Grim October The mornings are once again dark The trees are bare, just all bark The leaves are squidgy under my feet The cold has changed shifts replacing the heat The mornings are dull and uninspiring The journey to work seems so much more tiring Work day begins no daylight’s been seen I make my coffee and start up my machine Emails and calls they come flooding in All the scrap paper ends up in the bin Hopefully lunchtime will show me some light Cos by the time works over it’ll be black as the night The day drags so slowly, I’m thinking holiday in the Med The buzz of the office feels like its just floating around outside my head A random bout of laughter comes from across the room It brightens a few minutes then its back to the gloom Lunchtime is here and the weather is dry So I’ll go for a walk under the sunny autumnal sky The brisk walk made me feel more refreshed And just in time I return to my desk I whizz through my work with vigour and ease Stopping only briefly to make the afternoon teas It’s now almost 5 and I’m desperate to go Just a few more minutes and I’ll be in the street lights glow Homeward bound and thinking about food There’s some leftover pizza that’s already been chewed I’ll stop for a takeaway and a bottle if wine My soaps are due to start; must be quick to make it in time Home at last all cosy and warm Until I do it all again tomorrow morn |