Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717823-Cont-of-Diary-of-a-Wolf
by Jessy
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1717823
More of the first chapter of Diary of a Wolf
James sat at a small white plastic table in a solid white room waiting for the person who hired him. Pulling out a pack of reds he sets them with a small blue lighter. A small girl not much older than Jess walks into the room she has blond hair done in pig tails the hair full and thick of ringlets her sliver eyes met with his for an instant as she seems to glide across the room her baby blue Victorian style dress matched the one of the baby doll she carried that looked very old that she must have had it when she was still human.
“It is great to finally have a hunter in our small town.” Her voice silken as a childish smile appears on her pale skin.
“What is my job that you called my family to this small town Victoria?” Taking a single cigarette out of a red box he placing it between his lips.
“Well Mr. Hunter we seem to have a problem and we need your assistant.” She watched him light his cigarette taking a long drag.
Unblinking she lifts her hand so the small white plastic chair moved out allowing her to sit. “We have a werewolf living among the human population.”
“What does that have to do with hunters? There are many werewolves living among humans without having to get my kind involved.” Raising an eyebrow finding him becoming bored quickly with this new job he was wondering if he should even unpack for this new job, he bet it wouldn’t take any time looking for this animal.
“Well Mr. Hunter this animal has been responsible for killing many of our fledglings’ and we want this to end.”
“Do you know who he is?” Taking a few more drags watching her sit there watching him.
“No Mr. Hunter we do not know his identity of his human shape that is why we have hired you because you can move around during the light without anyone asking questions.”
Nodding as he put out his cigarette on the plastic table as he stood, “So you wish me to find this werewolf and once I find him what shall I do with him?”
She gracefully stood from the chair making her way to the door as she waited for him, “Just bring him to us and we shall deal with him Mr. Hunter.” She disappeared behind the door.
On his way home he wondered how many people in the town were not what they pretend to be and how many times he had to hunt down these people because they couldn’t control themselves. He knew once he was done with this job they would move to the next city that was have to hunt the next monsters. He hoped that he wouldn’t have to explain his job to his new family.
“Hello?” Jake picked up his cell phone already knowing that his brother wanted to know what he had learned about the new family living next door.
“Jacob it’s your brother I’m just checking up on you.” He still had a hint of their German accent even though Jake had lost his once he started living among more people in the suburb and it helped went to college
Sighing he stood walking around his living room, “I’m fine and so is Jack.” He grinned at his friend who was lying in front of the TV. He had looked up at him giving him an unfriendly look along with a low pitched growl.
“Who is Jack?” The voice on the other end of the phone sounded aggravated.
“It’s just a joke for god’s sake Henry cant you handle a joke?” Rolling his eyes as he walked into the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips opening the bag he stuffed a salty chip in his mouth.
“Jacob these times are not a time for jokes. We could be in serious danger with your new neighbors. I have heard rumors that the vampires hired someone to take care of the thing killing their kind.”
He paused for a moment, “Remember that is you Jacob.”
“I know that is me Henry but I don’t think it’s the new people that moved in next door they couldn’t cause us danger they just seem like normal humans to me.” He looked out the window noticing the young girl Jess walking past her window still holding her toy wolf as she carried some books across the room as she seemed to make herself at home in her room.
“That is not what I have heard about them and you know that. I want that doll that the family has an elder wolf told me if we can get that doll we can learn many things. We may even be able to change Charles back into a human form.”
“Yes brother but I don’t think the doll is what you think it is. It’s a young girl’s stuffed doll she cares very much for the doll.”
“Jacob you moron you just need to do as I ask of you. This isn’t just about your life Jacob and you need to see that.”
“Alright I will see what I can do about getting the damn doll for you and your bitch.” He hung up his cell before allowing him to respond.
“Don’t even say a word to me about what I said I am sure I will pay for it later.” Walking away from Jack still in the same spot munching on his bag of chips walking up his stairs to his darken bedroom he just needed to clear his head his brother always knew how to make him angry even if he was having a wonderful day Henry would always find a way to ruin it.
He couldn’t get her smell out of his head as he drifted to a dreamless sleep.
Jess was happy to have everything unpacked and put into a home in the room she couldn’t believe it took two days to unpack and rearrange everything. She found it easy to adjust to her new room that was facing the nice mans house she had wondered how school was going to go since mother said they had to go tomorrow. She looked at the clothing in her closet wondering what she should wear. Turning around she looked over at Jake who was sitting on her bed in the middle of it, “I will be back Jake.”
She turned and walked out of her room leaving Jake sitting on her bed walking down the wooden stairs she wanted to ask her mother on her ideas of decorating the house she had and if she needed any help because she hoped to stay in this home for a long time.
Looking in the kitchen she saw her mother and step-father whispering to each other she could tell whatever they were talking about that her mother didn’t seem every happy about it. She hoped it wasn’t him telling her that he had changed his mind about this job and that they were going to move away again.
Going into the living room she saw her brother sitting on their mothers soft blue sofa he was watching TV he had not unpacked anything because he kept begging his mother to let him live with his father so he could finish school where he had been and with his friends instead of the new school and new people.
He looked up from his cell phone at his sister, “Where you going? You know James doesn’t want you just wondering around this new place.”
She frowned placing her hands on her hips, “It won’t be new if you get out and explore Brad.”
Rolling his eyes as he checked the phone for the new text message, “Father has already told me if I want to and it is alright with mother I can move in with him.”
“Well you know mother won’t let you so maybe you should stop trying.” She turned away from him heading out the front door stepping onto the freshly cut grass stretching her arms over her head she had thought about going on a run. She smiled when she looked over to the neighbor’s house noticing Jake coming out of his home. She could feel herself blushing because she looked silly in the black spandex pants and sports bra prepping for his rejection as she walked towards him with a nervous smile on her face.
He was wearing a black blazer with a baby blue button down shirt with a black tie and dress pants with shiny black shoes. She stopped in front of him right at the edge of his sidewalk. She wondered if it was the right thing coming over to see him because she could tell he was about to get in his car and his face told he wasn’t in a very good mood.
“Hi Jake I haven’t seen you in a few days.” She rocked back on her feet with her hands behind her back looking up at him lovingly.
“I have been really busy sweetie.” He gave a small smile he didn’t want to scare her away but his mood had been foul since talking to his brother on the phone a few days ago.
She nodded, “I understand I finally got everything unpacked.”
Softly touching his jacket with a small giggle coming up, “Where are you going Jake?”
Softly grabbing her hand into his, “I have to go somewhere really important and I am running late.”
“Are you going to meet a woman?” Looking at the ground before looking up in his eyes unsure if she really wanted to know the answer to the question she felt kind of silly asking a grown man personal information.
A small laugh came up through him he could tell she was embarrassed about asking him the question, “No I am thinking about switching my job if the interview goes well.”
“Do you have a girlfriend Mr. Wolf?” Her cheeks bright red with embarrassment unsure why the questions kept coming from her she wanted to know so much about this man many years older than her, but she wanted to make sure that someone wouldn’t be able to steal his attention from her.
His face became serious, “No sweetie no girlfriends in my life but you must not call me Mr. Wolf people called my father or you could even call brother if you get meet him but I’m just Jake.”
She nodded still burning from the embarrassment a smile came across her face, “Oh I’m sorry Jake.”
Laughing he brushed his hands through her hair coming around softly touching her face, “I’m sorry to have to cut this short but I have to get to my job interview.”
She give him a quick hug before running off to her home allowing him to get into his black sports car. His pulse was racing from the hug that she had given him her smell of the cherry blossom filled his nose he hoped he could calm himself down when he got to his job interview he quickly started the car driving off away from his home.
James noticed the interaction between Jess and the man that lived next door. He sat there for a few minutes as something inside himself to him he needed to follow that man that the animal he was hunting probably had some connection to him. He waved Jess over to him as he leaned against his car, he watched her slowly walk towards him.
“Jess I won’t be in tonight so I want you to stay close to the house and I don’t want you to go out.” He sternly looked at her as he could tell that he was going to have to deal with the man at some point and it wasn’t going to be very pretty.
She nodded, “Alright James I was just going to go for a short run then call it a night.”
He gave her one more look before getting into his car taking off in the opposite direction than Jake.
She watched him drive off wondering what he was trying to say to her by that. Shaking off the bad feeling she went off on her run allowing her mind to think about Jake and the new school she would be going to tomorrow hoping that she would make a couple of friends since her last school no one really seemed to care for her.
She watched him drive off wondering what he was trying to say to her by that. Shaking off the bad feeling she went off on her run allowing her mind to think about Jake and the new school she would be going to tomorrow hoping that she would make a couple of friends since her last school no one really seemed to care for her.
Once she returned from the run Jess went into the kitchen where her mother was sitting at the table reading the paper. “Momma where is James going before I left for my run he told me he was going to be gone all night again?”
“He has to go talk to the police having to do with his work.” She didn’t look up from the paper crossing her leg making sure her short grey skirt didn’t go up to far. She was wearing a pink dress shirt with a string of pearls with her hair done in ringlets with light colored eye shadow.
“What kind of work does James do momma?” She sat in the spot that James had been sitting in earlier.
“James doesn’t want you children to know yet.” She looked up at Jess with a smile on her face, “Are you ready to go to your new school tomorrow?”
“Yeah I hope to make at least one friend.” She smiled looking at the paper upside down.
“James doesn’t want to bug our neighbor Jess.” Her face was serious as she sat her coffee cup down on the table.
She blushed, “He is really nice momma. He doesn’t act like I bother him momma.”
“He may be nice sweetie but he is a grown man, and grown men don’t hang around sixteen year’s old girls.”
She raised an eyebrow at her, “The only thing that a grown man would want with a child is something dirty and I would never want something to happen to you.”
“Alright momma I promise not to bug him.” She looked down wonder if she could ever keep that promise something about Jake made her feel special
“That’s a good girl.”
Jess sighed as she went back outside wondering what Jakes house looked like on the inside. She went to the back of his home noticing Jack was sleeping on the warm grass so she decided that her best bet would be going through the front of his home. Walking back to the front of his home looking both ways to make sure no one was watching her she opened his wooden front door quickly making herself hop into his front entrance looking around she was amazed how simple everything looked. All of his walls that she could see where painted white with a leather sofa set with a few paintings of wolves. Along with his big flat screen TV he didn’t really have anything of interesting down stairs. Looking up at the stairs she made her way up to the second story everything still painted white. Going to the last door at the end of the hall she poked her head in amazed at the size of his bed. The blankets where a dark green and silky feeling climbing up on his bed she laid her head down onto his pillow wondering what it would be like for him to be in the bed with her. The smell of his cologne filled the blankets that she found arousing taking her shoes off laying them beside the bed she got off the bed wondering if his clothing smelled the same. Going to the closest dresser she pulled out a simple white tee shirt holding it to her nose she smiled that it smelled the same. She softly laying it on the bed pulling her sports bra over her head letting it fall on the floor next to her shoes pulling the shirt over her head letting it fall to the small of her back. She pulled her pants down taking off her socks off too letting them lay on the floor. She laid on the bed in the shirt and her black boy shorts she found herself day dreaming of Jake coming home soon enough she was sleeping dreaming about the man she had fallen in love within days of meeting him.
© Copyright 2010 Jessy (jessybell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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