Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717820-Dary-of-a-Wolf
by Jessy
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1717820
this is the beginning chapter of the my noval please read and tell me what you think
We had a five and a half hour drive to their new home but James our step-father wanted to get an early start on the drive. Everyone but James slept most of the drive my brother hated our new father because he was making us move away during his last year of high school. My brother had his Mp3 player on since he had not spoken a word since mother told him we were moving. Brad my brother had short spiky blond hair and light blue eyes he wore all the clothing that the football players wore. Then there was my mom she had a bubbly personality that everyone always loved not to mention her long curly blond hair with her loving green eyes and how she never wore too much make up and her clothing always matched. She had been married to their father since she was a senior in high school they stayed married until father told her that he loved another and was done with her and them. So a few years ago her friends introduced her to her new husband and even though they are completely different they loved each other very much so. Their stepfather was a very serious and mysterious about his work and his past before them the only person that seemed to know anything about him was their mother. He had dark hair and eyes and he always wore all black and he always worked different hours for different jobs with them never having to and move to another city for his work.
“Mother why is it we have to be moving my last year of school?” The boy took off the head phones watching his mother turn around in her seat looking at him. He had a very unhappy look on his face he hated all of this that she was acting like a lost puppy around him instead of standing up and making her own choices.
“Brad sweetie James got a better job and his job gave him a new home in this new town. I think you will love it sweetie it will be closer to the college you wanted to go to.” She rubbed his knee before softly smiling at her two children.
“You don’t even know how good this high school is mother it could lower my grade point. Making it where I can’t get to the type of college that I want to go to where I wouldn’t get the type of the job I want all because this guy got a different job and you allowed him to move us away.” He frowned at the man driving. Brad never liked James it wasn’t that he wanted his mother and father to get back together he just didn’t like the fact that she was with him instead of a normal man with a normal job and didn’t want to move around so much.
“Sweetie it is one of the best schools around. You have nothing to worry about baby.” She sat back normal in her chair looking over at her husband smiling as he held her hand.
James looked in the rear view mirror watching Jess raising an eyebrow as she moved around in the seat his mind thinking of things he wanted to do but knew if he was caught it would destroy everything he worked for he looked back at her mother. Jess had long curly dark brown hair and hazel eyes she didn’t really have as many friends as her brother did because she never really fit in with the people at her school because she loved her stuffed wolf so much as if she was still a little girl, so she didn’t really mind moving since she still had three more years of school left. James let out a deep breath, “Jess you will have to be careful when you are walking around the parks at night. Young girls do have tendencies to vanish in small towns.”
“What do they do about it James?” She looked into his dark eyes holding a medium sized all white stuffed wolves with blue crystals for eyes.
“Well sometimes they believe the young girl runs away and sometimes they believe an animal gets her but no one really knows.”
“What kinds of animals are you talking about James?”
Brad looked over at her with a grin on his face, “Oh please don’t tell me you believe the stories that he is telling you do you?”
James laughed, “Brad there are things bigger than us humans sometimes and they always prey on the weakest of us all.”
Brad laughed, “I don’t know why you’re trying to scare her.”
She looked at her mother nibbling on the wolves’ leg, “Momma you don’t believe that it’s true about the girls do you?”
Smiling she shook her head, “You have nothing to worry about sweetheart you always have Jake to protect you.”
“Mother don’t you think she is a little old to still believe in that stuffed wolf being something special?” Snickering as he put away his dead Mp3.
“Jake is a very special wolf and he will always protect her Brad she has had him since before she was born. A very special person gave me Jake telling me that he will always belong to her and always protect her.” She looked out the window as if she was remembering something that was happier in her life.
They pulled into a long driveway to a big white house with a manicured lawn with pink and purple flowers planted right in front of the home. The moving van was already parked in front of the home. As he parked the car taking the keys out of the ignition as he glanced over at his wife.
“I forgot to tell you I have to go to work in a few hours and I won’t be back until sometime later my beloved.”
“James I thought you had a few weeks before you had to be at work.” As she undid her seat belt and opened the door having one foot out of the car as she prepared herself to get out of the car.
“Well they called me before we left that they needed me sooner than they thought. They seem to have been having problems with something and they really need my expertise on the matter.”
“Well alright James we may have pizza or something easy for dinner.” They got out of the car together heading up to home.
The two children had already left the car to look at their new home Brad had already hating the new home, while Jess was enjoying very much the look of the new home. Jess saw a big husky running towards her as she clung to Jake she was afraid that he was going to attack her holding onto the door she embraced herself for his attack. The dog had fluffy hair going from white to black the dogs baby blue eyes watching the girl holding the toy. The dog jumped on Jess knocking her to the soft green grass knocking the toy out of her hand allowing the dog to grab the toy in its mouth running behind the home out of sight.
“Jake!” Jess screamed climbing up out of the grass running after the dog.
“Mom are you just going to let her go after that dog?” Brad watched his sister round the corner of the home.
“She will be alright Brad. Why don’t you go pick the room you want?” She gave James a final hug and kiss before he got back into his black car leaving to his new job.
Jess stopped when she saw a man taking the toy wolf out of the dog’s mouth smiling at the dog who was sitting on the grass looking up at the man, “Where did you get this my friend? I hope you didn’t bite anyone to get this you know how it is to be force to stay into the house where you can only come outside to go to the potty.” He had short black spiky hair with emerald green eyes. He was shirtless wearing baggy blue jeans that showed the top of his boxers, his skin tanned making Jess blushed watching him talk to the dog. His muscles flexed moving around with the stuffed animal.
Jess walked closer to the man with the dog she cleared her throat, “Sir” she watched as the man and dog look over at her.
He smiled looking over at her holding the dog up, “Is this your sweetie? Did he hurt you in any way getting your toy from you?”
She nodded holding her arms out for the toy, “Yes please be careful with him. His name is Jake and he means everything to me.”
Shaking her head, “No he didn’t I think maybe he must have thought it was a dog toy.” She blushed knowing that this man was going to think of her a small girl instead of a teenager. She knew that if she wanted to get his attention she would have to act a bit older then what she had been doing for most of her life and she hoped it wasn’t going to be too hard for her to do.
He looked the little wolf in the eyes with a smile on his face, “Well it is nice to meet you and your Jake and I am sorry that the big dog came and took you away I hope you can forgive him and me.” He handed her the toy still smiling at her.
“Thank you sir, Jake forgives you and the big dog sir what is the dog’s name?” She watching the husky sit down on the ground looking up at the man his ears standing straight up as he was listening to them.
“Well he doesn’t really have a name sweetie my family just really calls him dog.”
He smile warmly watching her face, “Would you like to give him a name?”
Her face brightened up as a big smile came across her face, “Really I can name him? I have never had a real dog before we move so much my mom thinks it would be wrong to have a dog.”
He frowned folding his arms over his chest trying to fight a smile he could feel something from her that he had not felt in a very long time, “Everyone should have a dog sweetie it helps people deal with death and protect you from all the bad things in this world.”
He nodded, “Of course we are next door neighbors so what type of name were you pondering about sweetie?”
She put her index finger on her chin as she thought of a name that would match the dog’s personality, “Jack. I like the name Jack what do you think?” She looked up into his eyes finding that she enjoyed his company even if he was just being nice to her.
He smiled, “That sounds great to me.”
As he looked down at the dog that lay down on the ground he couldn’t help but be delighted with her company. “So what is your name sweetie?”
“Jessica Hunter,” She held out her hand waiting for him to shake her hand. She had never really been attracted to anyone else before, but when she looked at his man with his dog she could help but wonder what it would be like to have someone like him for herself.
“May I ask you your name?”
He laughed softly taking her small hand into his rough hand softly kissing the top of her hand he took in her scent of cherry blossom, “Its Jake Wolf but you can just call me Jake.”
Giggling as had never had anyone show her any attention like she was something more than a child they were stuck with she nodded, “Its night to meet you Jake.” She gave one last smile before she turned around running back to the front of the home finding her mother and brother picking his room as he had already started to unpack.
Her mother smiled as she watched Jess unpack the small solid white wolf hugging him close to her body as she whispered into his ear. She was amazed at the size of home that James’ work gave him for a job that she didn’t even know what he did for this one he hadn’t told her yet she hoped it wasn’t too dangerous. Sighing as she tried to decide where she start unpacking.
“Jacob what were you thinking giving that doll back to that girl?” The dog followed Jake into his home watching Jake flop down on the leather sofa looking for the TV remote.
“I didn’t want her telling her parents that a man took away her doll.”
“And you let her name me! I have a name why would you allow her to name me? I have never been treated so badly in all the years I have lived.” He paced around the room he knew something bad was going to come from him getting close to this new girl. He knew that Jacob had been good for so long and everything was going to be lost due to a new young girl he didn’t know how or what he was going to do but he knew he had to put a stop to him having feelings for the girl.
“The face she gave was so cute how could I deny her the joy? She had never had a dog even when we were younger we always had dogs. Don’t act like that Charles you know she just was just having fun your too young to sound like Henry.” He flipped on the TV hopping something would be on trying to keep his mind from thinking about the girl that was living next door.
“Jacob I know you want a mate and I know how long it’s been since you have had a love life of any kind but you have to keep yourself in check because you know what your brother is going to say. He will prohibit it Jacob is it really worth having to redo everything in your life over some girl that you don’t even know?”
He sighed, “I know I know but I don’t understand why he is allowed to have keep the one he married yet I am just suppose to be this human that doesn’t have anyone while he gets the life he wants. He does anything he wants and you know that, if he want another woman you know he could change a human into a werewolf and we couldn’t say anything to him because he is older and suppose to be the alpha.”
“Jacob you will have your chance when it’s the right time and with the right girl you just have to believe in your brother. We need to get that doll from her though.” The dog walked over to the small window looking at the house.
“There has to be a reason they moved into that home and we need to find out why and we need report it back to your brother.”
“Well when we get to know the reason why they moved into that home then we will tell him but let’s leave out the doll for a while.”
The dog sighed lying on the floor watching the TV with Jake. “This is going to be bad if we don’t tell him sooner than later you do know that don’t you.”
Jake stared off not paying any attention thinking of the young girl and how he felt almost human with her around him he didn’t want the feeling to end he wanted to be happy because if he could have something that belonged to him he could do anything that Henry wanted. He knew his friend was right that if his brother found out about her she could be in danger from him because he wasn’t one who played with their identity he would kill to protect them.
© Copyright 2010 Jessy (jessybell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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