Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718215-The-Bomb
by tyler
Rated: E · Short Story · War · #1718215
It is about an 18 year old kid that is becoming a terroist.

When I was little, I would think of ways to blow up stuff that didn’t make me happy. My name is Habeab and I am an 18 year old kid and I live in Asia. My father was a terrorist and I looked up to him so he expected me to also be a terrorist. So it was a normal day out here in the desert and I was walking to school with my best friend Harry when a gun fight broke out. There were two men in a car driving by and shooting people and everybody decided to shoot back. Since you can’t trust anybody, you are allowed to carry a weapon with you at all times. So Harry and I got our 9mm’s and went and started shooting at the people shooting at us. When it was all over with somebody got a rocket launcher and shot it at the bad people in the car and blew them sky high, and we all cheered. It was a very hot day, about 115 to be exact. Our school was not air conditioned but I sit by the window so I get an occasional breeze from outside. “Today in class we will be learning how to make some bombs and then we will test them” said the teacher. So I went and got to work. I got a pipe, a bottom for the pipe, a fuse and a lid. I asked for some gun powder but the teacher told me not yet. So I went and put it together and so did everybody else. Next thing I knew it the school day was over and Harry and I were walking home. It was a normal day at my house; my parents were having another fight, so I just went up to my room without any dinner. I was sitting there looking over my plans for a new design for a big bomb when I heard gun shots. I ran downstairs and saw my mom standing over my dad with a smoking gun in her hand. I was pretty sure he was dead because of all the blood coming out of his head. So now with my dad dead, I am going to have to take care of my mom and get a job. I asked my mom why she did it. She said, I was tired of him bossing me around and hitting me so I shot him.

I told her that she should hide the gun and don’t let anybody know about it. She said, ok. Later that night, I heard something going on down stairs. I looked at my clock and it was 2:43 in the morning. I peeked through my doors to see if I could see what is going on, and then I saw it. It was a group of American soldier coming to make our country better place. They had big heavy machine guns and were well armed for a fight. I saw my mom in the corner of the room hiding with the same gun she killed my dad with. She motioned for me to run out the back door and hide in the woods. So I made a mad dash for my window in my room and hopped out and started running when I heard my mom shoot and then at least three machine guns rapid fire. I assumed she was dead. I went into my tree house where I had a small arsenal of weapons hiding in a chest in the corner. I looked to see what I had and made a list. Here it is: 5 grenades, 2 pistols, a sniper rifle, an m16, and a rocket launcher. I looked out my window of the tree house; there were more soldiers than I thought. I was going to need some help if I were going to attack the soldiers. So I grabbed my rifle, m16, pistols, and grenades and set off to Harry house. It was a long walk to Harry house and with the army following me it made it a whole lot harder. When I finally got to his house it was already getting light out and I didn’t feel same walking around so we stayed a Harry house till dark. I told our situation and told him about my parents and the soldiers. We waited till ten o’clock and we went to our school to get the bombs we made. We got to the school and had to break in the window. I told Harry to grab as many as he could and bring them over to the desk where I sit. In my desk I have fuses and a role of duckt tape. So we took the 14 bombs that we made and taped them all together to make one giant bomb. I then took all of my fuses and put them together and made a long five minute fuse. On our way out we heard somebody coming so we set up an ambush in the halls. I had my rifle and a pistol and gave my m16 and a pistol too Harry. It was three soldiers coming down the hall and we let them walk past us so that we can go up behind them and take them out. They heard us jump out of the class room but could get their weapons up fast enough and we shot them.
We walked out the door and we started to run because we saw more soldiers coming to report to the shots fired. I had to get out of there quickly so I told Harry good luck and we split up and went our own ways. I went back to my tree house and got out a map of the United States. I put it out flat, shut my eyes and randomly put my figure on a state and told myself that whatever state I land on I will go and attack them. The state I landed on was South Carolina.
So I went to the nearest air port and high jacked the next plane that was going to the states. It wasn’t easy being an 18 year old kid and trying to high jack a jet plane. I had a good idea on where I was going to crash land the plane in the middle of the back woods where all the crazy country people live. So I am flying over an area that is heavily wooded and I see a few country people out shooting their guns at an old abandoned truck in the middle of nowhere. This is how I knew that this was my target. I crash land the plane about 5 miles away from the country people. The plane blows up and my sniper rifle is broken. So all I had was the bombs and my two pistols. I thought to myself on how I was going to do this without getting myself killed. I tried to remember how many people I saw shooting. I think I saw about 7 people, all shooting rifles and shotguns. So I started walking to where I saw them shooting at. I made it about half way and decided to stop and make camp for the night. I woke up in the morning and forgot what I was doing.
When all of a sudden I saw that I was not at my camp that I had made the night before. I now realized that I was being taken hostage by the crazy people I saw the night before. We saw your plane go down and sent people in that direction and then had people grab you in your sleep when they saw the bombs you had, said Larry.
But why did you tie me up, asked Habeab?
Larry replied,’ because we didn’t want you doing something stupid.
So all the country people left me in a shack behind Larry’s house, they really tied me up tight, I thought to myself. It was getting dark out and I had a plan to escape and make my move. I started to wiggle out of the not that held my hands together to that I could start to untie my ankles and still put my hand behind my back to make it look like they are still together. Nobody came in to check up on me to see if I was still there which was good because that gave me more time to think about my next move. The shack I was in was poorly built so I could easily break through the wall and escape. I started walking through the woods when I heard a pack of dogs and gun shots fallowing, so I had to run faster. I had to duck behind trees and hear the bullets come whizzing by my head and hitting trees around me. I ran all the way back to my camp site where I had my guns and the bomb. So I grabbed the two pistols and hid behind a log and let them run by me. When I couldn’t hear the dogs or the guns, I quickly jumped up and started running back toward the houses. I saw the houses there and didn’t see anyone so I snuck in and started to look for a place to put the bomb so that it will blow up when they all walk back in. I walked past the cabin that Larry was in before I left.
I looked in the shack and he was standing there with a sawed off slug gun and it was aimed right at me. I started to run away and Larry fired a shot through the side of the shack and tried to hit me but it just skinned my arm and made me bleed. So I turned around and waited for him to walk out of the shack and he did and I put three 9mm slugs in his left shoulder and he shot my right leg clear off with two shot of the slug gun. We both fell to the ground both in a lot of pain. He pulled is gun up and pulled the trigger, it was all out of shells. I pulled up my pistol and tool out the clip to see how many were left, there was one left in the gun. I tried to stand up but couldn’t, so I just crawled my way over next to him. I asked him” do you want to die”?
He said” do your worst”.
So with all my might I got on my left leg and I unloaded my pistol on him and that’s when I heard other gun shots. I looked around to see if there was any place that I could go. I was trying to crawl over to a shed but I didn’t make it half way when there were bullets landing all around me. I stopped to look back to see if there was anyone coming at me. But it looked like they all were hiding in the woods and shooting from behind trees to protect themselves. I started to panic when I saw a rifle leaning up against a house, but the problem was that I would have had to crawl towards them to get it. So I decided that that was my only chance of surviving. I had to go and get it so I started to crawl. I knew it was a bad idea to try to get it. I was so close to the gun when all of a sudden a man came up behind me and grabbed it before I did and he started to shoot the people that were shooting me. I looked up to see who it was but they had a mask on.
I noticed a pistol in his belt that looked very familiar and an M16 that was camouflaged the way that I camouflage things. I knew then it was my best friend Harry from home. I heard the gun make a click sound like it was out of ammo, and so he dragged me back behind a building for cover.
He then took off the mask and said “how you doing old pal”?
I told him that I could be better and we talked for a minute or two while he wrapped up my leg. I asked him how the heck he found me and he told me that it was on the news that I stole the bombs, high jacked a jet plane, crashed it, and started to shoot up the place and I knew then that I had to get down here and help you out. He peeked around the corner of the house; they all were still hiding in the woods. He told me that we didn’t have much time to get out of here. I asked him how he got here and then I saw the giant helicopter with two .50 cal machine guns. He got in the driver seat and I got in the back to man the one gun and he started the engine and it started to take off when I saw the people come out of the woods and start to shoot at us. I then took the safety off the gun and started to spray hot lead all over them. I unloaded the ammo box that was next to me and when the smoke cleared nothing was moving or breathing. It was quiet all around us when Harry told me that he was shot in the stomach and he didn’t know how much longer he could take it. So he put the helicopter on the ground and we switched so that I could fly us home.
© Copyright 2010 tyler (tdunbar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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