Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718108-Chapter-2-of-Diary-of-a-Wolf
by Jessy
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1718108
The second Chapter of Diary of a Wolf
Chapter 2
Jess was having a horrible first day of school she just wanted to go home her last class was a Mythology class so she was a bit excited about that because they didn’t have anything like that at her old school. She walked into the class smiling when she saw Jake sitting at the teacher’s desk her heart started to race she couldn’t believe her luck that he was her teacher that she would be able to see and talk to him without her family say thing anything to her about it. She walked over to the desk handing him her white piece of paper.
He hadn’t been looking when she came into the room but when she got closer he could almost taste her. Looking up he couldn’t help but smile looking up at her smiling face taking the white paper sighing his name in the spot showing she showed up for her classes. “Good afternoon Ms. Hunter I’m glad to see a friendly face.” He could see her skin was flushed as he greeted her. His pulse raced knowing that having her in his class was going to be one of the hardest tests he was going to have to deal with besides living next door that he wouldn’t get a break from the temptation.
Nodding, “You too Mr. Wolf.” She giggled taking the paper back from him as he pointed to an empty desk where he wanted her to sit at.
After the bell rang for the class to begin he stood slowly moving towards the front of the classroom, “Now students we have a new student in our class I would like everyone to treat her like one of us.”
He smiled at her, “Ms. Hunter why don’t you stand and tell us a few things about yourself?”
She nodded standing looking around the room where everyone was staring at her, “Well I go by Jess and I have an older brother named Brad and we just moved here maybe a week and half ago for my stepfathers new job.” She sat down quickly she didn’t really have anything interesting to tell her classmates.
He smiled at her before looking around the room at all the students, “Now students I forget what chapter where we about to start?”
She noticed a blond girl with big green eyes looking at her almost as if she was looking though her. She was very pale and she wore a tight black tank top and black mini skirt with knee high black boots. She raised her hand as she still watched Jess, “Mr. Wolf I believe we were about to begin the chapter about werewolves.”
He nodded, “Good I’m glad there is at least one person paying attention in my class.” He turned around writing on his black board writing notes on how one may become a werewolf. He wrote the three ways 1. Living through an attack by another werewolf. 2. Being cursed by witches. 3. Selling soul for an animal coat from the devil.
He turned to the class watching a few people taking notes on what he wrote he was extremely happy that Jess was taking notes on his bloodline he hoped that one day he would be able to tell her what he really was and to bring her over to becoming like him. He tapped the board, “Now if you look at the board you can see there are three ways that people believed a man could become a werewolf. This belief was strong fasted until men started to studying psychology then it was starting to believe that when a man believe he could turn into a werewolf was all in one’s mind and they would do horrible experiments on people until they would confess that everything was in there head.”
“Now class I want you all to read the chapter on werewolves. We will be on this chapter for a while so I hope you are all willing to learn about one of the oldest myths.”
The blond girl raised her hand, “Mr. Wolf this chapter is one of the longest chapters we have in this book and there are so many different stories of the werewolf how can you expect us to learn everything?”
He put his palms on the table taking a deep breath in before releasing, “I know that this is a lot of information but I believe the students that pay attention and do their assignments they shouldn’t have any trouble with this or the chapter about vampires we will cover.” He looked around the class every time his eyes met hers he felt something inside him wake up from the dead or a long sleep he wasn’t sure if he even wanted it to come back.
The bell rang as all the students ran out of the classroom as fast as they could Jake waited for most of the people to leave the room until he sat in his chair with his head in his hands he couldn’t believe he was dreaming about Annemarie again. He hadn’t dreamed about her for so long and all of the sudden she was back in his mind again. His body ached for her his heart had never loved another before her or since but this girl seemed to be finding a way in without having to do anything to cause it. He didn’t even know if she wanted the same thing that he wanted.
“Mr. Wolf…”
He looked up to see the pale blond girl standing before him, “Yes Crystal?”
“That girl the new one who is she?”
“I believe her family is new to our small town.”
“But Mr. Wolf there is something about her that is very unnerving.” She had her hands folded in front of herself.
“Well I am truly sorry about that Crystal there really isn’t anything I can do about that.” He folded over the last paper he had been looking at.
“Maybe you should get to know her before you judge her so harshly Crystal.”
She frowned unfolding her arms, “Wait till my brother hears about the way you talk to me you will be sorry for this.” Turning away from him she gracefully walks away from the table and class room.
He sat there wondering what she meant by that but knowing the feeling he always got from her. The type of feeling that he always got from the vampires he hunted but he knew she couldn’t have been because she came out in the sunlight. So he could understand how she might not feel comfortable around Jess while he felt like she was something he had been waiting for a long time longer then he would really care to admit. He could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket taking it out looking at the name on the phone rolling his eyes he answered the phone.
“Hello?” He let out a deep breath wondering what Henry wanted now.
“Jacob its Henry where are you?”
“I’m still at work since you decided to keep a simple farming life remember.” He rubbed his temples with his fingers.
“Jacob I need you to come home as soon as you can brother we need to talk.”
Sighing as he realized he was about to get involved in something that he didn’t want to be in. “What is it brother? Where are you anyway?”
“I will talk to you when you get here.” The line went dead allowing him to hang his phone up.
“Well there went my night. Even though I didn’t have anything planned but hell I can’t even just have a night to relax anymore.” He grumbled to himself.
Jess was sitting under the tree in her front yard reading the chapters for Mr. Wolf’s class. She couldn’t help but wondered who the man and women were waiting for Jake were and how come Jake hadn’t gotten home from work yet. The man was a few inches taller than Jake with long blond hair that was tied back his deep blue eyes watching everything around him as the women who had long curly red hair worn down with soft green eyes looking around the neighborhood as if waiting for something. They were both dressed in black shirts and blue jeans. She was excited to see Jakes black sports car pull up to the house she could see his face and how unhappy he looked to see the face of the people standing at his door where he didn’t even look over at her like normally did.
“Brother your home I’m so excited to see you it has been so long since the last time we got to spend some time with you.” The blond man hug Jake as he was still looking over at her.
“Why don’t you come inside so we can speak privately brother?” He broke the hug before looking over at her real quick before unlocking his door as they all walked inside together.
“Jacob who is that girl sitting out there? There is just something about her that seems so familiar about her. Like she was someone we knew a long time ago.” The redheaded women asked before they could start their discussion.
“She is just a young girl that is new in town leave her alone Elizabeth both of you she is just a new student in my class there isn’t anything more to her than that.” He could feel his rage building inside him because he knew that if they found that he had any feelings for her that Henry would make sure she was taken care of since their secret came before anything else.
“We shall deal with it later brother.” He looked over at Elizabeth raising an eyebrow as if she should have already known that she shouldn’t be in their conversation,
“Elizabeth please leave us so we may speak.”
She nodded walking to the back of the house wondering if he had anything hidden that she could look through they both watched her leave once she was gone and out of hearing range they looked at each other allowing Henry to speak up first, “Brother you know it’s coming to that time again and I wish you to come to the forest for a bit so we won’t have anything happen again.”
“I am old enough to know how to control it Henry. Shouldn’t you be more worried about her?” Jake knew that Henry had changed Elizabeth soon after his beloved’s death, he ran his hands through his hair he was tired of being controlled by his brother.
“She will be with me too so she has wonderful self control I am amazed sometimes. I know you are old enough Jake I just want to make sure everything goes right for you brother you know I care deeply for you. We are all we have when it comes to family shouldn’t you want to make sure that nothing happens to one of us?”
He shook his head knowing that he had always some reason for pulling him back into his role, “I can’t get out of work brother and you know that. I will be able to maybe miss the next day they have been very nice to understand me missing work the day after the full moon but they do have their limits.”
“Jacob do you believe yourself capable of not killing a human this time I know it have been fifty years since you killed one because Charles and myself will not be able to hide the body like we use to.”
“Yes brother,” He sighed knowing that he would never be able to live down the mistakes he did when he was younger.
“I will be fine I swear it. It’s not like I have feelings for anyone so I should have to go after anyone that I feel is a threat to myself or that person so I will be fine brother.”
Henry nodded, “Jacob just make sure you are alright I want you to call me once you are back to your human state.”
“Alright then… So doesn’t that mean you’re ready to leave because I have a many papers still to grade from the last test I gave it seem a lot of students really want to know how they did on it.” Pulling out a stack of papers from his backpack.
He looked at the ground, “Well I was hoping to get to spend some time with you and Charles. The crops haven’t been doing as well as they have in past years. I think you might have been a better farmer then I am.”
Jake sighed, “Alright then would you like a drink?” Going over to the cabinet pulling out a bottle of whiskey.
“You really think that I’m a better farmer then you? I don’t even if I remember how to farm anymore.”
“That would be great. It’s like riding a bike Jacob I don’t think you could ever forget and I do mean it.”
Elizabeth found that Jakes home was pretty much empty that he had nothing worth looking though which was pretty disappointing for her. She sat down on the floor watching Charles come into the room sitting next to her. It kind of bothered her that his house was so empty like he wasn’t even pretending to be human anymore. She softly ran her fingers through his fur rubbing his pointed hears. “What do you know about that girl next door Charles?”
He looked down as he enjoyed her petting him, “All I know it that she has something that Jacob is attracted to he cannot stay away from her. It is almost like he has lost his humanity when she is around and he wants to be her alpha male. I have never seen him like this before Elizabeth it’s starting to worry me.”
“But how can that be? Henry has made sure that Jacob knows that him having a mate is against the rules.” She put a single finger on her chin as she kept her hand on Charles’s fur.
“Yes I know Lizzy and Jacob knows it too but…” He stood taking a few steps away from her.
“I can’t put my finger on it yet but I think he may have fallen in love with her already she has barely been here a few days and he has started dreaming again. Of course you cannot tell Henry he would punish Jacob in the harshest way by watching him kill her.”
She nodded, “Henry wants to keep Jacob in his place, Charles that’s the only reason why he would cause her any harm. Henry is our alpha and if Jacob breaks the rules he must be punished.”
School was pretty much a blur for Jake knowing that his brother and wife were still at his home still bothering him wanting to know what he was up to in his life making sure he was still being submissive to Henry‘s rules. He was looking forward to seeing Jess in his class today because he couldn’t let Henry on that he was feeling something for this girl that had the doll he wanted to study to see if there was anything special about it. Sitting at his desk he was doing everything he could to control his emotions and breathing because he didn’t want to let on that was feeling like a silly school girl with a crush he waited as everyone take their seat he was taken aback by the way Jess seemed to have changed from the innocent girl he met a few weeks ago to a very beautiful woman in her own making reminding him of Annemarie in some ways but in others she was something more something that he knew that could handle his secrete he just wished he could get his brother to understand. She was wearing her hair down with a well fitted shirt that was white showing her bra underneath from the lighting in the class room her jeans fit her curvy hips fitting her all the way down to her ankles with her matching white tennis shoes . He knew his sense were acute because the full moon was basically breaths away and he was having an even harder time keeping his mind clear. Standing he fixed his black dress shirt rubbing his hands down the front of his matching black pants as he walked to the front of the class room.
“Alright class how has everyone’s reading been going for them? I am hoping very well for we are going to have a small quiz on our reading.” A few people grumbled about the chapter and the quiz. He grabbed a small stack of papers handing a few to the person in the front of the row so they could hand them to the other students on the row.
He stood in front of everyone making sure everyone got a test, “You have fifteen minutes to complete the test once you are done place it on my desk.” He looked at his at his watch starting the time before he sat at his desk gripping the edge of the desk watching Jess unsure how much longer he was going to be able to control himself. He watched as the students one by one turning the test he smiled as she walked up to the desk smiling at him.
Once the last student turned in the quiz he stood clapping his hands together trying to get his thoughts together. “I know this is one of the most in depth chapters but let’s discuss the beginning of the chapter.”
Crystal raised her hand waiting for Jake to call on her. “Yes Crystal?”
“Mr. Wolf in the chapter they give many cases and possible causes of a man to have lycanthropy but they never truly say it’s a myth or not so can you clarify about its Mythology.”
He looked over at Jess as she watched and waiting for him to answer her full attention on him, “Well Crystal that is a great question because since the beginning of man they have had the stories of men turning into wolves and other animals for different reasons.” He turned to the board picking up the black marker.
“Some of the reasons man turn into these animals are because they have been cursed by witches.”
A boy with dark brown hair with light blue eyes wearing a black shirt and ragged blue jeans, “How can a man be cursed into a werewolf by a witch?”
“Well James if you think like the person living during the time of witches you don’t know or understand most things around you so a man going around killing livestock and steal the small children from the villagers because you must remember children had the highest death rate during the time.”
Crystal frowned, “But Mr. Wolf it seems this book doesn’t wish to know the truth about the Myth.”
“Crystal you must understand that werewolves have been around longer then the written language for man so of course some of the things written down my be wrong or seem to under mind what we know today but this is what the people of time were dealing with.”
Jess rose hand as she lifted her head up from her note taking, “Did they know at the time a man was stealing them or did they blame their death on something else?
“Well most humans lived with the forest still around them as with forests you have wolves living in them so they believed the wolves carried away the small children. Like the story of Little Red Cap they story takes place where a small girl is going through the forest to her grandmother’s home in the middle of the forest, but once the girl gets to her grandmother’s home she is face to face of a wolf who had eaten the girls grandmother and was waiting to eat the girl.”
“But Mr. Wolf we have all heard this story what does that have to do with the beginnings of lycanthropy?” Crystal stood up from her chair,
“Yes we all know the brothers Grimm wrote many fairy tales.”
Turning back to the class smiling, “Yes we all know Grimm’s stories but do any of you know why they wrote the fairy tales?” He pointed at Jess with a grin on his face.
“Ms. Hunter what would be your answer?”
Looking up from the notes she was taking, “They wished to warn the children on the unknown.”
Setting down her pen, “But of course that is not what I believe their fairy tales are supposed to mean. To me I believe their stories are to pass down the stories of fellow kin’s men that turn into animals ever so often.”
He raised an eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest, “Why do you say that Jess?”
“Well if you read most of their stories the children always run away from a parent that is abusive and they always just seem so trusting of the animals and are always eaten by the animal.” She played with her hair hoping that she had given him the answer that he was looking for.
He smiled nodding as the bell rang, “Very good Jess on keeping an open mind on the stories. Everyone keep reading your chapter there will be a test on Monday. Have a great weekend.” He was glad that it was the weekend that he would get to see her more if Henry left he may get to speak more to her.
James hadn’t had any really any luck finding any clues on finding the identity of the werewolf but he had not even really been looking knowing the full moon was coming up he could easily find out who he was. He was upset that another baby vampire had been killed by the animal and he didn’t leave any trace of evidence of his identity and it was starting to upset James. He thought that was the only animal that he has hunted that has given him the hardest time it was if he was teasing him begging him to find him and turn him into the vampires to have their way with him. He had noticed that Jess’s body and mood had been changing at a faster rate than before they had moved into the house, she had also quit carrying her doll. He wondered if that all her changes had come on due to how much time she spent with the man next door.
The only information that he could gather about this man was that he was a school teacher and had been in this town for a few years but anything before this town was a complete mystery even his birth record seemed to be a mystery and for any normal person they might not think twice about it. He knew some might think he moved from a foreign country and was trying to make a new life for himself, but James knew better he knew that he was hiding something.
The only thing he could find on a Jake Wolf was a man born in the 1600’s named Jacob Wolf a German peasant that never owned any land for himself but James wondered if werewolves could live that long among humans without drawing attention to himself.
He was sitting outside in a plastic chair watching his neighbor and a the mysterious man and woman that had been in town for a few days to finally show themselves he had been sitting there for a few hours knowing if he waited long enough he would get what he wanted. Taking a cigarette out he wondered what these people where up to, he knew that there was just something about this man he didn’t trust and he would get to the bottom of it before he caught the animal he was hunting because he didn’t want any harm coming to Jess or any other human female.
Henry looked at his brother in a low voice wanting to make sure the man didn’t hear him, “What is wrong with that man?”
“I have not figured that out yet. All I know is that he is usually gone all hours of the day and his job moved him here they didn’t come because this is where they wanted to move to.”
“Does he always just watch you like you’re a big game that he’s hunting?” Henry raised his eyebrow as he looked into his brother’s eyes. He was wondered what Elizabeth and Charles where doing inside.
“When we are both home yeah he seems to always be outside watching me in my house or outside it’s like he waiting for me to do something inhuman.”
Henry shook head, “Be careful around him Jacob I don’t trust him. He could be something we have had not to deal with before and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“Henry you don’t trust anyone.”
“And that’s why we have never been caught for this long. When I have known some of our kind to not even last a few years because they couldn’t keep themselves acting human they went all animal.”
“I think I have an idea on how I can get that stuffed wolf that you wanted me to get.” He could smell the cherry blossoms filling the open air wanting some time away from his brother some time alone with Jess even if it was to get her sent on him he would be happy.
Henry raised an eyebrow, “Jacob how long until you get this doll from the girl.”
“I'll have it after the full moon for you brother.”
He smiled, “I am proud of you Jacob. I knew it would be the best if you stayed in the city.”
They both watched the man watching them wondering who was going to make the next move, “You have not hunted any young vamps lately have you brother?”
Jake shook his head, “No I hunted one a few nights ago but other than that I haven’t really been leaving the house I don’t want to find him in my home when I’m not around.”
James took a long drag of his cigarette he looked up at the sky he tried to picture the type of man that could upset vampires enough to have them hunt you down. He turned his head when the back door opened he turned back when Jess walked though door.
“Where do you think you’re going Jess?” He raised an eyebrow he couldn’t believe that she was starting to act like Brad. He had always liked her because she was quite and listened to his rules.
“I have some biology homework that I need to collect in the forest it’s for extra credit. Mrs. Hinder wants us to collect some pound water and a few different types of leaves.” She was wearing a black tank top with blue jean shorts that she had made herself from some jeans that had gotten holes in with white tennis shoes. She was also carrying her black backpack.
“Don’t be gone to long it’s a full moon.” Taking a long drag of his cigarette before putting it out on the ground.
She rolled her eyes, “James I don’t know why you’re so worried about creatures from mythology. Mr. Wolf said that werewolves were made up so people could understand people killing the innocent.”
He laughed he knew he would be having a few words with this Mr. Wolf soon. “Just do as I say and be home before dark.”
“Alright,” She went around to the back gate going though it she was relieved to get away from the home.
She walked in between the houses going to the forest behind her home. She was amazed by the height of the trees making sure to watch her step she found her way to the creek sitting down on a big bolder she turned around when she heard a stick breaking behind her.
© Copyright 2010 Jessy (jessybell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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