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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Dark · #1718376
I watched your every move and even now...I still watch as you pass...
At first I wondered what all the fuss was about, Humans running in terror left and right. Unlike
nature dictates I could understand every word that had come out of their mouths and it soon became
apparent that Death was on it's way for one of your kind. Death for a Human like yourself looks to
be the most fear invoking natural process that could happen, strange really since out of most of the
animals you live the longest and most comfortable lives. What is it now? You want to know why I
am referring to Humans as Humans? Ah, I had forgot that slight detail, you're blind aren't you?
Well, I'm not a Human yet I have the power of reason and communication. There is no need to ask
why I can do this, it remains a mystery to me. Hmmmm, now that is a question worth my time
answering. My significance here is to tell you about the events that have lead up to this moment...
It all happened so fast, one moment I was gliding through the forest, my eyes scanning the ground
for the food I was hunting, and then I stopped and landed on the nearest branch. for the first time in
history I asked myself what it was I was doing? and an answer failed my new acute mind, so I did
what I thought was best and flew towards a Human settlement for no other reason than a strong
desire to subdue the never-ending curiosity that had come with my new mind. I perched upon one of
the many houses that filled once woodland areas, it was at this point in time that I saw that woman.
You were there too weren't you, I suppose a mere Raven sitting upon a house would not have
accounted for much these days but I was watching as you shook hands with her, the devil in human
form. I remember which hand she shook, it was the left. That was how I knew what she really was.
You smiled naturally, this was going to be the biggest deal in your career, I remember you saying
that as she left. I'm sure now that you didn't see the look in her eyes as she walked away. The
curiosity in my mind craved to know more about this deal so again I spread my Jet black wings and
began to fly once again.

This time to follow the woman in red. I landed on her balcony, it was made out of the same wood
that came from the trees of the declining forest that I once lived a bleak existence in. I watched
through the large glass panels like it was once of those shows on the television, a perfect woman
with a perfect life...and a perfect demonic side. She looked at me, her eye s were so dark it was hard
to work out where the iris ended and the pupil began, as I looked back at her she smiled and walked
towards the doors, my instinct told me to fly away but my curiosity told me to stay. I stayed. She
opened the doors with a dignified 'shush'. Her smile was inviting yet she held a scent that cause
Animals to flee from her, it burned at the inside of my beak like the pits of hell I am so sure she
came from. She held out her right hand asking me in a silent was to come closer, I hopped one step
to her and cocked my head trying to see her fully, "Quote the Raven, never more..." she spoke
softly. I tapped at the ground with my beak twice, in discomfort. That poem stirs something inside
me, something I would rather be left asleep. The woman left me there and my mind felt peaceful
again, I flew away as fast as I could go.

That was when I found you, clutching the left side of your chest, you looked such a state. People
rushed around trying to help you, using drugs and other contraptions I have yet to understand. It
was at that moment that I fully understood everything that had happened before, that
handshake...That deal. You had sold your soul to the devil. A soul, what price can you put on a
Soul? That and other thought provoking questions filled my expanding mind, but what hit me as
impossible was the fact that there was such a defining key as what is described as a 'Soul'. I heard a
human shout something and your body shook as electricity coursed though your body trying to
earth itself. The heart works through minute electrical pulses...so a large blast should restart it. That
was I think was going on as I watched, then I looked at the humans surrounding you...one looked
and pointed at me, the others looked up too. Once again I heard those cursed words, "Quote the
Raven, never more..." I squawked loudly in response. Within my mind those words erupt like a
volcano, opening my senses far surpassing the human mind and into a much higher state of being.
You stirred and distracted my mental tormentors, they flocked to care for your fragile form. The
large metal beast with the strange call of emergency stirred too as you were hauled into it's back
compartment, it sped off into the smoggy distance. I continued to stand in a state of shock, the
terrifying experience slowly lifting and allowing my mind to operate...as normal as it had before the
strange attack of mental ascension. After everything subsided I looked towards the direction that the
great metal beast went and found that I could not see a thing...I chuckled as much as I could and
flew off into that direction in hopes of finding out more.

I landed on the windowsill beside your bed, and you looked at me...Here we are. I'm looking at the
machine that beeps at every heartbeat, it's slowing. The numbers are slowly getting lower and
lower, I guess...Your dieing. As I still sit upon the window I can see more people gathering around
trying to save your life, but I already know your life is coming to an end. That was the deal, wasn't
it? The deal with the devil. Ah, you have opened your eyes and now you can see? I don't think so,
you are looking yet I believe you see nothing but darkness, why is that? Well death has caught up
with you, on the left. Now as you fade away into the darkness of eternal suffering, into the pits of
hell...I will leave you with one last memory... Quote the Raven, Never more... Never more...

'Quote the Raven, Never more, Never more' was taken from Edgar allen Poe's 'The Raven'
© Copyright 2010 Amaterasu-Okami (dragon-lass77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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