Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717826-Diary-of-a-Wolf
by Jessy
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1717826
This should be the rest of the first Chapter of Diary of a Wolf
“I’m sorry Mr. Wolf but we do not believe that you working for our company would be in the best interest for our company.” A busty blond with a button down white dress shirt with the first two button unbuttoned he could bet that she was wearing a simple black short skirt since she didn’t stand when he came into the interview. Her jewelry seemed to be costume and looked cheap to Jake.
“I am truly sorry you feel that way ma’am.” He stood glaring down into her simple brown eyes feeling like he had just wasted his afternoon talking to the simple woman.
“Why do you wish to leave your old job anyway?” Looking up from her small computer still typing on the keys as she wrote the conversation that they were having she couldn’t believe some handsome man would want to work for a place like this with the education he had.
“I don’t believe I owe you any reason for wishing to switch.” He left the small office walking through the business a bit upset about not getting the job but glad he would have to be dealing with the women who worked there he could feel the women watching him leave like he was something they could just barely flirt with and he would be theirs for the taken.
Getting into his car he sped off back towards his home hoping his friend didn’t mind having to stay in the back yard once he pulled into his drive way.
He got out of his car as he saw a woman he believe was his new next door neighbor he wasn’t really in the mood to be bothered by some crazy idea these people seemed to have about him without even knowing him.
She stood in front of him as he closed the door she was smiling at him. He believe he thought she was going to try to flirt to him which he was use to but he didn’t understand why women had a hard time believe he wasn’t interested in their underage girl that he didn’t know anything about.
“How are you doing ma’am?” He gave a small smile.
She blushed, “Oh I am grand I just love this new town it is nothing like where we moved from.”
He nodded trying to pretend that he cared about she had to say, “I am glad you are enjoying our town. It is very different then most towns that you will come across.”
She put her index finger on her chin as if she was thinking of something, “I have noticed my little girl seems to have taken a liking to you.”
She laughed quickly, “Oh I’m sorry I should introduce myself to you I’m Linda Hunter.” She held out her hand waiting for him to take it.
He shook her hand wondering what information she wanted, “It's nice to meet you Linda Hunter I’m Jacob Wolf but you can just call me Jake.”
“Like I was saying my little girl Jess seemed to be smitten with you.”
He laughed, “It’s a teenage thing to become smitten with someone. I am sure a boy at her new school will get her attention then she won’t even remember what she ever could have seen in me.”
Linda smiled, “I just hope so Mr. Wolf I wouldn’t want to ruin your reputation because if I find out anything different you will wish you were never born she is my only daughter and I will not allow anything to cause her pain or heartache.”
He frowned he wasn’t use to being threaten by a simple women. “Ma’am I don’t like being threatened by you for something that has not happened or that will not happen. And for second from what I have seen maybe you should worry more about your husband doing something to her before pointing your finger at me.” He had grown tired of her already he knew it was a bad thing to put blame on someone he didn’t know.
Her skin flushed because she wasn’t use to having someone talk to her like the way he did. “I just want you to stay away from her alright. We won’t have any problems if you just do that for your sake and everyone else’s.” She turned away from him going back towards her house. She hoped she wouldn’t have to ever have to deal with him again.
He quickly walked up into his home he felt a headache coming on as he had to deal with those simple women and their simple views of the world around them not understanding or caring about how it affected others around them. He could feel the cool air hitting his skin when he entered the main living area of his house. Stopping in the middle of his step he carefully sniffed the air he could smell the cherry blossom that Jess smelled like before he left so much like following his nose up the stairs he rubbed his chin muttering about the door being open. Walking into the bedroom he was a bit shocked to see Jess sleeping in his bed wearing his shirt and that seemed to be all. He wondered if maybe that woman knew something that hadn’t caught up with him yet. Her smell filled his nose causing the same desire that he felt earlier rise up inside him. He wanted to just jump atop her and make her his making her cry in pleasure. He stood there watching her for a while making sure he would have control over himself his hands shook as he could pick a way to go. Once he was sure he could control himself he walked over to the bed he lightly shook her awake.
“Jessie sweetie you need to wake up.” His voice shaky on the verge of desire and hunger of not having a woman in his bed in such a long time he didn’t want to be human anymore he wanted to let his wolf out. He had kicked his shoes off next to hers along with his black socks
She rubbed her eyes not remembering falling asleep she looked up at Jake standing above her opening her mouth in embarrassment her skin bright red, “Oh Jake I’m sorry I didn’t mean…”
He laughed his eyes brightening up he was glad to see that she was interested in him like he was in her, “It's alright I know you wouldn’t take any of my stuff.”
“Your bed is just so comfy it smell so good Jake I must have crashed.” Her skin was still bright red as she messed with edge of the shirt so Jake could see the only thing under her shirt was her black panties.
He could feel the blood rushing to his face, “Well…” He seemed to lose his thoughts as he loosened his tie turning away from her wondering if she could tell he was excited.
“Jess maybe you should go home I’m sure your parents are going to be worried about you.” He pulled the tie up around his neck undoing removing his jacket then his shirt pulling it off letting it fall to the floor. Turning back towards her only wearing his pants he crawled on the bed sitting next to her.
“If you want to stay you can sweetie.” He knew he was pushing his luck but he knew he had to try even if he was rejected at the time.
She stood letting the shirt cover her panties as she bent down grabbing her clothing, “Jake can I use your bath room?”
He nodded, “Yeah it’s the next door in the hallway.” He watched her leave the room going to the bathroom so she could put her cloths back on. He let out a deep breath a bit relieved that she had better control then he did.
When she came back into the room she quickly put her socks and shoes back on “Please don’t tell my parents about this Jake. They worry that us becoming friends is putting bad ideas into your head.”
He shook his head, “They won’t ever find out from me I promise sweetie.” He giving a small smile reassuring her that he meant to keep his word.
She smiled nodding at his words before she gave him a hug in which he brought her closer to him allowing him to rub the back of her neck and enjoying her smell even more. She let her hand run down his bare chest not wanting to leave but unsure if he could feel the same feelings for her that she did him so she broke the hug she quickly left his room leaving him alone behind in the home. He could hear the front door closing.
He sighed knowing that it was going be another night alone in his home. He undid his button and zipper allowing his pants to fall to the floor as he removed his boxers walking to the bathroom he gathered the white shirt that had been touching her skin. Holding it against his skin as he laid on the bed he could feel his body couldn’t be ignored any longer with his right hand he held himself firmly gripping his erection with his left hand bring the white shirt so he could keep her smell in his nose. Moving his hand slowly at first all he could picture was the entire thing he wanted to do to her just a few moments ago, he quickened his movements as he could feel himself ready to climax. Reaching climax for him was the release his body desperately needed he seemed to pass out on the white shirt still smelling the cherry blossom lost in her scent as his eyes fell heavy he started dreaming of a time so long ago he almost forgot.

“Jacob… Jacob...” A woman’s voice sung through the fields a young man with long black hair that was tied in a single ponytail. The man looked up smiling when he noticed it his wife who had been calling his name. His emerald colored eyes sparkled as he sat down the seeds he was working on planting for the fall harvest.
“Ah beautiful wife what are you doing out here? Have you finished all your chores?” He hugged running his fingers through her hair bringing her closer to him. He lightly lifted her chin up so he could warmly kiss her on her soft lips. She had the lovely dirty blond hair that if a shade darker would be brown she had been working on growing her hair long it had reached just below her shoulders. Her eyes were a hazel color that had hints of blue and greens.
“I was looking for you. Yes my lord I have finished all of my chores for the day.” She giggled touching the side of his face with her soft hand making his heart race.
“Well what is it wife that you were looking for?” Smiling warmly at her as he never wanted to break the hug.
“My lord your brother wishes to speak to you.” She could tell his mood seemed to sour a bit.
“What does he want?” Muttering to himself as he scratch his chest from the cheep wool that his brother insisted on buying the cheapest materials.
“I’m sorry my lord but Lord Henry said he needed to discuss something with you something of great importance and that it could not wait.” She messed with the hem of the apron that had holes in it from being caught on nails and other objects.
Sighing he nodded as he grabbed her hand, “Well at least I will be able to walk home with the most beautiful women in the world.” Softly kissing her hand.
Blushing she laid her on his shoulder, “My lord I must confess that we will be having a little one around the harvest time.” She laid her free hand on her stomach.
A smile spread across his face as they walk towards the small cottage that he, his brother and friend all shared. They all lived together because their families didn’t want anything to do with them so they made a small family by themselves. His brother was a tall muscular built man with short blond hair and deep blue eyes. He had removed his shirt in order to deal with the heat that had been plaguing them. The rain hadn’t come for many weeks and he worried that the crops were going to suffer for it his hope was that there would be enough food for all of them during the winter.
“Brother my wife said you wished to speak to me?” He let her stay a few feet behind him since Henry was always cold towards her. She always tried impressed him by doing things perfectly but it never seemed good enough for him.
“Send Annemarie inside we need to speak alone.” He didn’t look up from his task messing with a tool that had been broken by the handle. Henry was one for saving money for his family, since they were young their father threw them out when he found out their mother had an affair with their lord and gave him two sons that happen to be pure bloods like the lord. He was lucky to have gotten a family to agree for the marriage between himself and Elizabeth, than he knew his brother had found Annemarie wondering around in the market and just brought her home. He never wanted Jacob to marry the poor girl not knowing anything about her family’s history and having to worry about another mouth to feed. She had only been with them two harvests he knew she was helpful to have around with the chores but she wasn’t someone that he didn’t want in his family. She was a good worker but she would never understand their life she would never be part of it and he just wanted to save Jacob the hurt he was going to feel.
He looked behind him at her motioning for her to go inside. The two men watched her go into the small cottage once she was inside his brother looked up from his work. “Jacob I know you care dearly for Annemarie but I need you to send Annemarie away. Yes she is a good worker don’t get me wrong but she is not right for you brother.”
Jacob laughed believing that he had to be kidding, “Why would I do such a thing I love her dearly. What has she done that is so horrible that you are always so displeased with her?”
“Trust me brother sending her would be the easiest thing for us all.” Wiping the sweat off his brow letting the tool falling to the floor. He knew that he wasn’t going to convince Jacob of anything because he knew he was blinded by love for Annemarie.
Jacob stopped laughing frowning at his brother, “Henry I would never send her away for any reason. She doesn’t have anywhere for her to go if I kicked her out. She would live on the streets and someone could hurt her or worse how could you ever want something like that for someone else?”
“Why must you be so stubborn Jacob I am just trying to make your life easier?” Henry rubbed his eyes trying to figure out how to explain to him what could happen without telling him everything he knew that could happen.
“How is making my pregnant wife going away making my life easier? Just because I didn’t get a dowry for marring her like you did Elizabeth?” He could feel his anger rising but unsure why Henry was so insistent on making his life miserable.
“Fine Jacob your making your bed and you can lie in it. I will be here of course to clean up your mess but I will not support you.” His brother turned his back to him bending down to pick up the tool he had let fall to the ground he mumbled to himself going back to his work.
Jacob laid next to Annemarie they skipped dinner just wanting to spend time together he didn’t want to look or think about his brother his vision red with anger that he had always have to give up everything because Henry wanted him to. He was staring at the ceiling he was wondering how true his brothers words were. He looked over at Annemarie who peacefully looked at him with concern in her eyes she rubbed his bare chest wanting to comfort him in his thoughts even though she didn’t say anything. He could tell that she was worried about him and it bother him that Henry could ruin anything good for himself.
“Husband something seems to be on your mind do you wish to speak about it?” Cuddling up next to him allowing her fingers to trace down his bare chest going underneath the blanket touching him gently and lovingly.
“No Anne I am just tired that is all.” He rolled away from her with her wrapping her arm around him as howling from something unseen in outside their window started.

Jake awoke with a jerk looking out the window noticing how dark it looked outside he could hear a dog howling out the window. “Damn I left him outside he is going to be pissed at me. How long have I been asleep?” He mumbled to himself rolling over onto his back slowly sitting up on the bed he went to his dresser grabbing a pair of work out shorts and the white shirt that was laying on the bed pulling the shirt over his head as he made his way down the stairs. He could hear pounding on the front door as he walked down his stairs going to the door he opened it noticing the new neighbor standing there his dark clothing making him look more intimidating to most people but making Jake wonder what he truly wanted from him.
“Are you Mr. Wolf?” His voice was rough and aggravated as if trying to start a fight for no real reason except to fight.
Raising an eyebrow running his hand through his hair as he could still smell Jess‘s sent on the white shirt, “I am and you might be?” He held out his hand because he had always been use to shaking hands since that was how they use to do things when he was younger.
“Well I am your neighbor and that damn dog of yours has been barking and howling like a hell hound for hours how in the hell could you just ignore him?” He crossed his arms over his chest with a scowl on his face watching the man’s hand slowly drop back down to his side.
He shrugged rubbing the back of his head, “I didn’t mean to I have been having one of those weeks you know? I guess I had found myself a bit sleep deprived and I passed out.”
He rolled his eyes pulled out his pack of reds he always smoked, “Your lucky I didn’t get my own gun and shoot it myself.”
“I won’t let it happen again.” As he rubbed his eyes still trying to wake up. Still unsure why this man was so aggressive all the time with him.
He grinned a bit taking a step back, “Good I hope it doesn’t. I think it would break my daughter’s heart to see a dog killed like that. Since she seems so found of dogs.” Jake couldn’t tell if the man was trying to take a hit at him or not. Could he know that he was feeling something for her?
Jake closed the door turning around going to the back of the door letting the husky into the house. He went to get a drink and some of his food as Jake thought about going back upstairs and going to sleep. He wasn’t even hungry like he usually was it seemed the dream he had been having about his past.
“Why the hell did you keep me out there so long Jacob?” He let out small deep growls and Jake could tell he was very upset with him for keeping him out there so long.
“Sorry” He mumbled, “I feel asleep and was dreaming.”
He sat on the cool tiled kitchen floor he knew that look Jacob was giving him. Jacob never really dream anymore and when he did it was always bad, “Do you want to talk about it?”
He shook his head, “No.” He hadn’t thought about her in so long that she was almost a dream that he had made up so it wouldn’t seem so alone.
He looked over at his friend with his emotions hidden, “I am going out for a while so you don’t have to stay up if you don’t want to.” He grabbed his jacket and car keys leaving his friend still sitting on the cool tile. Getting into his black sports car unnoticed he took off towards the park.
Stopping at furthest park from his home he open his car door heading towards the baseball field. He had changed in the car into a black muscle shirt and blue jeans with his black steel toe work boots he smiled when he saw a tall lanky pale women walking towards him. He could tell that she was maybe a few years dead her blond hair still done up in the bun that she had probably been wearing when she was turned. Her sliver colored eyes lifeless as she was looking for her first meal of the night.
She smiled warmly at him, “I believe I have never seen you before my name is Jamie.”
He nodded, “Oh this is my first time coming out. My friend told me to come here.”
She ran her cold hand along his face, “Well then my new friend you have come to the right place.” She grabbed his hand walking him towards the tree line of the park.
They stopped in between two large oak trees she let go of his hand feeling up his arm as she moved closer to him she smiled slightly exposing her small white fangs.
He smiled knowing that he wouldn’t be making a mistake tonight, he let her rub on his chest until he had her close enough rubbing his hands through her hair. “It seems tonight is my lucky night my dear.” He whispered into her ear grabbing her by the back of the neck.
She tried to pull back realizing it was too late to get away from him, “Who…” She stuttered, “What do you think you’re going to do to me you asshole?” She scratched her nails down his arms.
He grinned at her, “I am your worst nightmare.” He threw her down on the ground quickly grabbing his pocket knife out of his pocket before jumping atop of her before she could move. Holding the knife up in the air he stabbed through her ribcage allowing his fingers to grab her heart as she fought to get him off her. He ripped her heart out of her chest he stood with the blackened heart in his hand as he walked back towards his car. He knew she wouldn’t be full dead until the heart was completely destroyed once he reached his car he looked down at the heart this was the thing he hated to do more than anything, bringing the heart up to his mouth he took a bite allowing the blood that seeped out to run down his chin and neck until he had completely devoured the heart.
© Copyright 2010 Jessy (jessybell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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