Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1717378-Shg12-Soar-into-the-Horizon-pt2
by Abel
Rated: 18+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1717378
Continuing Chapter 2 of Soar into the horizon.
Arriving back at the Typhoon capital, Bishop and his men finally arrived to escort Trace to meet with the King for a certain proposal offered by the Shadow king. Both officers led in front, while Bishop walked behind them to keep a close eye on Trace.  Glancing over his shoulder, Trace implies to Bishop.
“You are making me very uncomfortable watching me like that.”
         Bishop replies.
“This isn’t pleasant for me either.”
         He shoves him in the back.
“Now move.”
         All four journey to the palace toward the north end of the city upon a hover ship waiting outside the port. Crossing through the city, Trace observed the layout and streets of the capital as they rode along. Curious, Bishop asks.
“What are you looking at?”
         Trace smiles and says
“I’m just admiring the city. I have never been here before.”
         Deeply, Bishop felt uneasy about Trace the entire time they traveled together. Bishop’s eyes never lifted off of Trace. After traveling through the city, they arrive at the palace. Escorting Trace to the throne chamber, Bishop held his hand on the blade down by his side and his eyes on Trace.  Entering the chamber, Trace’s eyes quickly fell upon Allanah talking to the king on his throne, explaining everything about the Shadow kingdom evil plot. Allanah turns to see Trace standing in the doorway. The uniform he wore signified that he was a part of the Shadow nation, terrifying her to death. She yells to the king.
“It’s a trap!!”
         Trace rolls his eyes and throws his head into the air yelling.
“Ah come on!!”
         Trace places his hands upon his hip with a slight slouch in his posture.
“Can’t you stay in one place? You were in the Tsunami kingdom last time and now you’re here. Where are you going be next, cross the goddamn globe in the Forbidden kingdom?”
          Allanah shouts.
“What are you doing here?”
         Trace replies.
“I came to negotiate with the king.”
         Intrigued, Cecil standing in the corner asks
“Negotiate about what in particular?”
“… Negotiate the terms of an alliance with the Shadow nation. “
         Before Trace could speak another word, the king implies.
“I’m sorry, but I shall not stand by the Shadow nation’s side as they plot against us.”
         Stunned, Trace tries to bargain with the king.
“But you haven’t heard the terms and benefits my king is willing to offer.”
         Strong the king says.
“From what I have heard, your king is up to no good and I don’t want to be a part of it.”
         Trace lowers his head in shame.
“Well… The Shadow king couldn’t say I tried.”
         He quickly throws his cloak over the heads of the officers, and then quickly strikes them down with one fatal slash of his blade.  The soldiers fall towards Bishop, but the general cuts the cloak in two with his blade. Opening a clear sight of the room, Bishop viewed Trace leaping toward Allanah and his father with great agility. Trace drew back as he narrowed in on the two frozen by the unsuspected attack. Falling, Priest quickly appeared with his blade at hand to ceases the strike. As the blades grinded against each other’s edges, Priest and Trace simultaneously has a sudden flashback of Trace’s past. Only the mere sight of Aoin holding his dead mother, and Trace holding the bloody blade appeared before them.
         From Priest’s blade, a strange pulsation began to resonance from Trace’s presences.
         Priest glances into his eyes to see inside Trace’s soul, but the images he saw were not of Trace’s past but of the present to come. Trace among others standing by their side and using his shadow attacks against a mysterious foe attacking innocent bystanders proved Trace was a shogun. Astonished, Priest glares up at Trace and says.
“You’re one of us.”
“So… What of it?”
         Ion began to glow brighter than ever before; point directly toward the two standing their ground against one another.
“He is a Shogun.”
         Ion speaks.
“Could it be? Have the two powers returned?”
         He gasps.
“They have. The Shogun of Chaos is alive again!!”
         Allanah implies with a frightened look.
“…Shogun of Chaos?”
“I don’t understand how it could be, but if he is alive. So must be the Shogun of Faith.”
         Trace leaps back, but Bishop stood directly behind him ready to strike with his short blade. Knowing, Trace leans forward, nearly dodge the attack by the inch of his hair. Bishop follows through, but reverses to the blade to counter strike. Trace yanks himself back, but unexpected Bishop’s blade extends three more blades that curved into a large shuriken. By merely a scrape on the cheek, Trace escapes the narrow strike. Priest leaps over head and stabs at him, but Trace rolls out of the way. Standing to his feet, Trace is then attacked by Cecil with a dagger at hand. Trace blocks the attack, and then kicks Cecil into the far way; knocking his head against the brick wall. Bishop yells out to everyone in the room, taking his shuriken back behind him.
“Get down!!”
         Everyone hits the floor except Trace. Bishop launches the shuriken towards Trace with a great thrust of wind enforcing its power. Trace is caught off guard by the attack and became forced to endure the brutal attack. Trace unleashes a black wave of energy upon his blade as it collided with the shuriken; causing an eruption of immense force of power through the entire room. Trace manages to reflect the attack, but the blade falls back into Bishop’s hands. 
         Fleeing, Trace leaps out the window and falls toward the earth below. He lands on his feet in a cat like grace, and then glances back up at the chamber balcony up high. Bishop soars out off the balcony like a bird; his arms spread out to his side like wings.
         Trace sprints into the city with Bishop following behind. In the chamber, Allanah and the others were tending to Cecil lying on the floor bleeding from the back of his head.
“Are you okay?”
         He smiles, trying to bear the pain from his injury.
“I’m fine. Just go and stop him.”
         The king takes Cecil by his hand and nods.
“We will.”
         The king nods at Priest, calling for his assistances. Both race out the door to help aid Bishop in his chase to pin down Trace.


         The chase escalated as Trace raced across town upon the rooftop of every building in front of him. Leaping from left to right, Trace bounded across the sky with great agility. From behind, a buster of wind slams into the concrete rooftop; demolishing it into crumbles. Trace glances over his shoulder to see Bishop following closely behind; flowing across the sky as if he rode upon the current of the wind.
“Come on!!”
         Trace leaps high into the air with a single bound. Slinging his blade over head, Trace throws an explosive blade of energy through the sky. Out over the sea, standing upon the tower of the ship, Travis witnesses the dark energy flowing through the air. He calls to his troops waiting at the bridge.
“Unleash the Beast!!”
         The order echoes out to the other ships nearby. Soldiers’ standing on the large black carrier ship detonates a small bomb at the head of the carrier. The blast creates a large massive hole for the creature to look out into the open. From the darkness of the carrier appeared blood red eyes. Travis is overtaken by fear from the creature’s eyes alone. Beneath those eyes, a glaring orb of inferno grew quickly out of the darkness. In an instance, the blast erupts from within the carrier, killing everyone on board the vessel as the beast surfaces to the open. Soaring into the air, the beast unleashes a mighty roar that shook the ships around it.
         Travis stood frightened by the presence of the large serpent like beast overhead. The beast’s eyes fall upon the city lying ahead. Growling, the beast became curious and began moving toward the shore of the Typhoon nation.  Resting above in Vulcan’s shell, Hawkeye and his troops began strategizing a basic counter against the large vicious creature.
“Send units eight through fifteen out and prepare to fire Vulcan’s particle cannons at max!!”
         A response came quickly
“Yes sir!!”
         Vulcan’s hanger doors open on both sides of its wings. Standing by at each port were crafts ready to launch into battle.  The intercom echoes through the hanger began the countdown to launch.
“Sky assaulters launch in… two… one. GO!!”
         Hundreds of crafts soar into the sky, leaving air streams following behind them from their engines. The various crafts storm toward the beast resting in the sea below. Immediately they fire multiple shots from the guns equipped to their fighters, but the bullets are unaffected against the tough layer of skin of the creature. Becoming easily irritated from the barrage of bullets against it, the beast unleashes a stream of inferno from its breath at the crafts above. Those caught in the stream of the creature are incinerated into ash from the hell blazing heat. The remains of the crafts fall into the sea as black particles and ash that nearly turned the sea to black. Hawkeye is stunned to see his crafts fall so easy to the beast’s attack; gritting his teeth and gripping his palm in fury.
“All units fall back behind the Vulcan…”
         Hawkeye announces to his crew
“Prepare to fire Vulcan’s particle cannon.”

         Colliding blades, Trace and Bishop battled viciously against one another upon a rooftop in mid-city. Trace struck Bishop rapid with constant kicks that halted Bishop in a defense stance.  Bishop, holding his arms by his side to block the thrashing kicks from Trace finally finds an opening in Trace’s attack. In a swift move, Bishop throws a focused current of wind that nearly knocked Trace off his feet. Before Trace could regain his stance, Bishop began barraging him with powerful kicks to his sides. After several blows, Trace began to dodge the attack in a synchronized style that causes his movements to be more fluent. In his movements, he slightly struck at Bishop with each flowing counter. Bishop leaps back to a safe distance from Trace, surprised by the sudden transaction of his style of fighting. He notices that his stance was slumped and loose; his hand hanging in front with his blade held in his left underhanded.
“That style is uncanny.”
         Trace dashes for him with his great speed. Within seconds, Bishop found himself on the defensive again; blocking the wave of kicks bombarding him. In an instant, the tables turn, as Bishop grabbed Trace by his leg and swung him into the ground.  Bishop leaps into the arm with his fist drawn back. An orb of wind concentrated into a spiraling vortex consumed his fist as he came crashing down. Trace jumps to his feet.  In his palm, Trace forms a similar object, except of pure darkness trembling in his hand. The two collide, casting a thunderous wave of energy throughout the sky. Both fall back, knelt down upon a knee.
“He’s stronger than I thought.”
         Bishop said to himself. Staring him down eye to eye, Trace suddenly sprints off toward the shoreline.
“Get back here!!”
         Bishop shouted chasing after him.  A craft over head, storms by heading toward the sea board to fight the beast before it made land.

         In battle, the Beast progressed toward the shore by sea. Vulcan held above, as the head of the ship began to transform itself into a cannon. The center of the fortress divides, revealing the large particle cannon fully charged glaring with intensity. Hawkeye gives the order to the crew.
         Vulcan unleashes a mighty blast from its cannon. Opposing the blast, the beast unleashed its own blast against the wave. From full force of the collision, the blast created a catastrophic aura and pounding waves of energy sailing throughout the sky.          Both powers stood on equal levels, until the beast’s rampant powers grew well above Vulcan’s. Its blast pushed Vulcan’s wave back toward it, gradually. The crew began to panic and chaos broke out throughout the control room.
“…Sir!! Vulcan’s systems are overheating.”
“Start transferring Vulcan’s remaining power toward the thrusters to avoid the attack.”
         Hawkeye ordered. At the last moment, the beast’s wave strikes the right wing of Vulcan. Tilting, the fortress began to descend toward the inner cities of the kingdom.
“…Sir, we have no power after that strike and only thirty –eight percent of the thrusters are operating!!”
         Another yells out.
“We don’t have enough power to keep Vulcan from falling!!”
         Soaring toward Vulcan, was the King and Priest desperately pushing the time to help the others with the battle.
“…Oh no.”
         The king witnessing Vulcan falling out of the sky stared baffled by the dreadful sight.
“Vulcan has fallen.”
         Priest asks the king.
“Open the hatch when we get over head of the carrier.”
         The king asks.
“What are you planning to do?”
         Priest replies.
“Just do it. I’m going to try and save everyone that is in there and stop it before it hit the outskirt cities.”
         The king takes the craft over head of Vulcan. Like he asked, the hatch is completely opened to let Priest out in mid air. Bravely, Priest leaps out of the craft, and begins to free fall toward Vulcan below. Descending, particles from the wreckage began to fly towards Priest. To protect himself, he used his black blade to cut through the debris and sheet metal. Easily he cleared a path, until a massive block of metal came hurling out of an explosion from the damage area of Vulcan. Drawing his blade back, Priest sword began to glare with a dark blue aura around its edges. In one swing, Priest divides the massive piece of metal in half. Finally he could race against the fortress to the earth, and managed to get beneath Vulcan itself. Priest picked up speed and fell to toward earth like a missile. The wind and velocity of the descent was unbearable; causing Priest to tense his muscle in every part of his body to maintain his form. After several grueling moments, he managed to get underneath Vulcan entirely. Sheathing his sword, Priest immediately began to concentrate on his surrounds; building energy as his aura grew strong around him. Calling forth the water from the sea, Priest conjured a gigantic wave that made Vulcan inferior to its size. The wave struck the fortress great, pushing current after current of water beneath it to halt the massive carrier. The wave hovered only several miles over the outskirts cities, barely placing them out of dangers way.  Priest then, focused nearly all of his energy to freeze the massive wave into a solid ice to hold Vulcan in place. Still falling, Priest smiled at the massive ice wave above him.
“Damn… I didn’t really think I could do something like that.”
         Unfortunately, the intense concentration of the wave slowly knocked Priest into unconsciousness in mid-air. Nearing the earth, a craft quickly swoops down and grabs him out of the sky before he hit the earth.
“Sir we got him.”
         The soldier reported in to the king. Below in the cities, the people were amazed by the gigantic ice wave standing over their city. Children played about as flakes of ice and snow fell from above.
“Look mommy. Snow...”
           Aboard the fortress, the king quickly made his way toward the control room. The door in shambles, the king pushes them open with his own strength.
         Surprised to see the king in presence, Hawkeye replied.
“…My lord?”
         The king asks
“What’s going on?”
“The Shadow kingdom had some kind of beast that is damn near invincible. We can’t stop it.”
         The king leaned over the console, thinking to himself about a solution to this mess.
“Are the hanger doors damage in sector 9?”
         He asked.
“They shouldn’t be, because it is one of the back hanger doors.”
         The king quickly rushes off without saying another word. Concerned, Hawkeye calls out to him
“My lord, where are you going?”
         Scurrying down to the hanger in matter of moments, the king searched the entire back hanger for another craft. Halting in his steps, a smile mysteriously came upon his face.
“There you are old friend.”
         Exploding through the back hanger door, a craft shaped like a silver long blade with radiant wings ascends toward the beast at raging speed. The beast finally made it on to land; slithering along the beach until it climbed the cliff. Arising into the air, the king catches the beast in his sights.
“Let’s end this.”
         The sharp nose of the craft began to turn red hot as it hurled toward the beast’s chest. From afar, Trace and Bishop finally made it to the southern land in a short period of time. Trace appearing in a tree out of the shadows of the forest. Leaning back, trying to catch his breath, Trace knew he only had a short amount of time before Bishop found him.
“… Ugh. I hate Shadow transportation. It makes me wonder why I invented this damn technique.”
         As soon as he caught his wind, a thunderous blast of wind strikes the tree at full force; tearing the simple maple tree into particles. Trace glances up and sees Bishop soaring through the air high above the trees.
“Shit… He never gives up.”
         Trace leaps into the air, instantly turning into a shadow and scurrying away.  Ahead, Bishop suddenly notices Vulcan near frozen in a tower of ice.
“What the hell?”
         Quickly he soars over and enters the hanger to check upon his soldiers. Looking around, Bishop became wary of the injured soldiers on all around.  His anger grew with each passing moment, as he made his way toward main control room. Bishop enters into a room of soldiers viewing the large monitor ahead of what is happening outside.
“What is going on? What happened?”
         Hawkeye nudge his head; hinting toward the monitor above.
“It’s your father Bishop.”
         Bishop’s eyes become wide; instantly realizing the craft soaring dead toward the beast on the cliff side.
         The Hawk blade picked up speed as it sailed toward the black heart of the foil beast.  Growling, the creature unleashes another furious wave of flames upon the craft. Everyone gasps, seeing that the king had been vanquished so easily by the demonic beast.
         Bishop’s eyes begin to swell with tears of sorrow, until a cry came from below in the crew.
“Wait look!!”
         The Hawk blade ripped out of the wave of inferno and impelled the beast through its chest. The crew cheered as the creature bellowed in pain and agony from the large wound in its chest.
Exerting through the back of the creature, the Hawk blade exploded into the surface of the water at great velocity. The craft crumbled into pieces, scattering all across the face of the sea. Everyone’s cheers and enjoy vanished in mere seconds after witnessing the painful sight of their king’s craft. Bishop sprinted out of the fortress, quickly making his way onto the roof of Vulcan. Tears that Bishop never shed before dripped from his cheeks. His eyes caught out into the distance felt sorrow for his poor heroic father. Now, he had seen the true man that his father was, and felt proud at that moment.  From his side, Bishop took his large shuriken and soared toward the beast crying in pain. Bishop began to pick up speed until he became a human bullet. In vicious velocity, Bishop chucked his shuriken at full fury at the beast with a powerful stream of wind enforcing the shuriken’s trajectory. In a fatal slice, the beast in split in two devastating halves by the shuriken’s blades. Crying, the creature falls into the sea on both sides. Bishop halts in the air, viewing the fallen serpent sinking in the sea. His shuriken returns swiftly. Bishop’s eyes filled with fury stared deeply at the triumphant sight, but could not completely grasp the enthusiasm to his victory.
         He sighs. Turning his back to head home, a massive wave explodes from the sea. Surprised, Bishop turned to see that the serpent had became two.
“You have got to be kidding?”
         Below, Trace appeared on the cliff, exhausted from the long troubling chase. Knelt down, breathing heavily, Trace took the moment of solitude to view the encounter of the Beast and Bishop. The two beasts snapped at Bishop, but the wind Shogun dodged both strikes with his agility. Again they snap, but Bishop stabs one of the creatures in the eye with his shuriken; blinding the deadly beast. The other, he casts a missile of wind to blind the other creature to his left for several moments. Disoriented, the creatures fondled and knocked into each other. Taking advantage of the moment, Bishop spreads distances between them; flying back to a safe range for himself. Bishop folds his shuriken and places it back into his holster on his left thigh.  He pulls off his left glove and bits his thumb; strangely creating a small puncture wound. Bishop calmed himself, and placed his body in a settled stance. Holding his hands out in front of him in an oval shape, Bishop concentrated his energy. A green aura became present from his body as he chanted underneath his breath. Then his chants became louder and clearer.
“The Heavens cry and the earth dwells, bring unto thee the fury of hell. Judge those of anger and hate, for I shall judge those who disobey.”
         The beasts regain a partial of their sight after the surprising attacks by Bishop. Looking out, they spot him standing still and open. Without hesitation, the beasts lash out at him with all teeth and fangs revealing.
“… Sins fall, the innocent cry, no fear shall be seen from the righteousness eyes. As blood pour and the wicked arise, I call forth RAVEN TERROR OF THE SKIES!!!”
         From the energy conserved in the palm of his hands, a gigantic bird explodes from the seal Bishop managed to create. The white falcon bearing green armor and piercing red eyes soared high into the air, screeching out to the heavens. Hovering over, Raven the summon creature took sight of the serpent glaring up at him. Diving down like a bomb, Raven sweeps the serpent out of the sea and takes it high into the sky with its talons. Ravaging, Raven began to consume the serpent in mid flight over the sea. Chunks of skin, and flesh fell back toward the sea below during the devouring of the horrifying twin serpent. Finishing, Raven releases the little remains that were left back to the sea below. On the cliff, Trace stood with his jaw dropped and his eyes still locked on the dreaded scene.   
"Are you serious?!!"
         Trace turns toward Bishop hovering in the air, holding his hands out to his side.
         Trace nods his head in shame.
"Ain't this some shit."
         He vanishes into the shadows, leaving the scene in a flash. Bishop breathing heavily, drained from the summoning took a moment to regain some portion of his strength. Observing the carnage, Bishop decides to overlook the debris and wreckage of the aftermath of the violent battle. Slowly he hovered over the sea, searching for any remains, especially from his father's craft. In the distances, his eyes were caught by a pod floating in the water.
         Bishop soars over to the pod curious of the object. Within it laid Bishop’s father unconscious from the terrible crash.
         Tears began to form in Bishop’s eyes, and joy flourished within him to see his father alive.

         Trace appeared on the main vessel which he left from, exhausted and drained from the vigorous trial he had to face. Travis races to his side to help him to his feet.
“What happened?”
         Travis asked. Trace could do nothing but nod his head in shame and reply.
“They won.”
         He glares back at the battle ground just before he left the top deck of the ship.
“…Fall back for now. We will head home shortly.”

         Days later, the kingdom of wind seemed to be returning to its old ways, the catastrophic damaged done by the terrifying beast were almost repaired by the military and volunteers. The once tower of ice that stood high over the outskirt cities gradually melted, creating a slight chill for the time being. Within the palace of the Typhoon capital, Allanah tended to Priest until he recovered from the previous battle. Entering the room, Allanah carried a tray of food and drinks for him.
“Priest, I brought you something.”
         Quickly noticing, Allanah became upset to find an empty bed with Priest not in it. Staring out into the sunset, Priest stood upon the balcony of the palace admiring the view. Resting, he is suddenly accompanied by Bishop entering from the chamber.
“How are you?”
         Priest chuckles.
“I’m alright my friend. Yourself?”
         Bishop shrugs with a slight smirk on his face.
“I could be better.”
         Bishop leans over the reeling of the balcony, and stares out at the view. Catching his eye in the distances was the tower of ice still standing over the cities. Behind the tower, the sun settled into place casting a crystal light in the sky above the outskirts and the forest.
“I’m still amazed of how you did that.”
         Priest rubbed his head with an innocent grin.
“I’m surprised myself. I used so much energy that I was unconscious for three days.”
         Calmly, Bishop glances over at Priest and says.
“Thank you.”
         Priest glances over at Bishop for a moment, and then leans over the reel alongside him.
“Hey… It is our duty to protect others.”
         Bishop chuckles a bit.
         In mind, Priest asks Bishop.
“Hey, why don’t you come with us on our journey?”
         A grim look appears on Bishop’s face.
“Now isn’t a good time. With Vulcan being repaired and my father recovering, I can’t leave now.”
         Lowering his head, Priest nodded in doubt.
“Sorry for asking, but we need all the help we can get and all the Shoguns to defeat the shadow king.”
         Bishop replies.
“I understand, but unfortunately things couldn’t be any worse. My people need me.”
         Calling out to Bishop from behind, a deep voice implies to him with a sense of condolences.
“It’s alright for you to go.”
         Both turn to see the king and Cecil stepping onto the balcony as well.
“My son, you have did all you could for this kingdom. Even when it wasn’t your responsibility to, you did it on my behalf.”
         The King places his hand on Bishop’s shoulder.
“You have a great destiny to fulfill. Don’t let your doubts about me intertwine with your duties to the world.”
         Cecil implies to Bishop.
“Besides, the Shadow army is too vulnerable to attack again. Even without Vulcan we can still defend ourselves easily.”
         With a smile, the king insist upon Bishop’s decision
“Go my son. Live your life and follow your destiny.”
         Bishop pauses for a moment, thinking to himself about his choice in the matter. He glances over at Priest waiting for an answer.
“We have to make a trip to the Pyro kingdom when we depart in a few days.”
         Priest lifts his brow in curiosity.
“Why there?”
         Bishop replies.
“When I was investigating the battlefield yesterday, I found that the carrier the beast was being transported in was created from a special Alkaline earth metal.”
         Puzzled, Priest questioned Bishop’s motives.
“…Alkaline earth metal?”
         Bishop answers.
“The only kingdom that produces special metal for warrior ships, air strikers, and carriers is the Pyro kingdom.”
“You must be talking about the welding factories in the western lands of the Pyro kingdom.”
         Priest included. Bishop snaps his fingers with a smile and says.
         Priest shrugs his shoulders, and then walks off from the others.
“I’ll go pack my things and get Allanah.”

         Entering the chamber of Generals, the Heaven Queen called upon her commanders to address the situation of the Shadow kingdom. All seven commanders, even general Aoin stood at the table as the queen entered the chamber.
“You all maybe seated.”
         They sit. One commander addresses the Queen.
“My lady, why have you called us here today?”
         She glances over at the long bearded commander.
“… I want to address the matter of what happened in the Typhoon kingdom a few days ago.”
         Another asks.
“What happened?”
         Aoin answers the commander’s curiosity.
“Shadow Nation did a great deal of damage to the Typhoon kingdom, nearly destroying their entire army. Their power has grown to where they can even take down the sky fortress Vulcan.”
         Gasps echo through the room. The queen speaks out to her men at the table in a strong sense of power and conviction.
“I have decided to launch an attack against the Shadow Kingdom in thirty days.”
         The entire table of superiors was shocked with the exception of Aoin sitting by the queen’s side.
“What? That’s ludicrous. Insane.”
         Aoin interrupts the bickering from the commanders.
“What’s ludicrous about it? Our army is at full strength and the Shadow kingdom forces are still recovering from what the Shogun of Current and Shogun of Waves did to their beast.”
         The other commanders become astounded by the incident involving the Shoguns.
“The Shogun of Current and Waves were present during the battle.”
         Aoin nods.
“From what I heard, they did a magnificent job protecting the kingdom. Even with their forces depleted and their main weapon out of commotion”
         Nervous the bold commander at the far end of the table speaks negative against Aoin’s confidence.
“But we do not have a Shogun on our side, and my queen you remembered what happened to your beloved when he faced the Shadow nation.”
         The Queen implies.
“My dear husband died protecting this kingdom from that monstrosity that rules that foil kingdom. And also
         She looks over at Aoin by her with eyes of trust and will.
“…We have the son of Eros to lead us.”
         The room becomes quiet and settled. All eyes fall upon Aoin standing up out of his seat glaring at the queen with a timid expression.
“Are you up to this challenge boy?”
         Aoin’s eyes narrowed and a sense of power and will overwhelmed him.
“I have a score to settle in the Shadow Kingdom and a duty to uphold to my queen. I am up for any challenge.”
         The Queen stands to her feet holding a large grin on her face.
“It is settled. In thirty days, we will attack the Shadow Kingdom.”
© Copyright 2010 Abel (abel319 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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