Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718095-Two-Lovers-One-Heart-Chap-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Experience · #1718095
Will love bloom and have a happy ending? Or will his fragile heart tear into pieces?
Two lovers One Heart
By Donovan M Galloway

Heart Beat 1

         Standing up from my desk chair grabbing my book bag and slinging it over my shoulder and standing with aching bones from sitting so long, I said my goodbyes to the teacher and headed for the door as thoughts begun to run through my mind,

         “What a lousy day, day in and day out I come here, sit and listen to this guy talk and yap and bore myself out of my mind.”

         Pushing open the door with a grunt I enter the hallway where dozens of students are already walking up and down. The blur of many different styles of cloths and the overwhelming noise and chatter of students starts to give me a headache.

         “What's the point of even coming, I don't have any friends here and I am always bored of the work and I know everything there teaching”

         Jumping into the traffic I make my way to the front entrance to leave the school. After many countless bumping into people and pushing and shoving and rounding a few corners and long hallways. I stand in front of the doors leading out into freedom when I feel a tap on my shoulder, thinking its a teacher I start to explain I was just leaving when I turned around and saw my kinda-friend-but-not-really-there friend standing there with a smile.

         “Hey Donny! Wha'cha doing after school?”

         It was this girl I met at the start of the term, I was kinda lonely on the first day and everyone in class had to walk up to someone and introduce themselves. I wasn't the kinda kid to even speak to others, but when I looked over and saw her standing in the corner looking sad and as if she just got rejected by someone she loved, my own dam guilt and feelings kicked in. I felt kinda bad for her as everyone but her, and me of course, was talking to each other and getting along.

         Guess I should tell you about her. Her names Liea Enclaire Summers, and shes a bit of a normal looking girl. She likes long dresses and wears these light blue glasses that makes her look like a nerd sometimes and has her hair up in a ponytail a lot. Brown hair thats streaked blond with bright emerald eyes and a pudgy nose, freckles in some places and a lithe body.

         Getting up and out of my seat I walk over to her intent on at lest telling her my name then getting hers before walking back and going back to my own thoughts. The poor girl, when I approached she moved to the side asking if she was in the way.

         “No, I actually  came to ask you you're name and tell you mine if that's fine?
                   You... want to know my name?
         Yes, will you tell me?”

         She actually blushed on me! I was a little interested in this girl now as she turned her face slightly and told me her name.

                   “Li... Liea Enclaire Summer's”

         Smiling I hold out my hand and tell her my name.

         “Donovan M Galloway, nice to meet you Liea!”

         She meekly took my hand and shook it, but when she looked into my eyes, that's when I first saw her smile, and it was amazing how much better she looked, looking happy was better then her sad and depressing sate she was just in.

         “If you need anything just ask me I will be glad to help”

         She looked at me and smiled wider and nodded her head.

                   “Can we sit and talk? I am a little tired from standing.


         For the rest of that period we talked about each other and generally got to become kinda-friends. Days went by and we spent more time together and as such she kinda got attached to me since I was her only friend it seemed in the whole school. She was nothing really thou more to me then {That girl that I talked to. To keep from being bored all the time at school} so I always denied going anywhere or meeting her some place when she asked. Which Brings us back to the front entrance of the school.

         “Just going home to get away from all these kids, why?
                   I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me right now? I'll buy you food.”

         Normally I would tell her no thanks and walk home, but it just so happened there was no food in the house and mom wasn't going food shopping till tomorrow, and I was hungry.

         “Sure why not, I could use a hamburger”

         The pure look of joy on her face and the way she lightly bounced made me feel kinda happy to.
Without a second word she grabs my hand and pushes open the door as she starts explaining that she has her mom in the parking lot ready to take us and that shes glad I finally said yes to going somewhere with her. We got to the car and I walked up to the window and talked to her mom a bit before I got into the back seat.

         “ Hello Mrs. Summers, I'm...
                   Oh I know who you are dear! My daughter wont stop talking about you, saying 'donny this' and 'donny that'
                I swear she drives me crazy! I'm glad I finally got the chance to see the boy thats taken my young girls heart.
         She talks about me?
                   At every chance she gets! Now hop on in so you two can get onto you're date.”

         I was about to tell her that it wasn't a date when Liea shoved me into the back seat laughing and saying her moms just batty. After a hard stare with much eye contact, she blushed and looked away  as she hurried to her seat on the other side of the car. I just sighed and laid back as I thought about what I was going to have for my meal. Her mother pulled out of the parking lot smiling like crazy, no doubt she thinks I am dating her daughter thinking "finally!", even though I do kinda like Liea, she's just not the dating type for me.

        I zoned out most of the way to the mall and I think Liea said some things but I just nodded and watched the landscape pass by me, so time passed and we arrived at the mall and her mom dropped us off with a

"Have fun you two, and treat my girl good" As she also winked at me.

I let it go as It did make me feel kinda good to be thought of as actually dating someone as I am a loner type. We started to walk in when the noise and smell's of the mall started to invade my sense's and I fell back a bit and followed Liea as she started going off about what where going to be doing.

         Liea was on fire, she dragged me from shop to shop asking if I liked this or that and I just went through it like a good solider. When it was finally time to come to eating only then did I get excited, yes I love food. Liea took this wrong some how thinking I was finally opening up or something and enjoying myself. But something odd and weird was going on. As I stood in line I got this feeling like something important was nearby.

         As we moved up in the line the feeling got stronger and I felt like I had to find it, it was almost making me sick trying to ignore it. Finally I told Liea my order and that I was going to find a place to sit, she said Ok and stayed in line as I franticly started looking around the place trying to find what ever was making me feel like my soul had escaped and now I gotta catch it.

         Then after looking over the third table and out to the benches I spotted two girls, the girl sitting to the right, when I looked at her, my heart rate increased, my vision blurred slightly, and my heart ached with longing. When I looked to the left I saw a girl I thought I knew from class, Mia....Ria....Tia or something. They looked like best friends.

                                       Slowly with blood pumping in my veins and my eyesight blurring, I started walking toward the girl on the right.
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