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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1717672
When Poe Greenwall meets Zak Stone,she doesnt expect what happens when they meet.
      It was another boreing math class,with Mr.folk was lecturing us on how exciting math is,he even decided to get color chalk to get us more interseted in going up to the board.I raised my hand
"yes?" he asks
"yeha,um bathroom" i say
"can it wait?"
"go ahead"

I walk out of class,books in hand and walk into the bathroom.I grab my binder,take out my pre-calc homework and go into the stall.I stand there and look at it,i dont get any of it so i release my grip and let it float into the toilet.

"opps" i say with a smirk,i watch as the words 'Poe Greenwall' my name gradualy become smeared and dissapear.Then i grab my books and quickly flush the toilet.

Iwalk back into Mr.Folks room,just as im sitting down the bell rings,i exit leaving the oh so exciting math world behind,or at least until tomorrow i do.I slowly walk to class ,thats when i notice the staring,everone is looking in the same direction as im walking i hear the whispers to,as i walk threw the crowd  i hear bits and peices of other peoples conversations "new...kinda hot...from the cityy
" thats when i see mark,my best friend,sticking out like a mushroom in a bouquet of daisys,all 6 foot of him. I try to get his attention,he seems to be searching the crowds,most likely for me.I try to hop up and down to get his attention,it does.he smiles st my childish attempt.He strolls over to my section of the crowd and gives me a bear hug.Mark knows that he practicaly kills me everytime he hugs me,at some point i give up on huging him.A-because he will probably have some smart remark on how tiny i am compared to him and B- i  cant even fit my arms all the way around him.

"hey poe" mark smiles
"hey mark,whats with all the whispering,new kid or something?."i ask
"actually yeah"
"great,more terendy gossip" i say sarcasticly

Then the bell rings ,and im late.the hall is deserted in an instent,kinda like the schools being demolished,we all really wsh it but it cant happen its  got at least 10 more good years.

So i walk into my next class and go into the back and sit down,i thread my earbuds threw my shirt and turned my ipod on.well i was halfway threw my second song when i noticed that there was a a change in atmosphere.thats when i looked up and saw him.i sat there until the end of class,watching him.When the bell finally rang i went to lunch.walking threw the usually happy group of kids in their own little worlds.i walked to my usual table,all by myself.i took out my sketch book and stsrted drawing.i saw a shadow looming over me.

"hey ....um  can i sit here?" i hear

i look up,its the new kid.

"oh um yeah sure i dont mind" i say
"thanks" he sits down across from me"im zak"
"hi zak,Im poe"
"like edgar allen?"
"i wish but i guess you could say that"

he smiles and then i smile too.

"so where are you from? i mean besides your mom" i ask and he smiles at my sad attempt at a joke
"well im from new york,the big apple,you could say"
NEW YORK!! THATS AMAZING!!!!  ive never left levittown"
"really?,i would have thought you have"
"well i never lived anywhere else,ive been to philadelphia to get these" i point to my snakebites and gages
"well then your special"
"not really"

zak takes out a sketchbook and  a note book

"WHOA! hold on a minute you draw!"i scream
"well yeah and write stories,and poems" a huge grin crosses my face and a second later on crosses his face too."i take it you do to?"
"actually i do" i say sliding my sketchbook to him.
"these are amazing,i really like the contrast of this one" he points to one where its a hand drawn to look like it was the persons' who was looking at it

"Thanks" i say
then he closes it nd opens my writing book

"NO!" i say as he opens the cover and i grab it from his hands.He frowns,just then the luch bell rings.time for my next class.

Um i got to go to my next class" i say
"oh um,i kinda dont know where to go...walk me?" he reminds me of a lost puppy
"yeah,let me see your roster"
he goes into his bag and grabs his roster,he gently puts it in my hand

"you have art next cool thats with me"
"awsome i love art [*Heart*] sit with me?"
"of course"
"ok so lets go"

chapter 2

we stride down the hallway,all eyes on us.people are watching us ohh that girls with the new kid! is the expression on everyones faces and what i know there thinking.so we walk into art,i go to the back table.

"oh and who do we have here?" mrs.friday walks up to us
"um im zak" he says
"hello zak,would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"
nope ill pass"
"well then thats a shame,but its your choice"

so we sit down. Mrs friday starts teaching the lesson planned for today. We start making clay pots. At some point me and zak get into a clay fight.we had to stay late and clean up.we were at the sink washing our hands.

"hey poe do you wanna hang out later?,after school i mean..." he says
"yeah that would be cool"
"ok ill pick you up at 12,where do you live?"
"yeah is that to early?"
"um,ok thats,64 rocky pool lne"
"oh ok,ill meet you at 12"

Then we dry our hands and i take him to his next class[its also the last of the day]
© Copyright 2010 Reagan O'Sullen (houseofwolves at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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