissed skin.  "Hello are you still there Ginger?"  Ginger wiped the tears of joy from her pretty blue eyes and replied.  "Yes."  John answered with a sigh and softly whispered as though he was right next to her ear.  She shuttered as he said,  "Ginger wake up please."  Ginger opened her eyes as her alarm went off for her to get ready for...what?  She rubber her eyes and covered her eyes with both of her hands and began to talk to herself. "What is going on? Just a moment ago I was talking to John, then all of a sudden I'm in bed asleep on a Monday morning."  It took Gingert a moment to realize what she just said.  She jumped out of bed and ran over to her calendar on the wall.  She checked it and low-and-behold it is Monday morning at, "8:15! Holy Moly, I've got to get up and go."  She got ready in a haste and left without a word to her step-mother but left her a little note saying,

Dear Marla,


    Sorry I left without a word with you but I woke up late and now I'm going to school on foot so don't freak out please? .  Talk to you when I get home from school today at 3:00.


Ginger Scruffs


    Ginger was confused at first when she left the house because she thought she was awake talking with John but she promised herself that she wouldn't think about it until after school today.  "It is Monday again even though I hate it but can't help that I am late for school."
© Copyright 2010 Poet writer (narusasuluvr18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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