Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718218-crash
Rated: E · Short Story · Friendship · #1718218
it tells how drinking can hurt you and your friends.
Crash, as my car skidded along the guard rail and sparks and smoke poured out my smashed hood. I had no clue what I was doing as I climbed out the burning car , I had realized I was bleeding badly. Thank god colt was behind me or I would have lost my arm.
I’m Ryan Clark , I play many high school sports , have all the friends someone could want , but thanks to being dumb the first week behind the wheel I lost my license and my car. Crashing my car changed my life and it all could have been prevented.
I have many friends from all the sports and parties I’ve attended but I still hang out with my friends I’ve known from my neighborhood all my life starting with colt. We have been friends since we started riding bmx bikes down the hills in my town above Pittsburgh. He was a legend around town for always being the first to try something new and getting good at it. Then I had Allen, Derek, Brett, and Justin. They all lived up the hill from me and we all played on the hockey team together and were always finding some new stupid stunt which we all always got hurt. Then I have my girlfriend Stephanie who I can trust with anything and, I’ve dated her since the 5th grade, we are now juniors in high school.
Me and colt always loved cars and anything about racing them in the streets. When we were little we watched fast and furious and any car movie there was we could not wait to get our licenses. Colt got his license before me and went out and bought a Mitsubishi Lancer and modified it for drifting around corners. Me, Brett, and Derek were even in the car when he went 150mph. Brett got out and said “colt you would be the one out of the group trying to kill yourself” Colt laughed, he knew he was kidding. Colt turned around and looked at me “I can’t wait till you get your license we can go drift together” I looked back and replied “I know their ain’t gona be streets left in Pittsburgh cuz were tearing them all up. Colt got back into his car and took us all home.
I woke up to my favorite rap song blearing on my phone all my friends were texting me we got first day of basketball conditioning 9 o-clock. Ugh I got up and dug through my closet for my nikes and my shorts. Stephanie texted me and asked me if we were all going to her best friend Chelsea’s party, I replied back wouldn’t miss it babe, all my friends would be there because they were all having a competition for who could go out with her first. Colt picked me up for basketball on the way there we were all talking about Chelsea’s party. Bret looked at everyone and said “well ole Ryan Clark is going to be drunk tonight”. I looked back at everyone in the back seat “not as bad as yins at least I won’t puke everywhere” Brett gave me a look than laughed.
After basketball I felt dead, my legs hurt, my fingers hurt, and all I wanted to do was sleep before the party tonight but no. I get home and Colt knocks on my door. “get out here sunshine” “what do you want” I replied. “when was the last we rode our bmx bikes together?” Colt said. “ugh I don’t know?”. “exactly too long, get your bike!” I went into my garage walking through piles of old sports equipment and bike parts and pulled out my bike I had bought 3 years ago when my friends had got into riding and it was one of my favorite things I owned. I rolled it out of the garage and colt says “ohhhhh there’s the old fitbike” “yes sir” I said lets go. We rode out of the neighborhood and into our favorite place we use to ride. We all had built the dirt ramps but when we got there it was nothing like it use to be. There was bottles and garbage everywhere, the ramps were all worn down and half the size they used to be. It was the place we had hung out every day when were younger. Me and colt didn’t feel like riding anymore after we saw this. We just decided to sit on the hill overlooking our old hang out spot and talk about memories we had here. Colt looked at me “hey remember when Allen broke his arm and we had to carry him home?” “I remember haha all because Derek hit into him with no brakes”. Colt replied man this is depressing lets go get ready for the party.
Me and all my friends hopped out of colts Lancer. The whole way to Chelsea’s party I had to listen to how excited everyone is that I’m getting my license in two days. We walked in her house and everyone was in her basement smoking and drinking. I said hi to Chelsea and asked her where my girlfriend is. She replied “I don’t know Ryan I think she’s up stairs” “ok” I said “grab me a shot”. For the next hour while my friends were hitting on Chelsea I got wasted and made a fool out of myself. Stephanie told me I was acting rude to her and her friends. I said “I don’t care they will get over it” “wow” she replied “I don’t know you when your drunk are we still hanging out after this. “sure I said”. I knew I was supposed to be with her all weekend but I was too drunk to care. Over the night we just did shots and played beer pong. Colt came up to me and wanted to know if I wanted to go to his house and stay the night. I told him I would just blow Stephanie off and we would go to a party on Saturday then I’d get my license Sunday
After drinking all weekend with Colt and my friends it was finally time for me to get my license. All day I had been nervous to pass the test. I also had added stress from having to listen to Stephanie complain, and how I blew her off and that she don’t want me drinking at parties anymore. I promised her I would stop. My parents took me to take my driving test with my instructor. All my life anything with wheels I could drive perfect so parallel parking and stopping at stop signs was nothing to me. We got back to the driving center and my instructor and me got out of the car. He walked over to me and shook my hand and said “don’t look so nervous son you passed!” I looked at him and said thanks and then it hit me I’ve been waiting for this plastic card all my life.
After a few days of riding in my parents ride with Allen, Colt , Derek , and Brett. I went to buy the love of my life which I had been saving up for since I was 9. I went out and bought a Suburu wrx. It was a stick shift and me and colt tuned it for drifting. Colt fallowed behind me as we showed off with our girlfriends in the car. I flew up the windy hill pushed in the clutch, hit the e-brake and slammed the gas into the corner as my car drifted and the motor red lined the rpm’s. From here things got bad.
For the next weekends I had continued my crazy driving habits and drinking, even Colt was starting to notice the change in me. He knocked on my garage door as I was working on my bike. “Yoooo Ryan!” “Aye” I said back. “We need to have a talk Ryan” “About” I said. Ryan sat next to me “I think Stephanie’s right about you drinking, you are starting to get careless.” “Why do you care all of a sudden” I said. “Because I don’t want my friend to end up being a piece of crap that drinks too much we all care about you” he replied. “well you have been the one encouraging me too!” Colt looked at me and said “I know I know how about this we will go out to one last party tonight and then quit with the drinking for awhile Deal? Ok I said deal.
We were going to my friend Mason’s house for the best party of the year. Only me and colt were going and for some reason we decided to drive separate just for safety. He lived an hour away and with our tuned up cars we were grabbing gears and flying through towns. When we got there we starting drinking and enjoying talking to our friends from out of to that we didn’t see very much. All night we drank and drank. Stephanie texted me saying I better not be drinking even though she thought we were at colts house. I texted back every things going to be fine relax. We took shots of whiskey, drank patrone, and then decided to go tee pee the neighborhood with all are friends. Colt looked at me and said “dude I told everyone here how good we are at drifting we should go show off?” “hahaha alright lets go I said”
I was completely drunk as I opened my car door and turned on the ignition. Everything felt slow and hazy as I listened to my car rev. I put it in first gear staring at the streetlights that looked like stars and the road looked like black water as I let out the clutch and started shifting through gears. Colt yelled from behind “ok Ryan show them.” Everything rushed through my mind as I hit the turn my car slid out and smoke poured out the wheel wells as I drifted around the corner at 110 mph. Then everything slowed down I hit the next turn and felt sick as I slid into the blind corner I saw a white light. Only when I looked at my tires and saw them cross the yellow line did I see the car coming straight for me. I hit the e-brake at 120mph and just missed the car. I was happy until I didn’t see the next sharp bend and hit the guard rail smashing my door in. Everything rushed before me. I Heard tires popping metal grinding and saw fire and flames shoot from my smashed hood. I rolled twice before my car landed up right against a hill side. I managed to hear colt as I stepped out the car saw myself bleeding and passed out on the ground.
I woke up in the hospital with all my friends around me. My girlfriend cried as she told me how scared she was when Colt called her. The doctor came in and told me how thank full I was that colt was there or I would have died from blood loss my arm was severely broken from the guard rail. My parents told me how lucky I was and two days later I was sent home.
My friends told me how lucky I was to have survived this crash. My girlfriend told me how she was so disappointed to find out I was drinking when it happened. I had lost my car and a lot of respect from her. As we all sat in my living room talking about good times and fun we have had Colt looked at me and said “we should all go out and have a beer” “jokingly”. I looked back at him and said “No id rather stay here and watch movies with you guys, the people I love and talk about memories with my best friends in the world and my girlfriend that I love the most”.

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