Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718315-The-kin
by Rah
Rated: · Fiction · Animal · #1718315
feedback on names, where I should have more detail and less this is a rough draft
The sky was dark the moon had gone behind a cloud for the moment as if commanded by the howling that tore through the silence of the otherwise silent night.
“Must we do this? The tradition is old we should be able to keep her.” A soft voice whispered harshly.
“Yes, we must you know as well as I do she is a rare occurrence and must make the choice on her own if she wants to come to our society or not.” A voice calmly replied.
The howl tore through again as the moon slowly cast her light on the earth once more, the red doorway was highlighted by the few beams that were piercing through the clouds. The two figures ran to the door placed the small child at the door and swiftly left before the moon was out again. The child they dropped off started to cry as the night air nipped at her nose. As she cried a light came on in the house and footsteps came to the door to see what the noise was, on opening the door and looking down the woman shook her head and picked up the babe.
“My sweet one you have a long way to go and I cannot even tell you your roots.” The woman cooed as she soothed the child.
As she shut the door she shook her head and lulled the child to sleep.

Chapter 1

“Ginger! Ginger Spruce! Get down here right now it is time to go to school!” The woman called as the scurrying of feet could be heard upstairs.
“I’m coming! I’m sorry I cannot find my backpack!” a voice called back.
After a few moments a child came down she had raven black hair with pale skin and bright blue eyes. Her name did not match her appearance at all it made Aurora laugh a bit on the inside every time she thought about it.
“Auntie Auri! I am here can we eat now? I am hungry.” The child inquired.
“Yes Honey, let me get the cereal we have to hurry so you can get to school on time.” Aurora replied.
They both enjoyed their breakfast Aurora knew today was the start of the rest of Ginger’s life but Ginger was unaware of her past. As far as she knew her parents both passed in a tragic plane crash and that her Aunt Aurora was all the family she had in the world. They lived in a small house in Maine, the area was quiet and safe to Aurora just perfect for Ginger to learn of herself and a nice place to rest after Ginger started school.
As they got in the car for the short drive to school Ginger noticed subtle differences in objects she had thought that were normal, her mind was sharp and it was not uncommon for her to have imaginary friends or to be able to understand the neighbors housecat she was not a lonely child by any means she had many friends but some days she just felt different from the other kids like if she really tried hard she could read their minds or even control them but all of her friends were the same way so Ginger never thought it to be different. The ride was quiet save for a flock of wild turkeys that were often seen as they drove in the morning, today they were clucking a bit louder then normal and Ginger could swear she heard words in the clucking but she was not about to be labeled different she was starting a new school year she was not going to have a bad start. Lost in thought Ginger snapped back to reality when Aurora’s soft voice interrupted her daydreaming.
“We’re here little one. Time for you to go learn all you can.” She said with a smile

Ginger got out of the car giving her aunt a hug and a kiss before running off to her gathering friends and some new people she did not know, though she was sure she would meet them since there was only 2 6th grade classes in the school, next year would be middle school and all new people and a much bigger school. As she wandered over to her friends she saw a cardinal in the trees and could swear it was talking to her wishing her a good day at school, she brushed it off as she came to her friends.
“Bekka!” Ginger exclaimed as she saw her best friend who had been at camp most of the summer.
“Ginger! I’ve missed you so much camp was not the same without you this year.” Bekka said as she hugged Ginger.
Ginger generally went to camp as well but this year her aunt had said she could not afford it as she was saving for a vacation in Europe Aunt Aurora thought it would be good for Ginger to get some worldly experience as it would look good on a college application, that’s what her aunt thought at least.
“Wow, you’ll have to tell me all about it at lunch I think the bell is going to ring soon.” Ginger smiled and as soon as she finished the sentence the bell rang, her internal clock had always been good.
Ginger and Bekka walked into Mrs. Finlan’s class room they had got the teacher everyone wanted to have due to her class field trip and the cool projects they got to do. Ginger was a very academic person she enjoyed school and looked forward to the challenges that the day would bring so she was hoping as interesting as Mrs. Finlan’s projects were that they actually had a catch or a twist to make them worth the time Ginger knew her and Bekka would put into them. The morning dragged past it was the usual first day material and getting the books learning all the rules, Gingers sighed and listened she knew all the rules they never changed and really did not see the point of refreshing them since she never got into any trouble anyway. Ginger started to daydream as she looked out the window and noticed a small flock of birds, she was starting to get worried about how much she was noticing the wildlife in the area, as her thoughts wandered the day went by a little faster but, she was glad when lunch came around so she could hear all about camp from Bekka.
“Trevor has changed so much he is actually good at sports now and Lindsay of course would not touch anything and had her minions fetch her everything.” Bekka gushed about the regulars at camp. “There was this new guy too he was rather strange but cute too his name was Ciarren it was a strange name but he was from Ireland so the accent was totally worth it! He kind of looked like you Ginger... the same black hair and blue eyes but he looked like he actually had seen the sun.” Bekka laughed as she always picked on Ginger about being so pale.
Bekka was going to be a very beautiful when she got older she had a lithe form from being a dancer and had light brown hair and grey eyes. She never paid any heed to comments and stares as she glided by. She was comfortable with whom she was and that is what really showed.
“I got to meet him when we were signing up for classes, he asked me what I was doing and of course I was taking as many dancing and acting classes as I could. His accent was to die for and looking into his eyes I just was speechless. And imagine I find out he is a dancer as well but he told me it was mostly so he can be better at football, of course he meant soccer but I didn’t say anything.” Bekka kept gushing.
Ginger shared in Bekka’s thrill over seeing a cute guy but she had yet to encounter a guy that she could spend hours talking about. Unlike Bekka who had not noticed that the Lunch bell had rung and it was time to go back to class. On her way back she noticed a guy that looked that the elusive Ciarren that Bekka was wooing over so being the best friend Ginger point him out and Bekka stopped dead in shock from seeing him. Ginger started to laugh and shoved her friend into the class. It was apparent Ciarren was in the area and was in the other class. Poor Bekka, she was distracted the rest of the day with worry. Ginger found this very amusing and was glad her first day of school had gone without a hitch. That was until Nicole decided she needed to make herself known.
“Well, look who it is… Miss Vampire decided to try and handle the sun again?” Nicole chided as her cronies laughed.
“Hello Nicole, glad to see that in a world that is full of change you remain the same.” It was the best Ginger could muster at the moment.
Nicole just laughed as she walked off to the schoolyard Ginger knew she had not chance at beating Nicole in much of anything since her father was a well to do bank president and whatever Nicole wanted Nicole got.
“Ginger stop brooding you are smarter then her and she fears that” Bekka snapped her out of her thoughts.
“If I was as well off as her I would be nicer, you would think with that much money she could afford manners.” Ginger managed to keep brooding.
The day finished as they usually did a herd of kids all rushing to their buses or cars waiting for them, Ginger strolled out as she was talking with Bekka about the work Mrs. Finlan gave them, Bekka was not a fan but Ginger on the other hand was pleased that her new teacher was living up to her expectation of a challenge. Especially seeing as it was the first day of school and she had homework, Ginger was aware that this was an odd trait but it did not bother her at all.
© Copyright 2010 Rah (rahcreature at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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