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It was a race two people one winner one loser. It was on oh my bad hi I’m Tyler I am 14 years old and I have brown hair and blue eyes. I’m racing my best friend Derek home from school. It’s the last day and we always race, usually he wins but not today, today I got the lead and I’m almost home. Derek is my neighbor he helped me out when my parents get in a fight or something. He’s a foot taller than me and brown hair and blue eyes. Okay back to the real story “I’m going to beat you again” yelled Derek. When I tried to yell back I nipped the curb and hit the ground. Derek slammed on the brakes he ran over to me and helped me up “are u okay” said Derek. “Yep I’m fine” I said trying to get up. And with all my strength I jumped back on my bike and pedal home to beat him. When I got home I waited for Derek. Derek pulled in and said “That was cheap you didn’t really win.” Then we heard a crash from the house and a yell. There were a lot of words we heard but we could only make out the last two words “I’m leaving.”Those are the words I didn’t want to hear I told Derek “you better go home” without hesitations or a look back he ran home. I dropped my bike and ran inside and as I did my dad came out. “Hi son” my dad said like what just happened didn’t happen. I ran inside to ask my mom what happened. I saw my mom sitting on the chair. “Hey mom what just happened is everything okay.” Her respond was something I didn’t want to hear. “Me and your dad are getting a divorce because he doesn’t know how to clean up.”I went to run out to catch my dad but he was already gone. My dad is a tall person around 6’0 tall and is a little chubby. I went inside and saw my mom packing my dad’s stuff. When she was done all that was in his box was his clothes and the old TV from down stairs. I asked her if she was alright her response was “I’m okay I just hope you will be okay with the divorce.” I didn’t really give her an answer I just shrugged my shoulders and ran outside. Derek was sitting there waiting for me “Is everything okay” he asked. “Kind of my parents are getting a divorce.” “It will be alright you have me and it’s not like I’m moving any time soon.”
One year later
I’m still moving back and forth my dad’s making money mom a paycheck here and there. I really like going to my dad because he buys me whatever I want. He has a pool table a swimming pool a big house and a dirt bike. How can my mom compete with that I mean all she as is a small hot tub and I’ll just get my dad to buy me that. I’m over at my dad’s now and I’m making him look for a hot tub. My dad has his own business as a concrete worker. I’m in the car on my way to my mom’s not that fun if you ask me. When I pull into the drive way so does my mom. My mom was in her job suit a cashier at Giant Eagle. “Hi mom” I said in a happy tone. The only reason I was happy I saw some good looking cookies in her hands. “Hey honey” she said as I saw my dad pull out without a goodbye or can we talk this over. My mom’s house was boring all I did was watching the news because that’s all she had was the news. The other thing was my homework and the only reason I did that was to have her stop nagging me. I asked my mom if I could live with my dad and I think that was something I shouldn’t have said. For the next four minutes the only sound in this house was mine and my mom’s going back a fourth arguing. I ran out the door with the door slamming behind me. I knocked on the door of Derek’s house just too see two different looking people in his place. I called Derek’s cell phone and his voice mail was “moving can’t talk call you later.” So I ran not knowing where but just decided to run. When I got tired I called my dad to come and pick me up. When my dad picked me up he called my mom and she said “keep the kid he can live with you.” When we got to my dad’s he told me that he got the hot tub It wasn’t the one I wanted but I didn’t care I just wanted to sleep. When I get mad all I want to do is sleep I don’t know why but it make me feel better and it calms me down. When I woke up I saw my dad sitting in the hot tube so I got in my swimming suit and opened my window. I slid out my window and on my roof. Slowly I creped to the side and hung from the gutter where the hot tube was and let go. I landed right in the middle of the hot tub. I splashed my dad and he was drenched. He seemed mad he got out. My dad told me to come the side of the hot tub. When I got to the side my dad grabbed me and picked me out of the hot tub. With a grin on his face he lifted me up and threw me. I landed with a smack into the pool. I came up out of the water just to hear my dad laughing. “How’s the pool feel” exclaimed my dad. “Good a little colder then the hot tub but not too bad.” “Why don’t you help me out” I said. When he bent down to help me out I yanked him into the pool. His towel and all into the pool even his shirt fell in. We both got out and dried of except my dad was just getting wetter using his towel. We went in and fell asleep I guess I didn’t realize how much fun it was here until you stay here for a week straight. I woke up in the morning a little sore from the jump off the roof. When I went downstairs I saw my dad cooking breakfast eggs and bacon. When we got done eating we wanted to go swimming but my dad had to go to work. When he was gone all I did was sit in my room and through my tennis ball up. When my dad got home he came up stairs got changed and went downstairs. I saw swimming in the pool “Hey come down” he yelled. I looked down and saw him get out and run up stairs I jumped into my suit and ran out my window. I aimed for the hot tub and let go. I guess I missed my calculations because I landed on my leg. My dad came down and he said “are you okay.” “I think I broke it” I said in pain my dad ran in and called my mom over when she heard what happened she drove as fast has she could. My dad isn’t smart he could have just called 911 but know he had to call my mom. She got over here fast. My dad put me on the couch moving me slowly. When my mom came in she told my dad to get the two table legs and a towel. My dad broke the old table’s legs of and grabbed the towel I was going to use before I fell off. “Okay what I want you to do is hold these table legs together when I let go” my mom said. My dad held both of the table legs together while my mom tied the towel around the legs to stabilize my leg. When they got done raping my leg up my mom and dad picked me up and laid me in the car. When we got there they put a cast on it. I went back to my dad’s and we hung out on the couch. When we were watching TV my dad said “Sorry I didn’t know what to do when you broke your leg.” “Is okay hey do you care if I want to live with my mom and you again” I asked. “Sure it’s okay with me ill drive you over there now let’s go” said my dad. On the way there we didn’t really talk at all most the radio talked for us. When I got to my mom’s I ran up to her steps (but if you think about I really couldn’t run that fast) knocked on the door once ran in and gave her a big hug. My mom said how much she missed me and how happy she was to see me again. So I found out that Derek didn’t move that he was helping his mom move down to Florida and he had someone feed his dog while they were gone. Me and my mom and dad where closer when I broke my leg it was different then before but for the better. My mom got a new job at a cement place called Joshes cementing (that’s my dad’s work).
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