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Rated: E · Script/Play · Children's · #1718470
This is the pilot of a new australian kids/teen sitcom/comedy.
Taking the risk - Episode 1 (What is the meaning of change?)

Kayla was sliding down the school stairs on her skateboard, her short brown hair standing up vertically and for Kayla this seemed the best way to become popular, how else could a tomboy survive living in Canberra.

That was until school princess Brittany decided that this 15 year old needed to radically change or she might not even see 12th Grade.

Kayla was about to start 11th grade and Brittany’s father owned a hair dressing salon franchise with a branch just 2 miles south of the school, the school was cool as it was only 5 minutes from the beach, what a way to walk home.

Brittany was a fantastic show jumper and she fought Kayla should be apart of this.

Brittany and Victoria were looking for a new member for their horse riding, or course Brittany was in charge but Victoria and her were best friends.

The idea for the trio was fought of during the summer and she fought of a name already even though they were only a double, would Kayla agree to join the junior show jumpers?

Brandon was Kayla’s best friend and he couldn’t beat Brittany’s charm, he knew his best friend wasn’t a show jumper and he managed to talk to Kayla before Brittany did.

Brandon: Good day Kayla, glad to be back at school?

Kayla: Yes, school is useful and this year I will be popular, Brittany was whispering to her best friend Victoria about forming a trio and she must be after me, she likes a challenge.

Brandon: She does have plans for you but not as a skateboarding tomboy, no one probably even knows you are a girl.

Kayla: Except for you, anyway you know Brittany has a crush on you, she’s more of a girl than I ever am and it would be some challenge for her to get me on a horse.

Brandon: But strussers she’ll get her own way, look at Victoria, she controls her.

Kayla: She is head prefect and your either with her or without her but crikey where do you place yourself.

Brandon: Be with her, she’s not just head prefect.

Kayla: What is that supposed to mean?

Brandon: She’s head of other things in this school.

Kayla: I think Brittany is coming.

Brandon: Then hide me Kayla, you know I can’t manage a conversation or even to see her.

Kayla: OK but only on the contrary, you’ll have to face her someday.

As Kayla hid Brandon behind her, Brittany and Victoria came up to her with some photographs.

Brittany: Hello, don’t you look pretty today, I just came over to show you a picture of Victoria’s horse Rocksalt and here is my horse Mystique.

I think you’ll find them awesome and surely want 1 of your own.

Kayla: I do but face it you don’t need me to get involved, I am not the girl you need.

Victoria: That is correct.

Brittany: But we can soon change that, I can make people fall at your feet and I won’t take no for an answer, I am giving you a makeover no exceptions barred.

Kayla: I can’t turn down an offer like that, however much it’ll change who I am.

Victoria: Surely that is for the best.

Kayla: I guess so, apparently Brittany knows what is talking about so lets do it.

Victoria: I think you’ve made the right decision of your life, I owe my life to Brittany now and soon she’ll do wonders for you.

Brittany: Where do we start, the hair, the lack of make-up, the outfit, the shoes, the teeth, the eyelashes, the nail varnish and believe me this challenge will push me to the limit.

Victoria: We could quit while we’re ahead.

Brittany: 1 thing Brittany St Claire doesn’t do is give up an opportunity to change a fellow classmates perspective on life.

Kayla: I shouldn’t get involved with the school princess but if it is my destiny, then Brittany change me and start making me as popular as you are.

Brittany took Kayla to the Drama department, she went without Victoria who got distracted by the arrival of Joshua who was later than planned due to public transport traffic.

At the drama department Brittany introduces Kayla to the pretty array of dresses held in the drama costume vault.

Kayla came across a long dark green ball gown.

Brittany: I think this would suit you, why not go behind the curtain and try it on.

Kayla: I am not so sure I barely have the confidence.

Brittany: If you can do a 360º tailspin on your skateboard, anything is possible.

Kayla: I agree but just throwing on a dress on me, won’t change the fact I look like a boy.

I’ll just look like a boy in a dress, only girls like you would be seen in a dress.

Brittany: Why should girls with long hair be the only ones wearing dresses.

It may be strange from a girl to show up to prom in jeans but we have standards and they wouldn’t pass the front door.

Kayla: I wouldn’t show such nerve, I will be a princess just like you, I’ll try on the dress but I won’t look perfect in it. don’t expect too much from me at this early stage of my transformation.

Kayla returns wearing the dress and Brittany is less than convinced.

Brittany: I think the dress fits well but with that hairstyle, the lack of accessories and the fact your persona still feels like a boy, dresses would suit you but more radical changes are still on the cards but you’ll feel it all pay off in the end.

Kayla: Don’t you feel your hair get messed up with riding, you can’t always look perfect.

Brittany: I see your concern but some of the grown up show jumpers pull of a unique style while over fences with their horses, there is ways to keep your hair in position whilst riding.

Kayla: who is your inspiration Brittany?

Brittany: For the riding I like the Whittaker family from England, for the princess look I take inspiration from cartoons and various celebrities.

Kayla: I am like a cross between Tony Hawk and the twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse.

Brittany: You’ll look like Ariel Kaplan’s twin when I’m done with you.

She rides, she’s sweet and has a personality to die for.

Kayla: Where does Victoria fit in?

Brittany: She and I are great friends, she leaves me to give makeovers and she is trying to ask Joshua out.

Kayla: I see a great future ahead for me and the rest of the equestrian trio.

Brittany: I love your attitude and if you would like to come to my house after school, we will sort you out or at least make a start.

Kayla: That sounds great but don’t be so modest, you don’t live in a house, it is more like a country estate.

Brittany: I just said that to make you feel less poor.

Kayla: I have money, some 10’s of thousands of dollars, AU$38,524.51 to be precised.

Brittany: Daddy’s company is worth millions and he only want the best for me.

Kayla: I think it has pulled off really well and you haven’t let money go to your head.

Brittany: The 1st thing I attend to do is kit you out with hair extensions, we want hair we can work with, your hair is so short we could even hang iron weights from the ends.

Kayla: That is coming from someone being modest, is it?

Brittany: No harsh feelings but you have to put your faith in me Kayla.

Kayla: I’ll have hair to the floor if it is what I need.

Brittany: I don’t think we’ll go that far, to the middle where you stomach end is long enough, it won’t be real but big deal why does a girls hair have to be real, some of it can be clipped in later.

Kayla: You make is sound so easy.

Brittany: On the contrary, you’ve still got the dress on and you’ve not batted an eyelash about it, your changing faster than I anticipated.

Kayla: Then I’ll change back, anyway my hair’s too short to pull off matching with a cool green dress, shall me meet for lunch.

Brittany: Sure thing and 1 more question, what’s with Brandon?

Kayla: He’s too nervous to ask you out.

Brittany: I’ll ask him then, I always find things easier than him, goodbye.

Kayla: Goodbye.

Brandon met up with Kayla and they headed off to pick up their new class timetables.

Kayla rang her mum to explain Brittany’s plan.


Joshua was 16 and just entering 12th grade, he was captain of the Cricket team and he met up with his vice captain Zachary, after managing to ditch Victoria.

They headed to the field and sat upon some astroturffed section and discussed tactics.

Joshua: Another fun packed season awaits us dear friend, what will we do this season to clinch victory of the schools title.

Zachary: Go on a player hunt, we need someone fresh this year, we need some radical changes, where did we finish last season.

Joshua: 5th out of 26, that’s something but we can always aim higher.

Zachary: How about that new rookie, surely he should tryout for the team and what about having a mixed co-ed team this year.

Joshua: No girl would ever tryout, Brittany especially, she cries if she brakes a nail.

Zachary: What about Kayla? She’s almost a boy.

Joshua: Soon to change that will, Victoria says she’s turning into a princess with a lot of determination thrust upon her.

Zachary: Shall we put up flyers?

Joshua: Yes we should and I agree girls should join, they need a change from Gymnastics, Netball and Hockey etc.

Zachary: Sorry I suggested someone, I’ll make better decisions, trust me.

We will have a better season and things will change for the better.

Joshua: We need a new wicket keeper, I’d recommend Brandon.

Zachary: He is not a sports player but everyone is worth a chance to impress.

Tryouts are for everyone and even if you are new to a sport, you can pick it up so easily and the rest is history.

Joshua: Then we’ll hold tryouts in just 2 weeks and we’ll see who’s the best in the school.

We’ll build a new team and we will win a trophy.

If we win it’ll be gold, finish 2nd and we get a silver trophy and bronze if we finish 3rd.

Zachary: And I’ll be with you 100% of the way.

Joshua and Zachary headed off to the IT suite to work on their flyers.

Lunch was now here and with the timetables handed out the kids were left with a free afternoon to catch upon things.

Brittany and Victoria met Kayla and Brandon in the school’s cafeteria/restaurant.

Victoria: Good afternoon to you all, Brittany is pleased to see you and please follow me to our V.I.P. table.

Kayla: All this just for me.

Brittany: I usually eat this way, who says money can’t buy attention.

* - * Brandon: I hope we were no trouble.

Brittany: No, we always have the table set for 6, how do you like Lobster?

Kayla: I’ve never tried it.

Brittany: Well take my word for it, it is revolting stuff, best avoiding that delicacy.

Brandon: What do you like then.?

Brittany: I like canapés, sushi, chicken nuggets, pizza, most food normal kids like.

Victoria: I agree, food doesn’t have to be complicated.

Kayla: I hope I eat elegantly for you and not be compared to a savage.

Brittany: To think you’d ever think I’d treat my friends that badly.

Kayla: Who’s up to seeing me do some skateboarding moves.

Brandon: I am not, your going to wreck your image before Brittany has a hold of you.

Kayla: What was I thinking, I apologise for that, it’s hard to get some things out of the system.

Brittany: I don’t hate you for it, I know you just say these things as it com naturally to you, anyway let’s eat, then I’ll show you a book of trendy teenage hairstyles so you can see which you like and I’ll try and match it, if I can’t I’ll get a professional to do it.

Kayla: I can’t disagree with that.

Brandon: How will I ever be friends with you, you’ll be a completely different girl, we’ll have nothing in common.

Kayla: On the outside I’ll be different but inside we still have some memories, I won’t give you up as a friend.

Victoria: Brittany, aren’t you going to make her choose?

Brittany: No, I like Brandon and Kayla has every right to be friends with both of us.

Victoria: Brittany, are you serious, surely she should only form an alliance with you, how can you be friends with 2 people at once,

Brittany: I am friends with you and Kayla so if I can do it then so can anyone.

Brandon: I am happy to share but what will I do with Kayla once she has changed?

Brittany: You can come and watch us ride on our horses.

Victoria: Or there are positions on the cricket team as it says on this new flyer that was put up seconds ago.

Brandon: Cricket, that is so boring, I want excitement, I do want to fall asleep waiting for the chance to bat or bowl or even between wickets.

Victoria: I think you have to work on your patience, give it a go anyway you’ve nothing to loose.

Brittany: Don’t force him into anything, I assume Brandon has other things on his mind, possibly me.

Brandon: Well yes in a way I do.

Brittany: So you do like me then, Brandon.

Brandon: Doesn’t every boy?

Victoria: Don’t even answer that, the most popular girl in 11th grade doesn’t answer questions that state the obvious.

Kayla: Maybe he’ll like me.

Victoria: Yes but only as a friend, nothing else.

Kayla: And the only reason Joshua goes out with you is because he knows he’ll never get to date Brittany.

Victoria (not 1 for violence) stormed off leaving Kayla a feeling of regret,

Brittany: Don’t mind her, she was horrible about you and Brandon.

Kayla: It’s OK.

Brittany: But you were right, she only goes out with Joshua because I was already with someone at the time, she just doesn’t like being 2nd best, anyway if your 1 of my successes then I bet she'll only be 3rd best for the boys in this school.

Brandon: Agreed, now what’s everyone having to eat?

Brittany: Will everyone be aright with Sushi, there is no Vegetarians I see.

Brandon: I like Fish.

Kayla: Me too, especially wrapped in seaweed.

Brittany: Then Sushi it is.

The waiter came to Brittany and took orders for 3 plates of organic Sushi.

As for Victoria she didn’t return to lunch, she just left Brittany a message saying she wouldn’t be visiting her palace after school so Brittany took Kayla as agreed and Brandon as well as he had nothing else planned.

They pulled up to the gates in Brittany’s limousine and got out, Brandon couldn’t believe his eyes, he’d befriended a millionairess without realising.

Kayla went into the lounge and sat of the sofa, Brandon followed her while Brittany called for her butler to appear with decaffeinated coca-colas for all.

Kayla: You have a lovely place here.

Brittany: You should see the place Daddy bought in Monaco, it hasn’t finished being renovated yet.

Kayla: Awesome, now what made you want me to be in your horse riding group over any of the other girls?

Brittany: It is because you were different, I could have picked anyone but I picked someone who needed a real chance in life, someone who wasn’t popular and needed some real breakthrough now she has entered 11th grade.

Brandon: And you couldn’t have picked someone more determined than my best friend, she’ll try anything especially if she can impress everyone else.

Kayla: So when do you want to get started?

Brittany: After we’ve had a drink, we all need to catch our breathes after that busy day at school.

Brandon: Will she have a tiara?

Brittany: Not at school, there too valuable but in public you should wear one but only if it matches your outfit.

After drinks Brittany took Kayla to her room and left Brandon in the games room to amuse himself.

Brittany: Now let’s put you in front of a full length mirror.

Brittany moves Kayla in front of the mirror.

Brittany: Now you look the same as before but not for long, the image in the mirror will almost be unrecognisable before long.

Kayla: How are you going to start?

Brittany: I was going to start with hair extensions but i have natural blonde hair and have no brown extensions so I don’t know what to do.

Kayla: Ask someone to buy you some.

Brittany: Good thinking, why didn’t I consider that earlier, I could just stick a wig on your head but I am not 1 for cutting corners so I won’t start now.

Kayla: What about the outfits?

Brittany: I’ll happily give you a few dozen outfits but your hair is too short to go with any of them.

Kayla: Then we can’t start without the hair, why am I in front of a mirror?

Brittany: To show you what you’ve become, those jeans would suit miniature flowers on them, and the top half of you, how Victorian, I can only see your neck, surely your not that shy to show more skin.

Kayla: I do not know, is that really the person I should be?

Brittany: Why of course, I made sacrifices to get to be head prefect, Netball coach and I forget what else, if you have an image that others don’t understand, then it is time to make sacrifices.

Kayla: Have you ordered the hair extensions?

Brittany: No but they’ll sell them in the town centre, I'll get a servant to pick some up, I’ll get straight hair then we can style it once it is attached.

Kayla: And now I feel I am making a start.

Brittany: We’ve looked at you on the outside but to understand yourself, you have to look on the inside, it’s nothing that I can do.

Kayla: When do we get started?

Brittany: I’ll have everything by 24 hours of now.

Kayla: Then I’ll get Brandon and we’ll come back tomorrow.

Brittany: I’ll get the Limo driver to drive you home.

Kayla: Goodbye.

Brittany: Goodbye.

Kayla met up with Brandon and they head outside to the limo.

Brandon: How did it go?

Kayla: Brittany only has blonde hair, she having some brown hair bought.

Brandon: Then you can get started.

Kayla: In 24 hours we can.

Brandon: Then we’ll be seeing a brand new Kayla.

Kayla: Yes, it’ll be down with skateboards and up with hanging with the popular kids, now let’s go home.

© Copyright 2010 Daniel Staley-Myers (staleydm01 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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